SS Columbia Passenger List 23 August 1923
Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List for the TSS Columbia of the Anchor Line, Departing Thursday, 23 August 1923 from Glasgow to New York via Moville, Commanded by Captain G. B. Kelly. GGA Image ID # 17309cef95
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain G. B. Kelly
- Chief Officer Frank Henderson
- Chief Engineer Alex Denholm
- Surgeon D. Murphy
- Purser A. MacCillivray
- Chief Steward ? Morrison
List of Cabin Passengers
- Miss Georgie Adams
- Miss Agnes C. Adamson
- Mr. William J. Allan
- Mr. Joseph Allan
- Mrs. Allan
- Mrs. H. L. Allan
- Miss Harriet E. B. Alexander
- Mr. Thomas Anderson
- Mrs. Elizabeth Banne
- Miss Jane Balfour
- Mrs. Bartlett
- Miss Mary Barth
- Mr. Sam Beanland
- Mrs. Isa Beanland
- Miss Katherine Benneti
- Miss Emma Bevens
- Mrs. Mary Biggs
- Mr. J. Black
- Mrs. M. Boone
- Master George Boone
- Mr. James M. Boyd
- Mr. William Boyd
- Miss Marguerit Boysen
- Mrs. Jessie Brander
- Master Alexander Brander
- Mr. David Brown
- Mrs. Brown
- Mr. George F. H. Brown
- Mrs. Brown
- Mr. Matthew Brown
- Mrs. Cath. Brown
- Mr. William Bruce
- Mr. Henry Bruckner
- Mrs. Margaret Buchanan
- T. Buchanan
- Mrs. Margaret J. Buchanan
- Miss Georgina Buchanan
- Miss S. Butterfield
- Miss Elizabeth Byrne
- Master Patrick Byrne
- Miss Ellen Byrne
- Mr. John Calder
- Miss J. Cameron
- Miss Annie E. Cameron
- Mr. Archibald Campbell
- Mrs. Frances Campbell
- Miss Iva Campbell
- Mr. Frederick Campbell
- Mr. James Campbell
- Mr. Christopher T. Can:ken
- Miss M. Carr
- Mrs. Mary J. Cassidy
- Mrs. Marion Cauley
- Miss Jane Christie
- Mrs. C. Clancy
- Mrs. E. J. Clark
- Miss E. J. Clark
- Mr. Peter B. Clark
- Mr. James Clark
- Mrs. Margaret Clark
- Miss Ellen Clarkin
- Miss Christina Clarkson
- Mrs. J. Connolly
- Mrs. Susan Connolly And Infant
- Mrs. Mario
- Mrs. Letitia
- Miss Elizabeth
- Mr. James Craig
- Mr. Matthew Craig
- Mr. John J. Craig
- Miss Janetta Cranstoun
- Mr. W. L. Crawford
- Mrs. Crawford
- Mr. James Crawford
- Mr. John C. Crighton
- Miss Frances Crombie
- Miss Alice Curtis
- Miss Ethel Daly
- Mr. William Davidson
- Mrs. Margaret Davidson And 2 Children
- Mr. William Dick
- Mr. John Dickson
- Mr. Alexander Docherty
- Mr. Thomas Docherty
- Mrs. Docherty
- Master Thomas Docherty
- Master Michael Docherty
- Master Daniel Docherty
- Master James Docherty
- Mr. Thomas Doherty
- Mrs. Winnie B. Doherty
- Miss Mary B. Doherty
- Miss Mary Donoghue
- Miss Agnes Duff
- Mr. Edward Duggan
- Mrs. Duggan
- Master A. Duncan
- Master Alexander Duncan
- Master William Duncan
- Mr. Robert Dundas
- Mrs. Dundas
- Miss A. Dunclas
- Mr. John Dunlop
- Mrs. Jeanie Dunn
- Mrs. Margaret Dunn
