TSS Columbia Passenger List - 4 October 1924


Front Cover, Cabin Passenger List from the TSS Columbia of the Anchor Steamship Line, Departing 4 October 1924 from Glasgow to New York via Moville.

Front Cover, Cabin Passenger List from the TSS Columbia of the Anchor Steamship Line, Departing 4 October 1924 from Glasgow to New York via Moville, Commanded by Captain William Gemmell. GGA Image ID # 20d058d37e


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain William Gemmell
  2. Chief Officer: Thos. W. Hawley
  3. Chief Engineer: Matt. Nairn
  4. Surgeon: D. Murphy
  5. Purser: A. MacGillivray
  6. Chief Steward: G. Morrison


Cabin Passengers


▓▓▓ "A" ▓▓▓

  1. Mr. Herbert Abernathey


▓▓▓ "B" ▓▓▓

  1. Miss Jean Bankier
  2. Miss Mary Bankier
  3. Mr. David Barr
  4. Mrs. Agnes Barr
  5. Miss Mary Barron
  6. Miss C. Beaton
  7. Miss Sarah Berryman
  8. Miss Isabella Beyea
  9. Miss Jessie Black
  10. Miss Catherine K. Black
  11. Mr. I. M. Blair
  12. Miss Hannah Boyce
  13. Miss Anna Boyle
  14. Miss Jeannie Boyle
  15. Miss Jeannie Boyle
  16. Miss Mary Boyle
  17. Mr. Joseph Bradley
  1. Mr. P. Bradley
  2. Miss Sarah Bradley
  3. Mr. C. Bradley
  4. Mrs. Bradley
  5. Miss Anna Bradley
  6. Miss Eliza Bradley
  7.  Miss Sarah Brogan
  8. Mrs. Margaret Brown
  9. Miss Margaret Brown
  10. Master Ebenezer Brown
  11. Mrs. Jane M. Brown
  12. Miss Isabel Brown
  13. Miss Christian Buchanan
  14. Mrs. P. Burns
  15. Miss Bridget Byrne
  16. Miss Sarah Byrne


▓▓▓ "C" ▓▓▓

  1. Miss Catherine Cahill
  2. Mrs. Nellie Cameron
  3. Miss Christina Cameron
  4. Miss Minnie Campbell
  5. Miss Nellie Canning
  6. Miss Mary Cannon
  7. Mr. George Carr
  8. Mrs. Carr
  9. Miss Elizabeth Carr
  10. Mrs. Elizabeth Cheatham
  11. Miss Arline Cheatham
  12. Master V. Cheatham
  13. Master Robert Cheatham
  14. Mrs. Annie Christie
  15. Mrs. Elizabeth D. Clarkin
  16. Mr. Lyle Classon Mrs. Classon
  17. Mr. John Collins
  18. Miss A. Colquhoun
  19. Mrs. Elizabeth Connolly
  20. Miss Mary Connolly
  1. Miss Marion H. Coulson
  2. Miss J. Craig
  3. Mrs. Emily Craig
  4. Master Ernest Craig
  5. Mr. James Craig
  6. Mrs. Agnes Craig
  7. Miss Anne Craig
  8. Mr. Thomas Craig
  9. Miss Mary Craig
  10. Miss Agnes Craig
  11. Master George Craig
  12. Mr. James Crawford
  13. Mrs. Crawford
  14. Miss Catherine Crawford
  15. Mrs. Mae Creamer
  16. Mr. George Cruickshank
  17. Miss Elizabeth Cullen
  18. Mrs. Catherine Cunningham
  19. Miss Frances Cunningham


▓▓▓ "D" ▓▓▓

  1. Miss Margaret Davison
  2. Mr. Charles Deland
  3. Miss J. Dodd
  4. Mrs. Jennie Dolan
  5. Master Donald Dolan
  6. Master Francis Dolan
  7. Master Joseph Dolan
  8. Miss M. Dorman
  9. Miss Nora Dugan
  10. Mrs. Jane Duncan
  11. Mrs. Agnes Duncan
  1. Mr. Hugh C. Dunn
  2. Mrs. Dunn
  3. Mrs. Margaret Dunn
  4. Mrs. Annie Dunsmuir
  5. Master David Dunsmuir
  6. Miss Theresa Dunsmuir
  7. Master John Dunsmuir
  8. Mr. Patrick Durning
  9. Mr. Thomas F. Durning
  10. Mrs. Mary J. Durning


