SS Statendam Passenger List - 15 August 1908


Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List for the SS Statendam of the Holland-America Line, Departing 15 August 1908 from Rotterdam to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer

Front Cover of a First and Second Cabin Passenger List for the SS Statendam of the Holland-America Line, Departing 15 August 1908 from Rotterdam to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer, Commanded by Captain P. Van Den Heuvel. GGA Image ID # 15c6b4a0c5


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain P. Van Den Heuvel
  2. Chief Officer: Lieuwen
  3. Chief Engineer: Van Helden
  4. Purser: Hopman
  5. Chief Steward: Blom
  6. Physician: Dr. Ulrich


First Cabin Passengers

Passengers Embarking at Rotterdam

  1. Mr. Theo Arnsberger
  2. Mr. W. Osborn Ashley
  3. Mrs. W. Osborn Ashley
  4. Mr. Salomon Baer
  5. Mrs. Salomon Baer
  6. Mrs. Chas. A. Bergdoll and Infant
  7. Mrs. Robt. C. Brickell
  8. Miss G. L. Brown
  9. Mr. G. W. Burchell
  10. Mrs. G. W. Burchell
  11. Mr. R. S. Colwell
  12. Mrs. R. S. Colwell
  13. Mr. Nathl. F. Davis
  14. Mr. Charles Davis
  15. Mr. John W. Davis
  16. Miss Pauline Davis
  17. Miss Suzette Davis
  18. Mr. E. E. Droege
  19. Mr. Augustus F. Eggers
  20. Mrs. Augustus F. Eggers
  21. Mrs. C. E. de Gelder
  22. Mrs. Henry Goetz
  23. Miss Nina R. Goodnow
  24. Mr. John H. Guny
  25. Mr. E. Harper
  26. Mr. W. F. Hecker
  27. Mrs. W. F. Hecker
  28. Dr. J. L. Heldring
  29. Miss M. C. Heldring
  30. Mr. Albert Helmrath
  31. Mrs. Albert Helmrath
  32. Miss Charlotte Helmrath
  33. Mast. Albert M. Helmrath
  34. Mast. Carl E. Helmrath
  35. Mr. Samuel Howell
  36. Mrs. Samuel Howell
  37. Mr. S. L. Howell
  38. Miss Irene Kleinstueck
  39. Miss Frieda Kleinstueck
  40. Miss Pauline Kleinstueck
  41. Mr. Ossian Lang
  42. Miss Maria Maker
  43. Miss C. W. Moeser
  44. Mr. B. Münz
  45. Mr. Alfred. Newman
  46. Mrs. Alfred Newman
  47. Mr. A. C. H. Nyland
  48. Mrs. A. C. H. Nyland
  49. Mr. F. Nyland
  50. Mr. Blinn Page
  51. Mr. T. E. Quinn
  52. Miss Marguerite Raquet
  53. Mr. J. Reif
  54. Mrs. Sarah A. Reiff
  55. Mr. F. N. Rogers
  56. Mrs. A. Schoenfeld
  57. Mrs. C. Schroeter
  58. Mr. J. A. Severet
  59. Miss M. 'E. Stevenson
  60. Miss Kate Taylor
  61. Mr. L. Veit
  62. Mr. O. A. Wehle
  63. Miss Ella Weibrecht
  64. Rt. Rev. C. Whitehead
  65. Mrs. C. Whitehead
  66. Dr. E. E. Wibble
  67. Dr. J. H. Wibble
  68. Mr. E. Wildersinn
  69. Mrs. Henry Willis
  70. Miss George Wurzell
  71. Miss V. C. Young


