TSS Veendam Passenger List - 4 September 1937
Front Cover of a Cabin, Tourist and Third Class Passenger List for the SS Veendam of the Holland-America Line, Departing Saturday, 4 September 1937 from Rotterdam to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton, Commanded by Captain A. Flippo. GGA Image ID # 17d15fe74f
Landing Cards: All Passengers will receive on board a landing card and are requested to present same before leaving the steamer to a U.S. Immigrant Inspector for endorsement.
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain A. Filippo
- Chief Officer: W. P. J. Moree
- Chief Engineer: A. Van Leeuwen
- Physician: Dr. M. O. Eltzbacher
- Purser: A. Bruis
- Chief Steward: J. P. H. Scheffer
B Embark at Boulogne-sur-Mer. S Embark at Southampton.
Cabin Class Passengers
- B Mr. G. Adamis
- S Mr. E. W. Akerman
- S Mrs. E. W. Akerman
- S Marquis Albizzi
- S Marquise Albizzi
- B Mrs. Louis P. Aloe
- S Miss S. Glenn Atkinson
- S Miss Emma M. Atkinson
- S Miss Margaret Atkinson
- B Mr. Robert A. Aubin
- B Mrs. Robert A. Aubin
- Mrs. C. H. Bagby
- Miss Carol G. Bagby
- B Mrs. A. B. Barber
- B Mr. A. B. Barber, Jr.
- S Mrs. Margaret Barnes
- B Miss Faith Barney
- Miss Mabel Bashore
- S Mrs. John T. Bate
- B Mr. I. Ben-Avi
- S Mr. A. Benson
- Miss A. J. Bentley
- Mr. J. Bergmans
- B Mr. Herbert L. Bodman
- B Mrs. Herbert L. Bodman
- B Mr. Edward Bodman
- B Mr. Herbert L. Bodman, Jr.
- S Miss Constance Body
- Prof. Edwin M. Borchard
- Mrs. Edwin M. Borchard
- Miss Alice Borchard
- B Miss Gabrielle Bouscaren
- B Dr. L. M. Bush
- B Mrs. L. M. Bush
- B Madam Hannah Butler
- S Mrs. K. Butler
- S Miss H. S. Cady
- B Mr. W. Marian Camp
- B Mrs. John P. Chapman
- B Miss Sally Ann Chapman
- B Prof. E. P. Cheyney
- B Miss Julia Cheyney
- S Miss Katherine Christensen
- S Miss Adeline Cole
- Mr. Georg Conrad
- Mrs. Georg Conrad
- S Dr. John F. Correa
- S Mr. Archibald C. Cox
- S Mrs. Archibald C. Cox
- S Mr. Maurice Cummings
- S Mrs. Maurice Cummings
- B Mrs. E. F. Curtin
- B Mr. Richard Curtin
- B Dr. Alexander Dahl
- B Mrs. Alexander Dahl
- B Mr. Sol Davidow
- S Mrs. Ralph E. Davis
- S Miss Audrey M. Davis
- S Miss Dorothy L. Davis
- B Mr. Francis A. Donaldson
- B Mrs. Francis A. Donaldson
- Miss E. Dorer
- • Mr. Edward F. Dreibelbies
- B Mrs. Richard Dudensing, Jr.
