SS Cameronia Passenger List - 2 July 1927


Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List from the SS Cameronia of the Anchor Line, Departing Saturday, 2 July 1927 from New York and Boston to Glasgow.

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List from the SS Cameronia of the Anchor Line, Departing Saturday, 2 July 1927 from New York and Boston to Glasgow via Londonderry, Commanded by Captain William Gemmeix.


Senior Officers and Staff

  • Captain: William Gemmeix
  • Chief Officer: Thos. W. Hawley
  • Chief Engineer: Robert Greenshields
  • Purser: John Mahony
  • Surgeon: Daniel Murphy
  • Chief Steward: George Morrison
  • Tourist Third Steward: James Alexander


Tourist Third Cabin Passengers

  1. Ahlers, Miss Emma
  2. Alden, Miss Harriet
  3. Allen, Miss Evelyn
  4. Allen, Dr. George B.
  5. Allen, Mr. Winthrop
  6. Alvord, Miss May E.
  7. Anderson, Miss Anna C.
  8. Anderson, Mrs. Euphemia
  9. Andrew, Miss Marion E.
  10. Andrews, Mr. Henry E.
  11. Archibold, Dr. Jean Mason
  12. Atkinson, Miss Florence V.
  13. Ayers, Miss Phyllis
  14. Babbitt. Miss Marion
  15. Bacon, Miss Clara H.
  16. Bailey, Miss Dorothy
  17. Bailey, Mrs. Julian F.
  18. Bailey, Miss Helen M.
  19. Baird, Mrs. Charles M.
  20. Baker, Miss Ruth M.
  21. Barnes, Miss Margaret
  22. Barnes. Mrs. W. S.
  23. Barnett, Miss Mildred
  24. Barnum, Miss Mary A.
  25. Barnum, Mrs. Theodore P.
  26. Barrett, Miss Mary J.
  27. Barsky, Miss Cecile
  28. Barton, Miss Margaret
  29. Bascom, Miss Ethel M.
  30. Baumgarten, Mr. William H.
  31. Baumgarten, Mrs.
  32. Bean, Dr. Leo C.
  33. Bean, Mrs.
  34. Bebber, Miss Genevieve E.
  35. Beckman, Miss Violo
  36. Beekwick. Miss Beryl L.
  37. Behring, Miss Julia L.
  38. Bell, Mrs. George S.
  39. Bergey, Miss Edna J.
  40. Berlinger, Miss Kathryn
  41. Bessey, Mr. Elwood George
  42. Bindloss, Miss Irene T.
  43. Blatterman, Miss Eleanor E.
  44. Bliss, Miss Virginia M.
  45. Bohmer, Mrs. Charles
  46. Bohmer, Master Charles
  47. Booth, Miss Marion Frances
  48. Bossen, Miss Grace M.
  49. Bowman, Miss Ora Lea W.
  50. Boyd, Miss Mary
  51. Boyer, Miss Katherine C.
  52. Bray, Miss Gertrude M.
  53. Briggs, Miss Helen H.
  54. Bright, Mrs. Mary M.
  55. Brightman, Miss Jeannette
  56. Broomfield, Mr. George Orel
  57. Brown, Miss Alburta Hartley
  58. Brown, Miss Alice L.
  59. Brown, Miss Anna L.
  60. Brown, Miss C. Maude
  61. Brown, Miss Emma L.
  62. Brown, Miss Grace L.
  63. Brown, Mrs. Lewis F.
  64. Brown, Miss Lucy A.
  65. Brown, Miss Mary
  66. Browning, Miss Nina M.
  67. Buchanan, Miss Gladys L.
  68. Buck, Mr. William
  69. Burch, Mrs. Jane L.
  70. Burkhardt, Mr. Lester G.
  71. Burget, Miss Helen M.
  72. Burns, Miss Catherine A.
  73. Burns, Miss Ethel R.
  74. Burnside, Mr. Charles V.
  75. Burnside, Mrs.
  76. Burr, Miss Marguerite E.
  77. Burrus, Miss Nannie P.
  78. Butler, Miss Anne
  79. Butler, Miss Gertrude C.
  80. Caiger, Miss Elizabeth
  81. Carithers, Mr. Floyd E.
  82. Carman, Miss Margaret
  83. Carpenter, Mrs. Miriam E.
  84. Carroll, Miss Jewel F.
  85. Carter, Miss Delphine
  86. Carter, Mrs. Shirley
  87. Cheever, Miss Lucile
  88. Chenault, Miss Sarah
  89. Chiasson, Miss Stella Ann
