SS Rotterdam Passenger List - 15 October 1914
Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List for the SS Rotterdam of the Holland-America Line, Departing 15 October 1914 from Rotterdam to New York, Commanded by Commodore G. Stenger. GGA Image ID # 17c5cc1a1d
Picture Postcard of the Holland-America Line TSS Rotterdam. 24,170 Tons Register. 37,190 Tons Displacement. Postally Used on 1 May 1909. US Postage One Cent Stamp Affixed. Front Side: GGA Image ID # 15c393757a; Back Side: GGA Image ID # 15c3a3ce4b
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Commodore G. Stenger
- Chief Officer : Kok
- Chief Engineer : Merkelbach
- Purser: Van Wyk
- Chief Steward : Van Der Boon
- Physician : Dr. Kelly
First Cabin Passengers
- Mr. Chas. E. Aaron
- Mrs. Chas. E. Aaron
- Mr. F. R. Abbott
- Mr. Carl Abegg
- Prof. O. Abrahamsohn
- Mr. H. Lawson Adams Jr.
- Mr. Simon Adler
- Mrs. Simon Adler
- Miss Marie C. Ahern
- Miss Grace Albert
- Mrs. Mary N. Allyne
- Miss Lucy Allyne
- Miss Edith Allyne
- Miss M. E. Altberger
- Mrs. John J. Alter
- Miss Eliz Amann
- Mrs. James M. Anders
- Mrs. E. Andressen
- Miss H. Andressen
- Miss K. Andressen
- Mr. Josef Arnold
- Mrs. Josef Arnold
- Mrs. Arthur Aron
- Mr. J. H. Arp
- Miss M. C. Arp
- Miss Gretchen Arp
- Miss Anna Arp
- Mr. Hans Asmuhsen
- Mr. Astheimer
- Mr. John C. Avery
- Mrs. John C. Avery
- Miss Hope Avery
- Mr. H. Bach
- Mrs. Emma F. Bach
- Miss Alice B. Bach
- Miss Elsie Bach
- Mrs. A. Baker
- Miss R. S. Baker
- Mr. Cosme Balano
- Mrs. Cosme Balano
- Miss Georgina Bailin
- Mr. A. M. Bartram
- Mrs. Louise Barwig
- Mr. Henry Bassen
- Mrs. Henry Bassen
- Miss Viola Bassen
- Mrs. Richard Bauer
- Miss Lucie Bauer and Maid
- Mrs. J. R. Bayler
- Mr. B. Beinecke
- Mrs. B. Beinecke
- Mr. Harry Berger
- Mrs. Harry Berger
- Miss Berger
- Mrs. Bernays
- Miss Bernays
- Mr. J. Bernheim
- Mr. W. Berwald
- Miss Eliz. Bettendorf
- Mrs. Henry Beuler
- Mr. Leopold Beyer
- Mrs. Leopold Beyer
- Miss Emma Beyer
- Mr. Bigelow
- Mr. C. Bishop
- Mrs. C. Bishop
- Mr. J. H. Block
- Mrs. J. H. Block
- Mr. J. H. Block Jr.
- Mr. Henry F. Boardman
- Mrs. Henry F. Boardman
- Miss Wynanda K. Boardman
- Mr. Derick L. Boardman
- Mr. Wm. Bohn
- Mrs. Wm. Bohn
- Miss Marg. Bohn
- Mr. Wm. Bohn Jr.