- • Mr. Luis Eckelman
- S Miss Strancy Edwards
- Dr. Robert H. Farringer
- Mrs. Robert H. Farringer
- B Mr. Moses D. Feldman
- B Mrs. Moses D. Feldman
- Mrs. E. C. Feltus
- Mrs. F. M. Feltus
- B Miss Katrine Ferry
- Mr. Reinders Folmer
- Mr. Foster Fowls
- Miss M. L. Freudenberg
- Mrs. B. Frohman
- Miss D. Frohman
- Miss J. Frohman
- S Miss M. K. Fuertes
- B Miss Vanessa Glenn
- Mrs. S. Goldstein
- B Miss Katharine T. Goodwin
- B Miss Mable Grant
- Mr. Y. B. F. J. Groeneveld
- B Mrs. J. J. Gunther Mohr
- B Miss Mary L. Halstead
- B Miss Esther Halstead White
- Prof. Joseph N. Haskell
- S Mr. Samuel P. Heitshu
- S Mrs. Samuel P. Heitshu
- ^ Mrs. M. Herzog
- Prof. H. Hesselink
- Mrs. Elsa Hoerig
- Miss Ruth Hoerig
- S Miss Nina Hommel
- Mr. W. Honing
- B Miss Mary S. Houston
- B Mr. S. H. Hughes
- Mr. Joseph Hunter
- Mrs. Joseph Hunter
- • Miss Katharine
- Huntington Day
- Miss Maude A. Huttman
- S Mr. D. H. H. Ingalls
- S Mrs. D. H. H. Ingalls
- S Mrs. F. Ingalls
- S Miss Susie Ingalls
- Mr. Edward James
- B Dr. Albert Jodocius
- S Mrs. Mary Kelly
- S Mr. James P. Kern
- • Mrs. James P. Kern
- S Miss Carroll Kern
- 8 Miss Evelyn Kern
- B Mrs. A. J. Kemp
- S Mrs. Richard E. Kinsman
- S Miss Dorothy - E. Kinsman
- S Miss Katherine H. Kinsman
- S Miss Mildred Klein
- Prof. Dr. I. M. Kolthoff
- Mr. P. Kramer
- Mrs. P. Kramer
- B Miss Lucille Kramp
- Mr. George P. Kreider
- Mrs. George P. Kreider
- ' Mrs. L. C. K. Laistner
- S Prof. M. L. W. Laistner
- B Mr. W. B. Leach, Jr.
- B Mrs. W. B. Leach, Jr.
- Dr. Theodore Lehmann
- Mrs. Theodore Lehmann
- Miss Carolina Lehmann
- Miss Mary L. Leonard
- Dr. Robert M. Lewis
- Mrs. Robert M. Lewis
- Mast. Lawrence Lewis
- Miss H. L. Lewis
- B Miss C. E. Lincoln
- S Miss L. R. Loomis
- B Miss Lucy Lovell
- B Miss Margaret L. Lovell
- Miss Gerda May
- Mr. Herbert May
- B Miss Patricia Marx
- B Miss Janet McClaren White
- S Miss Frances E. McRea
- S Miss Agnes McRea
- B Miss Marion E. Moore
- S Miss May Morton
- B Mrs. Robert Nelson McLaren
- Mr. Eugene O'Neill
- Mrs. Owen O'Neill
- Miss Ruth O'Neill
- S Mr. Robert C. Orr
- S Mrs. Robert C. Orr
- S Miss Ellen Adair Orr
- S Miss Nancy Eddy Orr
- B Miss Margaret Owen
- Miss M. B. Owen
- B Mr. Marion Penn
- B Miss Mary Francoise Penn
- B Miss Isabel M. Peters
- S Mr. Herman Pike
- S Mrs. Herman Pike
- Mr. Charles W. Power
- Mrs. Charles W. Power
- Mr. Richard Power
- S Mr. D. E. Reid
- Mr. F. J. Reidy
- Mrs. F. J. Reidy
- S Mr. Henry J. Richmond
- S Mrs. Henry J. Richmond
- Mrs. Eva Robin
- S Mrs. Frank W. Rose
- S Mr. George Ross
- S Rev. Paul John Sandalgi
- Mr. Wolfgang Schirmer
- S Mrs. M. Schwarzchild
- S Miss Dorothy Schwarzchild
- Mr. R. S. Shriver
- S Mr. William A. Slade
- S Mrs. William A. Slade
- B Mrs. Howard Slayman
- Mrs. Wilson L. Smith
- Mr. Wilson L. Smith, Jr.
- B Mr. R. W. Smith
- B Mrs. R. W. Smith
- B Mr. P. Smith
- B Miss P. Smith
- B Miss M. Smith
- Mrs. Jessie D. Stafford
- Miss Isabel R. Stafford
- B Miss Ellis Taylor
- Mr. Alois Terkuhle
- Mrs. Alois Terkuhle
- Mr. Albert Terkuhle
- B Miss Joyce Thompson
- S Miss Ruth Thompson
- B Mrs. M. M. Trobock
- Miss J. A. J. van Troostenburg de Bruyn and Nurse
- B Mr. Joseph L. Tynan
- B Mrs. Joseph L. Tynan
- S Mrs. Margery van Tyne Rockwell
- Mr. George B. Utley
- Mrs. George B. Utley
- B Mrs. Jane B. Voorhees
- S Miss H. C. Wagner
- B Miss Eleanor Weissman
- Dr. Jean Wells
- B Mrs. John C. Welwood, Jr.