  90. Clark, Miss B. Louise
  91. Cobb, Mrs. Annie C.
  92. Cobb, Miss Frances
  93. Coburn, Miss Catherine R.
  94. Coburn, Miss Harriet
  95. Coffey, Miss Gertrude A.
  96. Cole, Miss Muriel Caroline
  97. Coleman, Miss Frances F.
  98. Conkling, Mrs. Mildred
  99. Conyers, Miss Mary O.
  100. Cook, Miss Lucetta G.
  101. Cooley, Mrs. Winifred Harper
  102. Coombs, Miss Ruby I.
  103. Cooney, Mrs. Adele
  104. Cooney, Miss Agnes C.
  105. Coons, Miss Lucy Frazer
  106. Corcilius, Miss Margaret
  107. Coryell, Miss Florence M.
  108. Crabb, Rev. Cecil V.
  109. Crabb, Mrs.
  110. Criley, Miss Helen
  111. Crittenden, Mrs. Emma M.
  112. Crowder, Mrs. James L.
  113. Culliton, Miss Helen J.
  114. Curry, Miss Virginia M.
  115. Daigle, Miss Iva G.
  116. Daniel, Miss Juanita
  117. Danzig, Miss Frances
  118. Davis, Miss Grace A.
  119. Davis, Miss Hazel
  120. Davis, Mr. Robert W.
  121. Davison, Miss Dorothy S.
  122. Davison, Miss Florence M.
  123. Dean, Mrs. Alexander G.
  124. De Groot, Miss Ruth
  125. Dell, Miss Bernice
  126. DeWitt, Miss Marion L.
  127. Dibrell, Mr. Frank S.
  128. Dickerson, Mrs. Julie E.
  129. Dobson, Miss Marjorie K.
  130. Dodge, Miss Eunice
  131. Dodge, Mrs. J. E.
  132. Donnelly, Miss Helen
  133. Doone, Miss Sara H. E.
  134. Doten, Miss Hazel Ruth
  135. Douglass, Miss Thelma Irene
  136. Drieu, Mr. George A.
  137. Dunn, Miss Margaret V.
  138. Dunstan, Miss Mary E.
  139. Dupner, Miss Dorothy
  140. Durland, Miss Nancy B.
  141. Durr, Miss Eleanor J.
  142. Du Val, Miss Verda Irene
  143. Dwyer, Miss Rosamond
  144. Eckert, Miss Florence
  145. Eells, Miss Katherine M.
  146. Edmunds, Miss Marian A.
  147. Eipper, David C.
  148. Eisenberg, Miss Charlotte
  149. Elderton, Mrs. Bertha C.
  150. Ellinger, Mr. Richard
  151. Elwell, Miss Grace A.
  152. Emery, Dr. Walter V.
  153. Emmons, Miss Mary
  154. Ephrath, Miss Mabel
  155. Eppens, Miss Eve M.
  156. Erbacher, Miss Anna A.
  157. Ervin, Miss Clara
  158. Ettleson, Miss Minnie
  159. Evans, Miss Georgina M.
  160. Falk, Mr. Joseph
  161. Fant, Mrs. William N.
  162. Fans, Miss M.
  163. Feist, Mrs. F. L.
  164. Fender, Miss Sara C.
  165. Fisher, Miss Jean
  166. Fitzsimmons, Miss Frances M.
  167. Fletcher, Miss Florence
  168. Flinn, Miss Margaret R.
  169. Flower, Mrs. T. A.
  170. Flynn, Miss M. Alice
  171. Ford, Miss Sarah R.
  172. Fosket, Miss Viola W.
  173. Foster, Mrs. Grace Lilly
  174. Garretson, Miss Adalene
  175. Geary, Miss Elizabeth
  176. Geary, Miss Nelly T.
  177. Gehben, Miss Marjorie C.
  178. Germain, Miss Norma
  179. Gerrard, Miss Betty
  180. Gibson, Miss Louise
  181. Gibson, Miss Thelma
  182. Gibson, Mr. Walter
  183. Glasier, Miss Lucy
  184. Gleason, Miss Katherine
  185. Gleason, Miss Pauline
  186. Goe, Miss Ruth S.
  187. Goodwin, Mrs. Alva
  188. Goodwin, Miss Dorothy
  189. Goold, Miss Amelia F.
  190. Gormley, Miss Mary L.
  191. Goulden, Miss Alice
  192. Gourley, Miss Dorothy Barbara
  193. Grady, Miss Marcella M.
  194. Grannis, Miss Anne H.
  195. Grannis, Miss Jane E.
  196. Grannis, Miss Mary G.
  197. Green, Miss Eleanor V.
  198. Green, Miss Helen J.
  199. Gregory, Miss Emily
  200. Gregory, Miss M. Kathryn