- Mast. H. Bohn
- Miss Louise Bohn
- Miss Bertha Bohn
- Mast. Johs. Bohn
- Mr. C. Bohnet
- Mr. A. Boks
- Mrs. A. Boks
- Mr. F. Boks
- Mrs. N. Bonwit
- Mr. Georg von Bosse
- Miss Marg. Botzum
- Miss Elsie Braun
- Miss Thekla Breidenbach
- Miss Mary Breidenbach
- Mr. Wm. Brehl
- Rev. W. ten Brinck
- Dr. Kate Brodnitz
- Mrs. T. Bruck
- Mr. August Bruder
- Mrs. Sophie Bruening
- Mast. Fred. Bruening
- Mr. M. de Br'Inn
- Mrs. Minnie Buehler
- Mr. Buettner
- Mrs. Buettner
- Mrs. K. Buchholz
- Mrs. Marie Burghardt, Child and Nurse
- Mr. Carl Busch
- Mr. Alfred Busch
- Miss F. de B. Busch
- Mrs. H. E. Campbell
- Mr. de Salles Carroll
- Mrs. de Salles Carroll and Maid
- Mrs. Frank Cavalli
- Miss Louise Cavalli
- Miss Cath. Cavalli
- Mr. Walter Chapman
- Mr. H. A. Citroen
- Mr. F. A. Clauberg
- Mrs. F. A. Clauberg
- Dr. A. F. Coca
- Mr. Gomez Colon
- Mr. Carl Conrad
- Mrs. Carl Conrad
- Mr. Ed. I. Coppet
- Mrs. Ed. I. Coppet
- Miss J. de Coppet
- Mr. Isaac Cowley
- Mr. W. E. Cox
- Miss Marie Cramer
- Mr. Fritz E. Cranz
- Mrs. Fritz E. Cranz
- Mast. Fred. E. Cranz
- Mr. C. Dammann
- Mr. G. T. Davis
- Miss Louise Deetjen
- Mrs. H. B. de Deininger
- Mr. F. G. Dickman
- Mrs. F. G. Dickman
- Mr. F. N. Dickman
- Mr. Fred. Diehl
- Mrs. Fred. Diehl
- Mast. Carl Diehl
- Mast. Fred. Diehl Jr.
- Mr. Valentin Dietz
- Mrs. Valentin Dietz
- Miss Lucie Donovan
- Mr. Moritz Doob
- Mrs. Moritz Doob
- Mr. Frank Dorner
- Mrs. T. E. Dorr
- Mrs. Charles Duhme
- Mr. H. Duil
- Mrs. H. Duil
- Mrs. Annie Dumba
- Miss R. Dumke
- Mrs. Dumke
- Mr. E. A. Eckert
- Mr. Joseph Ehret
- Mr. Anton Eichler
- Mr. Anton Eichler
- Mrs. France Elliott
- Mrs. H. Englander
- Mrs. C. Epstein
- Mr. Abe Eppstein
- Mrs. Abe Eppstein
- Miss E. Ermann
- Mr. E. B. Fairchild
- Mrs. G. H. Fairchild
- Miss Meta H. Fairchild
- Miss Lydia Fairchild
- Mr. David B. Falter
- Mr. Aaron Feist
- Mrs. Aaron Feist
- Mr. Feldman
- Mrs. Feldman
- Mr. Ed. Fetz
- Mrs. Ed. Fetz
- Mr. Anthony Fikus
- Mr. J. Fischer
- Mrs. llse Fischer
- Miss Charlotte Fischer
- Miss Erna Fischer
- Mrs. J. Fischer
- Miss M. Fischer
- Miss H. Fischer
- Miss E. Fischer
- Mrs. Florence E. Fisher
- Mr. Maurice Fleckles
- Mrs. Maurice Fleckles
- Mr. Fleischmann
- Mr. M. J. Fleischner
- Miss M. A. Fletcher
- Mrs. W. A. Forbes
- Mr. Wm. Forstner
- Mrs. L. A. Frank
- Mr. Eugen Frank
- Mr. Bernard Frank
- Mrs. Didy Frank
- Miss Wanda Frank
- Mr. Pablo Frank
- Mrs. Pablo Frank
- Mast. Herbert Frank and 2 Servants
- Mr. Victor Frank
- Mast. Oscar Frank
- Mr. Paul Franke
- Mr. Adolph Frankenthal
- Mrs. Adolph Frankenthal
- Mr. B. Franssen
- Mr. G. Freisdorf
- Mrs. G. Freisdorf
- Mr. F. W. Frerich