- B Mr. J. Wesley Masland
- B Mrs. J. Wesley Masland
- S Mr. John W. Wheeler. Jr.
- S Mrs. John W. Wheeler, Jr.
- S Miss Eleanor Joan Wheeler
- S Mast. Hubbard Wheeler
- S Mast. Kenneth Gray Wheeler
- B Miss Jane White
- B Mrs. Richard J. White
- Dr. George P. Williams
- Mrs. George P. Williams
- S Prof. John G. Winter
- S Mrs. John G. Winter
- B Mrs. Lawrence V. Wood
- Mr. W. L. C. van Zwet.
Tourist Class Passengers
- S Miss Charlotte Anderson
- S Miss Grace Anderson
- Dr. Arthur Andre
- B Mr. Bertel Arnberg
- B Miss Rose Augustin
- B Miss Charlotte Ayres
- S Miss Eliz. Ballard
- S Miss Elizabeth Barrett
- S Miss Edna W. Baxter
- Miss Meta Beifus
- B Miss Germaine Berna
- B Mr. Eduard K. Bidermann
- Mr. Claud Biel
- B Mr. Henry Bisbe
- B Mr. John W. Bohlen
- S Miss Lillian A. Bolster
- Mrs. Helen A. Breunig
- B Mr. E. E. Brightman
- B Mr. R. L. Brightman
- S Miss Rachel Brooks
- B Miss Edith Brooks
- 5 Miss Elizabeth K. Brown
- S Miss Margaret E. Brown
- Mrs. Joh. A. C. van Buuren
- Miss Dora Callenberg
- B Mr. Octavio Carli
- S Mr. Wm. B. Cash
- Mr. Gordon H. Clark
- S Mr. Arthur E. Crisp
- Mr. Charles D. Cuttler
- Mr. Max Czapski
- Mrs. Max Czapski
- Mrs. Marie van Damme
- Miss Johanna S. Derksen
- S Miss Muriel Deutsch
- S Miss Blanche Dickinson
- 5 Mrs. H. P. Dowling
- Rev. John Emonts
- Mr. Siegfried Ermann
- Mr. Wendelin Ernst
- Mrs. Wendelin Ernst
- S Miss M. Failing
- B Prof. Ralph Fanning
- B Mr. L. Farmer
- B Mrs. L. Farmer
- B Mr. Sol Fellman
- B Mr. Leon Feuer
- B Mrs. Leon Feuer and two children
- B Miss May Fielder
- S Miss Alice E. Fisher
- S Mr. Bruno Funaro
- B Mr. D. G. Gamble
- B Mrs. Hannah Geddis
- S Miss Lilly Geissenberger
- Rev. Stephen A. Geniotis
- B Mrs. Ward Golden
- B Mrs. Walter Golz
- B Miss Anne Golz
- S Miss Dorothy Goodell
- Miss Charlotte E. Goodfellow
- S Mr. Roger. L. Greif
- Mr. Henry K. de Groot
- Mrs. Karoline Grün
- B Mr. Thomas Gucker
- B Dr. Eugen Guth
- Mr. John Hager
- Mrs. John Hager
- Mr. Jacob den Hartigh
- Miss Jenny den Hartigh
- Mr. Louis Hartz
- Mrs. Thea Heimann
- Mast. Helmut Heimann
- Mr. H. J. Hemmelder
- Mrs. H. J. Hemmelder
- S Mr. Ernst Hirschmann
- B Mr. Eric A. Hirst
- Dr. David H. Hollander
- S Mr. Cranston W. Holman
- S Mrs. Cranston W. Holman
- S Miss Ruth B. Horblet
- B Mr. George H. Houston, Jr.
