Our Navy Magazine 1 December 1942
Front Cover, 1 December 1942 Issue of Our Navy Magazine. GGA Image ID # 134f038f05
Vol. XXXVII No. 13
This pharmacist's mate seems to be ready for whatever part he may be called upon to play on the Navy's second front, about which the second of a series of two articles tells you in this issue. He's a member of the crew of the converted airplane carrier USS Charger.
Official Navy Photo
Table of Contents : * THE LOG *
- Traditions of the Navy
By C. W. Windas - Our Naval Views and Comments
By The Editor - The Navy's Second Front—Part II
By John Brook Penfold - How to Speak Japanese
By Hallack McCord - Men for the Job
By Gordon Ramsey - They Planned It
- Scuttlebutt Scandals
By Bozo - Sailors Snapshots
By Paul Watson - Notes on the Japanese Fleet
By Jack Blumenfield - What's in a Name?
By Richard A. Shaffer - Honolulu, December 7th
By Letitia Lindsay - Them Were the Days
By Harvey L. ("Heinie") Miller - Dear Boot
By Robert Oberg - Roundup on the War
By Fletcher Pratt - Naval Cancels and Cachets
By Marshall R. Hall - Salt Shakers
By Walt Munson - Bulletin Board of Naval Interest
- Awards. Commendations and Promotions
- Breitenbach Tells How
By James L. Harrington - Personnel Information
- Book Reviews
- Notes of Interest
- Lay Aft on the Fantail
- The Skipper and the Boot
By Jack Watson - USS Davis and USS Russell
Written By and For All Navymen.
EDITOR : Cliff Alderman
- Myron Eddy
- C. M. Hatcher
- R. C. Fay
- C. J. Lund
- A. R. Bosworth
- J. E. Jones
- Walt Munson
- Lillian Thomas
- Harry Dwyer
Member Audit Bureau of Circulations
Published the 1st and 15th of each month by OUR NAVY, INC., Owen Watson, president and publisher; Paul R. Watson, treasurer. Office of publication, 210 Orchard Street, East Rutherford, N. J. Editorial and Executive offices, 1 Hanson Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Entered as second class matter at the post office, Rutherford, New Jersey, under the act of March 3, 1879. Single copies 25 cents. One year subscription (24 issues) $5.00. Subscribers should notify promptly of change of address; both old and new addresses should be given. Contributions to OUR NAVY'S editorial columns should be addressed to 1 Hanson Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Material intended for the 1st of the month issue should he in the hands of the Editor by the 1st of the month preceding date of issue: material for the 15th of the month issue by the 15th of the month preceding.
Assertions or opinions of contributors are those of the individual and do not reflect the official views of the Navy Department or the Government.
Entire contents copyrighted 1942 by OUR NAVY, INC.
More Net Paid Circulation in the Navy than Any Other Publication
FUTURE EYES OF THE FLEET. These men, photography strikers at the U. S. Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla., have been selected from the first recruit regiment to undergo boot training at the station. GGA Image ID # 135303710e
Front row (l. to r.) : T. C. Noetzel, R. C. Johnson, C. J. Reilly, C. L. Mitchell, A. S. McKee, J. M. Berning, R. L. Shuck, E. F. J. Wichelman, E. H. Burow, W. A. Hartz.
Standing (l. to r.) : I. T. Kruska, L. F. Taylor, K. G. Hoelt, J. J. Losekamp. R. L. Coomes, H. C. Levie, R. A. Tryce, C. J. Harris.
Back to camera: P. Toth PhoM1c, USN, instructor.
Left: Ira Arch Francis, CQM, USN, was the honor man in a class of 273 aviation cadets graduating from the Navy Pre-Flight School at Athens, Ga. on Navy Day. Fran- cis was a member of the crew of a submarine which sank four Jap ships in enemy waters, saw action in the Battle of Midway and has been commended officially five times since the outbreak of the war.
Right: Dick McEwen received the Distinguished Flying Cross on Navy Day from Captain C. E. Smith, USN9 commanding officer of the Navy Pre-Flight School at Athens, Ga., where McEwen is now an aviation cadet. As the machine gunner of a Navy dive bomber in the Battle of Midway, McEwen scored a bomb hit on a Jap ship. Now he rassies with math and physics in the hope of winning his Navy wings as an officer.
USS Davis (DD-395). GG Image ID # 1353893d00
USS Russel (DD-414). GGA Image ID # 1353f347b8
Table of Contents, 1 December 1942 Issue of Our Navy Magazine. GGA Image ID # 135426e128