- Mr. E. Frese
- Mrs. E. Frese
- Mast. H. Frese
- Mr. A. Friedman
- Mr. P. H. Frye
- Mrs. P. H. Frye
- Mr. L. F. Fukal
- Mr. Ludwig Fuld
- Mrs. Ludwig Fuld
- Miss Dorothey Fuld
- Mr. H. L. Ftirstenwalde
- Mrs. H. L Ftirstenwalde
- Mr. Julius Gaensler
- Mrs. Julius Gaensler
- Mr. Sherlock B. Gass
- Rev. J. van Gastel
- Mrs. Addie A. Gerst
- Miss S. E. Gibson
- Mr. A. Giese
- Mrs. A. Giese
- Mrs. W. E. Gilmor
- Miss M. Gilmore
- Miss G. Gilmore
- Mrs. Otto Goetze
- Miss Emily Goetze
- Miss Louise Goetze
- Mr. M. Goldschmidt
- Mr. Henry Goldsmith
- Mrs. Henry Goldsmith
- Miss Leah Goldsmith
- Miss Elise Gorgensohn
- Mr. Edw Gottwald
- Mrs. Edw. Gottwald
- Mr. Wm. Graupner
- Mrs. Wm. Graupner
- Mast. H. Graupner
- Mast. E. Graupner
- Miss Louise Graupner and Servant
- Mr. J. Greenwey
- Mrs. Clara V. J. Greenwood
- Miss Clara L. Greenwood
- Mrs. S. D. Groak
- Miss Valerie Groak
- Mr. H. Groenman
- Mr. Grossgebauer
- Mrs. Grossgebauer
- Mr. Ignatius R Grossmann
- Mrs. Ignatius R. Grossmann
- Mrs. J. C. D. Guldemond
- Mr. R. Gull
- Mrs. R. Gull
- Miss Hertha Gull
- Mrs. Lina Guntzler
- Mr. W. H. Haesky
- Miss C. Hageman
- Mrs. F. E. Hagemeyer
- Mr. A. H. Hagemeyer
- Mrs. A. Hahn
- Mast. E. Hahn
- Miss Emma Hahn
- Prof. Thomas Hall
- Mrs. Thomas Hall
- Miss Mabel P. Hall
- Mrs. H. Hammond
- Mrs. E. Hammond
- Miss H. Hartman
- Miss Eleonor Hartshorn
- Mr. James M. Hartshorne
- Mrs. James M. Hartshorne
- Mr. Harold Hartshorne
- Mr. H. Heesch
- Miss Edith Hegan
- Mr. S. Heinemann
- Mrs. A. Heinemann
- Mr. A. Heinemann
- Mr. Thom. Helbach
- Mr. B. zur Hellen
- Miss Henrich
- Mr. F. Herschmann
- Mr. Moritz Herz
- Mrs. Moritz Herz
- Mast. Moritz Herz Jr.
- Mr. G. Herzberg
- Mrs. P. Herzberg
- Mr. J. Hess
- Mr. Louis Hessel
- Mrs. Louis Hessel
- Mr. Fred. Hessel
- Mr. F. Hertenstein and Family
- Mr. John Hettermann
- Mrs. F. Himmelsbach
- Miss Hirsch
- Mr. Alex Hirschfeld
- Mrs. F. Hirschmann
- Miss M. Hirtenstein
- Mr. H. H. Hobelmans
- Mr. A. Hobelmans
- Mrs. H. H. Hobelmans
- Miss Lilly Hochstatter
- Mr. Paul Hoefel
- Mr. E. Hoffmeister
- Mast. Egbert Hofmann
- Mast. Arnold M. Hofmann
- Mrs. Alma Hofmann
- Mr. L. Hohmeyer
- Mrs. L. Hohmeyer
- Mr. Wm. Hollweg
- Mrs. Wm. Hollweg
- Mr. Ch. R. Holman
- Mrs. Ch. R. Holman
- Mr. J. L. Holman
- Mr. J. Holtmeyer
- Mrs. J. Holtmeyer
- Miss Eliz. B. Howry
- Miss Harriet B. Hubbard
- Mr. Joseph Hyman
- Mrs. Joseph Hyman
- Mrs. Sarah Hyman
- Miss Mignon Israel
- Mrs. R. Jacobs
- Miss G. Jacobs
- Miss Hilda Jacobs
- Mr. A. J. Jamulowsky
- Miss M. Jaretzky
- Miss Jeffries
- Mrs. Edith T. Jewett
- Mrs. S. L. Joseph
- Mrs. Selma H. Kahn
- Miss Kath. Kahn and Governess
