TSS Statendam Passenger List - 6 August 1937

Front Cover of a Cabin, Tourist and Third Class Passenger List for the SS Statendam of the Holland-America Line, Departing Friday, 6 August 1937 from Rotterdam to New York and Boston

Front Cover of a Cabin, Tourist and Third Class Passenger List for the SS Statendam of the Holland-America Line, Departing Friday, 6 August 1937 from Rotterdam to Boston and New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton, Commanded by Commodore J. J. Bijl. GGA Image ID # 17ceb24086


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Commodore J. J. Bijl
  2. Chief Officer: Th. Stuut
  3. Chief Engineer: J. Willeman
  4. Physician: Dr. Th. N. Cassidy
  5. Purser: G. V. Reyntjes
  6. Chief Steward: A. Le Jeune


Cabin Passengers

  1. Mr. Eugene Ach
  2. Mrs. Eugene Ach
  3. Miss Agnes Allen
  4. Mr. David B. Armstrong
  5. Mrs. David B. Armstrong
  6. Miss Virginia Arnold
  7. Mrs. H. W. Austin
  8. Miss Phyllis Barker
  9. Mr. Stuart C. Barnes
  10. Mrs. Stuart C. Barnes
  11. Miss Mary M. Barnes
  12. Mr. Rob. Barnes
  13. Miss Ethel Bates
  14. Mrs. E. E. Bennett
  15. Mr. J. D. Bennett
  16. Mrs. J. D. Bennett
  17. Jhr. A. A. D. Berg, LL.D
  18. Mrs. A. A. D. Berg
  19. Mr. Everett H. Bickley
  20. Mrs. Everett H. Bickley
  21. Miss Andrey Bickley
  22. Mr. Wm. A. Binsacca
  23. Mrs. Wm. A. Binsacca
  24. Dr. S. Blach
  25. Mrs, F. Minot Blake
  26. Miss Ruth Blakeslee
  27. Mr. Morton Blumenthal
  28. Mrs. Morton Blumenthal
  29. Mast. Laurent Blumenthal
  30. Mrs. Benjamin Boas
  31. Prof. B. P. Bourland
  32. Mrs. B. P. Bourland
  33. Miss M. E. Briggs
  34. Mr. Wm. P. Brockermann, Jr.
  35. Mrs. Wm. P. Brockermann, Jr.
  36. Mr. J. Bruynes
  37. Mr. Ichabod Bunker
  38. Mr. John Burke
  39. Mrs. John Burke
  40. Miss Louise Burke
  41. Mr. L. K. Butler
  42. Mrs. L. K. Butler
  43. Mr. Fred. M. Buxbaum
  44. Mr. Thomas W. Byrnes
  45. Mrs. ThomasW. Byrnes
  46. Col. Charles T. Cahill
  47. Mrs. Charles T. Cahill
  48. Mrs. Donald F. Cammann
  49. Mrs. Laura Cashman
  50. Dr. use Castendyck
  51. Miss A. A. Cawley
  52. Mr. Theodore Chadwick
  53. Mrs. Theodore Chadwick
  54. Mr. Theodore Chadwick, Jr.
  55. Miss Constance Whitney Chadwick
  56. Dr. Herbert Cholerton
  57. Mrs. Herbert Cholerton
  58. Mrs. Robert Clark
  59. Miss Blanche Clift
  60. Mr. A. E. Cluett
  61. Mrs. A. E. Cluett
  62. Mrs. I. Coblenz Isaacs
  63. Mast. Robert B. Cole
  64. Mr. C. C. Colpitts
  65. Mrs. C. C. Colpitts
  66. Mrs. Frederick Copeland
  67. Prof. Henry E. Crampton
  68. Mrs. Henry E. Crampton
  69. Mr. G. Cranmer
  70. Mrs. Ella V. Crawford
  71. Mrs. Lua Crawford
  72. Mrs. G. H. Cribby
  73. Mrs. James J. Curry
  74. Mr. Louis Curtis
  75. Mrs. Louis Curtis
  76. Miss Mary C. Curtis
  77. Miss Fanny Curtis
  78. Miss Catherine C. Curtis
  79. Miss Laura J. Curtis
  80. Dr. William G. Curtis
  81. Mr. George M. Cushing
  82. Mrs. George M. Cushing
  83. Rev. Thomas F. Devlin
  84. Miss Mary Devlin
  85. Dr. Godfrey Dewey
  86. Dr. W. J. D. van Dobbenburgh
  87. Mrs. W. J. D. van Dobbenburgh
  88. Miss Ida van Dobbenburgh
  89. Miss Sally B. Dorman
  90. Mr. William H. Doubler
  91. Mrs. William H. Doubler
  92. Miss Anne D. Durfee
  93. Dr. Cornelius G. Dyke
  94. Mrs. Cornelius G. Dyke
  95. Mr. Guynon L. C. Earle
  96. Mrs. Guynon L. C. Earle
  97. Mr. E. Samuel Eastman
  98. Miss Nettie V. Eastman
  99. Dr. Paul W. Emerson
  100. Miss Grace Emerson
  101. Mr. Basil d'Emo
  102. Mrs. Basil d'Emo
  103. Miss A. J. von Euw
  104. Mr. Ralph W. Ewing
  105. Mrs. Ralph W. Ewing
  106. Miss Mary Ewing
  107. Mrs. Marion A. Farr
  108. Mrs. R. J. Fassett
  109. Mrs. Ella. S. Feid
  110. Dr. Louis A. Feldman
  111. Mrs. Louis A. Feldman
  112. Mr. Roy Feldman
  113. Miss Myra A. Fellows
  114. Mrs. Julia Ferranti
  115. Mr. Paul Finkelstein
  116. Mrs. Paul Finkelstein
  117. Mr. Washington Flexner
  118. Mrs. Washington Flexner
  119. Miss Miriam Flexner
  120. Mrs. Ellena M. Foley
  121. Miss Augusta Forkas
  122. Mr. C. I. Frank
  123. Mrs. C. I. Frank
  124. Miss Phoebe Frank
  125. Mr. Charles A. Frazer
  126. Mrs. Frances Freeman
  127. Mrs. A. W. Friend
  128. Mr. Augustus C. Froeb, Jr.
  129. Mrs. Augustus C. Froeb, Jr.
  130. Miss Deborah Gale
  131. Miss Mary A. Gardner
  132. Miss Bertha Gay
  133. Miss Barbara Geary
  134. Mrs. Mark Gelder
  135. Mrs. Frank Gerber
  136. Miss Dorothy S. Gerber
  137. Mrs. A. Gold
  138. Mr. Charles Goldman
  139. Mrs. Charles Goldman
  140. Rev. Fred. F. Goodsell
  141. Mr. Harry T. Grace
  142. Mrs. Harry T. Grace
  143. Mr. Walter Grafenberg
  144. Dr. Thomas W. Graham
  145. Mrs. Thomas W. Graham
  146. Mr. Richard G. Graham
  147. Mrs. Richard G. Graham
  148. Miss Virginia Graham
  149. Miss Elizabeth Grammer
  150. Mr. Matthew J. Gray
  151. Mr. Joseph Grise
  152. Mrs. Joseph Grise
  153. Mr. Harvey D. Groff
  154. Mrs. W. M. Gumble
  155. Mr. Morton Hamburger
  156. Mrs. Morton Hamburger
  157. Miss Mary E. Harrigan
  158. Miss A. Josephine Harrigan
  159. Mrs. Oliver K. Hawes
  160. Dr. William Healy
  161. Mrs. William Healy
  162. Mrs. Willard R. Heath
  163. Mr. H. R. Heitman
  164. Miss Hensley
  165. Miss A. P. van Herwaarde
  166. Mr. Sidney Herzberg
  167. Mrs. Sidney Herzberg
  168. Mrs. David M. Heyman
  169. Mr. Charles T. Hilliker
  170. Miss A. Himmell
  171. Mr. Herbert Hoffheimer
  172. Mr. Sidney Hollander
  173. Mrs. Sidney Hollander
  174. Miss Emily Hollander
  175. Mr. L. A. Holmes
  176. Mrs. L. A. Holmes
  177. Miss Helen Holmes
  178. Mr. David C. Hoover
  179. Mr. Clarence S. Horton
  180. Mrs. Clarence S. Horton
  181. Mr. Chas E. Hotchkiss
  182. Mrs. Elizabeth Hotchkiss
  183. Mrs. W. Churchill Houston
  184. Mrs. George F. Howland
  185. Miss Muriel Howland
  186. Mr. Albert Hoxie
  187. Mrs. Albert Hoxie
  188. Mr. John Hoxie
  189. Miss Lucille Hoxie
  190. Miss Jeannette G. Hunter
  191. Mr. W. Hunter Powell
  192. Mrs. W. Hunter Powell
  193. Miss L. Minnie Hursh
  194. Mr. A. O. Hurxthal
  195. Mrs. A. O. Hurxthal
  196. Mrs. H. L. Hutchinson
  197. Mr. Percy K. Idell