- S Miss Katherine M. Howard
- Mrs. Stella F. Johnson
- B Mrs. Robert Johnston
- B Mr. J. Judge
- Miss Edna J. Kahn
- Dr. Paul van Katwijk
- Mrs. Paul van Katwijk
- B Mrs. Germaine Kellerman
- B Mr. Charles Kennedy
- B Mr. George H. Kennedy
- B Miss Moira Kennedy
- S Mrs. Jane M. Kerwin
- S Dr. Raymond W. Kerwin
- Mr. Hermann Klamer
- Mrs. Hermann Klamer
- Mrs. Ella Klausner
- B Mr. John P. Koehler
- B Mrs. John P. Koehler
- Mrs. Tryntje Koen
- S Mr. John Kollig
- B Mr. Wolf Kopin
- Dr. Siegfried Kraus
- • Miss Jane Krieger
- Dr. Heinrich Kronstein
- Mrs. Heinrich Kronstein
- Mast. Karl M. Kronstein
- Mast. Werner Kronstein
- Prof. Frederick Kruger
- Mr. Jacob E. Kunz
- S Mr. Sanford Ladd
- B Mr. Henry Mitchell
- Mr. Basil Lambert
- S Miss D. E. Morrison
- Mrs. Basil Lambert
- B Mr. Allan Mowbray
- Miss Ronnie Lambert
- S Mr. Dan Murray
- Mast. Michale Lambert
- Prof. Cornelius Lanczos
- S Mrs. Diana Neuss
- Mr. Jacobus M. Last
- S Mast. Robert M. Neuss
- Mrs. Jacobus M. Last
- Miss Ken Nishigawa
- Mr. Adolf de Leeuw
- Dr. Gerard A. W
- Mrs. Johanna F. van Otterlo
- van Leeuwen
- S Mrs. Cary Lesser
- B Mr. Sidney Pepper
- Mr. Fritz Leyser
- S Mr. Guillermo Pereira
- S Mr. J. T. Loeb. Yrarrazavol
- S Mr. Hal Long
- Miss Paula Perepelitzky
- Mrs. Charlotte Lowe
- S Mr. F. M. Perry
- S Mr. John H. Lowe
- B Miss Viola M. Peters
- Miss Nancy Lowe
- S Miss Miriam A. Peterson
- Miss Betsy Lowe
- Mr. Gerhard Pick
- Miss Patricia Lowe
- S Mr. P. Pike
- Miss Mary J. Lowe
- S Mrs. P. Pike
- B Mr. V. Luciani
- B Dr. Zygmunt Piotrowski
- B Mr. R. Lulejean
- Mr. Hubert J. Pirotte
- S Mr. Richard Lunsted
- Mrs. Hubert J. Pirotte
- S Miss E. Magers
- B Miss Florence B. McKinlay
- B Miss Patricia McWhinney
- Dr. Hans E. Meier
- Miss Arina Meuldijk
- B Miss Miriam Meyers
- B Mr. John Mitchell
- S Mr. Edwin Pollock
- S Miss Carolyn du Pont
- S Mr. Donald W. Prakken
- B Mr. Clifford H. Prator
- B Mrs. C. R. Prator
- S Prof. John P. Pritchett
- Miss Clara de Puy
- Mr. Jan Raap
- B Miss L. Ranchon
- B Miss A. Ranchon
- B Mrs. Helen W. Read
- S Mr. C. A. Riches
- S Mrs. C. A. Riches. and Infant
- S Miss M. E. Riches
- B Miss Mary R. Rozelle
- Mrs. Gertrud Salomon
- B Miss Tracy Samuels
- Miss Ellen M. Scattergood
- Mr. Anthony Scenna
- B Mr. Ernst Schachter
- B Mrs. Ernst Schachter
- B Mrs. Helene Scheu
- Mr. Holger Schroder
- Miss Louise Sieck
- Mr. Bernhard Siegler
- Mrs. Bernhard Siegler
- Mast. Silve Siegler
- Mast. Manford Siegler
- Mr. Walter Siegler
- B Sister Lidia da Silva
- B Mr. J. de Simone
- Mrs. Marie Sitlowski
- Mr. Alan L. Smith
- B Mr. Anatole Snegouroff
- Mr. John Snel
- B Prof. P. A. Sorokin
- Miss Anne Soutter
- Mrs. Corn. Standt
- Miss Anne M. Standt
- Miss Marguerite F. Stebler
- B Rev. George Steininger
- B Mrs. George Steininger
- B Mr. George Steininger, Jr.
