SS Transylvania Passenger List - 11 September 1936


Front Cover - 11 September 1936 Passenger List, SS Transylvania, Anchor Line

Front Cover, Cabin and Tourist Class Passenger List for the TSS Transylvania of the Anchor Line, Departing Friday, 11 September 1936 from Glasgow to New York via Dublin, Commanded by Captain David W. Bone. GGA Image ID # 1e3abde8fd


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: David W. Bone
  2. Chief Officer: Robert Hutchison
  3. Chief Engineer: Charles Munro
  4. Surgeon: Steven George
  5. Purser: Bertram Ward
  6. Chief Steward: Robert Jack


Cabin Passengers

  1. Mr. Winslow Ames
  2. Mrs. Ames
  3. Mr. Richard Bairn
  4. Mrs. Bairn
  5. Mr. Myron S. Blumenthal
  6. Mr. James Bolan
  7. Mr. Charles W. Brook
  8. Mrs. Brook
  9. Miss H. Booker
  10. Rev. W. Byrne
  11. Rev. W. Byrne
  12. Miss Rosina Dibb
  13. Mr. J. W. Donnelly
  14. Rev. Godfrey Doyle
  15. Dr. Robert M. Elliott
  16. Mrs. Elliott
  17. Mrs. Agnes Ellis
  18. Miss Ruth Foster
  19. Mrs. Oswald Fowler
  20. Miss Frances Fry
  21. Mrs. A. Cullen
  22. Miss Katherine Gould
  23. Mr. T. E. Hazen
  24. Rev. Patrick Riordan
  25. Mr. A. A. Ritchie
  26. Mr. H. D. M. Robertson
  27. Miss B. M. Robertson
  28. Mrs. Robertson
  29. Mr. Francis M. Hirst
  30. Mrs. Hirst
  31. Miss I. C. Robertson
  32. Dr. David Robinson
  33. Mrs. Robinson
  34. Miss Mabel Holmes
  35. Miss Jane Hostetter
  36. Miss Alice Robinson
  37. Mr. F. H. Robinson
  38. Mrs. Robinson
  39. Mr. George S. Ingraham
  40. Miss Frances Ingraham
  41. Mr. Sam J. Irvine
  42. Mr. G. G. Rowbotham
  43. Mrs. Irvine
  44. Mr. B. I. Salinger, Jr.
  45. Mr. P. Forsyth Latimer
  46. Mr. H. R. Lawton, Jr.
  47. Mrs. Lawton
  48. Miss Martha Schabelitz
  49. Rev. John Lenihan
  50. Miss Polly Schwable
  51. Mr. George McCurrach
  52. Mr. Robert Scott
  53. Dr. James Moffatt
  54. Mr. W. W. F. Shepherd
  55. Mrs. Moffatt
  56. Mr. Benjamin F. Shoenmaker
  57. Mr. Henry Moir
  58. Mrs. Shoenmaker
  59. Mrs. Moir
  60. Rev. John Smith
  61. Miss Moir
  62. Miss Irene Southern
  63. Mr. Joseph W. Montgomery
  64. Miss H. Stack
  65. Mrs. Montgomery
  66. Mr. John Stevenson
  67. Mr. Joseph W. Montgomery, J
  68. Mrs. Stevenson
  69. Mr. George R. Montgomery
  70. Mr. Frederick Sturges, Jr.
  71. Mr. John Munday r
  72. Mrs. Sturges
  73. Mrs. B. Munday
  74. Miss Cath. A. Sturges
  75. Miss A. Munday
  76. Capt. John G. Turner
  77. Mrs. Turner
  78. Monsignor J. R. O'Donoghue
  79. Rev. T. N. O'Toole
  80. Miss M. Orgain
  81. Mrs. John K. Walbridge
  82. Dr. Richard Warren
  83. Mrs. Warren
  84. Miss Mary Patch
  85. Mr. Benjamin Peake
  86. Mr. Harry Prosser
  87. Mrs. Prosser
  88. Mr. George Whitlock
  89. Mrs. Whitlock
  90. Miss Mabel Puterbaugh
  91. Dr. De Forest P. Willard
  92. Mrs. Willard
  93. Mrs. Mariette B. Worth


