World War 1 Infantry Unit Histories

One of the several purposes of this work is the promotion of esprit de corps within the Army units. Another is the furthering of interest in and the reading of military history by the American people. One vehicle for achieving these ends is unit history. Military events are presented from the viewpoint of a single division, regiment, or comparable unit.

A unit's published record is vital to the avid military history student. From these histories, he can obtain accounts of engagements or battles in which the unit participated, written by the men.

The routine day-to-day activities of the unit can be reviewed. In many instances, these histories include rosters of personnel assigned, casualty lists, or lists of individuals decorated for outstanding accomplishments in peace and war.

Moreover, the history of each unit provides a more detailed and, often, more intimate account of a particular event than does the general and all—too--often nearly sterile descriptions found in the official records.

Our World War 1 Unit Histories collection includes the 351st Infantry, 88th Division; 346th Infantry, 87th Division; and the 88th Division.

The 351st Infantry Historical Notes 1917 - 1919


Unit Histories of the 351st Infantry, 88th Division - 1919

The accounts of the 351st Regiment of Infantry of the 88th Division in World War I. HQ in Camp Dodge, Iowa.

Contents Include:

  • Rosters of Officers and Enlisted Men for all Companies within the 351st Infantry
  • Photographs of most Officers
  • Listing of Causalities from all Companies within the 351st Infantry
  • Group Photos for all Companies within the 351st Infantry
  • Brief History for all Companies within the 351st Infantry
  • General History of the 351st Infantry
  • Highlights and Photos of travels to France including people, places and soldiers that were a part of or met with the 351st Infantry
  • Photos of the debarkation (landing docks) from France to Newport News including the Transport Steamships


Front Cover, The 346th Infantry Historical Notes, 1917-1919 - World War I Unit History.


Unit Histories of the 346th Infantry, 87th Division - 1919

The Unit History and Historical Notes Book includes the history and accounts of the many companies that comprised the 346th Infantry Regiment of the 87th Division in World War I. The Rosters of Officers and Enlisted Men for all Companies within the 346th Infantry are also included.


The 88th Division in the World War of 1914 - 1918


88th Division

The 88th Division was organized at Camp Dodge, Iowa, from men drawn from North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, and Illinois. The divisional insignia is two figures, "8" in blue, crossed at right angles.


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