  198. Mrs. Percy K. Idell
  199. Miss Helen E. Idell
  200. Mr. Paul F. Jackson
  201. Mrs. Paul F. Jackson
  202. Mrs. A. O. Jones
  203. Miss Gertrude Jones
  204. Mr. I. E. Kaplan
  205. Dr. J. F. Kearney
  206. Miss Margaret Kelly
  207. Mr. Milford W. Kelso
  208. Mrs. Katherine W. Kennedy
  209. Miss Mary B. Keyes
  210. Mrs. Jessie D. Knapp
  211. Mr. William L. Knapp
  212. Mr. Thomas P. Knapp
  213. Miss Charlotte R. Kramer
  214. Mr. Paul P. Kriek
  215. Mrs. Paul P. Kriek
  216. Mast. Albert Kriek
  217. Miss Louise Kriek
  218. Mr. George A. Krug
  219. Mrs. George A. Krug
  220. Dr. George L. Lambright
  221. Mrs. George L. Lambright
  222. Miss Elizabeth Lambright
  223. Miss Mary Lambright
  224. Mr. Morton Lasker
  225. Mr. Alfred Lawson
  226. Mr. Alfred Lawson
  227. Mrs. J. M. A. C. Lazeron
  228. Miss Charlotte Lev
  229. Dr. Wm. Levy
  230. Mrs. Miriam Lissberger
  231. Miss Susan M. Little
  232. Miss Adrienne Livingston
  233. Mrs. E. C. Lockwood
  234. Mr. John M. Lyons
  235. Mrs. John M. Lyons
  236. Miss Alice Maguire
  237. Miss Mary Maguire
  238. Mr. C. L. Maillot
  239. Mrs. C. L. Maillot
  240. Miss Rosine Maillot
  241. Mrs. Wilbur O. Manning
  242. Mr. Gordon B. March
  243. Mrs. Gordon B. March
  244. Mrs. Russell W. Marr
  245. Dr. John R. Marshall
  246. Mrs. John R. Marshall
  247. Miss Barbara Marshall
  248. Miss E. A. McClench
  249. Mr. James McCullogh
  250. Mrs. James McCullogh
  251. Miss Margaret McElroy
  252. Mrs. Minnie McFadden
  253. fMiss Ruth McFarlane
  254. Miss Mary McKenna
  255. Mr. John H. Merrill
  256. Mrs. John H. Merrill
  257. Mr. Frank Mesker
  258. Mrs. Frank Mesker
  259. Mr. C. R. Metchear
  260. Mrs. C. R. Metchear
  261. Miss Mary Mickey
  262. Mrs. W. F. Miller
  263. Miss Adelaide M. Miller
  264. Miss Virginia Moore
  265. Miss I. A. Moorhead
  266. Mr. 1. Wistar Morris
  267. Mrs. I. Wistar Morris
  268. Mr. W. D. F. Morrison
  269. Mr. Isador B. Myers
  270. Mrs. Emma A. Mynard
  271. Capt. Frank L. Nagle
  272. Mrs. Emilie Narath
  273. Mrs. T. Narath
  274. Mr. George P. Nason
  275. Mrs. George P. Nason
  276. Mr. M. W. Nathan
  277. Mrs. M. W. Nathan
  278. Mrs. Lilly Natzler
  279. Miss Lizzy Natzler
  280. Miss Herta Natzler
  281. Miss F. I. Neill
  282. Mr. Wm. J. Nickerson
  283. Mr. C. Peirce
  284. Miss May H. Pendleton
  285. Mr. Arthur Perry
  286. Mrs. Arthur Perry
  287. Mr. Finley H. Perry
  288. Miss Josephine V. Perry
  289. Mrs. Elizabeth Peterson
  290. Mrs. W. H. Poole
  291. Mr. C. R. Post
  292. W. E. Postles, M.D
  293. Mrs. N. C. Randall
  294. Miss G. Ranken
  295. Mr. Ch. L. Rawlins
  296. Mrs. Ch. L. Rawlins
  297. Miss M. T. Ray
  298. Mr. John M. Reynolds
  299. Mrs. John M. Reynolds
  300. Lt. A. E. Roberts
  301. Mrs. A. E. Roberts
  302. Miss Alberta E. Roberts
  303. Dr. Charles M. Robbins
  304. Mr. Ira Robbins
  305. Mr. W. G. Rodd
  306. Mrs. W. G. Rodd
  307. Mr. Enno T. Rolf
  308. Mrs. Enno T. Rolf
  309. Mrs. Mollie H. Rollins
  310. Mr. Edward Root
  311. Mrs. Edward Root
  312. Mast. John Root
  313. Miss Belle Rosenberger
  314. Mr. M. F. Ruane
  315. Mrs. M. F. Ruane
  316. Mrs. John F. Ryan
  317. Mrs. Franklin Safford
  318. Miss Clara N. Santee
  319. Mr. William Scarlett
  320. Mr. Max Schloessinger
  321. Mrs. Max Schloessinger
  322. Miss Hadassah Schloessinger
  323. Miss Alice Schoettle
  324. Mrs. Hugh M. Scott
  325. Mrs. Julia Scully
  326. Mr. A. W. Sempliner
  327. Mrs. A. W. Sempliner
  328. Mr. Alexander B. Sharpe, Jr.
  329. Mrs. F. J. Shutts
  330. Miss Almeda Shutts
  331. Miss Florence Shutts
  332. Mrs. Alfred Simon
  333. Miss Katherine Simon
  334. Rt. Rev. Msgr. John T. Slattery
  335. Miss Catherine T. Slattery
  336. Miss Mary A. Slattery
  337. Mr. Howard R. Smith
  338. Mrs. Mary L. Smith
  339. Miss E. B. Smith
  340. Judge William A. Smith
  341. Mrs. William A. Smith
  342. Mrs. Edw. Sonnenschein
  343. Mr. Robert Sonnenschein
  344. Mr. William Sonnenschein
  345. Mr. I. F. Stein
  346. Mrs. Jule Sternberg
  347. Miss Thelma Stevenson
  348. Mrs. Gladys B. Stewart
  349. Mr. James R. Stewart
  350. Mrs. Madeleine Stoermer
  351. Mr. George H. Strauch
  352. Mrs. George H. Strauch
  353. Mrs. Harry L. Street
  354. Miss Marjorie Street
  355. Miss Harriet Street
  356. Mr. Charles L. Sykes
  357. Mrs. Charles L. Sykes
  358. Mr. Frank Thayer
  359. Mrs. Frank Thayer
  360. Mr. Ernst Theimer
  361. Mr. C. B. Tinker
  362. Mrs. H. R. Tobin
  363. Miss E. Tobin
  364. Mr. Fred W. Truex
  365. Mrs. Fred W. Truex
  366. Miss Ina Tuckman
  367. Mrs. Robert Tudor
  368. Miss Sallie A. Turner
  369. Mrs. L. Usinger
  370. Miss L. Usinger
  371. Mrs. L. Veech
  372. Mr. Thomas A. Verdenius
  373. Mrs. Thomas A. Verdenius
  374. Miss Charmain Verdenius
  375. Mr. Fritz Vorsanger
  376. Mrs. Fritz Vorsanger
  377. Mr. James H. Wall
  378. Mrs. James H. Wall
  379. Mrs. Edward Wallace Cone
  380. Mr. Philip H. Ward, Jr.
  381. Mrs. Philip H. Ward, Jr.
  382. Miss Eleanor H. Ward
  383. Mr. Philip H. Ward, Third
  384. Mr. Waldron M. Ward
  385. Mrs. Waldron M. Ward
  386. Miss Aileen Ward
  387. Miss Frances L. Ward
  388. Mr. Harold R. Ward, Jr.
  389. Mr. Roger C. Ward
  390. Mr. John S. Ward
  391. Mrs. Beatrice H. Waymire
  392. Mr. Alfred Wellington
  393. Mrs. Albert A. Wells
  394. Mrs. Anna M. Wells
  395. Miss M. Elizabeth Wells
  396. Mr. N. K. Whitman
  397. Mr. A. A. Willard
  398. Mrs. C. Rose Williams
  399. Mr. B. T. Williston
  400. Mr. Allen J. Wilson
  401. Mrs. Allen J. Wilson
  402. Miss Mary E. Wilson
  403. Mr. John D. Wing
  404. Mrs. John D. Wing
  405. Mrs. Chas. R. Winship
  406. Mrs. Alvina Woest
  407. Mr. J. R. Wood, Jr.
  408. Mrs. J. R. Wood, Jr.
  409. Mrs. G. F. Woodill
  410. Rear Admiral C. H. Woodward
  411. Mrs. C. H. Woodward
  412. Mr. D. Woudhuyzen
  413. Mr. H. C. Zentgraaff
  414. Mrs. H. C. Zentgraaff
  415. Mrs. Maude E. Wyatt
  416. Mr. Adrian Wynnobel
  417. Mrs. Robert Young Conrad
  418. Miss Robert Young Conrad
  419. Mr. J. C. Zaalberg
  420. Rev. Harold C. Zeis
  421. Mr. J. Louis van Zelm
  422. Mrs. J. Louis van Zelm