Tourist Class Passengers

  1. Mrs. Nellie Allardice
  2. Master John Allardice
  3. Mrs. Isabel Andrews
  4. Miss Matilda W. B. Auchterlonie
  5. Mrs. Margaret Bathie
  6. Mrs. Emma R. Beat
  7. Mrs. Janet Bennett
  8. Mrs. Elizabeth Biddle
  9. Miss Bethina Biddle
  10. Master Roy Biddle
  11. Mr. John Boden
  12. Miss Ann Brigid Brady
  13. Miss Agnes M. Bowler
  14. Miss Isabel! Buchan
  15. Miss Catherine Carberry
  16. Mr. Carl Carlberg
  17. Mrs. Carlberg
  18. Mr. James G. Cater
  19. Miss A. Clarke
  20. Mrs. Sarah Clark
  21. Miss Marion Clark
  22. Mrs. Frances Clarke
  23. Mr. James Connolly
  24. Mrs. Susan Connolly
  25. Master James Connolly
  26. Master Ghtistopher Connolly
  27. Master Joseph Connolly
  28. Miss Rita Conroy
  29. Mrs. Jessie Copstick
  30. Mrs. Clara Craft
  31. Miss Betty Craft
  32. Dr. Lawrence Crawley
  33. Mrs. Christina Cruickshanks
  34. Miss Elizabeth Cunningham
  35. Mr. Archibald Currie
  36. Mr. William Cuthbertson
  37. Mrs. Grace Cuthbertson
  38. Miss Jean Dallas
  39. Mr. Edward P. Danson, Jr.
  40. Mrs. Danson
  41. Mrs. Milda Darnell
  42. Miss Nellie Davidson
  43. Miss A. C. Devine
  44. Mr. Roger Dietrick
  45. Mrs. Jean Dodson
  46. Mrs. Mary Dolan
  47. Miss Mary Donnelly
  48. Mrs. Mary W. Dooley
  49. Master Harry J. Dooley
  50. Mrs. Dora Doyle
  51. Mr. George Duguid
  52. Mrs. John Duncan
  53. Miss Kath Duncan
  54. Miss Elizabeth Dunn
  55. Miss Mary Dunn
  56. Miss Mary Dunn
  57. Miss Frances Dwyer
  58. Rev. M. J. Dwyer
  59. Miss Margaret Egenton
  60. Mr. Robert Erwin
  61. Miss Ruth Ewing
  62. Miss Eleanor Ferguson
  63. Miss Sarah Fields
  64. Mr. Michael Fitzsimmons
  65. Mrs. M. Fitzsimmons
  66. Miss Margaret Flanagan
  67. Miss Margaret Flanagan
  68. Mrs. Rose Fraser
  69. Mrs. Joan Kay
  70. Miss Ruby A. B. Fyfe
  71. Miss Margaret Kearny
  72. Miss Elizabeth Keir
  73. Mr. John Kelligher
  74. Mrs. Isabel Kennedy
  75. Miss Sarah Gallacher
  76. Mrs. Jean Keyser
  77. Mrs. Hannah Gardiner
  78. Mrs. Margaret Kinnear
  79. Mr. Joseph C. Gardiner
  80. Miss Margaret Glynn
  81. Mr. Thos. G. Goldie
  82. Mrs. Janet Goldie
  83. Mrs. Bella Laing
  84. Miss Margaret Gow
  85. Miss Winifred K. Laing
  86. Mr. John C. Grant
  87. Mr. Lawton
  88. Mr. William L. Grant
  89. Mr. Martin Leonard
  90. Mrs. Anne Gray
  91. Mrs. Margaret Leonard
  92. Mrs. Barbara Gray
  93. Miss Anna Leonard
  94. Miss Isabella Gray
  95. Master John Leonard
  96. Miss Elsie Gray
  97. Mrs. Catherine Leyland
  98. Miss Margaret Hamilton
  99. Mr. Herbert Harvey
  100. Mr. Henry Hassel
  101. Miss Helen Healy
  102. Miss Mary Healy
  103. Mrs. Ellen Hendren
  104. Miss Agnes Hendry
  105. Miss Elizabeth Herald
  106. Miss Marjory Heron
  107. Mr. Edward Higginson
  108. Mrs. E. Higginson
  109. Master Theodore Higginson
  110. Miss J. Hobbs
  111. Mrs. Elizabeth Hood
  112. Mrs. Mary Hutchison
  113. Rev. John Hyland
  114. Rev. William Hyland
  115. Miss Elizabeth Joiner
  116. Mr. John Jolly
  117. Mrs. Jeanie McBean
  118. Mr. Edward McCabe
  119. Mrs. McCabe
  120. Miss Catherine McCabe
  121. Miss Rose Mary McCaffrey
  122. Miss Katherine McCallum