Passengers Embarking at Boulogne-sur-Mer

  1. Miss Leila R. Albright
  2. Mr. Wm. A. Baker
  3. Mrs. Win. A. Baker
  4. Miss Mildred Baker
  5. Miss Ruth. Baker
  6. Miss Julia Bates
  7. Miss Laura Bertholomew
  8. Miss Helene Bixby
  9. Miss Stella Bunch
  10. Miss Jessie Chilton
  11. Mrs. S. H. Cochram
  12. Mast. Harold Cochram
  13. Mr. J. M. Cunningham
  14. Mrs. Kath. Dewey
  15. Mr. Conrad Dietrich
  16. Mr. John A. Dohrmann
  17. Mrs. John A. Dohrmann
  18. Miss Edith Dohrmann
  19. Miss Margorie Dohrmann
  20. Miss Nellie Doyle
  21. Miss Kate Dresler
  22. Mrs. R. M. Egan
  23. Mr. P. Engel
  24. Mrs. P. Engel and Children
  25. Miss Bessie Evans
  26. Mr. Herbert J. Fitch
  27. Mr. Geo Fitch
  28. Mrs. Geo Fitch
  29. Miss Louise Fitch
  30. Mrs. E. W. Gardner
  31. Miss E. W. Gardner
  32. Mr. Henry Goldman
  33. Mrs. Henry Goldman
  34. Mr. Mac D. Granger
  35. Mr. J. Frank Green
  36. Mrs. J. Frank Green
  37. Miss A. Howland
  38. Miss E. L. Huntington
  39. Miss Cornelia Huntington
  40. Mrs. L. L. Jones
  41. Miss Evelyn Jones
  42. Mr. O. B. Judson
  43. Mrs. O. B. Judson
  44. Mr. S. Kaiser
  45. Miss Elsa L. Kleinschmidt
  46. Miss Elizabeth Knight
  47. Mr. W. H Koenig
  48. Mr. I. E. Lambert
  49. Mrs. I. E. Lambert
  50. Mr. C. H. Lambert
  51. Mr. Thomas H. Lidford
  52. Mrs. Thomas H. Lidford
  53. Miss Grace A. Lidford
  54. Miss Mannie Listman
  55. Mr. Jesse Albert Locke
  56. Mrs. Jesse Albert Locke
  57. Mrs. E. Maffith and Maid
  58. Mr. W. W. Martin
  59. Miss Fae Martin
  60. Mr. G. B. McBride
  61. Miss Jennie McCluggage
  62. Miss Dora McLaughlin
  63. Mr. E. A. McLead
  64. Mrs. E. A. McLead
  65. Miss Kath Neumeyer
  66. Miss Stella Pierce
  67. Mr. Asa L. Reed
  68. Mrs. Asa L. Reed
  69. Mr. Chauncey Rider
  70. Mrs. Chauncey Rider
  71. Miss Attie Rudcen
  72. Miss Elizabeth M. Saxer
  73. Miss Florence Sedden
  74. Miss Kate Shubert
  75. Mr. E. J. Skillman
  76. Mrs. E. J. Skillman
  77. Mr. A. G. Smylie
  78. Miss Julia Stimson
  79. Miss Blanche Stoll
  80. Mr. G. F. Underhill
  81. Mrs. G. F. Underhill
  82. Miss Regina Underhill
  83. Miss Eva Underhill
  84. Mr. S. H. Weinberg
  85. Mr. A. M. Wickwire
  86. Miss Grace Wirt


Back Cover of a Cabin Class Passenger List for the SS Statendam of the Holland-America Line Dated 15 August 1908.

Back Cover of a Cabin Class Passenger List for the SS Statendam of the Holland-America Line Dated 15 August 1908. GGA Image ID # 15c70c4ff0