▓▓▓ "E" ▓▓▓

  1. Miss Annie Early


▓▓▓ "F" ▓▓▓

  1. Miss Annie Flick
  2. Miss Anna Flynn
  3. Miss Elizabeth Flynn
  4. Miss Mary Fox
  5. Mrs. Christine M. Fraser
  6. Miss Nettie Fyfe
  1. Mrs. Helen Fenwick
  2. Miss Helen Fenwick
  3. Mrs. Jane G. L. Ferguson
  4. Mrs. J. Finn
  5. Miss Margaret Fitzpatrick
  6. Mrs. Agnes Flick


▓▓▓ "G" ▓▓▓

  1. Miss Johan Garden
  2. Mrs. Mary Garden
  3. Mrs. Mary Gibson
  4. Master William Gibson
  5. Miss M. Gibson
  6. Mr. John F. Gilchrist
  7. Mrs. Gilchrist And Infant
  8. Master Thomas Gilchrist
  9. Miss Rosemary Gilchrist
  10. Miss Kathleen Gilchrist
  11. Mr. Henry R. Gillespie
  12. Mrs. Gillespie
  1. Mrs. Sarah Gillespie
  2. Miss Winifred Gilmartin
  3. Miss Janet C. Glass
  4. Mr. Neil Glass
  5. Mrs. Glass
  6. Master Richard Glass
  7. Master Neil Glass
  8. Mr. P. Glennon
  9. Mrs. Glennon
  10. Miss Margaret Glennon
  11. Miss Anna Glennon
  12. Miss Bridget Gormley


▓▓▓ "H" ▓▓▓

  1. Mrs. Margaret Hanley
  2. Miss Mary Haney
  3. Mr. Manus Harkin
  4. Miss Maggie Harvey
  5. Mr. Neil Harvey
  6. Mr. David Hay
  7. Mrs. Janet F. Heaney
  8. Master Edward Heaney
  9. Miss Isabella Heaney
  10. Master Owen Heaney
  11. Mr. Joseph F. D. Heath
  12. Mrs. Susie G. Heath
  1. Miss Cynthia M. L. Heath
  2. Mrs. Agnes Hendry
  3. Miss Agnes Hendry
  4. Mrs. Mary Henry
  5. Miss Elizabeth Henry
  6. Master Samuel Henry
  7. Mr. Francis J. Henry
  8. Mrs. Agnes King Herd
  9. Miss Jean Ewing Herd
  10. Miss Mary J. Higgins
  11. Miss Louise V. Higgs
  12. Mrs. Ann Hislop


▓▓▓ "I" ▓▓▓

  1. Mrs. Susan Innés


▓▓▓ "J" ▓▓▓

  1. Miss Ethel Jackson
  2. Miss Lily Jamieson
  3. Miss Helen D. Janes
  1. Miss F. Jones
  2. Miss R. Jones


▓▓▓ "K" ▓▓▓

  1. Mrs. Mary Keating
  2. Master Maurice Keating
  3. Miss Annie Keenan
  4. Mrs. Alexander Kemp
  5. Miss Betty Kemp
  6. Mrs. Jeanie Kerr
  1. Miss Mary Kerr
  2. Master John Kerr
  3. Miss Agnes Kerr
  4. Mr. James Kidd
  5. Mr. James M. Knox


▓▓▓ "L" ▓▓▓

  1. Mrs. Mary Lackin
  2. Mrs. Margaret Lake
  3. Miss May Lake
  4. Miss Roberta Lake
  5. Mr. David Lambert
  6. Miss Alice Law
  7. Mr. John Lawson
  8. Miss Margaret Leyden
  1. Miss Maggie A. Little
  2. Miss Edith Lofthouse
  3. Mrs. Jean Lowe
  4. Miss Muriel Lowe
  5. Miss Jean Lowe
  6. Mrs. Catherine Lynagh
  7. Mrs. Sarah C. Lynch


