Vintage Postcards of the United States Lines

United States Lines was an American transatlantic steamship company that operated passenger services from 1921 to 1969. Our postcard collection includes the SS George Washington, SS Leviathan, SS Washington, and the SS United States.

Vintage Postcard Features a Black & White Painting of the SS George Washington of the United States Lines, 23,788 Tons. nd circa 1920.

Vintage Postcard Features a Black & White Painting of the SS George Washington of the United States Lines, 23,788 Tons. nd circa 1920. GGA Image ID # 167ff9eed7


Back Side of SS George Washington of Unused Vintage Postcard.

Back Side of SS George Washington of Unused Vintage Postcard. GGA Image ID # 168023f98a



Vintage Postcard Features Black and White Photograph of the SS Leviathan of the United States Lines. Postally Used 13 September 1927.

Vintage Postcard Features Black and White Photograph of the SS Leviathan of the United States Lines. Postally Used 13 September 1927. GGA Image ID # 1680780b51


Back Side of Vintage Postcard for the SS Leviathan in the Open Sea. Displacement 65,640 Tons, Length 950 Feet, Width 100 Feet 3 Inches, Quadruple Screw, Oil Burner. Postally Used 15 September 1927.

Back Side of Vintage Postcard for the SS Leviathan in the Open Sea. Displacement 65,640 Tons, Length 950 Feet, Width 100 Feet 3 Inches, Quadruple Screw, Oil Burner. Postally Used 15 September 1927. GGA Image ID # 16808c2900



Vintage Postcard of the SS Leviathan of the United States Lines, The World's Largest Liner.

Vintage Postcard of the SS Leviathan of the United States Lines, The World's Largest Liner. Quadruple Screw, Oil Burner. Tonnage 59,956. Length 950 Feet, 7 Inches. Width 100 Feet, 3 Inches. 44 Times Around the Promenade Deck 1 Mile. Postally Used 13 June 1934. GGA Image ID # 1680d88e7b


Back Side of a Vintage Postcard featuring the SS Leviathan of the United States Lines, Postally Used 13 June 1934.

Back Side of a Vintage Postcard featuring the SS Leviathan of the United States Lines, Postally Used 13 June 1934. GGA Image ID # 1680fa13a5



Vintage Postcard of the SS United States of the United States Lines,

Vintage Postcard of the SS United States of the United States Lines, Length 990 FT. GR. Tons 51,821 Largest, Most Luxurious Ship Ever Built in America — the World's Fastest Liner, She Established New Transatlantic Speed Records Eastbound and Westbound on Her Maiden Voyage. This Flagship of the United States Lines Operates in Regular Service Between New York and Europe. United States Lines Also Operates Fast Modern Cargo Ships in Regular Service Between East Coast Ports of the U.S.A. and Europe, Hawaii, Far East, Australia, and New Zealand. nd circa 1951. GGA Image ID # 168141a0c9


Back Side of Vintage Postcard of the SS United States of the United States Lines.

Back Side of Vintage Postcard of the SS United States of the United States Lines. GGA Image ID # 16814ca22c



Vintage Color Postcard of the SS Washington of the United States Lines.

Vintage Color Postcard of the SS Washington of the United States Lines. The ship is in Regular Service to and From New York, Ireland, England, France, and Germany. The SS Washington and Her Sister Ship, the Mighty SS Manhattan, are the Largest and Fastest Liners Ever Built in America. nd circa 1932. GGA Image ID # 1681540bc1


Back Side of a Vintage Color Postcard of the SS Washington of the United States Lines. Postally Unused. nd circa 1932.

Back Side of a Vintage Color Postcard of the SS Washington of the United States Lines. Postally Unused. nd circa 1932. GGA Image ID # 1681a7ea02



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