TSS Rotterdam Passenger List - 2 September 1933

Front Cover of a First Class Passenger List for the SS Rotterdam of the Holland-America Line, Departing Saturday, 2 September 1933 from Rotterdam to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton

Front Cover of a First Class Passenger List for the SS Rotterdam of the Holland-America Line, Departing Saturday, 2 September 1933 from Rotterdam to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton, Commanded by Captain J. Van Dulken. GGA Image ID # 17cb9e462e


Picture Postcard of the Holland-America Line TSS Rotterdam. 24,170 Tons Register. 37,190 Tons Displacement. Postally Used on 1 May 1909.


Picture Postcard of the Holland-America Line TSS Rotterdam. 24,170 Tons Register. 37,190 Tons Displacement. Postally Used on 1 May 1909. US Postage One Cent Stamp Affixed. Front Side: GGA Image ID # 15c393757a; Back Side: GGA Image ID # 15c3a3ce4b


Back Side of 1909 Picture Postcard of the Holland-America Line TSS Rotterdam.


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain J. Van Dulken
  2. Chief Officer: D. C. Wijers
  3. Chief Engineer: A. Beker
  4. Physician: Dr. G. F. Sullivan
  5. Purser: M. K. Ziessen
  6. Chief Steward: A. Le Jeune


