World War 1 Brochure Archival Collection


World War 1 Brochure Collection


Our Brochures cover a wide range of subjects about World War 1. The Topics include necessary addresses by VIPs, recruitment, and valuable information for discharged soldiers.


Front Cover, An Address to the Soldiers of the National Army by George W. Wickersham on Sunday, 30 September 1917.

Address to Soldiers at Camp Dix

George W. Wickersham, An Address to the Soldiers of the National Army, At the Dedication of the Morristown Y.M.C.A. Building, Camp Dix, Wrightstown, New Jersey, Sunday, September 30, 1917.


Front Cover, America Entangled by John Price Jones, 1917.

America Entangled - The Story of the Lusitania - 1917

Time and time again, the Germans had planned and plotted to "get" the Lusitania, and, every time, the ocean greyhound had slipped away from them save when the plot was developed on American territory.


Front Cover, Army/Navy Recruitment Guide for World War I, Prudential Insurance Agency, 1917.

Army/Navy Recruitment Guide - 1917

With millions of young men registered in the United States for national service, this booklet illustrates the various branches of Military and Naval life to which these youth of the land are assigned to duty.


Front Cover, Camp Funston: Illustrated -- Cantonment Life, 1918.

Camp Funston Illustrated - Cantonment Life - 1918

Camp Funston has accommodations for over 50,000 men and has been built for approximately $10,000,000. It is the largest of the permanently built Cantonments and consists mainly of two-story buildings.


Front Cover, Camp Grant, Rockford, Illinois - A Picture History, 1917.

Camp Grant Pictorial History - 1917

In a little more than three months after the erection of the first building, 180 barracks were ready for the reception of the first contingent of the selected men who were now being trained.


Front Cover, Our Sons at Camp Dodge: A Book of Pictures by the Des Moines Register and Evening Tribune, 1917.

Our Sons at Camp Dodge - 1917

The volume appears at an appropriate time -- the holiday season when the minds of every person are at war, and the part that Iowa boys must bear in the struggle is uppermost in the thoughts of all.


Camp Pike Photographs - National Army Cantonment, Arkansas - 1918

Scenes of Camp Pike, National Army Cantonment, 1918

The 87th Division comprised National Army drafts from Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. It was organized at Camp Pike, Arkansas.


First Panel, To the Homeward-Bound Americans by B. Van Vorst. © 1919.

To The Homeward Bound Americans - 1919

This 1919 Booklet "To The Homeward Bound Americans" by B. Van Vorst, Printed in France, provides an excellent recap of the Allied Expeditionary Force (A. E. F.) and their activities in France.


Front Cover, Valuable Information for Discharged Soldiers of the United States Army, 25 April 1919.

Valuable Information for Discharged Soldiers - 1919

The Army is being demobilized; you are returning to your homes and vocations of peace. This booklet provided discharged soldiers with valuable information in returning to civilian life.


Front Cover, Where Do We Go From Here? - This Is the Real Dope by William Brown Meloney, 1919.

Where Do We Go From Here? This Is The Real Dope - 1919

Its single purpose is to bring to you in the simplest, quickest, and most accurate form the things which every man who has served in The Great War must know to put him in touch again with God's Country.


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