Notice: All Passengers will receive a landingcard and are requested to present same before leaving the steamer to a U.S. Immigrant Inspector for endorsement.


Tourist Passengers

  1. Miss Priscilla E. Abbot
  2. Mr. Lewis Adams
  3. Mrs. Lewis Adams
  4. Mr. Richard Adams
  5. Miss L. Adams
  6. Mr. J. Henry Amt
  7. Mrs. J. Henry Amt
  8. Mr. Jacobus van Asch
  9. Mrs. Jacobus van Asch
  10. Miss Jessie van Asch
  11. Miss Myrtle H. Baker
  12. Miss Mary Ballantine
  13. Miss Marg. Ballantine
  14. Miss Margaret Barbee
  15. Miss Ruth Baum
  16. Miss Muriel G. Baychelder
  17. Miss T. Beal
  18. Miss Lorma Bearse
  19. Miss Marion Bearse
  20. Miss Trude Beck
  21. Mr. Paul Beckhardt
  22. Mrs. Paul Beckhardt
  23. Miss Charlotte Beckhardt
  24. Mrs. R. L. Benjamin
  25. Mrs. Karoline Benz
  26. Mr. G. W. Beringer, Jr.
  27. Miss Florence I. Bigelow
  28. Mr. G. D. Birkhoff
  29. iMrs. G. D. Birkhoff
  30. Miss Margaret Bissell
  31. Mrs. Irene R. Blount
  32. Miss Elna Blount
  33. Mr. Joseph Blumenthal
  34. Mrs. Joseph Blumenthal
  35. Mr. Walter Bollier
  36. Mrs. Walter Bollier
  37. Mrs. Edwin Booth
  38. Miss Marion Booth
  39. Dr. Julia Bort
  40. Mr. J. Boswijk
  41. Mrs. J. Boswijk
  42. Miss Grace Boswijk
  43. Miss Alberta Bridges
  44. Mr. Albert Brinkhuis
  45. Mrs. Albert Brinkhuis
  46. Miss Maude Brinkhuis
  47. Mr. Harvey Broad
  48. Miss Nancy Brower
  49. Miss Frances E. Brown
  50. Miss Jeanette Bruce
  51. Mr. Jacob Buiten
  52. Miss Verity Burnett
  53. Mr. Alfred J. Buschek
  54. Prof. F. C. Butterfield
  55. Mr. Samuel van der Bijl
  56. Mr. Frank M. Carey
  57. Miss Eliz. Chapman
  58. Miss Mildred Clayton
  59. Miss Vista Clayton
  60. Mrs. Tristram R. Coffin
  61. Miss Trelsie Coffin
  62. Mr. Herbert Cohen
  63. Miss Phyllis Colbert
  64. Mrs. Helen D. Cook
  65. Miss Barbara S. Cooney
  66. Miss Emily Cooper
  67. Miss Margaret Cory
  68. Miss Janet Cory
  69. Mr. Robert E. Coughlin
  70. Mr. S. K. Coykendell
  71. Mrs. S. K. Coykendell
  72. Miss Margaret Crawford
  73. Mr. Felix Dach
  74. Mrs. Felix Dach
  75. Miss Marianne Dach
  76. Miss Anstiss Dana
  77. Dr. Arthur J. Davies
  78. Mrs. Arthur J. Davies
  79. Miss Matilde Diemer
  80. Miss Dorothy C. Doherty
  81. Mr. W. Doig
  82. Mr. H. P. Dowling
  83. Miss Ella M. Ducsay
  84. Miss Louisa R. Eadie
  85. Mr. Malcolm J. Edgerton
  86. Miss M. S. Eldred
  87. Miss Barbara Elliott
  88. Mr. George Evans
  89. Mr. Sigmund Falk
  90. Mrs. Sigmund Falk
  91. Miss Agnes Farrell
  92. Miss Mary E. Fee
  93. Mr. William L. Fieldman
  94. Mr. Augustus K. Forrest
  95. Mrs. Augustus K. Forrest
  96. Mast. Augustus K. Forrest
  97. Miss Lillian Fowlkes
  98. Mr. Ernest J. Freeman, Jr.
  99. Miss Elizabeth French
  100. Miss E. Fuller
  101. Miss Mary Gaffney
  102. Mr. Jakob Gartner
  103. Miss Mary E. Gehing
  104. Miss Margaret C. Gifford
  105. Dr. P. E. Gillingham
  106. Mrs. P. E. Gillingham
  107. Mrs. Inge S. Glaser
  108. Miss Ruth L. Glaser
  109. Miss Karla A. Glaser
  110. Mast. Lothar Glaser
  111. Mr. Herbert W. Goepel
  112. Mrs. Herbert W. Goepel
  113. Miss Gertrude Goers
  114. Mr. Louis Goldschmidt
  115. Mrs. Louis Goldschmidt
  116. Miss Ingeborg Goldschmidt
  117. Mast. Herbert Goldschmidt
  118. Miss Sarah Goldstein
  119. Mrs. L. A. Gratiot
  120. Miss Mary A. Gratiot
  121. Mr. John P. Gratiot
  122. Miss Catherine Greene
  123. Mrs. Selma Greengard
  124. Miss Cloe Griffith
  125. Miss Hedwig Grunwald
  126. Miss Margaret Gumbleton
  127. Miss Gertrude Gumbleton
  128. Mr. Masas Gusukuma
  129. Mrs. Wilhelmina Gutmann
  130. Mr. Wilhelm Gutmann
  131. Mrs. Wilhelm Gutmann
  132. Mast. Rolf Gutmann
  133. Mrs. Maylin Hamilton
  134. Miss Merri Hope Hamilton
  135. Mr. Herman Hamstra
  136. Mrs. Herman Hamstra
  137. Miss Ymkje Hamstra
  138. Mr. Percy Harden
  139. Miss Muriel Harris
  140. Mr. T. S. Harris
  141. Miss Wilda J. Hayes
  142. Miss Theda E. Hayes
  143. Miss Virginia Hayes
  144. Miss Christine Headley
  145. Miss Ada Heck
  146. Mr. Kurt Herrmann
  147. Miss Lucie Herrmann
  148. Mr. Henry Hess
  149. Mrs. Peter Hettenvan
  150. Miss Caroline Hicherson
  151. Miss Mary Hind
  152. Miss Dorothy A. Hitchcock
  153. Mr. Edwin Hoadley
  154. Mrs. Edwin Hoadley
  155. Miss P. D. Hodgins
  156. Mrs. F. C. Hodgson
  157. Miss Ruth Hodgson
  158. Miss Mary L. Hodgson
  159. Miss Virginia Hoffman
  160. Mrs. Finnja Holland
  161. Miss Jamie A. Holland
  162. Miss Mildred Holling
  163. Miss Trudy Holzer
  164. Mr. Wilhelmus J. van Hoogenhuyze
  165. Mrs. Wilhelmus J. van Hoogenhuyze
  166. Miss Marian Home
  167. Miss Elizabeth A. Houser
  168. Miss Mary K. Houser
  169. Miss Della in 't Hout
  170. Miss Virginia Ireland
  171. Mrs. Edith Johnson
  172. Miss Arlette Johnson
  173. Miss Augusta Jones
  174. Mrs. Cad Jones
  175. Miss Estelle Jones
  176. Mr. Julius Jordan
  177. Mrs. Julius Jordan
  178. Miss Ruth Jordan
  179. Mast. Heinz Jordan
  180. Mr. Julius Joseph
  181. Mr. W. B. Juckett
  182. Miss Pauline Jungjohann
  183. Mr. John C. Jurrjens
  184. Mr. Leopold Kahn
  185. Mrs. Leopold Kahn
  186. Miss Edna J. Kahn
  187. Mrs. A. van der Kamp
  188. Miss Marnie Katholing
