The Delineator Magazine - November 1900

Front Cover, The Delineator, The Butterick Publishing Co. Ltd., Vol. LVI, No. 5, November 1900.

Front Cover, The Delineator, The Butterick Publishing Co. Ltd., Vol. LVI, No. 5, November 1900. GGA Image ID # 19f96360d8

Superb issue of the Delineator Magazine from November 1900 provides many excellent articles on women's fashions at the turn of the twentieth century and other topics about women, including cooking, etiquette, crocheting, domestic and romantic fiction.

THE DELINEATOR for November is attractive in every feature. A unique contribution will be the Halloween story in verse by Edith M. Thomas, with four full-page illustrations by J. Allen St. John. Miss Thomas has never written anything more tender and sympathetic than this story in all her work, and the artist interprets the chief scenes with genuine feeling.

T. C. De Leon's article will show the extent to which the Carnival spirit enters into Southern society in The Social Side, which describes the pageants of the chief Carnival cities and presents portraits of the most noted participants.

It is rare that a story of perfect love comes to the knowledge of and is accepted by a doubting world; like some of the virtues, love, often sturdy enough in seclusion, seems to wither in the glare of publicity. The story of the Brownings, with its fine antiphonals, is idyllic, and Clara E. Laughlin tells it with all the charm that pen can give.

Mrs. Schuyler Crowninshield will contribute one of her characteristic West Indian tales, and there will be a refreshing variation in the stories of college life in the shape of The Romance of a Co-Ed. The Delineator will continue the serial articles. As usual, the departments will be full of the latest and best information, and there will be many other essential features never before introduced in the magazine.

Editorial Chat.

WE PRESENT this number to subscribers with confidence that it will be pronounced the finest issue of the year. We have every reason to be pleased with the enthusiastic appreciation that has come to the magazine from all sides, but, although much improved, we are not yet satisfied that it has reached the limit of excellence possible to a publication that, while broadening in scope, has specific, definite aims and objects; viz., to be helpful to all women; to lighten the cares of the dressmaker, the housewife, and the mother by describing and discussing the latest and best processes in the world of dress and household management; and to raise the standard of family life. The plans made for future numbers aim to make every book department more substantial and better.

A glance at the contents on this page will show the wide variety of tastes that are considered. Commenting on the various articles is unnecessary; special attention only is called to the introduction of London and Paris letters—one by Mrs. Aria, the highest authority in England, and the other by Mrs. John Van Vorst, a prominent member of the fashionable American Colony in Paris.


  • Styles for Ladies
  • House Furnishing and Decoration
    Alice M. Kellogg
  • Illustrated Cookery
    Anna Morrison
  • A Model Fern-Case
    G. A. Woolson
  • The Fashions of London
    Mrs. Aria
  • Dress and Gossip in Paris
    Mrs. John Van Vorst
  • The Dressmaker
    A. L. Gorman
  • Trimmings and Accessories
  • Fashionable Dress Goods
  • Styles for Misses and Girls
  • Styles for Little Folks
  • Styles for Boys
  • Styles for Dolls
  • The Art of Netting
  • Stories of Authors' Loves. The Brownings. Part I.
    Illustrated With Portraits. Clara E. Laughlin
  • College Publications
    Carolyn Halsted.
  • Illustrated From Photographs
  • The Wingless Angel (Poem.)
    John Vance Cheney
  • Social Observances
    Mrs. Frank Learned
  • Miguelito
    Mrs. Schuyler Crowninshield, Illustrated by Henry I. H. Lefeld
  • Early Winter Millinery
  • The Carnival Cities of the South
    Illustrated With Portraits
  • The Enchanted Ring (Poem.)
    Edith M. Thomas, Illustrated by J. Allen St. John
  • A Royal Palace and Its Queens, Concluded.
    Illustrated From Photographs N. Hudson Moore. 6Z2
  • Fancy Stitches and Embroideries
    Illustrated in Colors. Emma Haywood. 677-680
  • Crocheting
  • Modern Lace-Making
  • Pastimes for Convalescing Children. No. 5
  • A Pleasant Thanksgiving
    Lina Beard. Illustrated by the Author
  • Children and Their Ills No. 11. Skin Disorders.
    Grace Peckham Murray, M.D.
  • The Romance of a Co-ed
    Kate Milner Rabb, Illustrated by F. M. Arnold
  • The Newest Books
    Laura B. Starr

Domestic Subjects:

  • The Children's Interests. Part III
    Margaret Hall
  • Chicken Entrees. E. B. M.
  • Some New, and Delicious Recipes.
    Edna S. Witherspoon
  • Domestic Science
  • Practical Gardening
    Ward MacLeod
  • Club Women and Club Life
    Helen M. Winslow
  • Girls' Interests and Occupations
    Priscilla Wakefield
  • A Fishing Excursion
    Mary Dawson. 710

THE DECEMBER DELINEATOR. — The next issue of THE DELINEATOR will naturally show the holiday spirit, anticipating the actual period long enough to let the suggestions it contains be of service to those who are looking for advice on the most difficult of all problems—what to give. In the article on Holiday Fancy-Work many novelties will be illustrated and described.

In the series of the Pageants of Cities will appear a most interesting and appropriate paper on the Christmas festivities at Bethlehem, written by the Rev. 0. S. Schilling, for ten years a resident of the Holy Land.

Although the Bahamas lie close to the shores of North America and their genial Winter climate attracts many visitors, they are comparatively little known. Mrs. Starr writes most entertainingly of scenes in and about Nassau, the capital, and some striking illustrations are given.

Two remarkable stories—as diverse as two stories can well be having the common subject of the keeping of the festival--will be included in the number. Beulah Marie Dix describes with spirit a Christmas in Colonial New England; while Paul Laurence Dunbar tells with peculiar humor the experiences of the members of a colored congregation in New York, under the title of One Christmas at Shiloh.

From Fanny J. Crosby, the blind hymn writer, comes The Angels' Song, a beautiful tribute to the Nativity, finely illustrated by J. Allen St. John; and another artistic page shows two songs by Frank Dempster Sherman which are to be set to music.

There will be also the second installment of the Browning love-story, Dr. Murray's article on Children, a series of entertaining pastimes by Miss Beard, Special Christmas Cookery, Candy Making, Dressing the Tree, etc., etc., with all the usual departments. It will be a notable number.

The subscription price of THE DELINEATOR is ONE DOLLAR for an entire year; Single Copies are FIFTEEN CENTS.


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