Titanic Images - Ice and Cold Storage Magazine
Images about the Titanic disaster or its aftermath, published in Ice and Cold Storage: An Illustrated Review of the Ice-Making, Cold Storage, and Refrigerating Industries, was published by Hiffe & Sons of London.
Ice and Cold Storage, the oldest and most prominent British journal devoted to refrigeration, has for sixteen years held a leading position amongst the refrigeration press worldwide.
Primarily written articles on technical and practical subjects of great importance, translations of similar materials from foreign journals, and regular contributions from expert correspondents in various districts of the United Kingdom and America.
Australasia and Russia, and the great care taken to see that all general news and current topics of interest are dealt with as succinctly as possible, have secured for this paper the unequaled reputation it has so long enjoyed.
One of the Refrigerating Machines on the 'Titanic,' Built by J & E Hall Ltd. in Dartford, England. Ice and Cold Storage (July 1911) p. 159. GGA Image ID # 104b2e00b9