- B Miss Helen Steininger
- Miss Marguerite Stelwagon
- Miss Elsie Stelwagon
- B Mr. Geoffrey Stengel
- Mr. Kurt Stern
- • Miss M. L. Story
- Mr. Lincoln A. Thomas
- S Mr. Howard Tierney, Jr.
- • Miss Gene Tierney
- S Mr. Carlos Tora Concha
- B Miss Ada F. Townsend
- Mr. Bennett B. Upson
- Mr. Fred van Valkenburg
- Mrs. S. van Valkenburg
- Miss Denise van Valkenburg
- Miss Marianne van Valkenburg
- Mr. Dirk van Veen
- Mrs. Dirk van Veen
- B Miss Marie L. van Vechten
- Miss Rita Vuyk
- Mr. Max Wandermann
- B Mrs. Grace Webster
- S Mr. Walter W. Weed, Jr.
- S Mr. T. C. Werbe
- S Miss Helen Wills
- B Mr. Samuel Wilson
- Dr. Ernst Wolff
- Mrs. Pearl Young
- B Miss Elisabeth Zimmerman
Third Class Passengers
- S Miss Alice Ambrose
- B Mr. Harold E. Buell
- B Mr. J. Andrewjaszi
- Mr. C. L. Burwell
- Mrs. Chriatina Annaert
- Miss Helen E. Butcher
- Miss Annie Annaert
- S Mr. Harry Aplington
- S Mr. Douglass Campbell
- B Mr. Otto Ashermann
- S Mrs. Douglass Campbell
- S Miss N. Atherton
- B Mrs. H. Chandler
- B Mr. Elisha Atkins
- B Miss Mary L. Chase
- Prof. William G. Aurelio
- B Mr. Thomas Checkley
- B Mrs. L. Cinelli
- Mr. E. Sidney Baker
- Mr. Earl M. Cleaves
- S Mr. Carl L. Bausch
- S Miss Katherine Coldwell
- Mr. Irving Bernstein
- Mr. Paul C. Condit
- B Mr. Peter L. Bernstein
- Mr. Leonard T. Conway
- B Mr. Gabor de Bessenyei
- B Mr. Dudley W. Cook
- S Miss H. C. Bishop
- Mr. Whitney Cook
- S Mr. H. J. Bishop
- Mr. Gardner Cook
- S Mr. G. Blank
- S Mr. M. H. Cornell
- S Mrs. G. Blank
- Mr. A. J. v. d. Corput
- Dr. Herbert A. Bloch
- Mr. John E. Craps
- Mr. Gysbert Bouter
- B Mr. Walter Crowley
- Mr. Jake J. Breimer
- B Mr. David Curtin
- Mrs. Jake J. Breimer
- B Mr. Philip Curtin
- B Miss Kay Brennan
- S Mr. John W. Brigham
- B Mr. Sewart N. Dall
- B Mr. Austin Broadhurst
- B Mr. Jules M. A. Damestoy
- B Mr. Robert P. Brown
- B Miss Jean Decker
- B Miss Sarah H. Brown
- S Miss Lucile Deen
- B Miss Margaret Dennis
- Mr. Morris Don
- B Mr. F. W. Edmondson
- S Mr. David K. Eichler
- S Mr. Richard Engel.
- Mr. Carl Englund
- B Miss Mary van Evers
- B Miss Laura van Evers
- B Miss Ellen C. Felter
- B Mr. Reginald Fitz
- Mr. Rees J. Friscoln, Jr.
- Mrs. Rees J. FriscoIn, Jr.