  189. Miss Alice Kavel
  190. Mr. Roger M. Keefe
  191. Mrs. Henry Kenderdive
  192. Miss Margaret Kenderdive
  193. Miss Emily Kenderdive
  194. Miss Sara Klein
  195. Miss Sophie Klein
  196. Mrs. Emma Königsberger
  197. Mr. Chas. P. Koopmans
  198. Mrs. Chas. P. Koopmans
  199. Mrs. Jacoba P. Koopmans
  200. Miss Beatrice P. Koopmans
  201. Mrs. M. Koopmans
  202. Miss Bertha Koopmans
  203. Mrs. Martine Kuipers
  204. Miss Marie J. Kuipers
  205. Mr. Herbert Landau
  206. Mrs. Herbert Landau
  207. Mr. Harry Larsen
  208. Mr. VVilhelmus J. Lefebre
  209. Miss Ruth G. Leroux
  210. Mr. Arthur Levy
  211. Mrs. Arthur Levy
  212. Mr. Louis Levy
  213. Mrs. Louis Levy
  214. Miss Mildred Levy
  215. Mast. Ronald Levy
  216. Miss Lucy Lieb
  217. Dr. Julius Löbl
  218. Prof. Henry R. Loomis
  219. Mrs. Henry R. Loomis
  220. Miss Clara D. Loomis
  221. Mrs. Emma Maier
  222. Mrs. Selmo Mane
  223. Miss Lore Mane
  224. Mr. John L. Marden
  225. Mrs. D. Marden
  226. Mr. Hermann Marko
  227. Mrs. William J. Marshall
  228. Mr. Antonio Maruzzi
  229. Miss Eleanor Mason
  230. Mr. R. Brooke Maxwell
  231. Mrs. R. Brooke Maxwell
  232. Mr. Beny Mayer
  233. Mrs. Beny Mayer
  234. Mast. Günter Mayer
  235. Miss Trude Mayer
  236. Miss Betty J. Mayer
  237. Mr. Karl Mayer
  238. Mr. Walter Mayer
  239. Col. Robert Mazet
  240. Mrs. Robert Mazet
  241. Mr. James McIntosh Grigor
  242. Mrs. James McIntosh Grigor
  243. Mrs. Mary McKenna
  244. Mr. James F. Mears
  245. Mr. John E. Merrill
  246. Mrs. John E. Merrill
  247. Mrs. Elisabeth Meyer
  248. Dr. Jos C. Meyer
  249. Mrs. Jos C. Meyer
  250. Miss V. Natalie Mogilner
  251. Miss H. Moore
  252. Miss M. Moore
  253. Mr. Thomas P. Mulligan
  254. Mr. Roy R. Mumma
  255. Mrs. Roy R. Mumma
  256. Miss Gertrude Munger
  257. Miss Helen Nagle
  258. Miss Ann Nicholson
  259. Mrs. Mary Nickum
  260. Mrs. M. A. Ohlert
  261. Miss J. A. Ohlert
  262. Mr. Julius Oppenheimer
  263. Mrs. Julius Oppenheimer
  264. Mast. Hans Oppenheimer
  265. Miss Anne Osborne
  266. Miss Alsa Partridge
  267. Miss Marion L. Patterson
  268. Miss Anna Pistey
  269. Mrs. Vera E. Pocock
  270. Miss Betty Pocock
  271. Miss Emily K. Potts
  272. Miss R. E. Poulson
  273. Mr. Frank W. Powell
  274. Mr. Bouwe Prins
  275. Miss E. Purdy
  276. Dr. John Purney
  277. Mrs. John Purney
  278. Miss Eliz. Purney
  279. Mr. John Purney, Jr.
  280. Mrs. Alida W. de Raad
  281. Miss Esther Radford
  282. Miss Mabel Ramberg
  283. Miss Isabel Rankin
  284. Mr. Richard Rauner
  285. Miss Elizabeth Rexford
  286. Dr. Gilbert J. Rich
  287. Mrs. Gilbert J. Rich
  288. Mr. Edgar P. Richardson
  289. Miss Ethel Richardson
  290. Miss E. Rigby
  291. Miss Anne Rodman
  292. Mr. Gerrit H. van Roekel
  293. Mrs. Evelyn Roelants
  294. Mr. Jacob Rosenbach
  295. Miss Liselotte Rosenbach
  296. Mr. Oscar Rosenbaum
  297. Miss Hedwig Rosenthal
  298. Mr. Emil Rothschild
  299. Mrs. Emil Rothschild
  300. Miss Kathryn Rowen
  301. Miss Virginia Rudolph
  302. Miss Roxane Ruhl
  303. Miss Alicia Ruhl
  304. Dr. R. L. Saunders
  305. Mrs. R. L. Saunders
  306. Miss Emily T. Saxton
  307. Mrs. Mary P. Sayward
  308. Mrs. Pieternella L. Schippers
  309. Mr. Willem. B. Schippers
  310. Miss Roberta P. Schlegel
  311. Mr. Anton Schneider
  312. Mr. Kurt Schubach
  313. Mr. Kurt E. Schulherr
  314. Mr. Erich A. Schweitzer
  315. Mrs. Frank Sheerin
  316. Mr. Joseph Shreiber
  317. Mrs. Joseph Shreiber
  318. Miss Eloise Simpkin
  319. Miss C. M. Sinclair
  320. Miss Barbara I. Smith
  321. Mr. Percy K. Smith
  322. Mrs. Percy K. Smith
  323. Mr. Richard Soaper
  324. Mrs. Grace I. Solon
  325. Mr. David Soroko
  326. Mr. Adolph E. Speitel
  327. Mrs. Thomas E. Steere
  328. Miss Edith K. Stern
  329. Mr. Wilhelm Stern
  330. Mrs. Wilhelm Stern
  331. Dr. H. Willard Sterrett
  332. Miss Emily Stone
  333. Miss Barbara Stone
  334. Mrs. Bertha Storr
  335. Mrs. Marguerite M. Straub
  336. Mr. John H. Strunk
  337. Miss E. T. Stuart
  338. Mr. Fred. C. Thompson
  339. Mrs. Fred. C. Thompson
  340. Mr. Edward C. Thompson
  341. Miss Grace F. Timroth
  342. Mr. Frank E. Travis
  343. Mrs. Frank E. Travis
  344. Miss Julia K. Trosper
  345. Miss Lula R. Turlington
  346. Miss Ruth S. Turner
  347. Mr. Kaj Velden
  348. Mrs. Kaj Velden
  349. Mr. William R. Verbeck
  350. Mrs. Helena Visscher-Immink
  351. Miss Gualthera Visscher-Immink
  352. Mr. Vicente Viviani
  353. Mr. Pieter van der Vliet
  354. Mr. Julius Vogel
  355. Mr. G. Vogelbacher
  356. Mrs. Agatha Wagenvoord
  357. Miss Anne F. Walsh
  358. Miss Mary Walsh
  359. Miss Kathleen Wantz
  360. Mrs. Anna Webb
  361. Mr. Carl S. Weiss
  362. Mrs. Carl S. Weiss
  363. Miss A. Westendorp
  364. Mr. Alfred Westheim
  365. Mr. Earl C. Wheeler
  366. Mrs. Earl C. Wheeler
  367. Miss Violet Wheeler
  368. Mr. F. C. Whitman
  369. Miss Victoria Widenmann
  370. Prof. J. B. Wilbur
  371. Mrs. J. B. Wilbur
  372. Miss Marg.S.Wilkinson
  373. Major James H. Wilson
  374. Mr. Justin Wohl
  375. Mr. Meyer Wolffs
  376. Mrs. Meyer Wolffs
  377. Mr. C. G. Wood
  378. General Victor A. Yakhantoff
  379. Miss Dorothy Yuchey
  380. Mr. Alfred Zeilberger