  123. Mr. Peter McCarthy
  124. Mrs. P. McCarthy
  125. Miss Hannah McCourt
  126. Mr. Peter McDade
  127. Mrs. Beatrice McDade
  128. Master Peter McDade
  129. Miss Beatrice McDade
  130. Miss K. MacDermott
  131. Mrs. S. McDonagh
  132. Mrs. H. McDonagh
  133. Mr. Alexander Mackenzie
  134. Miss Madeline Mackenzie
  135. Miss Margaret McKinnon
  136. Mrs. Rose McLachlan
  137. Miss Leila McNeill
  138. Mr. John McNicoll
  139. Mrs. M. McPartland
  140. Mrs. Isabella McPherson
  141. Master James McPherson
  142. Miss Annie McQueen
  143. Miss Mary McTaggart
  144. Mr. Timothy McVeety
  145. Mr. Vincent McVeety
  146. Miss Rose Ann McVeety
  147. Dr. Patrick Magner
  148. Miss Elsie A. Main
  149. Mrs. Mark
  150. Miss Susan Martin
  151. Miss Mary Meany
  152. Miss Janie Merrilees
  153. Mr. Alexander Mitchell
  154. Mr. John Mitchell
  155. Miss A. Molloy
  156. Miss Mary Molloy
  157. Miss S. Moody
  158. Dr. W. T. Morgan
  159. Miss Lenore Morgan
  160. Mrs. Christina Morrison
  161. Miss Chris Morrison
  162. Mrs. Janet Morrison
  163. Master William Morrison
  164. Miss Jeanette Morrison
  165. Miss Maud Morrow
  166. Mrs. Mary Morton
  167. Miss Margaret Muldoon
  168. Miss C. Mulligan
  169. Mr. William Murray
  170. Mrs. Helen Mylod
  171. Miss Amelia Napier
  172. Mrs. Flora Nichol
  173. Mr. Robert Nicoll
  174. Mr. John Nolan
  175. Miss B. O'Hara
  176. Miss N. O'Hara
  177. Miss M. O'Leary
  178. Mrs. A. Oakley
  179. Miss Mary M. Orr
  180. Miss K. Padian
  181. Mrs. Elizabeth Park
  182. Miss Jane B. Peat
  183. Mr. Luis N. Ponce
  184. Mr. William Porter
  185. Mrs. W. Porter
  186. Miss Lillias Powrie
  187. Miss M. Quinn
  188. Mrs. R. E. Reardon
  189. Miss Barbara Reid
  190. Mrs. Margaret Reid
  191. Miss Jessie Reid
  192. Mrs. Margaret Reid
  193. Miss Sophe Rhame
  194. Mr. Alexander Rhind
  195. Mrs. Rhind
  196. Miss Violet Robertson
  197. Mrs. Annie Ross
  198. Miss Mary Sandidge
  199. Miss C. A. Scally
  200. Mr. James Scrimgeour
  201. Mrs. Scrimgeour
  202. Miss Christina G. Sinclair
  203. Miss Annie Smith
  204. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith
  205. Mr. James Smith
  206. Miss Jane W. Smith
  207. Mrs. Violet Smith
  208. Master George Smith
  209. Mr. Frank Smithies
  210. Miss Susan Snell
  211. Miss Edith Speed
  212. Miss Elizabeth Speed
  213. Mr. Francis Spence
  214. Mrs. Gertrude Steele
  215. Miss Margaret A. Steele
  216. Mr. Norman A. Steele
  217. Mrs. Janet Stocks
  218. Miss Jeanie A. Stocks
  219. Miss Janet B. Stocks
  220. Miss Harriet Stuart
  221. Miss Dorothy Taylor
  222. Miss Marjorie Thompson
  223. Miss Jean Thompson
  224. Miss Sarah Thompson
  225. Mr. Andrew C. Turner
  226. Mrs. Alice Turner
  227. Miss Naomi Udinsky
  228. Miss Annie Vass
  229. Miss Kate Waddell
  230. Miss W. Walsh
  231. Mr. John Warriner
  232. Mrs. Elizabeth Watson
  233. Mrs. Ethel E. Watson
  234. Mrs. Joan P. Watson
  235. Miss W. Whelehan
  236. Master Edward Whelehan
  237. Mrs. M. Willie
  238. Master Louis Willie
  239. Miss Elspeth Wilson
  240. Mrs. Jeannie Wilson
  241. Miss Winie Workman
  242. Mrs. Mary Young