Second Cabin Passengers

Passengers Embarking at Rotterdam

  1. Miss Euphena Ashwell
  2. Mr. Jan C. Baars
  3. Mr. Jan C. Baars Hzn
  4. Miss Perle Balunski
  5. Miss Lina Beck
  6. Miss Lina Berg
  7. Mr. A. F. Blaser
  8. Mrs. A. F. Blaser
  9. Mr. Conrad Bohrer
  10. Mr. Aldert Borst
  11. Mr. Albert Bruegel
  12. Mr. Josef Bujnoch
  13. Mr. Fred. Burger
  14. Mr. Louis Capron
  15. Mr. H. F. Copeland
  16. Miss M. A. Dekker
  17. Mr. J. J. Diehm
  18. Mr. Walter Eitner
  19. Mr. Emil Eitner
  20. Mr. Franz Ermekeil
  21. Mast Wilh. Ermekeil
  22. Prof. J. A. Faulkner
  23. Miss Rosa Feuchteufer
  24. Dr. A. A. v. Fleet
  25. Miss Fleming
  26. Mr. Josef Freid
  27. Mr. J. C. Garrison
  28. Mrs. Joh. F. Gerritsen
  29. Mast. G. W. Gerritsen
  30. Mr. J. L. Goldschmeding
  31. Mr. J. de Greeuw
  32. Mr. L. Groenveld
  33. Mr. L. N. H. de Haas
  34. Miss Mary Harrison
  35. Mr. Jacob Hecker
  36. Mr. C. E. Hesselgrave
  37. Mr. A. Hildebrand
  38. Mr. Conrad Hockenberger
  39. Mr. Geo C. Hockenberger
  40. Mrs. Elizabeth Hoegerle
  41. Mr. Joh. Hoffmann
  42. Mr. Carl Horn
  43. Mr. Peter Huiner
  44. Mrs. Peter Huiner
  45. Mrs. Alice Huiner
  46. Mast. J. Huiner
  47. Mr. Harm. Huizing
  48. Mrs. Cath. Huizing and Infant
  49. Mast. Dick Huizing
  50. Miss Tilly Hurth
  51. Mrs. N. Jacobsen
  52. Miss Silbia Jacobsen
  53. Mr. W. Kalisch
  54. Mrs. W. Kalisch
  55. Miss Mary Keclik
  56. Mr. John Keinz
  57. Mrs. John Keinz
  58. Miss Om H. M. Kemp
  59. Mr. Hermann Klingens
  60. Mr. Albert Koch
  61. Mrs. Bertha Koczka
  62. Mr. I. Kornebluth
  63. Mrs. Udla Kossoj
  64. Mast. Jossel Kossoj
  65. Mast. Israel Kossoj
  66. Mr. John Kroger
  67. Miss N. Kuykendall
  68. Mr. Otto Ledsky
  69. Mrs. Otto Ledsky
  70. Mast. Victor Ledsky
  71. Mr. Harry Leidner
  72. Mr. John Leidner
  73. Miss T. R. Lindhout
  74. Mr. G. A. v. Linge
  75. Mr. Charles W. Loew
  76. Mr. Erwin Maisel
  77. Miss Mary McCord
  78. Mr. Johan Meier
  79. Mr. H. Meister
  80. Mr. Th. M. Middendorp
  81. Mrs. C. J. Middendorp
  82. Mr. J. C. H. Moolenburgh
  83. Mr. Jos. Multerer
  84. Mr. Nicola Nero
  85. Miss D. Nevens
  86. Mrs. Martha Nonnast
  87. Mast. Curt Nonnast
  88. Mrs. Marie Ohearne
  89. Mr. Karl Ohlrogge
  90. Miss Owen
  91. Mr. Dirk Pelkman
  92. Mrs. Dirk Pelkman
  93. Mast. Jan Pelkman
  94. Miss K. Petzdil
  95. Mr. Reiner Plum
  96. Mrs. A. Posthumus and Infant
  97. Miss Hedwig Rittmayer
  98. Mr. H. W. Rockwell
  99. Mrs. H. W. Rockwell
  100. Mr. Wilh. Schmidt
  101. Mr. Albert Schultes
  102. Mr. G. Schulz
  103. Mrs. Freide Siederowitz
  104. Mast. M. Siederowitz
  105. Mrs. Anne Singer
  106. Mrs. H. Sigling
  107. Miss M. Sigling
  108. Mr. Eugen Sonder
  109. Miss Chr. Spaan
  110. Miss Alida Spoor
  111. Miss Babetta Stadler
  112. Miss Frieda Stein
  113. Miss Oceana Stoebe
  114. Mrs. Herm. Stob
  115. Miss Renske Stob
  116. Mr. Andrew Sutherland
  117. Miss P. Taanhoff
  118. Mr. F. S. Tomlin
  119. Miss S. M. Tomlin
  120. Mr. Jacob Traas
  121. Mr. P. Walfert
  122. Mrs. P. Walfert
  123. Miss Sarah Walton
  124. Miss Johanna Weitzel
  125. Mr. A. R. Williams
  126. Mr. Georg Wink
  127. Mr. Theodor Würzburger
  128. Miss Pauline Zettler
  129. Miss Pauline Zeyfang
  130. Mr. Geo Zwikstra