- Mr. J. D. Dunsmore
- Mr. Robert Dunsmore
- Mr. F. E. Emmons
- Mrs. Emmons
- Mr. Archibald B. Erskine
- Mrs. Erskine
- Mr. Joseph A. Esplin
- Dr. Beatrice C. Fairchild
- Mr. Robert Ferguson
- Miss Katherine Ferguson
- Mr. William Fergusson
- Mrs. Fergusson
- Master James Fergusson
- Master Douglas Fergusson
- Master William Fergusson
- Master Edward Fergusson
- Master John Fergusson
- Mr. John Ferguson
- Mrs. Ferguson
- Master James Ferguson
- Master Donald Ferguson
- Mr. James Ferguson
- Miss Mary Firth
- Mr. John Van Fleet
- Mrs. Minnie Van Fleet
- Mrs. Minnie Fletcher
- Master Alexander Fletcher
- Miss Eiltfn Fletcher
- Mrs. Anna L. Fowler
- Miss Mary Fowler
- Miss Lily Fowler
- Master George Fowler
- Miss Agnes Foy
- Miss Elizabeth S, Frame
- Miss A. B. Frank
- Mrs. Georgina Fraser
- Mrs. D. Frew
- Miss Elizabeth Frew
- Miss Helen Fulton
- Miss Eliza Fulton
- Miss Katie Fulton
- Mr. James Fulton
- Mr. James Gailey
- Mrs. Minnie Gallup
- Mrs. Elizabeth Geddes
- Master James Geddes
- Mrs. Sarah Georgeson
- Miss Helen Georgeson
- Mr. Jack M. Gerrard
- Miss Mary Gibson
- Mr. George Gibson
- Mr. John B. Gilchrist
- Mrs. Elizabeth J. Gillen
- Mr. Henry J. Gillen
- Mr. Thomas Gilmore
- Mrs. Sarah Gilmour
- Mr. Alexander Gilmour
- Mr. Max Glass
- Miss Margaret Goudi
- Mrs. Jessie C. Grant
- Master Duncan Grant
- Mrs. Margaret Grant
- Miss Helen R. Grant
- Hr. James Harvey Grant
- Mr. John Grant
- Mr. A .
- Miss ..
- Mrs. Jessie Grimes
- Miss Anna A. Groden
- Mr. John Grubb
- Mrs. Gunn
- Miss Catherine Gunn
- Miss Janet Gunn
- Mrs. May Haig
- Miss Catherine Haig
- Master David Haig
- Miss May Haig
- Rev. Thomas P. Haig
- Mr. Frank Hancock
- Miss Dora Haniford
- Miss Edna Harris
- Miss Eleanor Hayes
- Miss A. Hazard
- Miss Jeanie Henaghan
- Mrs. Helen C. Henderson
- Miss Alexandrina Henderson
- Miss Elizabeth Hickey
- Mr. H. Hoffman
- Mrs. Mary L. Holman
- Miss Winifred Holman
- Miss Isa Horn
- Mrs. Emily Howard
- Mrs. Janet G. Howie
- Mrs. Eleanor Howie
- Master Robert C. Howie
- miss Eleanor S. Howie
- Mrs. L. T. Hurd
- Mr. J. A. Jackson
- Mr. Samuel Johnstone
- Mrs. Johnstone
- mrs. A. Johnstone
- Johnstone
- Miss Jessie Johnstone
- Mr. George F. Johnston
- Mr. James Johnston
- Miss Edith Jones
- Mr. Charles Jones
- Mrs. Helen M. Jolly
- Miss Annette Joseph
- Dr. E. H. Kammerer
- Mr. Louis Kammerer
- Mrs. Kammerer
- Mr. James Keenan
- Mr. Joseph Keenan
- Mr. William Kelly
- Mr. Daniel Kelly
- Mr. Kerr
- Mr. John Kerr
- Mr. Robert Kilday
- Mrs. E. Killien
- Mr. William Kiery
- Mr. John Kirkpatrick
- Miss Edith M. Kirkpatrick
- Mrs. Kynoch
- Master John D. Kynoch
- Mr. Dugald Lang
- Miss Mary Laird
- Miss Michael Larkin
- Mrs. Mary Lerrisey