  201. Griffin, Mr. Joseph J.
  202. Grigsby, Miss Beverly
  203. Grix, Miss Dorothea
  204. Grix, Miss Margaret
  205. Guerrant, Miss Lucy Russell
  206. Gurke, Miss Mildred
  207. Hadley, Dr. C. Frazer
  208. Hadley, Mrs.
  209. Hadley, Mr. Charles F., Jr.
  210. Hadley, Miss Frances
  211. Hall, Miss Ann E.
  212. Hall, Mr. Richard
  213. Hallett, Miss Cora J.
  214. Hamilton, Miss Frances
  215. Hammond, Miss Chariot
  216. Hanigan, Miss Marion A.
  217. Hannell, Miss Dorothy
  218. Hargis, Miss Elizabeth
  219. Harris, Miss Ann Montgomery
  220. Harris, Miss Annie E.
  221. Harris, Mr. Hebdon
  222. Harris, Miss Hortense L.
  223. Harrison, Miss Anne
  224. Harrison, Miss Mary K.
  225. Haskell, Miss Dorothy C.
  226. Haskins, Miss F. Elizabeth
  227. Hasskarl, Mrs. Joseph F.
  228. Hawkswell, Miss Frances
  229. Hay, Rev. Fred J.
  230. Hay, Mrs.
  231. Hay, Miss Marjorie
  232. Hayes, Mr. William
  233. Haynes, Mrs. H. D.
  234. Hayward, Mrs. Julia W.
  235. Hearon, Miss Mable M.
  236. Helm, Mr. Foster
  237. Hemphill, Miss Ruth W.
  238. Hepburn, Mr. Malcolm J.
  239. Heyclerman, Miss Helen
  240. Hickok, Miss Henrietta
  241. Hildebrand, Mr. E. G.
  242. Hildebrand, Mr. R. W.
  243. Hill, Miss Charlotte
  244. Hill, Mrs. David H.
  245. Hill, Miss Henrietta L.
  246. Hill, Miss Susan F.
  247. Hinkle, Miss Nettie B.
  248. Hodgdon, Miss Vira E.
  249. Hogan, Mr. P. F.
  250. Holdt, Mr. William Thomas
  251. Hollister, Miss Marie
  252. Honnold, Miss Helen M.
  253. Hopson, Miss Catherine
  254. Hopson, Miss Elisabeth
  255. Horan, Miss Mae A.
  256. Houston, Miss Gabriel
  257. Howard, Miss Gladys K.
  258. Howe, Miss Helen G.
  259. Howe, Miss Madeline T.
  260. Howland, Miss M. Gladys
  261. Huff, Mrs. Uhra
  262. Hughes, Miss Beulah F.
  263. Hughes, Miss Lilah M.
  264. Ironside, Mr. C.
  265. Ironside, Mrs.
  266. Irvin, Miss Sara
  267. Jack, Miss Helen
  268. Jackson, Miss Louise
  269. Jacobs, Miss Agnes W.
  270. Jamieson, Miss Lucile
  271. Jefferson, Miss Louise D.
  272. Jensen, Miss Chrystal
  273. Johnson, Mrs. Emma C.
  274. Johnson, Miss Hope Goodall
  275. Johnstone, Miss Gertrude W.
  276. Jones, Miss Hazel E.
  277. Jones, Miss Nancy
  278. Judkins, Miss Nancy C.
  279. Karkau, Miss Mina E.
  280. Kauffman, Miss Bertha
  281. Kauffman, Miss Miriam
  282. Kehoe, Miss Ruth
  283. Keller, Mr. Theodore G.
  284. Kendig, Miss Elisabeth
  285. Kendig, Mrs. Martin H.
  286. Kennedy, Miss Frances
  287. Kerr, Miss Adeline E.
  288. Kimball, Mrs. Herbert S.
  289. Kimball, Miss Nancy P.
  290. King, Miss Elsa L.
  291. King, Miss Marian R.
  292. Kinner, Miss Carthene
  293. Kircher, Miss Wilma
  294. Kistler, Mr. Paul M.
  295. Klar, Miss Lillian V. B.
  296. Klemer, Miss Helen
  297. Knox, Miss Gertrude
  298. Lacey, Miss Vera
  299. Lanphier, Miss Jean A.
  300. Landis, Mrs. S. L.
  301. Lang, Miss Anne B.
  302. Lanterman, Miss Geraldine H.
  303. Lanterman, Miss Helen Blanche
  304. Lanterman, Miss Ruth Elberta
  305. La Roqne, Miss Louise
  306. Lawless, Mr. Robert
  307. Lawrence, Mrs. Emogene
  308. Lawrence, Miss Helen L.
  309. Lawrence, Miss Norma L.
  310. Leishman, Miss Isabella
  311. Lentz, Miss Gwendolyn