Passengers Embarking at Boulogne-sur-Mer

  1. Mrs. D. R. Austin
  2. Dr. M. J. Bernhardt
  3. Mr. Ulysse Bettex
  4. Mr. Frank Crerie
  5. Dr. Mary L. Glenn
  6. Dr. Charles E. Glenn
  7. Mr. Wenzel Hammerlindl
  8. Mr. Charles Huguenin
  9. Mrs. Aurelia Husted
  10. Mr. Salomon Lefschetz
  11. Mr. J. W. Moulding
  12. Mr. Francois Mozzanini
  13. Mr. Anton Peter
  14. Mrs. Anton Peter
  15. Mrs. N. v. Slingerlandt
  16. Miss Mary v. Slingerlandt
  17. Mr. Fred. von Tine


Information for Passengers

Berths and Staterooms Should be reserved as soon as possible in order to secure the most favorable location, especially during the summer season, when all available rooms are usually engaged considerable time (sometimes months) previous to departure of the steamship.

When applying for accommodations, either by mail or telegraph, the name of steamship, date of departure, number and sex of Passengers, and desired class of accommodations, should be stated.

Berths are not considered engaged unless secured by paying a deposit of $25.00 per berth for the first cabin and $20.00 per berth for the second cabin accommodations.

The balance of passage money must be paid not later than two weeks before sailing; if this has not been paid on or before that time, the Company reserves the right to resell the allotted accommodations.

Deposit moneys are refunded only if notice of cancellation is given not later than two weeks before sailing.

Passengers who do not sail on steamship for which they have engaged accommodations or purchased a ticket, will forfeit fifty percent of the passage money, unless notice is given not later than two weeks previous to sailing.

Return and Prepaid Tickets entitle holders to passage only during the season and for the accommodations for which they have been issued. If used at any other season or for other accommodations than the face value indicates, holders will be required to make additional payment, or will be refunded any eventual difference in accordance with rates and rules in effect.

Return or Prepaid Tickets are good for one year from date of issue and are not transferable. Upon application to one of the Company's Passenger Offices, they may be extended by paying the difference between the rate in effect at the date of issue and time of sailing, in accordance with the conditions on passage contract.

Return Accommodations may be secured through the Company's Passenger Offices or Agents. They should be engaged when securing berths for the outward trip, or as soon thereafter as possible.

If a passenger is prevented from sailing on a steamship for which return accommodations have been secured, a transfer to an earlier or later steamship can be made by applying to either of the Company's Offices or Agencies, provided application for the transfer be made not later than two weeks previous to departure of the steamship on which berths had originally been reserved.

If Unused Return Tickets are offered for cancellation, the amount paid for the round trip, less full outgoing fare and agent's commission, will be refunded against delivery of the return certificate to one of the Company's General Passenger Offices after authorisation has been received from Company's General Passenger Office at Rotterdam.

Through Checking of Baggage for Paris. — Baggage of cabin Passengers from New York, to Paris via Boulogne-sur-Mer, can be checked through at our docks in Hoboken before embarkation.