▓▓▓ "Mc/Mac" ▓▓▓

  1. Miss Madge McBride
  2. Miss Susan McCabe
  3. Miss Bridget A. McCall
  4. Miss Catherine McCall
  5. Miss Madge McCarry
  6. Mr. John McCloy
  7. Miss Anna McCole
  8. Mr. James McCrindle
  9. Mrs. Elizabeth McCrindle
  10. Mr. K. MacDonald
  11. Miss B. F. MacDonald
  12. Mr. Joseph McFadden
  13. Mrs. Catherine McFadden
  14. Mr. John McFarlane
  15. Mrs. Isabelle MacGowan
  16. Miss. Bridget McGurk
  17. Miss Delia M'Hugh
  18. Miss Katie McHugh
  19. Mr. James P. McHugh
  20. Mrs. McHugh
  21. Mrs. Helen McIntosh
  22. Miss Margaret McIntosh
  23. Master Russell McIntosh
  1. Mrs. Grace McIntyre And Infant
  2. Mrs. Annie McKenzie
  3. Miss Elizabeth McKnight
  4. Mr. Thomas McLay
  5. Mr. Charles McLean
  6. Mrs. Annie McLernon
  7. Miss Alice McMenamin
  8. Mrs. Mary McMillan
  9. Miss Doris McMillan
  10. Miss Rose McNamee
  11. Miss Annie McNelis
  12. Mrs. E. McPhee
  13. Master Arthur McPhee
  14. Master John McPhee
  15. Master Samuel McPhee
  16. Miss Elizabeth McPhee
  17. Miss Jane Macrae
  18. Mrs. Annie McTaggart
  19. Miss Agnes McTaggart
  20. Mr. John McWilliams
  21. Mrs. McWilliams
  22. Mr. Hugh McWilliams


▓▓▓ "M" ▓▓▓

  1. Mrs. Elizabeth Maitland
  2. Miss Marion Maitland
  3. Miss Margaret Maitland
  4. Mrs. Jessie Manning
  5. Mr. Andrew Manson
  6. Mrs. Manson
  7. Miss Elizabeth Manson
  8. Master Alexander Manson
  9. Master Andrew Manson
  10. Mrs. Sarah Maskrey
  11. Dr. P. B. Maskrey
  12. Mr. A. J. Maskrey
  13. Mrs. E. Mathews
  14. Miss Mary Mathews
  15. Master David Mathews
  16. Mrs. J. Melville
  17. Mrs. Edith Michie
  18. Miss Clara Michie
  19. Mr. Herbert C. Miller
  20. Mr. Peter Milligan
  21. Miss Euphemia Mitchell
  22. Miss Agnes Moore
  23. Mrs. Morrison
  1. Miss Elizabeth Morrison
  2. Master George Morrison
  3. Miss E. Morrison
  4. Mr. James Morrow
  5. Mrs. Morrow
  6. Mrs. J. Muir
  7. Miss Mary E. Mullen
  8. Mrs. Jean Muncie
  9. Mr. Alexander Muncie
  10. Mrs. Jessie Munro
  11. Miss Margaret Munro
  12. Miss Jessie Munro
  13. Mr. George Munroe
  14. Mrs. Essie Munroe
  15. Master James Munroe
  16. Mrs. Ellen Murphy
  17. Miss Mary Ann Murphy
  18. Mrs. Jennie Murphy
  19. Miss Angela Murphy
  20. Miss Eileen Murphy
  21. Master John Murphy
  22. Miss Janie Murray


▓▓▓ "N" ▓▓▓

  1. Mrs. Jessie Neilson
  2. Master Alexander Neilson
  3. Mr. John Neilson
  4. Mrs. Nelson
  1. Master William Nelson
  2. Master Alexander Nelson
  3. Master James Nelson
  4. Miss Agnes Nimmo


▓▓▓ "O" ▓▓▓

  1. Miss Bessie O'Brien
  2. Miss Ellen O'Brien
  3. Miss Catherine O'Bryne
  4. Miss Bridget O'Donnell
  5. Miss Fannie O'Donnell
  6. Mr. James O'Hanlon
  7. Mrs. Mary F. O'Neill
  1. Miss Doreen O'Neill
  2. Miss Eileen O'Neill
  3. Miss Helen O'Neill
  4. Mr. Aikman Ogg
  5. Mrs. Agnes S. Ogilvie
  6. Mrs. Margaret Oribin
  7. Master Thomas C. Oribin


▓▓▓ "P" ▓▓▓

  1. Mrs. Park
  2. Master John Park
  3. Mrs. Isabella D. Paton
  4. Mr. John Paton
  5. Miss Mary Paton
  6. Miss Jeanie Peacock
  7. Master Henry Perry
  8. Mr. John Philips
  9. Mrs. Agnes Philips
  10. Miss Agnes Philips
  11. Miss Lizzie Philips
  12. Master Archie Philips
  13. Mrs. Janet Pieraets
  14. Mr. S. Poisson
  15. Mrs. Mary Porter
  1. Miss Annie Porter
  2. Master Robert Porter
  3. Mrs. Christina Kerr Porter
  4. Master Ronald Porter
  5. Miss Sarah Porter
  6. Mrs. Elizabeth Provan
  7. Master James Provan
  8. Miss Margaret Pro van
  9. Miss Mary Provan
  10. Mr. John Pro van
  11. Mrs. Jean Purvis
  12. Miss Barbara Purvis
  13. Master William Purvis
  14. Miss Jean Purvis