  312. Levy, Miss Pearl
  313. Lewis, Miss Dorothy S.
  314. Lieber, Dr. Morris W.
  315. Lieber, Mrs.
  316. Lilly, Miss Anne E.
  317. Lilly, Mrs. D. Clay
  318. Linaberry, Miss Grace
  319. Lindenschmit, Miss Julia
  320. Lindenschmit, Mrs. Minnie
  321. Lockwood, Miss Ruth E.
  322. Loewenwarter, Miss Dorothy
  323. Loges, Miss Catherine R.
  324. Loges, Miss M. Dolores
  325. Lonval. Miss Margaret K.
  326. Lord, Dr. Earl T.
  327. Lord, Mrs.
  328. Lord, Mr. Edmund P.
  329. Lord, Miss Margery
  330. Lowman, Miss Harriet
  331. Lowrey, Mrs. Nellie M.
  332. Lowry, Miss Matilda
  333. Lowry, Miss Sarah X.
  334. Ludlow, Miss Mildred Kip
  335. Luesing, Mr. William
  336. Lukens, Dr. John A.
  337. Lukens, Mrs.
  338. Lybrook, Mrs. David
  339. Lybrook, Miss Mary M.
  340. Lynn, Miss Ethelynn M.
  341. Lyon, Mrs. E. B.
  342. Lyon, Miss Margaret B.
  343. Lyons, Miss Edna F.
  344. MacFee, Miss Dorothy B.
  345. Mackie, Miss Pringle
  346. MacRudy, Miss Norma O.
  347. Mahony, Miss Eleanor
  348. Mallon, Miss Loretta E.
  349. Malone, Miss Esther
  350. Mann, Miss Hannah D.
  351. Mannheim, Miss Louise S.
  352. Manning, Miss Mabel
  353. Manning. Mr. T. Francis
  354. March, Mrs. I. Laura
  355. Martin, Miss Grace
  356. Marx, Miss Arline M.
  357. Mason, Miss Edna
  358. Mason, Miss Helen Martha
  359. Mathes, Miss Mary Katherine
  360. Mathison, Miss Elizabeth
  361. Mathison, Miss Flora A.
  362. Maxlield, Miss E. Louise
  363. May, Miss Evelyn Jean
  364. McAllister, Miss Frances
  365. McAllister, Miss Margaret
  366. McAllister, Miss Veronica
  367. McCabe, Miss Anna C.
  368. McCarten, Miss Agnes A.
  369. McCarten, Miss Elizabeth G.
  370. McCarthy, Miss Ruth
  371. McCartney, Mrs. Elizabeth R.
  372. McClughan, Miss Alice
  373. McDonald, Miss Christine A.
  374. McEwen, Mr. W. E.
  375. McEwen, Mrs.
  376. McGowan, Miss Julia A.
  377. McGuire, Mr. Hubert A.
  378. McHardy. Miss Elizabeth
  379. McLauthlin, Miss Doris
  380. Mead, Miss Lois B.
  381. Meehan, Miss Margaret S.
  382. Melville, Miss Olita
  383. Merge, Miss Ruth A.
  384. Meyer, Miss Mabel
  385. Middleton, Mrs. C. O.
  386. Millar, Mrs. Margaret R.
  387. Miller, Mr. Monroe
  388. Mitchell, Miss Neva
  389. Molloy, Miss Alice J.
  390. Molloy, Mr. James
  391. Molloy, Mrs. James M.
  392. Molloy, Miss Mary Huston
  393. Monson, Miss Ruth
  394. Mooney, Miss Helen Winona
  395. Moore, Mr. Austin
  396. Moore, Miss Loretta W.
  397. Moore, Miss Mary B.
  398. Moore, Miss Minnie L.
  399. Moore, Miss Ruth A.
  400. Morehouse, Dr. Frances
  401. Morizot, Miss Adele
  402. Mueller, Miss Helen
  403. Murphy, Miss Dorothy I.
  404. Nachman, Miss H.
  405. Naugher, Mr. Wilgus
  406. Neff, Miss Helen J.
  407. Nesbitt, Miss Ruth W.
  408. Newman, Miss Gertrude
  409. Newman, Mr. Paul
  410. Norris, Mrs. Fanny
  411. Norton, Miss Eleanor M.
  412. Nugent, Miss Anne Frances
  413. Nugent, Miss Mary Anne
  414. Nugent, Miss Ruth Genevieve
  415. Nuss, Miss Mary A.
  416. O'Connor, Mr. Eugene
  417. O'Connor, Mrs. Inez
  418. O'Dea, Mrs. Agnes
  419. O'Hanlon, Miss Amelia
  420. Oleson, Miss Margaret
  421. O'Neil Miss Mary A.
  422. Oppenheimer, Miss Ruth
  423. Orenstein, Miss Bess E.