- Mr. H. Kalisher
- Mrs. H. Kalisher
- Miss. E. B. Kalisher and Maid
- Mrs. Bertha Kapper
- Miss Erwine Kapper
- Miss Crima Kapper
- Mast. Rich. Kapper
- Mr. A. Katz
- Mrs. A. Katz and Infant
- Mrs. Hermann Katz and Maid
- Mr. Allan Kauffman
- Mr. Chas. Kaufman
- Mr. Edward Kaufmann
- Dr. Jakob Kaufmann
- Mr. Ned. Kaufmann
- Mrs. Ned. Kaufmann
- Mr. J Kayton
- Miss B. Kay
- Mr. Wm. Keany
- Mrs. Else Keller
- Mast. Rudolf Keller
- Mrs. T. H. Kennedy
- Mr. Nicol Kessler
- Mrs. Nicol Kessler
- Miss G. Kessler
- Mr. Heinrich Kiessler
- Mrs. E. P. Kimball
- Mr. J. de Kinder
- Miss Frieda Kipp
- Mrs. Kleemann
- Mr. J. Klees
- Mrs. J. Klees
- Mr. W. Klees
- Miss D. Klees
- Mrs. Fr. Klein
- Mr. John M. Kliegl
- Mrs. John M. Kliegl and 2 Children
- Mr. A. Kliegl
- Mr. F. Kliegl
- Mrs. F. Klopsch
- Miss Klopsch
- Mrs. Henry Knickerbacker
- Mr. A. E. Knopf
- Mrs. A. E. Knopf
- Mr. Fritz Koch
- Mr. F. Koch
- Mrs. F. Koch
- Miss Hilda Koester
- Miss A. L. Konda
- Mr. Jos. Kopperl
- Mrs. Jos. Kopperl
- Mr. Bayd Kopperl
- Mrs. Kath. Kory
- Miss Kate Kory
- Mrs. G. Kraft
- Miss L. R. Kraft
- Mr. Leopold Kramer
- Miss Agnes E. Krause
- Mr. E. Kreusler
- Mrs. E. Kreusler
- Mr. John A. Kroder
- Miss Augusta Kruse
- Mr. John Kuesel
- Mrs. John Kuesel
- Mrs. A. Kuhlmann
- Miss Kuhlmann
- Mrs. Geo Kuhn
- Mast. Geo A. Kuhn
- Miss Helen Kuhn and Maid
- Dr. Ernst Kunwald
- Mrs. Ernst Kunwald
- Mrs. Marg. Kutschbach
- Miss Mary Lackland
- Mrs. R. Laemmle
- Mast. J. Laemmle
- Miss R. Laemmle and Maid
- Mrs. Cedric Laighton
- Miss Carine Landahl
- Mrs. E. Lasaline
- Miss Dr. Agathe Lasch
- Mrs. Louise Lebknecher
- Mr. H. Lieb
- Miss Bertha Lieder
- Mr. A. Lindner
- Mrs. C. Livingston
- Miss Frieda Loeb
- Miss Ruth Loeb
- Mr. Carl Lomb
- Mrs. Carl Lomb
- Mr. George Long
- Mrs. Quitman Lovell
- Mr. Lewis Lowenstein
- Mrs. Lewis Lowenstein
- Mast. Leopold Lowenstein
- Mr. Julius Lowenthal
- Mrs. Julius Lowenthal
- Mrs. Emma Lowenthal
- Mr. B. H. Lubben
- Mrs. B H. Lubben
- Mr. Charles Lurch
- Mrs. Charles Lurch
- Miss Angelica Lurch
- Mrs. A. H. Mackie and 2 Children
- Mr. John B. Maddock
- Mrs. John B. Maddock
- Mr. G. F. Maeder
- Mrs. G. F. Maeder
- Mr. Wm. Mahl
- Mr. Richard Mailer
- Mrs. Richard Mailer
- Mrs. E. R. Mankel
- Miss Hedwig Manz
- Miss Valerie Marbury
- Mrs. E. Marsching
- Mr. John H. Martendale
- Mrs. John H. Martendale
- Mr. Henry Marx
- Mrs. Henry Marx
- Miss Josefine Mast
- Miss A. Mauersberger
- Miss Charlotte Mauersberger
- Miss Christine Maurer
- Mrs. L. Mayer
- Miss M. Mayer
- Miss C. Mayer
- Mrs. Blanche Mayer
- Mr. S. W. Mayer
- Mrs. S. W. Mayer
- Mrs. A. McLaurin
- Mrs. A. E. McNeir