▓▓▓ "Q" ▓▓▓

  1. Miss Ellen Quigley
  2. Mrs. Mary J. Quinn
  1. Miss Mary Quinn
  2. Miss Maggie Quinn


▓▓▓ "R" ▓▓▓

  1. Mr. I. Ragnars
  2. Mr. James Ramshaw
  3. Miss Mary Rankin
  4. Miss Winifred P. Rasmussen
  5. Miss Maggie Rawdon
  6. Miss Margaret Reid
  7. Mrs. Euphemia Rice
  8. Miss Shirley Rice
  9. Miss Elizabeth Richardson
  1. Mr. Ronald Robb
  2. Mrs. Robb
  3. Miss Edith Rose
  4. Mr. Walter Ross
  5. Mrs. Jane Roy
  6. Miss Jeannie B. Roy
  7. Miss Mary Roy
  8. Master William Roy


▓▓▓ "S" ▓▓▓

  1. Mrs. Sarah Samson
  2. Master Robert Samson
  3. Master George Samson
  4. Miss Jeanie M. Shaw
  5. Mr. Denis Shields
  6. Miss Ethel Simpson
  7. Mrs. Agnes Smith
  8. Master John Smith
  1. Mrs. M. F. Somerville
  2. Miss J. J. Somerville
  3. Mr. George Spiers
  4. Mrs. Robina W. Spiers
  5. Mr. David Sterritt
  6. Mr. John Sweeney
  7. Mrs. Bridget Sweeney And Infant


▓▓▓ "T" ▓▓▓

  1. Mr. William Thompson
  2. Mr. William Thomson
  1. Mrs. Thomson
  2. Miss Nellie Traynor


▓▓▓ "W" ▓▓▓

  1. Mrs. J. Walker
  2. Mrs. Charles T. Wallsley
  3. Mr. William Ward
  4. Mrs. Margaret Watt
  5. Miss Frances White
  1. Mrs. Mary Williamson
  2. Mr. Robert Williamson
  3. Mr. William Wilson
  4. Mrs. Wilson


▓▓▓ "Y" ▓▓▓

  1. Miss Anna S. Young


Information For Passengers

Additional Passage Money or Freight paid on board—passengers should obtain a receipt on the Company's form for such disbursements.

Baggage. —Enquiries regarding baggage on board ship should be addressed to the Second Steward. Trunks, Wraps, etc., will be stored and re-shipped by the Company for the return voyage.

To facilitate examination and identification of baggage on landing, all packages should have an official label affixed; these labels are supplied on board on application.

Baggage Insurance. —Passengers are recommended to ensure their baggage, as, in the event of loss or damage, the Company cannot accept liability beyond the limit specified on the Steamer Contract Tickets. Rates and particulars on application.

The bar closes at 11 p.m.

Barber's Shop. —Barber's shop is situated on board for the convenience of passengers. The barber will attend to the ladies by appointment.

Clothes Pressing. —Application should be made to the Barber, from whom rates, and other particulars can be obtained.

Complaints. —Complaints of incivility, carelessness, or inattention on the part of any of the ship's staff should be immediately reported to the Commander.

Confectionery and Souvenirs. —Confectionery and Souvenirs are on sale at reasonable prices on application to the Deck Steward.

Copyrighted books and music are forbidden and will be confiscated by customs authorities.

Deck Chairs and Rugs may be hired for the voyage at the Company's offices or from the Deck Steward. A printed receipt is to be obtained by passengers for this hire.

Divine Service may be held in the Saloon (weather permitting) every Sunday between 11 and 12 noon.

Dogs. —Returning passengers are notified that Dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. License forms can only be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board.

Dogs can only be carried by special arrangements made with the Company before embarkation. Whilst on board, they are not permitted in public rooms or staterooms.

Drafts are issued, free of charge, payable in currency at any of the Offices of the Company in the United States and Canada, and similarly, drafts are issued in the United States and Canada payable at any of the Company's Offices in the United Kingdom in sterling or at the Company's Offices in Europe in the currency of the country on which they are drawn.

Library. —Library Books may be obtained on application to the Deck Steward.

Lights are on in the Saloon until 11 p.m. and in public rooms until 11:30 p.m.

Lifebelts. —Lifebelts must not be removed from staterooms except in extreme danger and necessity cases.


  • Breakfast, 8 to 10 a.m.
  • Lunch, 1 p.m.
  • Dinner 7:30 p.m.