  424. Osborne, Miss Helen E.
  425. Osborne, Mr. H. C.
  426. Osborne, Mrs.
  427. Oswald, Mrs. Henry F.
  428. Paetzold, Miss Augusta E.
  429. Palm, Miss Emma H.
  430. Palmer, Miss Bessie
  431. Park, Miss Hazel Ann
  432. Parsons, Miss Marion Elizabeth
  433. Parsons, Mr. L. Seymour
  434. Patterson, Miss Elizabeth
  435. Patterson, Miss Jeanette
  436. Patterson, Miss Mary C.
  437. Patton, Miss Florence
  438. Payne, Miss Katharyn
  439. Pierce, Miss Marian A.
  440. Pereda, Miss Marie
  441. Perkins, Miss Priscilla
  442. Perry, Miss Helen B.
  443. Peters, Miss Etta
  444. Peters, Mrs. Jacob
  445. Petersen, Miss Mary Louise
  446. Peterson, Miss Edna
  447. Peterson, Miss Myrtle Annie
  448. Phillips, Mr. Richard
  449. Pitt, Miss Afton
  450. Pittenger, Miss Alva J.
  451. Pool, Miss Dorothy W.
  452. Powers, Miss Elizabeth
  453. Powers, Miss Ethel
  454. Previtt, Miss Evelyn
  455. Prim, Miss Mary Elizabeth
  456. Propert, Miss Ruth M.
  457. Prucell, Mrs. Eunice P.
  458. Pudiak, Miss Anne
  459. Ray, Miss Alice J.
  460. Raymond, Dr. Mabel C.
  461. Read, Mr. Eaton V. W.
  462. Reed, Mr. McClellan
  463. Reed, Mrs.
  464. Rees, Mrs. F. T.
  465. Reichard, Miss Mildred K.
  466. Reynolds, Mrs. Julia B.
  467. Rich, Miss Katie
  468. Richards, Miss Ruth
  469. Richardson, Miss Elizabeth G.
  470. Riddick, Miss Emma W.
  471. Ried, Miss Marjorie R.
  472. Roath, Miss Edwina
  473. Roberson, Miss Alice L.
  474. Robeson, Mr. John M.
  475. Robinson, Miss Florence E.
  476. Robinson, Miss Helen C.
  477. Robinson, Miss Martha
  478. Rogers, Miss Vivienne I.
  479. Rommel, Mr. Edward
  480. Rommel, Mrs.
  481. Rosentoor, Miss Etta
  482. Rubendall, Mrs. Anna M.
  483. Ruse, Miss Alice
  484. Ruse, Miss Elma
  485. Ruse, Miss Lila
  486. Rutkowski, Miss Rhoda
  487. Rutledge, Miss Helen E.
  488. Ryan, Miss Margaret
  489. Sale, Miss Frances
  490. Salisbury, Miss Mae
  491. Sanders, Miss Margaret
  492. Sayre, Miss Edna
  493. Scanlon, Miss Viola M.
  494. Schaefer, Miss Alice Elizabeth
  495. Schmidt, Miss Faye Ellis
  496. Schoener, Miss Theresa
  497. Schreier, Miss Beatrice
  498. Scoville, Miss Beulah E.
  499. Seaman, Mrs. Helen T.
  500. Seelye, Mrs. Glenn C.
  501. Seelye, Miss Ruth
  502. Seward, Miss Cornelia I.
  503. Seward, Miss Dorothy L.
  504. Shaffner, Miss Anna P.
  505. Shannon, Miss Jane C.
  506. Shea, Miss Mary E.
  507. Shepherd, Miss Sylvia M.
  508. Sher, Mr. J. Howard
  509. Shields, Miss Evelyn G.
  510. Shirley, Mrs. Florence K.
  511. Simmonds, Miss Nina
  512. Simmons, Miss Mabel R.
  513. Simpson, Miss Mary B.
  514. Skinner, Miss Mary F.
  515. Small, Alfreda
  516. Smith, Miss Doris M.
  517. Smith, Miss Dorothy
  518. Smith Mrs. Flora H.
  519. Smith, Miss Margaret
  520. Smith, Miss Margaret P.
  521. Smith, Miss Sophie M.
  522. Snook, Miss Winifred
  523. Snow, Mrs. Ida
  524. Snow, Mr. Lyndon D.
  525. Socrgel, Mrs. Elizabeth E.
  526. Soley, Mr. Mayo
  527. Somers, Mr. Lee
  528. Somers, Mrs.
  529. Spelker, Miss Ella M.
  530. Spilman, Miss Lucie
  531. Sprague, Mrs. James M.
  532. Spreng, Miss Helen K.
  533. Stanford, Miss India
  534. Stanton, Mr. William M.
  535. Stanton, Mrs.
  536. Steinbicker, Miss Clara