- Miss Louise McNeir
- Miss Janit McNeir
- Mr. John T. Mede
- Mrs. John T. Mede
- Dr. Edw. Melchers
- Mr. R. M. Y. Merino
- Mrs. R. M. Y. Merino
- Rev. A. Merkes
- Mr. Meuel
- Mrs. Meuel
- Mr. John P. Meyer
- Miss C. W. Meyer
- Mr. Albert Meyer
- Mrs. Bertha Millar
- Miss Elisabeth Millar
- Miss Bertha Millar
- Miss Forenza Millar
- Mr. C. A. Miller
- Mrs. Miller
- Miss M. Miller
- Miss Bertha Millke
- Miss Emma G. Mines
- Miss Elzie Montag
- Mr. Oscar Mordhorst
- Mrs. A. Muehlmann
- Miss Z. Muehlmann
- Miss Lily Mueller
- Mr. A. MUhlmann
- Prof. Wm. Max Muller
- Mrs. Wm. Max Muller and two Children
- Mr. Adam Muller
- Mrs. Adam Muller
- Miss Marg. Muller
- Miss L. Muller
- Mr. W. H. Munson
- Mrs. W. H. Munson
- Mr. H. Nagel
- Mrs. H. Nagel
- Mrs. Lizzie Neff
- Mrs. Mary Neff
- Miss Eva Neff
- Mast. Chas. Neff
- Miss Louise Neuhoff
- Mr. F. P. Neumann
- Mrs. Neumann and Maid
- Miss Helen K. Newell
- Mr. Louis Newell
- Mrs. Louis Newell
- Miss M. Niemann
- Mr. John Noll
- Miss Nuernberger and Maid
- Miss Lidia A. Null
- Mrs. A. Oberndorf
- Mrs. Emma Ochs and Maid
- Mr. Phil. Ohl
- Mrs. Phil. Ohl
- Miss F. Ohl
- Miss E. Ohl
- Mrs. Arena Ohl
- Miss Ilse Ohl
- Mr. J. E. Ohrner
- Mrs. Fred. van Olinda
- Miss Louise van Olinda
- Mrs. J. L. Oly
- Mr. A. J. Onderdonk
- Mr. J. Oppenheimer
- Mr. Ph. Ostermayer
- Mrs. Ph. Ostermayer
- Mrs. A. Pamne
- Dr. (Miss) E. R. Patterson
- Mr. Paysen
- Mr. R. E. Peelen
- Mrs. Mary Penniman
- Mr. J. R. K. Pennink
- Mrs. A. L. Peters
- Mr. Hy F. Petersen
- Mrs. Hy F. Petersen
- Miss Maude Petit
- Miss E. Feyche
- Mr. E. R. Peycke
- Mrs. E R. Peycke
- Dr. Ch. A. Pfaffin
- Mrs. Ch. A. Pfaffin
- Miss Pfaffin
- Miss F. E. Phelps
- Mrs. James Pleasants
- Mr. Louis Pockwitz
- Mr. Mark Postma
- Mrs. C. Prehn
- Mrs. M. M. Prul
- Mrs. Emilie C. Quinby
- Miss Margaret Quinby
- Mrs. Anita Quinby
- Mr. John Raschen
- Mrs. John Raschen
- Mrs. Emma Raub
- Miss Caroline Reilinger
- Mrs. Paula Reinbold
- Mrs. Anna Reiner
- Mr. Salomon Reis
- Mrs. Hugo Reisinger
- Miss Maria Reitemeyer
- Miss Eliz. Remsen
- Mr. Reidar Renson
- Mr. Bruno Reschelt
- Mrs. Bruno Reschelt
- Mast. Alex Reschelt
- Mast. Norman Reschelt
- Mr. Henry Reubel
- Mrs. Henry Reubel and Child
- Mrs. James Nelson Rice
- Dr. Cl. M. Richter
- Mrs. Cl. M. Richter
- Miss Elisabeth Rindsfoos
- Mr. Otto L. R. Ritter
- Mrs. Otto L. R. Ritter
- Mr. G. Roberts
- Mrs. G. Roberts
- Miss Helen Roberts and Maid
- Mr. Ernst Rokahr
- Mr. A. Rommel
- Mr. D. S. Rosenbaum
- Mrs. D. S. Rosenbaum
- Mr. Selig Rosenbaum
- Mrs. Selig Rosenbaum
- Mr. Myer S. Rosenthal
- Mrs. Myer S. Rosenthal
- Miss Edna Rotholz
- Mrs. Rosa Rothschild