Information for Passengers


  • Breakfast, 8:00 am to 10:00 am;
  • Luncheon, 1:00 pm;
  • Dinner, 7:00 pm

When two sittings are necessary, meals will be served as follows :-

  • Breakfast, 8:00 am to 10:00 am;
  • Lunch, First sitting, 12:30 pm; Second sitting, 1:30 pm
  • Dinner, First sitting, 6:15 pm; Second sitting, 7:30 pm

Children's Meals —

  • Breakfast, 9:00 am;
  • Dinner, noon;
  • Tea, 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Passengers may reserve seats at table for the voyage on application to the Chief Steward.

Boat Muster and Fire Stations for Passengers.—A muster of Passengers will be held as soon as possible after leaving port, and in the interests of discipline all Passengers are requested to attend.

Lifebelts must not be removed from staterooms, except in cases of extreme danger and for official Boat Muster.

Divine Service will be held, weather permitting, on Sunday morning. Requisites are provided for the celebration of Mass. Episcopalian and Anglican clergy may, on applying to the Purser, have the use of plate and linen for the purpose of holding Communion.

Additional Passage Money or Freight paid on board. —Passengers should obtain official receipt on the Company's form.

Baggage.—Enquiries regarding baggage on board ship should be addressed to the Baggage-Master.

To facilitate examination and identification of baggage on landing, all packages should have an official label affixed. These labels are supplied on board on application to Bedroom Steward.

Wardrobe Trunks.—The attention of Passengers is called to the fact that the steamer has a Baggage Room where trunks may be stored during the voyage. It is not always possible to have large wardrobe trunks placed in an accessible position in passenger staterooms.

Storage.—The Company will undertake to store steamer trunks belonging to Passengers at owner's risk until they are required for returning. Trunks should have owner's name printed on them, and they will not be re-shipped without instructions being sent to Baggage Master, Anchor Line, Yorkhill Quay, Glasgow. A description of the articles should be given, also name of steamer from which they were landed and date. No charge for storage is made if the owners return by the Company's vessels. If trunks are forwarded by rail this is done at owner's risk and expense.

Kiosk.—Passengers can obtain confectionery, fruit, toys, souvenirs, novels, postage stamps, etc., in the Kiosk.

Barber's Shop.—There is a fully equipped barber's shop on board for the convenience of Passengers.

Clothes Pressing.—Application should be made to the Barber, from whom rates and other particulars can be obtained.

Ladies' Hairdresser and Manicurist.—There is a well-appointed Ladies' Hairdresser and Manicurist's shop on board. For convenience appointments may be arranged.

Changes in Accommodation.—The Purser alone is authorized to make changes in accommodation and may only do so on payment of any difference in fare which may be required according to Company's tariffs.