  537. Stephens, Miss Juliet
  538. Stephens, Miss Mary S.
  539. Stevens, Miss Margaret
  540. Stewart, Miss Emily
  541. Stewart, Miss Grace Nellie
  542. Stine, Mr. Thomas Y.
  543. Stokes, Mr. William C.
  544. Stone, Miss Anna Mildred
  545. Stover, Miss Grace E.
  546. Stratte, Mrs. Mary S.
  547. Sutherland, Miss Jean
  548. Svoboda, Miss Anna G.
  549. Swartley, Miss Catherine
  550. Swartz, Miss Gertrude A.
  551. Swenson, Josephine
  552. Tabor, Miss Ethel G.
  553. Tait, Miss Helen M.
  554. Tanner, Miss Mary
  555. Taylor, Miss Jane B.
  556. Templeton, Miss Jessie M.
  557. Terrell, Miss Elizabeth
  558. Terry, Miss Harriet M.
  559. Thayer, Miss Laura B.
  560. Timmis, Miss Mildred
  561. Tombs, Miss Lucille
  562. Tompkinson, Miss Essie
  563. Toussaint, Miss Cecile E.
  564. Townsend, Miss Helen H.
  565. Tracy, Dr. Ira O.
  566. Trask, Miss Clara M.
  567. Trent, Miss Marguerite
  568. Trested, Miss Alice
  569. Treyz, Miss Laura E.
  570. Trillingham, Mr. C. C.
  571. Trillingham, Mrs.
  572. Tilly, Miss Kathleen
  573. Tulp, Miss Ellen
  574. Tumin, Miss Sarah
  575. Turner, Miss Lucy
  576. Turner, Miss Marion
  577. Twineham, Miss Charlotte
  578. Tyger, Miss Jean L.
  579. Underwood, Mrs. Augusta
  580. Unkelbach, Miss Eloise K.
  581. Ure, Miss Anita F.
  582. Utzig, Miss Esther
  583. Vaix, Mrs. Effie S.
  584. Vail, Miss Mildred
  585. Valentine, Miss Helen
  586. Van Aller, Miss Helen
  587. Vincent, Glayde
  588. Vineburg, Miss Marian A.
  589. Viner, Mr. Wayne O.
  590. Vogt, Miss Grace
  591. Vrooman, Miss Isabel Exton
  592. Wadsworth, Miss Wilma
  593. Wainright, Mrs. Chester N.
  594. Waldeck, Miss J. Marie
  595. Waldmann, Miss Margaret
  596. Waldron, Mrs. Katherine K.
  597. Walker, Miss Carol T.
  598. Walshe, Miss Marian I.
  599. Waltz, Miss Dorothea
  600. Wand, Miss Laura F.
  601. Wardlaw, Miss Sarah C.
  602. Wardlaw, Miss Lucy E.
  603. Waterman, Miss Ethel
  604. Watson, Mr. Eldridge
  605. Watson, Mr. Frank K.
  606. Watson, Mrs.
  607. Wayland, Mr. John W.
  608. Webb, Mrs. Garland E.
  609. Weber, Miss Bernice
  610. Webster, Miss Anna M. T.
  611. Weed, Miss M. Josephine
  612. Weiskotten, Miss Eda A.
  613. Welch, Miss Mary Elizabeth
  614. Whalen, Miss Elizabeth M.
  615. Wharton, Miss Ruth
  616. White, Miss Christine
  617. Whitley, Miss Ruth E.
  618. Wickersham, Mrs. Mary C.
  619. Wild, Miss Sarah P.
  620. Williams, Miss Laurabell
  621. Williams, Miss Marie J.
  622. Williams, Miss Mary G.
  623. Wills, Miss Elizabeth M.
  624. Willson, Mrs. Katrine
  625. Wilson, Miss Eleanor P.
  626. Wilson, Miss Margaret
  627. Winslow-Low, Mrs. Hilda
  628. Wirick, Mr. Jacob Henry
  629. Withrow, Mr. J. E.
  630. Withrow, Mrs.
  631. Witherspoon, Mrs. Edward
  632. Womack, Miss Margaret R.
  633. Wood, Miss Marie C.
  634. Woodruff, Miss Dorothy
  635. Woodward, Miss Dorothy
  636. Woodward, Miss Elizabeth
  637. Worth, Miss Minnie F.
  638. Wright, Miss Gladys
  639. Wyant, Miss Elizabeth
  640. Yost, Mrs. Margaret
  641. Youmans, Miss Agnes H.
  642. Young, Miss Eleanor M.
  643. Zell, Miss Dorothy
  644. Zielenbach, Miss Elizabeth D.
  645. Zielenbach, Miss Mary L.
  646. Zimmer, Miss Henrietta C.