- S Mr. Edward Froelich
- Mr. Edwin G. Gardner
- Mr. William J. Geertsen
- Mr. Emil T. Glaser
- Miss Letitia Gleason
- S Mr. Robert W. Goodell
- B Mr. Herbert J. Goodman
- Miss Christa Graetz
- B Miss Helen Grand
- Mr. Sam Groenier
- B Mr. C. Guthrie
- Miss Lotte Guttmann
- Mr. S. de Haan
- B Mr. Barton Hakan
- B Miss Louise Hale
- S Mr. Jamison Handy
- S Prot. H. C. Harrell
- B Mr. Lloyd V. Harris
- B Mr. Philip Harris
- B Mr. J. Robert Harrison
- B Mr. William Haussermann
- B Mrs. Charlotte L. Haussmann
- B Miss Margaret Helburn
- B Mr. Noel Hemmendinger
- B Mr. John Hendrick
- B Mr. Donald Hendrick
- Mr. R. A. Henry
- Mr. Richard H. Henry
- Mr. David Herrmann
- B Miss Marg. Hiatt
- S Mr. Carl Hilbert
- B Mr. A. Jerome Himelhoch
- Mr. Edward Hoekstra
- Mrs. Jikke Hoekstra
- Mast. Jacob Hoekstra
- Miss Dorothy Hoekstra
- Mr. Metske Hoekstra
- Mrs. Florence Hoekstra
- Miss Julia Hoekstra
- Mast. Frank Hoekstra
- Miss Martha Hodge
- Mr. William T. Hodge, Jr.
- B Mr. William Hodgson
- B Mr. Ralph Holben
- B Mr. A. D. Howard
- Mrs. W. J. Huetinck
- B Mr. Benjamin Hurd
- Mr. William Hutter
- B Mr. Alexander Jacoby
- Mr. Andrew Jaszi
- B Mr. M. Johnson
- S Mr. Alexander Jones
- Mr. P. de Jong
- Mr. Israel Karger
- B Mr. Keith Keeley
- S Mr. Arthur Kent
- Mrs. Anna D. Klaucke
- Miss D. Klaucke
- Miss E. Klaucke
- Mr. Karl Knoedel
- Mrs. Karl Knoedel
- Mast. Karl Knoedel, Jr.
- Miss Wilhelmina Kooyman
- Mr. Paul Laboschefski
- B Mrs. Odette Lalanne
- Mr. William Lanser
- Mr. Michael Lewis
- S Mr. Herbert Lunt
- S Mrs. Norbert Lyons
- S Mr. G. D. MacRae
- Mr. William S. McVane
- Mr. Albert van Maren
- Mr. Thomas Marfield
- Mrs. Thomas Marfield
- Mrs. Marion T. Merry
- B Miss Kate Meyer
- B Mrs. Elizabeth Miklosh
- B Miss Judith Miklosh
- S Mr. C. W. Miller
- S Mrs. R. Mitler
- Mr. J. Paul Gunther Mohr
- Mr. Robert Gunther Mohr
- Mrs. Janke J. Mul
- B Mast. J. Nachman
- B Mr. C. L. Neil
- S Mr. H. H. Nexon
- Mr. Dirk Nienhuis
- Mr. E. J. Nyenhuis
- B Miss Ruth Oppenheimer
- B Miss Helene Oppenheimer
- Mr. J. J. Osborne
- Miss Betty Paine
- B Mr. Jack Parker
- B Mr. R. Parker
- S Miss Kate Peck
- B Mr. Roger Pierce
- Mr. Sjirk van der Ploeg
- Mr. Donald W. Read
- S Mr. Howard Wood Read
- Mr. Maurice Reens
- B Mr. Harry H. Reichard
- B Mrs. Harry H. Reichard
- B Mast. Richard Reichard
- S Mrs. M. Renfreau
- B Mr. Julian Richardson
- B Mr. Gaston Richer
- Mr. Kurt Riedelsberger
- Mrs. Styntje Riemersma
- S Mr. Thomas Risley
- Mr. Edward J. Roelans
- Mrs. Edward J. Roelans
- Miss Johanna Roelans
- Dr. Reg. S. Rood
- Mr. Ed. L. Russell
- Mr. William C. Russell
- Mr. Charles Sappema
- Mr. Peter Sattonstall
- Mr. P. Schipper
- Miss Ilse Schluter
- Miss Irmgard Schmidt
- Mr. Roland Schmidt
- Mrs. T. Schotanus
- Mr. Henry F. Selle
- Mr. William Shawahan
- Mr. Leendert Slegers
- Mr. Jack Smith
- Prof. P. A. Smith
- Mrs. P. A. Smith
- Mr. William Smith
- Mrs. Marie Steinhilber
- Dr. Mary Storer
- Mr. J. B. Sturges
- Mr. Jerry Taube
- Mast. C. Thomas
- Mr. William Thomas
- Mrs. William Thomas
- Mr. Robert W. Tilney, Jr.
