Vintage Postcards - Gartner-Gade - Trondheim, Norway

Nid, whose name probably bent obtained by niðr, down, thus perhaps because it makes so many abrupt falls, forming on his left Sælbusjøen the beautiful Lerfosser and seems from Arild loop that would go straight into the fjord.

But instead makes it a Boei on to the east, continues southeasterly, turning again to the east and fall so, after having made a new, reasonably sharp bøining, in a northeasterly direction straight out in Strind sjøen.

In association with this form, the river follows an irregular-shaped peninsula that only by a peaceful eid linked to the plain below Stein Berge.

On this peninsula lay a farm, as the peninsula itself was called Nidarnæs. One must believe that the peninsula's shoreline to the river material has the same shape throughout the historical time. However, private parties have seen something different from before now.

Thus, the Arild loop's width and down to the roughly out of the current Gartner street over time become more or less listing of landslides caused by erosion of the stream until proper forpælingsarbeider was started after the great land necessary by Arild loop in 1722.

From the current Elgsæter bridge for approximately opposite the upper end of the mechanical workshop contrast, opøringer occurred. Here is a narrow strip of land acquired since the saga days.

Below this street, roughly in the middle against Skjælinghylla, bows width in, and from there to immediately below Bybroen is now pretty braadybt; a not insignificant strip of land is raging out of this stretch, the country must before being spread any farther into the river and thus severe sloped down towards the water.

Gartnergate or Gartnergade no longer exists in Trondheim.

GGA-ATL 734394442

Title: Gartner-Gade, Trondhjem
PC Mfg. Nbr.: 1088
Manufacturer: H. Warners Kunstforlag, Bergen
Date: 1909
Manufactured: Unknown
Photographer: Eneberettiget
Archives Inventory Number: GGA-ATL 734394442

GGA-ATL 739167865

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