- Miss Elizabeth Lindsay
- Mr. James Lindsay
- Mr. Samuel Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Miss Janet Lindsay
- Mr. Kenneth Lister
- Mrs. Lister
- Master Joseph Lister
- Mrs. Mary Lockhart
- Mr. James M. Logie
- Mr. Andrew G. Lowry
- Mr. Frank C. Lyall
- Mrs. Margaret McArthur
- Miss Johan C. F. McBean
- Mr. George McCamley
- Mrs. McCamley
- Miss Mary McCamley
- Mrs. Frances McCarney
- Miss Mary McCarthy
- Mrs. Sarah J. McClure
- Mr. Duncan A. McCombie
- Miss Catherine McConaghy
- Mr. John McCormack
- Mr. Peter McCulloch
- Mrs. Bella McCullough
- Miss Mary McDermott
- Miss Ruby McDermott
- Mrs. Mary McDonald
- Miss Mary McDonald
- Miss Helen McDonald
- Master Edward McDonald
- Mrs. Elizabeth MacDonald
- Mr. John P. McEleney
- Miss Veronica McFadyen
- Miss Marjorie McFarlane
- Mr. Charles McGarvey
- Miss Rose McGerty
- Miss Alice McGharen
- Miss Mary McGhee
- Miss Ina McGhee
- Mrs. G. B. MacGillivray
- Miss Agnes McGuire
- Miss Madeline G. McHale
- Miss Rebecca McInally
- Mr. Edward McInally
- Miss Alice McInally
- Miss Isabella McKay
- Mrs. Catherine A. McKelvey
- Mr. Edwin McKenzie
- Mrs. Elizabeth McKenzie
- Master Roderick McKenzie
- Master Hugh McKenzie
- Mr. John McKenzie
- Mr. Alexander McKenzie
- Miss Mary D. Mackenzie
- Mr. William McKinley
- Mrs. McKinley
- Master Kenneth McKinley
- Miss Helen McKinley
- Miss Anna McKinley
- Master William McKinley
- Mr. Peter M. Miaren
- Miss Annie McLaughlan
- Mr. Donald MacLean
- Mr. Donald Mleish
- Mr. James McManus
- Miss Esther MacMaster
- Miss Catherine McMullen
- Miss Catherine McNeeley
- Mr. Anthony McNulty
- Miss Mira McPhee
- Miss Jeanie McPhee
- Mrs. Annie McQueen
- Mr. Thomas McReynolds
- Mrs. McReynolds
- Miss E. McTavish
- Mr. Archibald McTavish
- Aff-s. Mary McVean
- Miss Catherine McVean
- Mrs. Catheerine Maddock
- Mrs. Alice Maginnis
- Master Gerald Maginhis
- Mrs. M. Morrison
- Mr. William Munro
- Mrs. Munro
- Mr. W. J. Murray
- Mr. Patrick Murphy
- Mrs. Murphy
- Mrs. Catherine Mussenden
- Mr. William Neil
- Mrs. Neil
- Mr. Michael Nelson
- Miss Annie Newman
- Mr. John Nicol
- Mr. William Nicol
- Mrs. Martha Nicol
- Miss Martha Nicol
- Mrs. Jessie Norval
- Mr. Bernard O'Neill
- Master William O'Neill
- Miss D. Parker
- Miss Agnes R. Paton
- Mr. William Patterson
- Mr. J. H, Patterson
- Mrs. Patterson
- Miss Elizabeth Patterson
- Miss Katherine Patterson
- Master William Patterson
- Mr. Alexander A. Peddie
- Miss Helen Peden
- Miss G. Pfannennilley
- [ Name Obfuscated ]
- [ Name Obfuscated ]
- [ Name Obfuscated ]
- [ Name Obfuscated ]
- Miss Agnes Raffan
- Mrs. Agnes Revells
- Mr. Robert Manderson
- Mr. George L. Manson
- Miss Mary Marshall
- Mrs. J. Masson
- Mr. P. Masterton
