National Genealogical Society Quarterly, March 1994

Front Cover, National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 82, Number 1, March 1994.

Front Cover, National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 82, Number 1, March 1994. GGA Image ID # 19fdce9c32

Issue features articles on proving a maternal line, genealogical value of notorial acts of Quebec and Applying the Preponderance-of-the-Evidence Principle.


  1. The Notarial Acts of Québec: Their Genealogical Value and Use
  2. Proving a Maternal Line: The Case of Frances B. Whitney
  3. Applying the Preponderance-of-the-Evidence Principle to a Southern Frontier Problem: William Medders of Alabama
  4. Pitfalls in Genealogical Research: Michael Mumper Reexamined
  5. The Temple-Myrick Bible
  6. Genealogical Gleanings from Scotland

Availability: Does Not Circulate
Archives Inventory Ref Nbr: ALPG NGSQ82-1-1994

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