- Mr. Jerome V. Treusch
- B Mr. J. M. Vandenbeldt
- Mr. Nicholas Verstraten
- Mrs. Nicholas Verstraten
- Mr. Ruurd Visser
- Mrs. Ruurd Visser
- Mr. C. J. Vreeken
- Mrs. C. J. Vreeken
- B Miss Helen Wallace
- S Mr. Cheves Walling
- B Miss Wallis
- S Mr. Arthur F. Weers
- B Miss A. Wertheimer
- B Mr. G. D. Whedon
- Mr. N. Williams
- S Mr. Ben A. Williams, Jr.
- B Mr. Griswold Wilson, Jr.
- Mr. Charles Wood
- S Mr. Howard Wood, III
- S Mr. B. de T. Wormser
- Miss Jane B. Young
- Mr. John De Young
- Mrs. Japke W. De Young
- Miss Joan De Young
- Mast. Burton De Young
- S Miss Mary G. Yust
- Mr. Chr. Zörcher
Tourist Class S.T.C.A. Staff
- Leader: Mr. Harry A. Brooks
- Asst. Leader: Mr. Francis A. Walter
- Hostess: Miss Laura Dodge
- Asst. Hostess: Miss Florence Vest
- Librarian: Miss Eleanor Hoguet
- Orchestra: "Glen Lane"
General Information for Passengers.
Mail and Telegrams. Mail and telegrams for Passengers are brought on board steamer before embarkation and placed in the Passengers' rooms. For any inquiries relating to mails, Passengers are invited to call at the Chief Steward's office.
Passengers are advised to stop at the mail desk in the center of the Pier at Hoboken, N.J. to claim their letters and telegrams, which may have been received for them.
Seats at Table. Application for table seats may be made to the Chief Steward. Hours for meals are posted on the ship's bulletin board.
Return Tickets. The Purser will be glad to radio, free of charge, to the New York office of the Line, if you wish to make return reservations on any steamer of the Line.
Valuables. For the convenience of the 'Passengers the Line has provided safe deposit boxes in the Purser's office in which any valuables may be deposited upon payment to the Purser of $5.00; this amount to be refunded when the key of the deposit box is returned.
However, the Line does not assume any responsibility for the safe custody of such articles. (Passengers may, if they wish, protect themselves by insurance).
Personal Funds. For the convenience of Passengers the Purser is prepared to cash a limited amount of recognized Travelers' Checks or to exchange money at official rates as posted at the Purser's office. A receipt is issued on such transactions on the Company's Form.
Personal checks cannot be cashed on board.
Divine Service. Divine service will be held on Sundays, at hours announced on the bulletin board, if a recognized clergyman on board is willing to officiate.
Ship's Newspaper. "The Ocean Post", containing latest wireless news and closing prices of the leading securities on the New York Stock Exchange, is published on board.
A copy of this newspaper is placed, when issued, in passenger's stateroom with the compliments of the Line.
Port Holes. Passengers are warned to refrain from opening or closing port holes themselves. If Passengers wish to have their port holes closed or opened, they should call their room steward.
Passengers ignoring this warning do so at their own risk and the Company assumes no liability in case of accident.
Medical Attention. The Holland-America Line assumes no responsibility for services rendered by the ship's Physician.
The services rendered and the medicines prescribed by the Physician are free of charge, except that in cases, where Passengers require the service of ship's Physician for the treatment of ailments for which they already were under the care of a Physician at the time of embarkation, the ship's Physician may charge a reasonable fee for such services, subject to the approval and sanction of the Commander.
Additional Payments on Board. Passengers paying any supplements for room transfers, additional passage money, freight, telegrams, etc., should obtain a receipt from the Purser on the Company's Form. For radiograms receipt will be furnished by the wireless operator.
