All Hands Magazine - Paths to a Commission - August 1985
- The Naval Reserve
One of the biggest stories in the Navy - Paths to a commission
The Navy's BOOST program - Navy's inner-space shuttle NR-1
Probing the Reykjanes ridge off Iceland - Navy pathologist
Making the final diagnosis - Managing your money
Handling your household budget - Measuring Discovery's noise at launch
Navy students find answers - Bearings
- Mail Buoy/Reunions
Front: The research submarine NR-1 leaves its base at Holy Loch, Scotland, for waters off Iceland. Photo by Emory Kristof. See story on page 24.
Inside front: Navy divers from Underwater Construction Team 1 return to the U.S. after their flight was hijacked by terrorists. Shown, bottom to top, are EA1 Stewart L.J. Dahl, E01 Jeffrey J. Ingalls, SW2 Kenneth M. Bowen, and CE2 Clinton L. Suggs. Not shown is CE2 Tony D. Watson. Photo by PH1 Douglas P. Tesner.
Chief of Naval Operations
ADM James D. Watkins
Chief of Information
COMO Jack A. Garrow
CO Navy Internal Relations Activity
CAPT Jack A. Martin
XO Navy Internal Relations Activity
CDR Alan E. Schmoker
Director of Publications
Joanne E. Dumene
All Hands Acting Editor
JOC Barbara A. Cornfeld
Associates for Art and Layout
Richard C. Hosier Michael David Tuffli
All Hands Staff
- J01(SW) E. Foster-Simeon
- PH1 Perry Thorsvik Candace Sams
NIRA Print Media Division Staff
- LT A. Michael Giglio
- J01 Wm. Dave Berry
- DM1 D.J. Aspery
- DM2 John D'Angelo
- J02 Lynn Jenkins
- JOSA John Brown
- Elaine McNeil
- E.A. Noland
NIRA Print Media Division also publishes Direction magazine, Navy Editor Service, Wifeline and Captain's Call Kit.
All Hands is published monthly from appropriated funds by authority of the Navy Internal Relations Activity in accordance with Navy Publications and Printing Regulations P-35. Second class postage paid at Philadelphia, Pa., and additional mailing offices.
The Secretary of the Navy has determined that this publication is necessary in the transaction of business required by law of the Department of the Navy. Funds for printing of this publication have been approved by the Navy Publications and Printing Policy Committee.