First Class Passengers

  1. Mr. Harry N. Aldrich
  2. Mrs. Harry N. Aldrich
  3. Mr. Wm. L. Ames
  4. Mrs. Wm. L. Ames
  5. Miss Jean Anderson
  6. Mr. Harry Ashmun
  7. Mrs. Harry Ashmun
  8. Mrs. Chas. A. Bliss
  9. Miss Helen Bliss
  10. Mr. J. A. L. van den Bosch
  11. Dr. A. Bouwers
  12. tMrs. M. A. Brewster
  13. Mrs. J. E. Brikkenaar van Dijk-Asser
  14. Mrs. Edith V. Butler
  15. Mr. T. Morrison Carnegie
  16. Mrs. T. Morrison Carnegie
  17. Mr. William T. Carter
  18. Miss Elizabeth C. Carter
  19. Mr. A. Carton
  20. Mrs. A. Carton
  21. Mast. Carton
  22. Mast. Carton
  23. Mr. Arthur J. Conner
  24. Miss Pearl Cotteral
  25. Mrs. L. S. Davey
  26. Miss Mary L. Davey
  27. Mast. L. S. Davey Jr. and Governess
  28. Mrs. E. J. Davis
  29. Miss Charlotte Davis
  30. Mr. Clarence Derwent
  31. Mr. H. L. Dieck
  32. Mr. George R. Dugan
  33. Mrs. George R. Dugan
  34. Miss I. Durham
  35. Mr. Arthur C. Dutton
  36. Mrs. Arthur C. Dutton
  37. Mr. David Pales, Jr.
  38. Mr. Max Fine
  39. Mrs. Max Fine
  40. Mr. P. Finkelstein
  41. Mrs. P. Finkelstein
  42. Rev. P. F. Flanigan
  43. Dr. Rudolph Fluege
  44. Mr. Arthur H. Folsom
  45. Mrs. Benjamin Franklin
  46. Mrs. James Gaynor
  47. Mrs. Helen Goldsmith
  48. Prof. Chas. J. Goodwin
  49. Mr. R. Gransberg
  50. Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant, Third
  51. Miss Julia S. Grant
  52. Miss Edith Grant
  53. Mr. Leo Greendlinger
  54. Mrs. Leo Greendlinger
  55. Mrs. Robert E. Griffith
  56. Mrs. J. Grun
  57. Miss Nina Grun
  58. Mast. Rud. Grun
  59. Miss Edith D. Haley
  60. Mrs. A. A. Hees
  61. Mr. Samuel Heiman
  62. Mrs. Samuel Heiman
  63. Miss Sophie Heymann
  64. Prof. Edward B. Hill
  65. Mrs. Edward B. Hill
  66. Mr. W. Franklin Hodges
  67. Mrs. W. Franklin Hodges
  68. Mast. Frank Hodges
  69. Mr. Lewis A. Holmes
  70. Mrs. Lewis A. Holmes
  71. Miss Helen Holmes
  72. Miss L. Horowitz
  73. Mrs. M. Rees Hutchins
  74. Miss E. Inglis
  75. Mr. Chas. Jacobs
  76. Mrs. Chas. Jacobs
  77. Miss Julia Jacobs
  78. Mrs. Franklin Johnston
  79. Miss Andrey Johnston
  80. Mrs. V. G. Kanter
  81. Mr. Irving King
  82. Mrs. Irvin King
  83. Miss Katherine King
  84. Mrs. C. P. van Kretschmar-van Veen
  85. Mr. H. P. Kuhn
  86. Mrs. Robert P. Lamout
  87. Mrs. Philip van Home Lansdale
  88. Mr. A. P. L. Laurusse
  89. Mrs. A. P. L. Laurusse
  90. Mr. Louis Lauer
  91. Mrs. Louis Law
  92. Miss Margaret Law
  93. Mr. B. E. Lewis
  94. Mrs. B. E. Lewis
  95. Mrs. Sarah MacDonald
  96. Miss Anne B. MacLear
  97. Miss Martha MacLear
  98. Mr. R. S. MacPherran
  99. Mr. E. W. MacPherran
  100. Mrs. W. Ch. H. Mansfield
  101. Miss E. P. Mansfield
  102. fMr. Wm. H. McMahon
  103. Miss Merle Miller
  104. Mrs. Chas. E. Monroe
  105. Miss Julia Morris
  106. Dr. Georg Musa
  107. Mr. C. Naegele
  108. Miss Katherine O'Brien
  109. Mrs. Julius Oelbermann
  110. Miss Grace E. Oelbermann
  111. Dr. John H. Ohly
  112. Mrs. John H. Ohly
  113. Mr. James H. Parkinson
  114. Mrs. James H. Parkinson
  115. Col. W. F. Pearson
  116. Mrs. Sarah Phillips
  117. Miss Elizabeth E. Pillsbury
  118. Mr. G. A. Plimpton
  119. Mrs. G. A. Plimpton
  120. Mast. C. Plimpton
  121. Miss E. Plimpton
  122. Mr. D. C. Poole
  123. Mrs. D. C. Poole
  124. Mrs. Florence C. Reid
  125. Mrs. Henry B. Robb
  126. Rev. Dr. Edgar Franklin Romig
  127. Mrs. Edgar Franklin Romig
  128. Mast. Edgar D. Franklin Romig
  129. Mast. David W. Franklin Romig
  130. Miss Eleanor C. Franklin Romig and Nurse
  131. Mr. G. B. Russell
  132. Mr. I. P. Savor
  133. Miss Q. Savor
  134. Mrs. Jacob J. Seeds
  135. Miss M. D. Seeds
  136. Mrs. J. R. Seeds
  137. Mr. Theodor Simon
  138. Mrs. Theodor Simon
  139. Mrs. Frank Smith
  140. Miss Margaret Smith
  141. Mrs. W. F, M. Sowers
  142. Miss Dorothea Sowers
  143. Miss Ruth Sowers
  144. Mr. J. Spetter
  145. Mr. F. A. Stanton
  146. Mrs. F. A. Stanton
  147. Miss Fannie Stewart
  148. Mr. D. H. Taylor
  149. Mrs. D. H. Taylor
  150. Mrs. S. C. Thoma
  151. Mr. W. Vissering
  152. Mr. W. K. de Vos
  153. Mr. R. J. Walsh
  154. Mrs. R. J. Walsh
  155. Mr. Richard Ware
  156. Miss Marion Wenaca
  157. Miss Dorothy Whitworth
  158. Dr. Percy H. Williams
  159. Mrs. Percy H. Williams
  160. Mrs. T. E. Wills
  161. Mr. Bronson Winthrop


* Embark at Boulogne-sur-Mer. t Embark at Southampton.


Back Cover, SS Rotterdam Passenger List, 2 September 1933.

Back Cover, SS Rotterdam Passenger List, 2 September 1933. GGA Image ID # 1dfabd8a1d


General Information for Passengers.

Mail and Telegrams. Mail and telegrams for Passengers are brought on board steamer before embarkation and placed in the Passengers' rooms. For any inquiries relating to mails, Passengers are invited to call at the Chief Steward's office.

Seats at Table. Application for table seats may be made to the Chief Steward. Hours for meals are posted on the ship's bulletin board.

Return Tickets. The Purser will be glad to radio, free of charge, to the New York office of the Line, if you wish to make return reservations on any steamer of the Line.