Information for Passengers

Lights in saloon until 11:00 pm; in public rooms until 11:30 pm

The Bar will be closed at 11:00 pm

Table Seating—The Chief Steward has the arrangement of table seating.

Divine Service may be held in the Saloon (weather permitting) once every Sunday between 11 and 12.

Additional Passage Money or Freight paid on board—passengers should obtain a receipt on the Company's form.

Baggage—Inquiries regarding baggage on board ship should be addressed to the Second Steward.

Trunks. Wraps, etc., will be stored and re-shipped by the Company for the return voyage.

To facilitate examination and identification of baggage on landing, all packages should have an initial label affixed; these labels are supplied on board on application.

Baggage Insurance—Passengers are recommended to insure their baggage, as, in the event of loss or damage, the Company cannot accept liability beyond the limit specified on the Steamer Contract Tickets. Rates and particulars on application.

Barber's Shop—Barber's shop is on board for the convenience of passengers. The barber will attend the ladies by appointment.

Children's Meals—Breakfast, 9:00 am; Dinner, noon; Tea, 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Clothes Pressing—Application should be made to the barber, from whom rates and other particulars can be obtained.

Complaints—Complaints of incivility, carelessness or inattention on the part of any of the ship's staff should be immediately reported to the Purser or Chief Steward and failing satisfaction to the Captain.