- Mrs. Masterton
- Miss Jane Mathieson
- Mr. David Mayer
- Miss Ann May
- Miss Mary May
- Mrs. Sarah Mayberry
- Mr. William Melville
- Miss Mary Galt Menzies
- Mr. George M. Meredith
- Mrs. Mary Middleton
- Miss Mary P. Millar
- Mrs. Rachel Millar
- Miss Rose Millar
- Master Walter Millar
- Master Edward Millar
- Master William Millar
- Miss Jane S. Millen
- Mr. John Miller
- Mrs. Miller
- Mrs. Mildred Miller
- Miss Margaret Miller
- Miss Ruby Miller
- Mr. George Milton
- Miss Lillian G. Milton
- Mrs. Isabel Minck
- Mrs. J. M. Mitchell
- Master Thomas Mitchell
- Master Donald Mitchell
- Mr. F. Meoney
- Miss Jane Moore
- Mr. John H. Moore
- Mrs. Jeanie Robertson
- Miss Ella Robertson
- Mr. David E. Robertson
- Mr. Robert Robertson
- Mrs. Robertson
- Master Robert Robertson
- Mr. John Robertson
- Mrs. Robertson
- Master John Robertson
- Miss Agnes Robertson
- Miss Margaret Rob:on
- Miss C. Rome
- Mrs. Flora Ross
- Master Alexander Ross
- Miss B. Ross
- Mr. Archibald C. Roy
- Mr. Archibald J. Russel
- Mr. Thomas Russell
- Mr. William Sanderson
- Mr. Alexander Scott
- Mrs. Mary Scott
- Miss Jessie Scott
- Miss J. M. Scott
- Miss Janet Scott
- Mrs. Isabella Seely
- Mrs. Elizabeth Shanks
- Mrs. Nellie Sharp
- Mrs. Sarah Shaw
- Master James Shaw
- Miss Bess G. She.
- Mr. John M .
- Mrs. .
- Mr. P. O. Skinner
- Mrs. Skinner
- Miss M. Skinner
- Mr. J. C. Skinner
- Miss A. P. Skinner
- Mr. Stephen Smith
- Miss Mary Smith
- Master Malcolm Smith
- Miss Marion Smith
- Master Alexander Smith
- Mr. Robert Smith
- Rev. Thomas Smith
- Mr. Michael Smith
- Miss Margaret F. Sneddon
- Mr. William Sneddon
- Mrs. Jemima Sneddon
- Miss Joan Sneddon
- Mrs. R. Sneddon
- Mrs. Annie Spears
- Mr. William Steeble
- Miss May Stenhouse
- Mr. James A. Stewart
- Mr. George B. Sturrock
- Miss Freda Suchart
- Mr. George Sword
- Mrs. Annie Taylor
- Mrs. Mary J. Tedford
- Mr. R. Teigland
- Mrs. Elizabeth Tennant
- Miss Tennant
- Miss Nellie Thompson
- Miss Elizabeth Thomson
- Miss Cathie Thomson
- Mrs. Tibbits
- Jess Tibbits
- Mrs. Emma Travis
- Mr. William Vance
- Miss Anna B. Vining
- Mr. Harold Voohees
- Mrs. Voorkis
- Miss Grace Warner
- Miss Margaret Watson
- Mr. Peter Webster
- Miss Isabella S. Webster
- Mr. Walter Weir
- Miss Susan Whiston
- Miss Jean Whiston
- Miss Anna White
- Miss Elizabeth Wigglesworth
- Mr. James Wilcox
- Mrs. Sarah Willey
- Miss Florence E. Wiley
- M C. C. Williams
- Mrs. Williams
- Dr. N. L. Wilson
- Mrs. Wilson
- Miss Catherine A. Wilson
- Mr. William Winter
- Mr. Edwin Wishart
- Robert H. Wishart
- Miss Mary Wishart
- Mrs. R. H. Wishart
- Mr. Thomas Wood
- Prof. J. E. Woodman
- Miss Annie Wright
- Mr. Andrew Young
- Mrs. Young
- Miss Muriel Young