Vintage Postcards - Munkegata & Stiftsgården - Trondheim, Norway

Munkegata - the friendliest street in Europe, says Leopold von Buch - Munkegata, which runs straight from the Cathedral down through the town towards Ravnekloi, so-called fjord down at the End, which is Fisketorg; Munkegata, directly in sight with Munkeholmen right out in the fjord, was wide with red cloth in the middle of a table bridge.

The Munkegata leads directly to the Torget, to Trondheim's central square, which marks the center of the old town. You can walk the Munkegata a little further north and find the Stiftsgården.

Stiftsgården is the royal residence in Trondheim, Norway. It is centrally situated on the city's most famous thoroughfare, Munkegaten.

GGA-ATL 734386297

Munkegata by Tram. You can see the tram tracks in the foreground.

Title: Munkegaten med Stiftsgaarden, Trondhjem
PC Mfg. Nbr.: 2035
Manufacturer: J. H. Küenholdt A/S., Kristiania
Date: Undated but Circa 1915
Manufactured: Unknown
Photographer: Unknown
Archives Inventory Number: GGA-ATL 734386297

GGA-ATL 739167865

GGA-ATL 735741059

Stiftsgården - the Royal Residence in Trondheim (shown on the left) is one of the largest wooden buildings in Norway, completed in 1778, measuring 58 meters along Munkegaten. in 1906 - King Håkon VII was crowned, and the name "the Royal Residence" was taken into use.

Title: Munkegaden med Stiftsgaarden, Trondhjem
PC Mfg. Nbr.: 724
Manufacturer: H. Warner's Kunstforlag, Trondhjem
Date: 1908
Manufactured: Unknown
Photographer: Eneberettiget
Archives Inventory Number: GGA-ATL 735741059

GGA-ATL 739167865

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