The Cunarder: A Travel Magazine - April 1927
Front Cover for the April 1927 Issue of The Cunarder - A Travel Magazine. GGA Image ID # 101ccb2f43
Volume 11, No. 4, the April 1927 issue of The Cunarder featured articles include: Let's Go! By Frank L. Cox; The Bizarre Tower By R. E. Bailey; The High, Wide and Handsome Transylvania By Christopher Morley; Fly! By David Graham; Skansen, The Open-Air Museum By Dr. K. G. Bosander; The Scheherzade of Cities By Eva Gorn; and The Pageant of Palestine By Anna Sirkin. 36 Pages plus Covers.
- Frontispiece
The Trocadéro, to Be a Famous Rendezvous - Let's Go!
By Frank L. Cox - Contrast in Belgium
- The Bizarre Tower
By R. E. Bailey - Two French Sketches
By Herbert S. Kates - The Grand National
- The High, Wide and Handsome Transylvania
By Christopher Morley - Fly!
By David Graham - On the Mauretania
- Skansen, The Open-Air Museum
By Dr. K. G. Bosander - The Scheherzade of Cities
By Eva Gorn - The Pageant of Palestine
By Anna Sirkin - A Shelf of Books
By Ethel Fleming- The Quest for Winter Sunshine by E. Phillips Oppenheim (Little Brown), Boston, 1927
- Lanterns, Junk and Jade by Samuel Morrill (Stokes) New York, 1926
- Here We Are Again! by Bob Sherwood (Bobbs Merrill) Indianpolis, 1926
- Travel in Europe Made Easy by G. C. Chester (Dodd, Mead), New York, 1927
- Loafing Through the Pacific by S. K. Humphrey (Doubleday Page) Garden Ciy, 1927
- The Purple Land by W. H. Hudson (Modern Library), New York, 1927
- The Epicure's Guide to France by Curnonsky and Rouff (Harper), New York, 1926
List of Photographs
- The Trocadéro in Paris, Destined to be a Famous Rendezvous (Publishers Press)
- Famous Bridges and Cathedral of Notre Dame in the Isle de la Cité (Uncredited)
- Open Air Flower Market near the Madeleine in Paris (Uncredited)
- Books in the Stalls on the Left Bank, Paris (Uncredited)
- Two Middle-Class French Children (Uncredited)
- Pretty Glimpse of the Boise de Boulogne Lake and Island (Uncredited)
- The Cluny Museum (Uncredited)
- Statue to Maupassant, Parc Monceau (Uncredited)
- Scene of an Old Canal in Bruges, Belgium (Uncredited)
- Grand Basin in Antwerp (Uncredited)
- The Eiffel Tower seen from the Trocadéro (Publishers Press)
- An Unusual View of the Eiffel Tower (Publishers Press)
- Jack Horner, Past Winner by Three Lengths at the Grand National (Uncredited)
- First Jump where Silvo, the favorite, fell at the Grand Naational (Uncredited)
- Dangerous Water Jump at the Grand National (Uncredited)
- Another View of a Dangerous Water Jump at the Grand National (Uncredited)
- Panoromic scenery along the Clyde (Uncredited)
- Christopher Morley on the SS Transylvania (Uncredited)
- In Abbotsford in the shadows of the Eldon Hills (Uncredited)
- The Kyles of Bute (Uncredited)
- Flying Above Nimes, An Enchanting City From The Air (Uncredited)
- Miss Elinor Dorrance Returning from Europe on the Mauretania (Uncredited)
- Honore Palmer Returning Home on the Mauretania (Uncredited)
- George Ade Leaving on the Mauretania for Naples (Uncredited)
- Col. R. R. McCormick Arriving in New York on the Mauretania (Uncredited)
- Old-Time Swedish Wedding Reproduced at Skansen (Uncredited)
- Bit of Lapland at Skansen (Uncredited)
- Old Windmill at Skansen (Uncredited)
- Old Peasant Hut at Skansen (Uncredited)
- Women at the Marketplace in Cairo (Clarence Welch)
- The Mosque of Mohammed Ali (Publishers Press)
- Shepheard's Hotel (Uncredited)
- The Tombs of the Mamelukes (International)
- Marketplace in Palestine (Uncredited)
- Farmer in Palestine (Uncredited)
- Street in One of the Colonies in Palestine (Uncredited)
- Haifa Harbor Scene (Uncredited)
- Risbon Lezion, World's Second Largest Vineyard in Jewish Colony in Palestine (Uncredited)
- A Communal Colony in the North (Uncredited)
- Cleaning Day for One Of The Colonies (Uncredited)
- Arab Famers of Daharia (Uncredited)
- Valley Near Sofad (Uncredited)
- Sakespeare Hotel, Stratford-on-Avon (Uncredited)
- Reading the Best Sellers en Voyage (Uncredited)
List of Illustrations
- Peasant Houses in Saint-Pol de Léon (Herbert S. Kates)
- Rue St. Martin, Bayeux (Herbert S. Kates)
List of Advertisers
- Bowman Bilmore Hotel
- Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC
- Hotels du Parc and Majestic, Vichy, France
- Thomas Cook & Son: How They Live, Work and Play in Europe
- The Plaza Hotel, New York
- White Rock Mineral Water
- The Ritz-Carlton of New York
- Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Company
- Swiss Federal Railroads: Lake of Lacerne
- Poland Water
- Willoughbys: Filmo -- The Automatic Movie Camera for the Amateur
- The Seaboard National Bank of the City of New York
- Hotel Bretton Hall, New York
- Chase National Bank of the Ciy of New York
- Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis -- Busch Pale Dry
- The Mayflower -- Washington's Finest Hotel
- Swedish State Railways: Sweden Welcomes You
- German Railroands Information Office: Beautiful Germany, Land of Catles and Romance
- Raymond & Whitcomb Company, Cruise Travel
- Florida East Coast Railway Co. & Florida East Coast Hotel Co. -- The Magic of the Gulf Stream
- London & North Eastern Railway: What to see in Britain
- Mothersill's Seasick Remedy
- The St. Charles, Atlantic City, NJ
- Franco-Belgique Tours Co., Ltd. : Prearranged Independed Travel -- Europe by Motor
- The Express Touring Company
- Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Montreal
- Anglo-South American Bank, Limited
- Frank C. Clark, Originator of World Cruises
- British Overseas League, New York Branch
- Brown, Shipley & Company
- Radio Corporation of America (RCA) Radiograms for Hotel Reservations
- Hotel Breslin, New York
- Hotel Blackstone of New York
- H. Hicks & Son, New York, Steamer Baskets and Presentation Baskets
- "Glimpses of the East" Official Shippers' Guide and Commercial Year Book of the World
- Hotel Chelsea, New York
- Hotel Touraine and Parker House in Boston
- Hotel Knickerbocker, New York
- Angell Games, Inc.
- Open Door in Greenwich Village
- Horton's Ice Cream
- NYK Line: To Fair Japan on a Japanese Ship
- Wallen's Special Coffee - George S. Wallen & Co.
- Cunard Travellers' Cheques: A Personal Checking Account for Travellers
- Hendrickson's Transfer, New York
- P&O to British India & New Zealand
- 42 Jessel House, London
- Arrow Press, Inc., Publisher of The Cunarder Magazine
- Gray's Publishing Co. -- Travel Outlines of France
- Merrell-Soule Company, Syracuse, NY - KLIM Powdered Whole Milk
- South African Government Bureau and High Commissioner for South Africa: The Land of Thrills, Mystery, Beauty...
- R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. (Camel)