The Century, January 1919, World War 1

The Century Magazine for January 1919 provided the Second Installment on the roots of World War 1 and devoted much of the issue to a number of war related articles and commentaries. Featured article The Roots of the War by WILLIAM STEARNS DAVIS Ph.D., WILLIAM ANDERSON, Ph.D., MASON W. TYLER, Ph.D. - A non-Technical History of Europe 1870-1914.

VOLUME 97 No. 3


Front Cover, The Century Magazine, January 1919
    From a painting. Printed in color. Frontispiece


  • Mrs. Huggins's Hun STACY AUMONIER
    Illustrations by Thomas Fogarty 289
  • The Tenth Man "CENTURION"
    Illustrations by Oscar F. Howard 303
  • The Messenger. Ill. ELIZABETH ROBINS
    Illustrations by Hamlin Gardner 311
  • The Little Houses. Verse VICTOR STARBUCK
    Illustrations by Charles S. Chapman 331
  • The Red Shadow L FRANK TOOKER
    Illustrations by E. W. Kemble 332
  • From a Chinese Court.
    Drawings by Benjamin Y. Morrison 339


  • The Roots of the War.
    A non-Technical History of Europe 1870-1914.
    This history has been written during the stressful period since the United States became a participant in the great World War. It is not, however, merely a “war book.” It is an attempt to relate in a non-technical fashion the history of the development of the various forces that led up to the catastrophe of 1914. The leader of the American Republic, himself a historian as well as a statesman, has stated that “you can explain most wars very simply, but the explanation of this war is not so simple. Its roots run deep into all the obscure soils of history. ” It is to discover some of these roots and their fateful growths that this book is written.
  • To Light a Cigarette
    It was only a few paltry ticks on the dinner side of midnight when 1 turned my solitary course into the Place Stéphany. The United States had already severed relations with Germany, and war was a matter of being there when the telegram arrived. But people do not cease existing because war is about to be declared. One eats, talks, does a number of things the enumeration of which would merely clutter the paragraph. And finally one, perhaps, goes home. That, for me, meant crossing the Place Stéphany.
  • Zionism and the World Peace
    Ten years of Young Turk rule accomplished what a century of European diplomatic effort, resulting several times in wars, tried desperately to prevent. The Ottoman Empire has been rapidly dissolving. The last footholds in Africa were lost by the Italian occupation of Tripoli (1911) and the proclamation of a British protectorate over Egypt (1914). The European provinces, except Thrace, were liberated by the Balkan States (1912). In the present war Mesopotamia and Palestine have been conquered by the British. and Arabia has cast off the Turkish yoke. At the beginning of the eleventh year of a the Constitution ), while the Turks enjoyed illusory successes through reoccupying Armenia and penetrating into the Caucasus, by a series of brilliant military operations General Allenby's army passed into Syria, after annihilating two Turkish armies and capturing their artillery and means of transport. It is too early to prophesy or speculate about the kind of peace Germany and Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria will be able to make with their enemies, but the handwriting on the wall for Turkey can already be read. The portions of the Ottoman Empire inhabited in majority by non-Turkish elements are in the hands of the Entente, and will not again be placed under the Turkish Sultan's rule.
  • "Intelligence"
    DEAN IVAN LAMB, R. F. G 379
    The old saying about variety being the spice of life was never so truly borne out as in the daily flying life of Squadron Umpty’s pilots there on the river S______. Every day brings something different. That is, unless it rains, which it seems to do almost every time there ’s a big movement of the lines. I’ve been sent up even in a rain-storm, hut that was an exceptional case. Every sunny,
    clear day, however, one can count on a new adventure. The fact that it may be the last matters not. As the hours and days pass, and one finds oneself still alive and kicking, one continually asks oneself, “Well, what’s to come next?"
  • Russia: a Dissolving View
    The present condition of Russia can be summed up in one word: dissolution. It is the most sudden and
    profound dissolution in all recorded history, a breakdown not merely of government, but of the whole social fabric. In a single year a mighty empire, the product of centuries of historic evolution, inhabited by 175 millions of people and occupying one sixth of the entire land surface of the globe, has disappeared into thin air, leaving behind nothing but a welter of anarchy. This is something unprecedented. Beside it the French Revolution pales into relative insignificance.
  • "For the Duration of the War"
    H G. MOULTON 391
    European War. Demobilization after the European War. Factors governing and demobilization historically considered
  • And a Long Way Off He Saw Fairyland. Verse
    Decorations by Paul W. Furstenberg 398
    I lived once with fairies,
    (And 1 know they ’re true fairies!)
    One lifts laughing eyes
    In a way I most admire.
    Truth goes by contraries,
    For you don’t know they’re fairies
    Till there is n’t any firelight,
    Nor song beside the fire.


  • Searchers in the Twilight BASIL KING 400
  • Our Battery WILLIAM H. SHELTON
    Illustrations by John Wolcott Adams. 407
  • Last Wishes. Verse LOUIS UNTERMEYER 416
  • The Heseltine Collection SIR SIDNEY COLVIN
    IV. French School. Photographs 417
  • Types of the New American Army by ALON BEMENT
    Drawings by the author 429
  • A Ballade of Fair Ladies S FOSTER DAMON
    Illustrations by Thelma Cudlipp 432

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  • Mellin's Food Company
  • Victor Talking Machine Company - Victrola
  • Eaton, Crane & Pike (Writing Paper)
  • Pyrene Manufacturing Company
  • Vogue Magazine
  • The Delineator Magazine
  • St. Nicholas Magazine for Boys and Girls
  • Vanity Fair Magazine
  • Guaranty Trust Company of New York
  • The Gorham Company - Silversmiths and Goldsmiths
  • Ostermoor & Company - Woman's Dress Fashions
  • Valentine's Valspar - The Varnish That Won't Turn White
  • American Radiator Company - Arco Wand Vacuum Cleaner
  • Barre Quarriers and Manufacturers Association
  • S. D. Warren Company, Publishers
  • The Hood Tire Company, Inc.
  • Research Laboratories of General Electric Company - Mazda Lamp - Not the name of a thing, but the mark of a service
  • The Hammond Typewriter Co.
  • Forhan's For The Gums
  • Defiance Dividend Check Writer
  • Yale & Towne Mfg. Co. (Locks)
  • Hodgson Portable Houses
  • Eno's Fruit Salt
  • The Pepsodent Company
  • Arkansas Soft Pine Bureau
  • The Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Co.
  • Ivory Soap
  • Columbia Graphophone Company (Columbia Records)
  • Sonora Phonograph Sales Company, Inc.

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  • W. MORGAN SHUSTER, President
  • DON M. PARKER, Secretary
  • GEORGE L. WHEELOCK, Treasurer
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Published monthly, The Century Co.. 353 Fourth Avenue, New York. N. Y. $4.00 a year. Entered as second-class matter, February 26, 1915, at the post-office at New York, NY, under the act of March 3, 1879.

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