Confectionery and Souvenirs—Confectionery and Souvenirs are on sale at reasonable prices by the Deck Steward.

Copyright Books and Music—English laws forbid taking them into Great Britain. They may be subject to confiscation by Customs authorities.

Deck Chairs and Rugs may be hired for the voyage at the Company's offices or from the Dock Steward. Printed receipt to be obtained by passengers for this hire.

Drafts are issued, free of charge, payable in currency at any of the Offices of the Company in the United States and Canada, and, similarly, drafts are issued in the United States and Canada payable at any of the Company's Offices in the United Kingdom in sterling, or, at the Company's Offices in Europe in the currency of the country on which they are drawn.

Dogs—Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of License can only be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board.

Library—Library Books may be obtained on application to the Librarian. The Books are issued free of charge.

Life-belts—Life-belts must not be removed from staterooms, except in cases of danger or by order.

Meals—Breakfast. 8:00 am to 10:00 am.: Lunch, 1:00 pm; Dinner. 7:30 pm

When two sittings are necessary, meals will be as follows:

  • Breakfast, 8:00 am to 10:00 am;
  • Lunch, 1st sitting, 12:30 pm; 2nd sitting, 1:30 pm
  • Dinner, 1st sitting, 6:15:00 pm; 2nd sitting, 7:30 pm

Passengers may reserve seats at table for the voyage on application to the Chief Steward. Meals cannot be served in cabins or on deck unless with the Surgeon's permission.

Ports—Passengers are requested not to open the ports. The Stewards will do this whenever practicable.

Railway Time-Tables—Railway and steamer time-tables may be consulted on application to the Librarian.

Recovery of U. S. Head Tax—This tax can be recovered by Passengers, if same has been paid, provided they inform U. S. Immigration Inspector on arrival at New York of their intention to leave the United States within sixty days (the time prescribed by U. S. Law), and obtain from him Transit Certificate Form 514.

It is also necessary for Transit Certificate Form 514 to be handed to the transportation company when completed, in time to allow same to be placed before the Immigration Authorities in Washington within one hundred and twenty days of Passenger's arrival in the United States.

Unless this regulation is complied with, the Tax cannot be recovered.

Smoking—Children are not allowed in the Smoke-room.

Cigarette smokers are requested to be careful when smoking on deck to see that cigarettes are extinguished before being thrown away.

Storage—The Company will undertake to store Deck Chairs and Steamer Trunks belonging to passengers at owner's risk until they are required when returning. Chairs and Trunks should have owner's name painted on them, and they will not be reshipped without instructions being sent to Baggage Master, Anchor Line, Yorkhill Quay, Glasgow, or in the case of Italian Ports, care of Anchor Line, Genoa, or Anchor Line, Naples.

A description of the articles should be given, also name of steamer from which they were landed and date. No shawls, rugs, etc., to be attached to Chairs.

No charge for storage is made if the owners return by the Company's vessels. If Chairs or Trunks are forwarded by rail this is done at owner's risk and expense.

The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject to the approval of the Commander, for treating First Class Passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness contracted on board no charge will be made and medicine will be provided free.

Tobacco, Spirits, etc.—Tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, wines, spirits and perfumery are liable to duty on being brought into the United Kingdom, and even the smallest quantities should be declared to the Customs authorities.

Postage Stamps—Postage stamps are on sale at Purser's Bureau. A Notice will be displayed stating the hours at which stamps may be obtained and also the latest time for posting mail matter on board.

Cable and Telegrams—Cables and Telegrams for dispatch by ordinary land wire should be handed in at the Wireless Telegraph office. The time of acceptance for cables and telegrams to be sent by ordinary land wire will be intimated on the Notice Boards.

Wireless, Cable and Telegraph forms may be obtained from the Librarian or Wireless office.

Through Bookings to Gibraltar, Egypt and India—The Anchor Line steamers engaged in this service have excellent Saloon accommodation. Full particulars as to Fares, etc.. on application.

Valuables—The Company is not responsible for the theft of valuables or money if kept in state-rooms. All such articles may be deposited free of charge, in the ship's safe, under the care of the Purser.

Passengers are warned that they should not on any account part with money or valuables to any persons representing themselves as members of the ship's staff.

Wines—It is requested that Wines be ordered one hour before meals, so that they may be cooled, ready for use.


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