Notice: All Passengers will receive a landingcard and are requested to present same before leaving the steamer to a U.S. Immigrant Inspector for endorsement.


List of Third Class Passengers

  1. Miss Dorothy I. Acuff
  2. Miss Ruth Adams
  3. Mr. Julius Alliet
  4. Mrs. Julius Alliet
  5. Mrs. Cornelia Ameling
  6. Mast. Robert H. Ameling
  7. Mr. David Mc. Ameny
  8. Carlton S. Anderson
  9. Mrs. Josephine Anderson
  10. Mr. William Andrews
  11. Mr. Boris van Arnold
  12. Mrs. D. W. Audet
  13. Miss Irene Audet
  14. Miss Germaine Audet
  15. Miss Elizabeth Averill
  16. Mr. A. Baker
  17. Mrs. A. Baker
  18. Miss E. Baker
  19. Miss Joan Ballard
  20. Mrs. Sylvia Bartfield
  21. Miss Wilma Baxter
  22. Miss Joan Becker
  23. Mrs. Pietertje M. M. v. d. Beek
  24. Mr. Emil Begijn
  25. Miss Marianna Bell
  26. Miss Lilloret G. Bent
  27. Mr. Victor Berne
  28. Miss H. Blaney
  29. Mr. Philip Bliss
  30. Mr. William J. de Boeck
  31. Miss Virginia J. de Boeck
  32. Mr. John Boettger
  33. Mr. Hyman van der Bokke
  34. Mr. William Bolt
  35. Mrs. William Bolt
  36. Miss Cornelia Boomgaard
  37. Miss Martha Borg
  38. Mrs. Agatha Bos
  39. Mr. Sam Bouma
  40. Mrs. Sam Bouma
  41. Mast. Wilbur Bouma
  42. Miss Anna Bradley
  43. Mr. Dawson Bradshaw, Jr.
  44. Miss Beatrice Braude
  45. Miss Lois Brewster
  46. Mrs. H. den Broeder
  47. Mast. R. den Broeder
  48. Mr. Thomas Broersma
  49. Mrs. Thomas Broersma
  50. Mrs. Ruth Brouwer
  51. Miss Dina Brouwer
  52. Miss Ruth Brouwer
  53. Miss Caroline Brown
  54. Mr. William Brown
  55. Mr. Richard Bruckner
  56. Mrs. Anna Th. Bruckner
  57. Mast. Richard Th. Bruckner
  58. Mast. John Th. Bruckner
  59. Mast. Tommy Bruckner
  60. Mrs. Rosea A. Bryant
  61. Miss Florence E. Bryant
  62. Mr. Alfred Burke
  63. Miss Louise Bush
  64. Mr. Henry Buthe
  65. Mrs. Anna Buthe
  66. Miss Sarah Butts
  67. Mr. Menne Bijleveldt
  68. Mrs. Muriel Bijleveldt
  69. Miss Constance Bijleveldt
  70. Mr. Arie D. Camphuyzen
  71. Mrs. A. Camphuyzen
  72. Miss B. Camphuyzen
  73. Mr. Frank M. Carey
  74. Miss Mary Carrier
  75. Miss Evelyn Carter
  76. Mr. George H. Carter
  77. Miss Winona Carter
  78. Miss Barbara Cary
  79. Miss Phyllis M. Childs
  80. Mr. E. L. Church
  81. Mr. William Church
  82. Mr. Jerome Cicquelais
  83. Miss Jessie Cicquelais
  84. Mr. Arnold Cohen
  85. Miss Barbara Comfort
  86. Mr. Charles Cook
  87. Miss Nancy Cook
  88. Mr. Robert Cooper
  89. Miss Eleanor G. Corniea
  90. Mr. James A. Cousin
  91. Mr. John Crawford
  92. Mr. Richard Crowley
  93. Mr. James Culverwell
  94. Miss Anna Curtis
  95. Miss A. W. Darrow
  96. Mr. A. C. Davis
  97. Miss Katherine Day
  98. Miss Elizabeth Day
  99. Miss Constance Decormis
  100. Miss Margaret Devine
  101. Mr. A. Dibblee
  102. Mr. Rog. E. Dickerson
  103. Mi. Loren Dilkes
  104. Mr. John Dorsey
  105. Mr. Charles Duveen
  106. Mrs. Dorothy van Duyn
  107. Mr. Barteld van Dijk
  108. Mrs. Gerrigje van Dijk
  109. Mr. B. Dijkstra
  110. Mrs. I. Dijkstra
  111. Miss B. Dijkstra
  112. Miss B. Dijkstra
  113. Mr. Greer Elles
  114. Mr. Thos. Elliott
  115. Mrs. Maria Elsman
  116. Miss Irene Epler
  117. Dr. Calvin Eroh
  118. Mr. John van Es
  119. Mrs. John van Es
  120. Miss Faith Evans
  121. Miss Katherine W. Evans
  122. Miss Sylvia H. Evans
  123. Mr. G. H. Ewen
  124. Dr. Gladys J. Fashena
  125. Mr. John J. Federkiewicz
  126. Mrs. John J. Federkiewicz
  127. Mr. William B. Ferris
  128. Mr. Wm. B. Ferriss
  129. Mr. Hendrikus M. Figge
  130. Mrs. Grietje M. Figge
  131. Miss Hendrika J. Figge
  132. Miss Sarah J. Fisher
  133. Mr. William Flood
  134. Mr. J. A. Ford
  135. Mr. Carl Fowler
  136. Dr. Paul T. Fuhrmann
  137. Mrs. Paul T. Fuhrmann
  138. Miss Else Fuld
  139. Mr. D. Earl Gardner
  140. Mr. David Garton
  141. Mr. Robert Garvey
  142. Miss Virginia Gautt
  143. Mr. Robert Geddes
  144. Mrs. Adriana C. Geerdes
  145. Mr. Nicholas Gerold
  146. Mr. J. Henry Geurkink
  147. Mr. W. B. Gibboney
  148. Mr. Wesley Gibson
  149. Mr. Jerome Goldman
  150. Mrs. Phyllis Goodwin
  151. Miss Louise Gordon
  152. Miss Helen Gordon
  153. Mr. Frederik Gottlieb
