Swedish American Line Archival Collection


AKA: Svenska Amerika Linien

Passenger, freight and mail service direct between New York and Gothenburg, Sweden. Gothenburg is conveniently situated and offers a direct route, with daily connections to all points in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Russia, the Baltic states, Germany, etc.


Front Side of Inspection Card - Swedish Immigrant (1923)

SS Drottningholm Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Drottningholm available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Menu Cover, Farewell Dinner Menu, M.S. Gripsholm, Swedish American Line, First Class, 1950

MS Gripsholm Archival Collection

Gripsholm (1925) Swedish-American Line Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Menus; Passage Contracts, Tickets, and Receipts; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Sailing Schedules; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Title Pages; Senior Officers and Staff; Officers Sleeve Stripes; Advertisements; Other Ephemera; Programs; Books; Photographs; Passenger Accommodation on the MS Gripsholm - 1925.


1932-10-01 Passenger Manifest for the SS Kungsholm

MS Kungsholm Archival Collection

Kungsholm (1928) Swedish-American Line Ship's History (Brief); Kungsholm (1953) Swedish-American Line Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Photographs; Postcards; Timeline for the Motorship Kungsholm (1928).


Swedish American Line - 1927

A Story of Progress and Success Unparalleled in the Maritime History of Sweden

ONLY eleven years have elapsed since the Swedish-American Line came into existence. In this brief time, it has developed from a modest beginning into one of Scandinavia's largest and most successful maritime enterprises. It holds the promise of a further steady expansion for many years.

Until 1915, the commerce between America and Sweden was forced to find its outlet via various devious channels due to the need for more direct steamship communication. With the establishment of the direct Swedish-American Line in that year, a new era in transportation between these two countries was inaugurated.

The advantage and value of fast and direct communication, eliminating time-wasting and costly changes and transshipments, were quickly seen and appreciated on both sides of the Atlantic. The result was soon evidenced by the growing popularity of the Swedish American Line and its ships' rapid increase in passenger and freight carryings.

The line, with a fully paid capital stock of 24,000 (XX) kronor and a substantial surplus, is firmly and loyally supported by over 14,000 stockholders in this country and Sweden.

The Swedish American Line operates the following passenger and cargo ships on the New York-direct-Gothenburg route:

MS Gripsholm

The motor liner Gripsholm completed her maiden voyage from Gothenburg to New York in December 1925. She is 575 feet long, 74 feet wide, 18,000 register tons, and 23,600 tons displacement; she is propelled by double-acting four-cycle Diesel motors and has an average speed of nearly 17 knots, which renders her capable of negotiating the distance between New York och Gothenburg—3,600 miles—in about eight days.

There are accommodations for 170 first class, 428 second cabin, and 1,006 third class passengers. The Gripsholm, the first motor-driven transatlantic passenger ship, and Scandinavia's largest and most modern and luxurious liner is the last word in marine architecture regarding power and passenger accommodations and has become a great favorite with the traveling public.


SS Drottningholm

S. S. Drottningholm, length 540 feet, width 60 feet, 11,254 register tons and 19,200 tons displacement, an oil burner equipped with de Laval's Swedish turbine engines, carries passengers in cabin and third class with accommodations for 1,400.


SS Stockholm

S. S. Stockholm, length 565 feet, width 62 feet, 12,967 register tons and 22,070 tons displacement, is an oil burner and accommodates 1,250 passengers in cabin and third class.

The successful performance of the Gripsholm and her almost instant favor with the public have emphasized the need for another first-class passenger liner of this type. To meet the requirements of the constantly growing tourist traffic between this country and Sweden, the Swedish American Line has ordered an additional passenger motorship similar to the Gripsholm.


SS Kungsholm (Building)

Still, it is somewhat larger, embodying such improvements as the experience with Gripsholm has suggested. The new motorship, which is to be named the Kungsholm, will be 608 feet long. 78 feet wide. 20,000 register tons and 25,000 tons displacement; she will be equipped with double-acting Diesel engines of the same type as those of the Gripsholm.

Generating 24.0(H) horsepower, it will have accommodations for 240 first-class, 400-second cabins and 930 third-class passengers. The Kungsholm is scheduled to enter the service late in 1928.


MS Korsholm

To complete the fast freight service between America and Scandinavian and Finnish ports. Especially on the east coast of Sweden and Finland, the Swedish American Line has in service the fast motorship Korsholm, which is 5,000 tons d. w., which operates in conjunction with the Swedish-America-Mexico Line and the Transatlantic Steamship Co., maintaining regular sailings between Scandinavia and Finland and ports on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.


Offices of the Swedish-American Line

The head offices of the Swedish American Line are located in Gothenburg, with Axel Carlander as president and managing director; Vidar R. Olburs, vice managing director and in charge of the freight department; Axel H. Lagergren, director of the passenger traffic; and Filip Lindahl, operating director and head of the technical, marine, and purchasing departments.


The general offices for the United States and Canada are situated at 21 State Street, New York, with G. Hilmer Lundbeck as American representative and managing director; branch offices and general agencies are maintained at Chicago, Minneapolis, Boston, Detroit, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland (Ore.), Montreal, Winnipeg, and Halifax. Canada.

"Swedish American Line," in Twentieth Anniversary Year Book of The Swedish Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, New York: The Swedish Chamber of Commerce of the USA, 1927, pp. 92-94.


Other Ephemera

  • 1931 Brochure: Sweden: Compliments Swedish American Line - The Motor Ships Kungsholm and Gripsholm. 16 Pages Souvenir booklet on Sweden, packed with photographs of Sweden. Photograph of SS Kungsholm on the Cover.
  • 1952 M.S. Kungsholm Deck Plan White De Luxe Motorliner includes Promenade plus Decks A through E.
  • Undated Blue with Gold Embossed lettering Ticket Holder, Swenska Amerika Linien Göteborg direkt New York och Canada


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