Valuables. For the convenience of the Passengers the Line has provided safe deposit boxes in the Purser's office in which any valuables may be deposited upon payment to the Purser of $4.—; this amount to be refunded when the key of the deposit box is returned. However, the Line does not assume any responsibility for the safe custody of such articles. (Passengers may, if they wish, protect themselves by insurance).

Personal Funds. For the convenience of Passengers the Purser is prepared to cash a limited amount of recognized Travelers' Checks or to exchange money at official rates as posted at the Purser's office. A receipt is issued on such transactions on the Company's Form.

Personal checks cannot be cashed on board.

Divine Service. Divine service will be held on Sundays, at hours announced on the bulletin board, if a recognized clergyman on board is willing to officiate.

Ship's Newspaper. "The Ocean Post", containing latest wireless news and closing prices of the leading securities on the New York Stock Exchange, is published on board. A copy of this newspaper is placed, when issued, in passenger's stateroom with the compliments of the Line.

Medical Attention. The Holland-America Line assumes no responsibility for services rendered by the ship's Physician,

The services rendered and the medicines prescribed by the Physician, are free of charge, except that in cases, where Passengers require the service of ship's Physician for the treatment of ailments for which they already were under the care of a Physician at the time of embarkation, the ship's Physician may charge a reasonable fee for such services, subject to the approval and sanction of the Commander.

Additional Payments on Board. Passengers paying any supplements for room transfers, additional passage money, freight, telegrams, etc., should obtain a receipt from the Purser on the Company's Form.

For radiograms receipt will be furnished by the wireless operator.

Flying in America. The Holland-America Line has made arrangements whereby her Passengers have the facilities of the Curtiss-Wright Flying Service in America at their disposal on landing. The Purser will gladly give information on the routes and connections of this air line and radio ahead for reservations. Only a limited amount of luggage is carried on the aeroplanes; excess luggage being charged for at excess baggage rates.

Steamer Chairs, Rugs and Chair Cushions. Deck chairs, rugs and chair cushions may be hired on application to the Deck Steward at $1.50 each for the voyage.

U. S. Head Tax. Passengers in transit through the United States, or Tourists on a visit, who intend to stay in the United States less than 60 days, should express themselves as such towards the U. S. Immigration Inspector in charge upon arrival of the steamer in the United States, when interrogated by that official.

Passengers will then obtain from this Inspector a United States Head-Tax Refund Certificate (Form 514), which should be filled out and signed as directed when leaving the United States. This document must be forwarded to the Holland-America Line, 29 Broadway. New York, together with the Company's Head-Tax Receipt, and refund of the Head-Tax will follow.

Most of the Trans-Atlantic Steamship Lines, including the Holland-America Line, as a courtesy towards their Passengers, have authorized their pursers to make refund of the Head-Tax to Passengers on the voyage back to Europe, in which case the Head-Tax Refund Certificate as well as the Head-Tax Receipt of the Steamship Company who brought the passenger to America, will be taken up by the ship's Purser when making the refund.

Baggage. There is a baggage room on board steamer where Passengers may store such personal belongings as cannot be placed in their cabins, as well as baggage of any kind. The baggage room is open at hours as posted, and all inquiries pertaining to the storing or forwarding of baggage should be addressed to the Baggage Master.

Baggage Insurance. The Company's liability for damage to or loss or detention of baggage is strictly limited, and Passengers are, therefore, advised to protect themselves by insurance against risk of loss, theft, damage, pilferage, etc. Policies may be obtained at current rates at any office of the Line or through the Baggage Master on board this steamer.

Landing at New York. Motor Coach Service. For the convenience of Holland-America Line Passengers and their friends a motor coach service to and from the Holland-America Line Piers and the centrally located New York Hotels McAlpin and Commodore via the new Holland Tunnel is operated by the Fifth Avenue Coach Company and the Public Service Co-ordinated Transport of N. J.

Through the Purser you can reserve a place in one of the Motor Coaches to either the Hotel McAlpin or the Hotel Commodore at least 12 hours before arrival in New York. The charge for this reservation, for which you will receive a ticket, will be $ 1.— including the transfer of your hand baggage (not more than two pieces of hand baggage). Large baggage must be sent on separately.

The Holland-America Line accepts no responsibility whatsoever in connection with this coach service.

Notice All Passengers will receive on board a landingcard and are requested to present same before leaving the steamer to a U.S. Immigrant Inspector for endorsement.

Booklet Number P. r 490 • 9 33


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