  154. Miss Lee Grady
  155. Miss Susan Granberry
  156. Mr. Thomas Green
  157. Mrs. Gretchen Griebel
  158. Mrs. Hayes Griffin
  159. Miss Jane Griffin
  160. Miss Nancy Griffin
  161. Mr. Frank Groff
  162. Mrs. Rosette Hamburger
  163. Miss C. Hanley
  164. Miss Klazina Hardenberg
  165. Miss Dora Hardy
  166. Mr. Roger Hardy
  167. Mrs. Roger Hardy
  168. Miss L. W. Heard
  169. Mr. H. Heida
  170. Mrs. H. Heida
  171. Mast. Louis Heida
  172. Miss Cornelia Heida
  173. Mr. James Heida
  174. Mr. Sam Heida
  175. Miss Klara M. Heiland
  176. Miss Virginia Hemingway
  177. Mrs. Emilie Heritier
  178. Mast. Robert Heritier
  179. Mast. Herbert Heritier
  180. Mr. R. Robert Herling
  181. Mr. Bert D. Herring
  182. Mr. David Heyman
  183. Miss Edith A. Hickey
  184. Mr. Paulus Hiddenga
  185. Mr. Heinrich Hirsch
  186. Mr. Ernest L. Hixson
  187. Miss Bernadetta Hoffman
  188. Miss Virginia Hoffman
  189. Mr. Leo Hoffmann
  190. Mrs. J. R. Holtrop
  191. Miss Aleatha E. Hood
  192. Miss Anni S. Hope
  193. Mr. G. W. Howard
  194. Mrs. G. W. Howard
  195. Mr. William E. Hoyt
  196. Miss D. Humphreys
  197. Mr. Thomas B. Hunnewell
  198. Mr. Heinrich Hutzler
  199. Mr. Bernard Huyink
  200. Mr. Jack Irwin
  201. Mrs. Elizabeth Jansen
  202. Mr. Randall Johnson
  203. Mr. Le Loy Johnson
  204. Mr. Sally Jonas
  205. Mr. Moses Lord
  206. Mrs. Hilde Jonas
  207. Mr. Adrian Lupien
  208. Miss Walter J. Jonas
  209. Miss Katherine A. Lyons
  210. Miss C. F. Jones
  211. Mr. Donald MacDonald
  212. Miss Phyllis Judson
  213. Miss Alice F. MacDonald
  214. Mr. P. D. Junkin
  215. Mr. Boris Major
  216. Mr. Sam Kanter
  217. Mrs. Boris Major
  218. Mr. Perry Kendig
  219. Mrs. Helene v. d. Mark
  220. Mr. Curtis Kimball
  221. Mr. Cornelis ter Maten
  222. Miss Ruth E. Kinzly
  223. Mrs. Cornelis ter Maten
  224. Miss Gladys S. Kinzly
  225. Miss Barbara Matherson
  226. Mrs. Anna Kochs
  227. Miss Janet Mathison
  228. Mr. Dominik Kohotynski
  229. Miss Katerine Mattison
  230. Mr. Robert Korf
  231. Mr. Ralp Maurer
  232. Miss Mabel C. Knight
  233. Mr. William McGrail
  234. Mr. John van der Kraan
  235. Mr. Bert McDonald
  236. Mrs. Lijsje Kruidhof
  237. Mr. Raymond S. McLay
  238. Mr. Henry van Laarhoven
  239. Mrs. Raymond S. McLay
  240. Mr. R. C. Lamb
  241. Mildered McLean
  242. Mr. R. C. Lamb, Jr.
  243. Mr. Richard A. McLemore
  244. Mr. Harold Lamb
  245. Mrs. Richard A. McLemore
  246. Mr. John Lang
  247. Mast. H. K. McLemore
  248. Mr. Edgar Lassins
  249. Miss Lawrienne McLiesh
  250. Miss Sarah E. Lawson
  251. Miss Veronica McShane
  252. Mr. William Leamy
  253. Mr. John Melpolder
  254. Mr. Albert van der Lee
  255. Miss Louise Melpolder
  256. Mr. Gerrit van der Lee
  257. Miss Mary E. Middleton
  258. Miss Ethel Lewis
  259. Miss Hettie Millar
  260. Miss May Lewis
  261. Miss Henriette R. Miller
  262. Mr. Robert Link
  263. Mr. Clyde Mitchell
  264. Mrs. Maria Links
  265. Mrs. Cornelia Moen
  266. Miss Irmgard Lion
  267. Mrs. Elizabeth Moerkerk
  268. Mr. Dick Lipphard
  269. Miss Margaret Montgomery
  270. Dr. Alvan E. Litwiller
  271. Mr. Luiko Mooi
  272. Mrs. Mildred Litwiller
  273. Mrs. Luiko Mooi
  274. Mrs. Elsa Loeffel
  275. Miss Honoria Moomaw
  276. Miss Anna Loeffel
  277. Miss Josephine Moomaw
  278. Mr. Francis Lord
  279. Miss Lucille Moore
  280. Miss Marjory Morgan
  281. Miss Mary Morrill
  282. Mr. Reeves Morrison
  283. Mr. C. A. Muilenberg
  284. Mrs. C. A. Muilenberg
  285. Miss P. Muilenberg
  286. Miss M. Muilenberg
  287. Mr. Cornelius Nagtzaam
  288. Mrs. Cornelius Nagtzaam
  289. Mr. M. Nanne
  290. Mr. John Nash
  291. Mrs. Aaltje Nauta
  292. Mr. Howard Ness
  293. Mrs. Albert Newman
  294. Miss Eilleen Newman
  295. Mr. Wm. Niccloy
  296. Mr. E. Nielsen
  297. Mrs. E. Nielsen
  298. Miss Patience W. Norman
  299. Miss Constance Obright
  300. Mr. Bruce Olsen
  301. Mr. John G. Park
  302. Mr. J. S. Pendleton
  303. Mr. I. Lloyd Perper
  304. Miss Elinor Perry
  305. Mr. Graham Peters
  306. Mrs. L. Pitts
  307. Mr. Nick Plutschow
  308. Mr. A. Polyak
  309. Mr. Gail Potter
  310. Mrs. G. W. Posthuma-Frederiks