Steamer Chairs, Rugs and Chair Cushions. Deck chairs, rugs and chair cushions may be hired on application to the Deck Steward.
The hire for deck chairs amounts to $1.50 for the voyage, whereas the hire for rugs and chair cushions amounts to $1.00 each for the voyage.
U. S. Head Tax. Aliens in transit through the United States and holding a transit visa (Section 3 (3) of the United States Immigration Laws) or an American Consular transit certificate, citizens of Canada, New Foundland, Cuba and Mexico, are exempt from the payment of United States Head Tax, provided they can satisfy the United States Immigration Inspector upon arrival in the United States that they will leave the Country within sixty days from the date of entry.
If the United States Immigration Inspector, who examines the alien, is not satisfied or convinced that an alien will leave within sixty days from the date of entry, he will order the collection of the Head Tax before passenger will be permitted to land and even if the alien should actually remain less than sixty days in the United States, the head tax will not be refunded.
Aliens in transit to contiguous territory, not holding transit visaes or American Consular transit certificates, must pay Head Tax, which will be refunded if the United States Immigration Inspector upon arrival is satisfied that they will leave the Country within sixty days from the time of entry.
Aliens who come to the United States, intending to remain less than sixty days and who hold a temporary visitor's visa (Section 3 (2) of the United States Immigration Laws) are exempt from the payment of Head Tax, but only if they can satisfy the United States Immigration Inspector, upon arrival, that they will actually leave within sixty days from the date of entry.
Such aliens must first pay the United States Head Tax and if the United States Immigration Inspector who will examine them upon arrival is satisfied that the alien will leave within sixty days, he will order refund of the Head Tax paid by handing the alien a special form.
This form will enable the alien to obtain refund of the Head Tax paid either through the Purser on board the steamer or through our head office in New York. This form must be surrendered, together with the Head Tax receipt which will be issued when the Head Tax is paid by the alien.
Important: When Head Tax is assessed in the case of alien transits or refund refused in the case of temporary visitors, claim for refund on the United States Government cannot be made even if such aliens would have left the United States within sixty days from the time of entry.
Baggage. There is a baggage room on board steamer where Passengers may store such personal belongings as cannot be placed in their cabins, as well as baggage of any kind.
The baggage room is open at hours as posted, and all inquiries pertaining to the storing or forwarding of baggage should be addressed to the Baggage Master.
Baggage Insurance. The Company's liability for damage to or loss or detention of baggage is strictly limited, and Passengers are, therefore, advised to protect themselves by insurance against risk of loss, theft, damage, pilferage, etc. Policies may be obtained at current rates at any office of the Line or through the Baggage Master on board this steamer.
Landing at New York. Motor COACH Service. For the convenience of Holland-America Line Passengers and their friends a motor coach service to and from the Holland-America Line Piers and the centrally located New York Hotels McAlpin and Commodore via the new Holland Tunnel is operated by the Fifth Avenue Coach Company and the Public Service Co-ordinated Transport of N. J.
Through the Purser you can reserve a place in one of the Motor Coaches to either the Hotel McAlpin or the Hotel Commodore at least 12 hours before arrival in New York.
The charge for this reservation, for which you will receive a ticket, will be $1.00 including the transfer of your hand baggage (not more than two pieces of hand baggage). Large baggage must be sent on separately.
The Holland-America Line accepts no responsibility whatsoever in connection with this coach service.
SS "Nieuw, Amsterdam" -- The new flagship of the Holland-America Line that was launched in April 1937 will be completed in the spring of 1938 and is expected to take her place of honor in the regular sailing schedule of the spotless fleet throughout the coming season.
She will measure approximately 33.000 tons gross register, length 751.6 feet — breadth 88 feet —depth 55 feet.
Every effort has been made to increase still further the comfort of the Passengers on the flagship of the Holland-America Line and many startling innovations are incorporated in her design.
Named for the first Dutch settlement on Manhattan she will do honor to the city and port of New York and carry her historical name as proudly as did her sturdy predecessor who won fame for the Holland-America Line from 1907 till 1931.
Applications for passage on the Nieuw Amsterdam are already being registered although tariffs and sailing dates will not be published until a later date.
Booklet P. - 1300 - 9-37.