All Hands Magazine -Enlisted WAVES - January 1950

January 1950 Issue All Hands Magazine



JANUARY 1950 Navpers-O NUMBER 395

The Chief of Naval Personnel

The Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel

Editor: LCDR George Dennis, Jr., USN


  • Sea-Going Deep Freeze 2
  • The Word 6
  • Off-Duty Hours in Berlin 8
  • CPO Club Is Crossroads of Navy 11
  • Navy's New Examining Center 12
  • Sport-Minded Station Seeks Crowns 14
  • Neophite Naviators 18
  • Learning to Give the World the Word 20
  • Ambassadors of Goodwill 23
  • Spare-Time Sailors Staying Savvy 24
  • Letters to the Editor 27
  • Today's Navy 32
  • Servicescope: News of Other Armed Services 40
  • Bulletin Board 42
  • Submarine Training Open to EMs 42
  • Official List of Ship Designations 44
  • Enlisted Waves May Get Commissions 46
  • Ships to Be Put in Mothballs 50
  • List of Training Courses 52
  • Directives in Brief 57
  • Books: History and Fiction Featured 58
  • Book Supplement: The Navy of 1950 59
  • Taffrail Talk 64

FRONT COVER: Cold weather operations by the Second Task Fleet included crossing the Arctic Circle. Two members of the signal gang aboard USS Juneau (CLAA 119) send a visual to one of the tin cans which participated. They are Alfred H. Roepke, QMSN, USN, and James H. Wall (left), QMSN, USN.

INSIDE FRONT COVER: These four destroyers, at their Pearl Harbor berths, are USS Wiltsie (DD 716), USS Theodore E. Chandler (DD 717), USS Hamner (DD 718) and USS Ozbourn (DD 846), which comprise DesDiv III. In background are USS Mansfield (DD 728), USS Collett (DD 730) and USS DeHaven (DD 727).

CREDITS: All photographs published in ALL HANDS are official Department of Defense photographs unless otherwise designated.

Old-Time Travel Orders Covered Lot of Territory

Travel orders for sailors, marines and soldiers of Revolutionary Days had to be just as legal and correct as those of today— and that detail constituted something of a problem to the people charged with writing them.

Trouble was that, because of slow communications, the situation at the destination might have been changed for days or even weeks, with the result that the orders might be outdated before his arrival.

Only way to get around this was to write orders covering all possibilities, predicating most of the directions on many big ifs.

To wit, here's a set of travel orders dated 6 July 1770, as issued by the CO, Federal Defense of Yorktown and New York Harbor in Yonkers Docks, Bradock Barracks, Miller's Junction, R. I. Actually; it's an order to issue travel orders:

  1. Issue necessary orders sending one enlisted man on horseback, via safest and most convenient route at Government expense, to Fort Von Steuben on the Ohio River below the junction of the two great rivers at Old Fort Pitt, for the purpose of carrying secret dispatches to Major Alonzo De LaFayette, who at last official roll call, is the commandant of Fort Von.. Steuben. If, upon arrival, Maj. LaFayette is either dead or resigned, the soldier will deliver the dispatch to the immediate commanding officer.
  2. The expense section of the Finance Department will supply this courier with the necessary cash to buy himself sufficient food supplies to subsist him the entire journey. If the finance department at the destination is not functioning, the enlisted man is authorized to barter with the neighboring Indians for necessary salt and other miscellaneous necessities for the return trip. Uniform buttons and musketry badges may be utilized in connection with bartering. The expedition directed is considered necessary in the military service. Government mounts and subsistence will be furnished, and if used in bartering, uniform buttons and marksman medals will be replaced by the Government upon application for same by the enlisted man concerned.
  3. Upon return to his home station, soldier will submit a written report showing the full names and ranks of commanding officer of all forts visited, so that the Department of War can be informed and bring their rosters up to date.


Dreadnought, Dreadnought, meaning fearless, is a term applied to a single caliber big-gun battleship. It came into popular usage just after-the turn of the century when the British built a battleship christened HMS Dreadnought having armament of ten I2-inch guns and twenty-four I2-pound quick fire guns for protection against torpedo boats.

Dreadnought was the first battleship of the type characterized by a main armament of big guns all of the same caliber. Since then any battleship having its main armament entirely of big guns all of one caliber has been called a dreadnought.

Since Dreadnought was built, the caliber of the heaviest guns has increased from 12-inch to 14, 15, and more, and the displacement from 18,000 tons upwards.


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