  311. Miss Mary J. Pratt
  312. Miss E. Quattlander
  313. Miss Kathrine Quinlan
  314. Mr. Schulem Rechtschaffen
  315. Mrs. Jytte Rechtschaffen
  316. Mast. Bernard Rechtschaffen
  317. Mrs. Jantje van Ree
  318. Mrs. Jessie Reinsma
  319. Mast. Reynold Reinsma
  320. Mr. Dirk Reinsma
  321. Mr. John Reynolds
  322. Miss Edith Rice
  323. Mr. Edwin Rich
  324. Mr. Howell H. Richards
  325. Mrs. Howell H. Richards
  326. Miss Margaret M. Ries
  327. Miss Alice F. Ring
  328. Mrs. Gertrude A. Robinson
  329. Miss May Robinson
  330. Miss Louise Roche
  331. 'Miss Elaine Rogers
  332. Mr. Ernst Rosenheimer
  333. Miss Nora Rothschild
  334. Mrs. G. Rotteweel
  335. Miss V. Rotteweel
  336. Mr. Harrison Ruehe
  337. Mr. P. van Ruiten
  338. Mrs. P. van Ruiten
  339. Miss Mary van Ruiten
  340. Miss Catherine van Ruiten
  341. Mast. John van Ruiten
  342. Mrs. Marianna Sautter
  343. Mr. David Sayan
  344. Mrs. Guurtje Sepers
  345. Mr. H. H. Seymour
  346. Mr. Louis Schäver
  347. Mrs. Anna Schäver
  348. Mr. Herman Schellenberg
  349. Mrs. Herman Schellenberg
  350. Mr. H. Schepers
  351. Mr. Henry Schoemaker
  352. Mrs. Henry Schoemaker
  353. Mr. Ernst R. Scholz
  354. Miss Sadie C. Schulz
  355. Mrs. Elizabeth Schwope
  356. Miss Elvira Schwope
  357. Mr. David Scoular
  358. Mrs. Lena Segel
  359. Mrs. Gerard Siljee
  360. Mr. George Slaughter
  361. Mr. Loomis Slaughter, Jr.
  362. Mr. Joseph Smith
  363. Miss S. A. Sohn
  364. Miss Pearl W. Spencer
  365. Mr. J. Spoelstra
  366. Mr. Jacob A. van der Steen
  367. Mrs. Catherine M. van der Steen
  368. Miss Grietje Stellingwerf
  369. Mrs. Aleida Sterenborg
  370. Miss Virginia Sterling
  371. Miss Helen P. Story
  372. Miss Addie E. Story
  373. Mr. Richaad W. Sulloway, Jr.
  374. Mrs. Ruurdje Swierstra
  375. Mr. Keith A. Tanner
  376. Mr. Peter Tatelbaum
  377. Mr. Peter Terpstra
  378. Mr. Bradford Tindall
  379. Mrs. K. Tomelavicius
  380. Miss Elizabeth Trask
  381. Miss Virginia E. Trevorrow
  382. Mrs. Sietske Tuinier
  383. Miss Hendrikje Tuinier
  384. Mr. Eliza Tuk
  385. Mrs. Eliza Tuk
  386. Mast. Bill Tuk
  387. Miss Mariam Twyman
  388. Mrs. Catherine van der Veen
  389. Miss Wilhelmina van der Veen
  390. Mr. Sake van der Veen
  391. Mrs. Sake van der Veen
  392. Mr. Jelle van der Veen
  393. Mr. Henry van der Veen
  394. Mr. A. van Veldhuizen
  395. Mrs. Gertrude Velzing
  396. Miss Alice Velzing
  397. Miss Catharine Velzing
  398. Mrs. H. W. Vissers
  399. Miss D. C. Vissers
  400. Miss Mary C. Vinyard
  401. Mr. Josef Vnuk
  402. Mrs. Irene Vnuk
  403. Mast. Vinco Vnuk
  404. Mr. Jan Vnuk
  405. Miss Maria Vnuk
  406. Miss Magdalena Vnuk
  407. Mr. Adam Vnuk
  408. Miss Margaret van Voorhees
  409. Mr. J. Voorthuizen
  410. Mrs. J. Voorthuizen
  411. Mr. James De Vries
  412. Mr. Simon De Vries
  413. Mrs. Johanna M. Vring
  414. Miss Kathrine L. Vring
  415. Mast. John A. Vring
  416. Mr. C. van de Waal
  417. Mr. Herbert v. d. Wal
  418. Mrs. Gelske v. d. Wal
  419. Mast. John v. d. Wal
  420. Mr. Herbert Wald
  421. Mr. Cornelis Waleboer
  422. Mr. W. A. Warner
  423. Miss Margaret Watrous
  424. Mr. John Weil
  425. Mr. Jacob Weinstein
  426. Mrs. Jacob Weinstein
  427. Miss Mary Welch
  428. Miss Ann Welch
  429. Mr. Sheldon B. Wells
  430. Mr. Wertheimer
  431. Mr. Bernard Werthman
  432. Mrs. Bernard Werthman
  433. Miss Elizabeth Weter
  434. Miss Bertha W. Wheeler
  435. Mr. Graham V. White
  436. Miss Mary Whitney
  437. Mr. Richard Widmark
  438. Mr. Charles Wiley
  439. Mr. A. E. Wilhelmi
  440. Miss Betty J. Williams
  441. Mr. Earl Williams
  442. Mrs. Earl Williams
  443. Mr. George G. Willis
  444. Mr. Richard Wilmeth
  445. Miss Marietta Withington
  446. Mr. Sam van Wyngaarden
  447. Mrs. Sam van Wyngaarden
  448. Mast. Bert van Wijngaarden
  449. Dr. Heinrich Wolf
  450. Mr. Jos Wolf
  451. Mr. Raye P. Woodin, Jr.
  452. Mr. George Woodland
  453. Mr. Ellis Yarnell
  454. Mr. Gerrit De Yong
  455. Mrs. Gerrit De Yong
  456. Mr. William Young
  457. Mr. Robert Young
  458. Mr. Cornelis van der Zaal
  459. Mrs. Arendina van der Zaal
  460. Mrs. Ingetje A. Zwaal


