Harper's Weekly - May 23, 1903
Front Cover, Harper's Weekly, Vol. XLVII No. 2422, New York, Satuday, 23 May 1903 Illustrated Section. GGA Image ID # 19ff582a69
Copyright © 1903 Harper & Brothers
The 23 May 1903 issue of Harper's Weekly focused on Our New American Citizens. In 1902, 650,000 persons came here to live, and now it seems certain, from the record of the first three months of 1903, that this enormous figure will be exceeded this year.
- Cover Illustration: Our New American Citizens
- Article: The Passing of Gibraltar
Map showing Gilbraltar's present defensive Weakness and Plans for Proposed Improvements. - Article: Ideals of American Womanhood: The Literary Woman by Caroline Duer
Photo of Caroline Duer - Article: 27 Bridges in 53 Weeks - 5 Photographs
- Illustration - Full Page: "My Lady Peggy Goes to Town," at Daly's
- Article: Will it Rain or Shine Tomorrow? The Way the Weather Forecast is made at the Weather Bureau in Washington
Photo: Translating Weather Reports received in Cipher, and Charting them on the Maps.
Photo: Putting the Weater-symbol Type in Place
Photo: Measuring the Heat recieved from the Sun
Illustration (Full Page): Making the Weather Forecast at Washington - Illustration -Full Page: Tap-Day at Yale
- Article: Captain Little Again by W. E. Cairnes - 2 Illustrations
- Major Article: Pittsburgh, the Giant Industrial City of the World
Photographs: Higland Park Avenue, Old Block House, Wood Street, Head of Ohio River, City Hall, Post Office, Court House, Chirst Methodist Episcopal Church, Glass Plant, Jeannette, Pittsburgh Stock Exchange, Serpentine, Schenley Park, Edward T. C. Slease, and Francis Le Baron Robbins
Illustrations: First Post Office, Homestead Works, Plant of Riter-Conly Manufacturing Company, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Frick Building, Plant of A. M. Byers & Co. (Incorporated), Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Cathedral, Peoples' Savings Bank Building, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and Farmers' Deposit National Bank - Biographies:
Edward T. C. Slease & Co.
The Pittsburg Coal Company
Francis Le Baron Robbins and American Turst Company of Pittsburgh
William E. Corey (+ Photo)
David M. Clemson (+ Photo)
The Late Capt. J. J. Vandergrift (+ Photo)
John H. Jones (+ Photo)
Henry Bruce Beatty (+ Photo)
Murray Adolp Verner (+ Photo)
The National Tube Company
The Late William A. Herron (+ Photo)
Home J. Linsay (+ Photo)
The American Steel & Wire Company
The Jones & Lauglin Steel CompanyA
Francis J. Torrance
Joshua W. Rhodes & Co.
The A. Garrison Foundry Company
The Hostetter Company
Phillips Mine & Mill Supply Co. - Two Page Large Illustration: The Song Without Words: Drawn by Clarence F. Underwood
- Full Page Comic Strip: The Auto Ride - A Horse-less Delusion Unhorsed, Drawn by Albert Levering
- Brief Articles:
A Naval Engagement Indoors
Edison's Latest Invention
A Valuable Life
The Secret of Phosphorescense
A Novel Kind of Buoy
A Successful Woman Composer (Ingeborg von Bronsart)
Artificial Food
Why We Shake Hands
The Reliance and Shamrock III (Yachts)
Black-Bass Fishing in Pennsylvania - Reader Comments
- Article: Mr. Cleveland and the Presidency
- Article: Recent Views of the Fifteenth Amendment
- Article: The Influence of American Wealth on Divorce
- Article: Fashionable Chicago
- Article: The Artistic Temperament
- Article: The Church and Its Status
- Article: The Manchurian War-Scare
- Article: Latin America in a New Light by Marion Wilcox
- Biography: Richard Henry Stoddard
- Article: The British Army Officer by Sydney Brooks
- Article: Books and Bookmen
- Article: The School Investigation in Washington
- Article: Finance