Information.—If Passengers are in doubt on any point appertaining to their ocean voyage, or railroad journey, they are advised to consult the Purser.

Landing Cards.—Passengers must obtain from the Purser a Landing Card. The hours at which these cards are obtainable will be posted on notice board. It should be noted that before leaving the vessel the holder must present this landing card to an Immigrant Inspector for endorsement.

The Anchor Line News, containing the latest news by wireless and closing prices on the various Stock Exchanges, is published on board and distributed free to Passengers at breakfast time during the voyage.

Library.—Library books may be obtained on application to the Librarian. The books are issued free of charge.

Deck Chairs, Rugs and Cushions are available for hire and may be obtained on application to the Deck Steward.

Port-Holes.—Passengers are requested not to open the ports. The Stewards will do this whenever practicable.

Dogs and Cats.—Passengers are notified that dogs and Cats should be handed over to the livestock attendant on board and are not allowed in Staterooms, Public Rooms, or on Passenger Decks.

Dogs and Cats cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a licence has been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of licence and particulars of quarantine period can be obtained by direct application to the Department before the animal is taken on board. Dogs and Cats can only be carried by special arrangement being made with the Company prior to embarkation.

Postage Stamps are on sale at Writing Rooms and Kiosks. A notice will be displayed stating the latest time for posting mail matter on board.

British stamps must be used for correspondence posted on the High Seas. Rates :—Letters to United Kingdom and United States of America, 10. for the first ounce and ld. for each additional ounce. Postcards, 11d. each.

Redirection of Mail.—Passengers who expect letters or parcels to be delivered to the ship after they have disembarked should leave their full names and addresses at the Bureau in order that their mail may be forwarded to them.

Railway and Steamer Time Tables may be consulted on application to the Purser.

Recovery of U.S. Head Tax.—Refund of Head Tax can be obtained provided Passengers have complied with the following conditions:—

  1. Inform the U.S. Immigration Inspector on arrival that it is their intention to leave the United States within 60 days, and obtain from the Inspector " Head Tax Refund Certificate " (Form 514)
  2. When leaving the United States to have the departure certified on Form 514 by the Purser of the vessel or by the conductor of the train upon which the departure takes place

Return Bookings.—The Purser and his staff will at all times be pleased to assist Passengers to arrange their return passages.

Smoking.—Passengers are requested to be carefulrwhen smoking on deck to see that cigarettes and cigars are extinguished before being thrown away. Children are not allowed in the Smoking Room.

The Surgeon is authorized to make the following charges for his services :—

  • Cabin Class.- 5/- for the first visit and 2/6 per visit thereafter.
  • Tourist Class.- 2/6 per visit.

In the case of sea-sickness or the consequences thereof, no charge will be made. In all cases medicines are provided by the Company free of charge.

Nurse—A trained and qualified hospital Nurse is carried. Her services, under the direction of the Surgeon, are at the disposal of Passengers.

Valuables.—Money or valuables should not be exposed in staterooms. For the convenience of Passengers the Company has provided a safe in the Purser's Office in which money, jewels, ornaments, documents, or other valuables may be deposited by Passengers. A receipt for any articles so deposited will be issued by the Purser, but the Company does not, having regard to the ticket conditions and to the provisions of Section 502 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, and of Section 4281 of the revised Statutes of the United States, accept any responsibility for the safe custody of any such articles.

Passengers are warned that they should not on any account part with money or valuables to any persons representing themselves as members of the ship's staff.

Money Exchange.—Facilities are available on Steamers for Passengers to change sterling and American currency at favourable rates.

Intimation will be made on the notice boards when transactions may be effected.

In their own interests Passengers should obtain an Exchange Voucher on the Company's Printed Form for each transaction.

Cheques.—Passengers are respectfully informed that the Purser is not authorized to accept private cheques.

Complaints of incivility, carelessness or inattention on the part of any of the ship's staff should be immediately reported to the Purser or Chief Steward, and failing satisfaction to the Captain.


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