When two sittings are necessary, meals will be served as follows:

  • Breakfast, 8 to 10 a.m.
  • Lunch, 1st sitting, 12:30 p.m.
  • Lunch, 2nd sitting, 1:30 p.m.
  • Dinner, 1st sitting, 6:15 p.m.
  • Dinner, 2nd sitting, 7:30 p.m.


Passengers may reserve seats at the table for the voyage on application to the chief steward. Meals cannot be served in cabins or on deck without the surgeon's permission.

Children's Meals—

  • Breakfast, 9 a.m.;
  • Dinner, noon;
  • Tea, 5 to 6 p.m.

Ports. —Passengers are requested not to open the ports. The Stewards will do this whenever practicable.

Recovery of U.S. Head Tax. —Passengers can recover this tax if the same has been paid, provided they inform the U.S. Immigration Inspector on arrival at New York of their intention to leave the United States within sixty days (the time prescribed by U.S. Law) and obtain Transit Certificate Form 514 from him.

It is also necessary for Transit Certificate Form 514 to be handed to the transportation company when completed, in time to allow the same to be placed before the Immigration Authorities in Washington within one hundred and twenty days of the Passenger's arrival in the United States.

Unless this regulation is complied with, the Tax cannot be recovered.

Railway Timetables may be consulted on application to the Music-Room Steward.

Smoking. —Smoking in saloons and staterooms is strictly prohibited. Children are not allowed in the Smoke- room. Cigarette smokers are requested to be careful when smoking on deck to see that cigarettes are extinguished before being thrown away.

Storage. —The Company will store Deck Chairs and Steamer Trunks belonging to passengers at the owner's risk until they are required when returning. Chairs and Trunks should have the owner's name painted on them, and they will not be re-shipped without instructions being sent to Baggage Master, Anchor Line, Yorkhill Quay, Glasgow, or in the case of Italian Ports, care of Anchor Line, Genoa, or Anchor Line, Naples.

A description of the articles should be given, as well as the name of the steamer from which they were landed and the date. No shawls, rugs, &c., to be attached to Chairs. No charge for storage is made if the owners return by the Company's vessels. If Chairs or Trunks are forwarded by rail this is done at owner's risk and expense.

Table-Seating. —The Chief Steward has the arrangement of table-seating.

Telegrams and Letters for despatch should be handed in at Purser's 'Office and fully prepaid before arriving at Port. The time of acceptance of same will be intimated at Purser's Office.

Telegraph Forms and Postage Stamps can be had from the Writing-Room Stewards.

The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject to the captain's approval, for treating Saloon Passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness contracted on board, no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free.

Through Booking to Gibraltar, Egypt, and India. —The Anchor Line Steamers engaged in this service have excellent saloon accommodation. Full particulars as to Fares, etc., on application.

Tobacco, Spirits, etc.—Tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, wines, spirits, and perfumery are liable to duty on being brought into the United Kingdom, and the smallest quantities should be declared to the Customs authorities.

Valuables. —Money or valuables should not be exposed in staterooms. The Company will not be responsible for articles lost or stolen. Valuables may be deposited in the ship's safe, under the care of the Purser, free of charge.

Passengers are warned that they should not on any account with money or valuables to any persons representing themselves as members of the ship's staff.

Wines. —It is requested that Wines be ordered one hour before meals so that they may be cooled and ready for use.

Wireless Telegraphy. —Wireless Telegraphy messages should be handed to the Purser for transmission.


Title Page with Listing of Senior Officers and Staff. TSS Columbia Cabin Passenger List, 4 October 1924.

Title Page with Listing of Senior Officers and Staff. TSS Columbia Cabin Passenger List, 4 October 1924. GGA Image ID # 20d062be8c


Anchor Steamship Line Services, 1924.

Anchor Steamship Line Services, 1924. TSS Columbia Cabin Passenger List, 4 October 1924. GGA Image ID # 20d10dbd2a


Anchor Steamship Line Fleet, 1924.

Anchor Steamship Line Fleet, 1924. TSS Columbia Cabin Passenger List, 4 October 1924. GGA Image ID # 20d111798c


Time at Sea and Ocean Distances - Glasgow to New York.

Time at Sea and Ocean Distances - Glasgow to New York. TSS Columbia Cabin Passenger List, 4 October 1924. GGA Image ID # 20d11ca323


Marconi Wireless Telegraph System Including Ocean Letters, 1924.

Marconi Wireless Telegraph System Including Ocean Letters, 1924. TSS Columbia Cabin Passenger List, 4 October 1924. GGA Image ID # 20d13c4809


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