All Baggage should be forwarded so as to be delivered at Company's dock not later than one hour before departure of the steamship. If the baggage is sent in advance, Passengers will please inform the Holland-America Line, by letter stating by what Railroad or Express Company the baggage has been forwarded, whether anything is to be paid for Passengers' account upon receipt of said baggage and by what steamship Passengers intend to leave.

The baggage must be claimed from the baggagemaster on the pier previous to embarkation, in order to prevent errors.

No baggage will be forwarded unless appropriately labeled and entered in the baggage manifest on the dock.

Steamer Trunks should not be higher than 13 inches, and of the usual width and length, so that they can be placed under the berth or sofa in the stateroom.

Larger Pieces of Baggage are not permitted in the staterooms, but are stowed away in the baggage hold.

All pieces of baggage destined for staterooms must be marked "wanted", those for baggage hold "not wanted," and must bear passenger's name, destination, number of berth and name of steamship; tags may be had at all Company's offices and agencies or, on board, from the Purser.

Eastbound Passengers from the interior should have their baggage checked to the Holland-America Line dock, Hoboken, N. J., by the baggage express agent on ate train, previous to arrival in New York, Jersey City, etc.

Custom House Examination. — The baggage of Passengers leaving the steamship at Boulogne-sur-Mer, will be examined by the French Custom House officers at the Gare Maritime at said port, or, if checked through to Paris in New-York or on board, on arrival at Paris.

The examination by the Rolland Custom House officials will take place either on board, two or three hours previous to arrival at Rotterdam, or at the Hook of Holland, at the new pier of the Holland-America Line, built at the "Hook" in 1903, and which pier may be used as a landing place for Passengers and their baggage whenever tide or other circumstances may prevent the steamship from proceeding at once to Rotterdam.

Orders for Delivery of baggage free of charge at the railway depots in Rotterdam and Boulogne-sur-Mer are taken by Company's employees on board the ship or at the Hook of Holland.

Bicycles, provided properly crated, will be taken as baggage at owner's risk, at a fixed rate.

Steamer Chairs, of improved construction, may be rented at the different offices of the Company, or on the dock, for one trip, at a fixed rate.

Valuables may be placed in the custody of the Purser during the voyage, without, however, any guarantee or responsibility on the part of the Company.

Inflammable or explosive articles are not allowed on board. SS Rotterdam and "Nieuw Amsterdam" are provided with a safe deposit which is at the disposal of Passengers.

Arms must be surrendered to the purser during the voyage.

Seats at Table. — Seats at table are allotted immediately after sailing.

Mail will be accepted by the Purser after leaving New York and forwarded by pilot from Sandy Hook, without responsibility for proper mailing, however, on the part of the Company.

Letters or postcards to be posted at Boulogne-sur-Mer should be put in the mailbag which will be hung in due time in a convenient place. Passengers are requested to put their letters etc. in the mailbag themselves.

Stamps, stationery, postal cards, cable and telegraph blanks can be obtained from the saloon steward.

Letters and Telegrams. — The Company is willing to accept letters or telegrams for Passengers to be delivered on board on arrival or departure, without assuming, however, any responsibility for their proper delivery.

The name of the passenger should be distinctly written, also the name of the steamship on which Passengers travel. Undelivered letters are returned to the Post Office.

Money. — Money of the United States or of European countries is accepted on board the steamships of the Holland America Line in payment of all bills, at fixed rates of Exchange.

Foreign moneys are bought and sold at current rates at the Company's Offices in Europe.


Atlantic Ocean Track Chart and Completed Abstract of Log of the 15 August 1908 Voyage of the SS Statendam of the Holland-America Line.

Atlantic Ocean Track Chart and Completed Abstract of Log of the 15 August 1908 Voyage of the SS Statendam of the Holland-America Line. GGA Image ID # 15c72f2bd1


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