Notice: All Passengers will receive a landingcard and are requested to present same before leaving the steamer to a U.S. Immigrant Inspector for endorsement.


Tourist Class S.T.C.A. Staff

  1. Leader: Mr. Osmun Skinner
  2. Asst. Leader: Mr. Charles Wilkinson
  3. Hostess: Miss Ada O'Donnell Boone
  4. Asst. Hostess: Miss Marie Amanda Abbot
  5. Librarian: Miss Babette F. Liveright
  6. Orchestra: "The Tartans"


General Information for Passengers.

Mail and Telegrams. Mail and telegrams for Passengers are brought on board steamer before embarkation and placed in the Passengers' rooms. For any inquiries relating to mails, Passengers are invited to call at the Chief Steward's office.

Passengers are advised to stop at the mail desk in the center of the Pier at Hoboken, N.J. to claim their letters and telegrams, which may have been received for them.

Seats at Table. Application for table seats may be made to the Chief Steward. Hours for meals are posted on the ship's bulletin board.

Return Tickets. The Purser will be glad to radio, free of charge, to the New York office of the Line, if you wish to make return reservations on any steamer of the Line.

Valuables. For the convenience of the Passengers the Line has provided safe deposit boxes in the Purser's office in which any valuables may be deposited upon payment to the Purser of $5.--; this amount to be refunded when the key of the deposit box is returned.

However, the Line does not assume any responsibility for the safe custody of such articles. (Passengers may, if they wish, protect themselves by insurance).

Personal Funds. For the convenience of Passengers the Purser is prepared to cash a limited amount of recognized Travelers' Checks or to exchange money at official rates as posted at the Purser's office. A receipt is issued on such transactions on the Company's Form.

Personal checks cannot be cashed on board.

Divine Service. Divine service will be held on Sundays, at hours announced on the bulletin board, if a recognized clergyman on board is willing to officiate.

Ship's Newspaper. "The Ocean Post", containing latest wireless news and closing prices of the leading securities on the New York Stock Exchange, is published on board. A copy of this newspaper is placed, when issued, in passenger's stateroom with the compliments of the Line.

Port Holes. Passengers are warned to refrain from opening or closing port holes themselves. If Passengers wish to have their port holes closed or opened, they should call their room steward.

Passengers ignoring this warning do so at their own risk and the Company assumes no liability in case of accident.

Medical Attention. The Holland-America Line assumes no responsibility for services rendered by the ship's Physician.

The services rendered and the medicines prescribed by the Physician are free of charge, except that in cases, where Passengers require the service of ship's Physician for the treatment of ailments for which they already were under the care of a Physician at the time of embarkation, the ship's Physician may charge a reasonable fee for such services, subject to the approval and sanction of the Commander.

Additional Payments on Board. Passengers paying any supplements for room transfers, additional passage money, freight, telegrams, etc., should obtain a receipt from the Purser on the Company's Form. For radiograms receipt will be furnished by the wireless operator.

Steamer Chairs, Rugs and Chair Cushions. Deck chairs, rugs and chair cushions may be hired on application to the Deck Steward.

The hire for deck chairs amounts to $ 1,50 for the voyage, whereas the hire for rugs and chair cushions amounts to $ 1,— each for the voyage.

U. S. Head Tax. Aliens in transit through the United States and holding a transit visa (Section 3 (3) of the United States Immigration Laws) or an American Consular transit certificate, are exempt from the payment of United States Head Tax, provided they can satisfy the United States Immigration Inspector upon arrival in the United States that they will leave the Country within sixty days from the date of entry.

If the United States Immigration Inspector, who examines the alien, is not satisfied or convinced that an alien will leave within sixty days from the date of entry, he will order the collection of the Head Tax before passenger will be permitted to land and even if the alien should actually remain less than sixty days in the United States, the head tax will not be refunded.

Aliens in transit to contiguous territory, not holding transit visaes or American Consular transit certificates, must pay Head Tax, which will be refunded if the United States Immigration Inspector upon arrival is satisfied that they will leave the Country within sixty days from the time of entry.

Aliens who come to the United States, intending to remain less than sixty days and who hold a temporary visitor's visa (Section 3 (2) of the United States Immigration Laws) are exempt from the payment of Head Tax, but only if they can satisfy the United States Immigration Inspector, upon arrival, that they will actually leave within sixty days from the date of entry.

Such aliens must first pay the United States Head Tax and if the United States Immigration Inspector who will examine them upon arrival is satisfied that the alien will leave within sixty days, he will order refund of the Head Tax paid by handing the alien a special form.

This form will enable the alien to obtain refund of the Head Tax paid either through the Purser on board the steamer or through our head office in New York. This form must be surrendered, together with the Head Tax receipt which will be issued when the Head Tax is paid by the alien.

Important: When Head Tax is assessed in the case of alien transits or refund refused in the case of temporary visitors, claim for refund on the United States Government cannot be made even if such aliens would have left the United States within sixty days from the time of entry.

Baggage. There is a baggage room on board steamer where Passengers may store such personal belongings as cannot be placed in their cabins, as well as baggage of any kind.

The baggage room is open at hours as posted, and all inquiries pertaining to the storing or forwarding of baggage should be addressed to the Baggage Master.

Baggage Insurance. The Company's liability for damage to or loss or detention of baggage is strictly limited, and Passengers are, therefore, advised to protect themselves by insurance against risk of loss, theft, damage, pilferage, etc.

Policies may be obtained at current rates at any office of the Line or through the Baggage Master on board this steamer.

Landing at New York. Motor Coach Service. For the convenience of Holland-America Line Passengers and their friends a motor coach service to and from the Holland-America Line Piers and the centrally located New York Hotels McAlpin and Commodore via the new Holland Tunnel is operated by the Fifth Avenue Coach Company and the Public Service Co-ordinated Transport of N. J.

Through the Purser you can reserve a place in one of the Motor Coaches to either the Hotel McAlpin or the Hotel Commodore at least 12 hours before arrival in New York.

The charge for this reservation, for which you will receive a ticket, will be $1.— including the transfer of your hand baggage (not more than two pieces of hand baggage). Large baggage must be sent on separately.

The Holland-America Line accepts no responsibility whatsoever in connection with this coach service.

Notice: All Passengers will receive on board a landingcard and are requested to present same before leaving the steamer to a U.S. Immigrant Inspector for endorsement.

Document Number P. - 2140 - 8-37


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