- Mrs. Frieda Rothschild
- Miss Hortense Rothschild
- Mr. August Rottachs
- Mrs. August Rottachs
- Mr. Pierre de Routsky
- Mr. Wm. A. Rumpp
- Mrs. Wm. A. Rumpp
- Miss Pauline Rumpp
- Miss Clara Rumpp
- Mrs. Sussal Ruthatd and Children
- Mr. John A. Salmen
- Mrs. John A. Salmen
- Mrs. Mina Salomon
- Miss Irma Salomon
- Mr. Wm. Salzman
- Dr. B. Samuels
- Mr. George Sanders
- Mrs. Alice W. Sanders
- Mr. Aug. Saril
- Mr. Albert Saxe
- Mrs. Albert Saxe
- Dr. Oscar von Schab
- Mr. Joseph Schaeffers
- Mr. Aug. Scharoch
- Baroness Alice Schenk
- Mr. C. W. Schenk
- Mrs. C. W. Schenk
- Countess Schiel
- Mr. Fred. Schirmeister
- Mrs. Fred. Schirmeister
- Mr. Aug. Schlapp
- Mr. Edw. Schiorer
- Mrs. Edw. Schiorer
- Mr. Joh. Schmalz
- Miss Eliz. Schmalz
- Mr. Leopold Schmid
- Mr. W. A. Schmidt
- Mrs. C. A. Schmidt
- Miss Schmidt
- Mrs. Anna H. Schmidt
- Miss Eliz. Schmidt
- Mrs. Helene P. Schmidt
- Mrs. Mary R. Schmidt
- Mr. Arthur Schmidt
- Mr. Richard A. Schnabel
- Miss R. A. Schnabel
- Miss Lawa Schnabel
- Mr. Chas. Schnakenberg
- Mrs. Chas. Schnakenberg
- Miss Grace Schnakenberg
- Mr. Chas. Schnakenberg
- Mr. F. Scholle
- Mrs. Rosalie Schonfeld
- Miss Rosalie Schonfeld
- Mr. Albert Schott
- Mrs. F. A. Schottky
- Miss G. H. Schottky
- Mr. H. A. Schrecker
- Mr. R. Schrecker
- Mr. W. Schrecker
- Mrs. W. Schrecker
- Mrs. Rosa Schreiner
- Mrs. Ida Schroeder
- Miss Frances Schroeder
- Miss Henrietta Schroeder
- Miss D. Schueller
- Mr. Louis Schuhmacher
- Mrs. Louis Schuhmacher
- Mrs. Lina Schultz
- Mr. E. Schultze
- Mrs. E Schultze
- Miss M. Schultze
- Miss S. Schultze and Nurse
- Mr. A. Schumack
- Miss Ida Schwantner
- Mrs. Bernard Schwarz
- Mr. Eugene Schwedt Jr.
- Mr. Rudolf Schwedt
- Mr. Eugene Schwerdt
- Mrs. Eugene Schwerdt
- Mast. Max Schwerdt
- Mr. G. Seeligman
- Mrs. G. Seeligman
- Mr. Adolph Segnitz
- Mrs. Cath. Seip
- Mrs. A. Seker
- Mr. B. Selig
- Mrs. B. Selig
- Consul A F. Seligman
- Mrs. A. F. Seligmann
- Mr. G. Stengel Sembrich
- Mrs. G. Stengel Sembrich
- Mrs. Augusta Severin
- Mrs. Thom W. Shannon
- Miss Laura Shannon
- Mr. Christian Siegel
- Mr. Johann G. Siegling
- Mrs. Johann G. Siegling
- Mrs. M. Sielken
- Miss M. Sielken
- Mrs. P. Siemers
- Miss F. Siemers
- Mrs. A. Silverstein
- Mrs. M. Simon
- Mr. Siegfried Simon
- Mrs. Kathie Simon
- Miss M. Sinclan
- Mr. J. W. Sindell
- Mrs. J. W. Sindell
- Mr. A. Siw
- Miss H. G. Slingluff
- Miss Ella Slingluff
- Mrs. E. F. Small
- Mr. T. Max Smith
- Mrs. T. Max Smith
- Mr. Arthur Solle
- Mrs. Ida L. Solle
- Miss Irene Solle
- Mrs. Henry P. Sommer
- Mrs. D. Sommerfeld and 2 Children
- Mr. R. Sommerweich
- Mrs. R Sommerweich
- Miss R. Sommerweich
- Mr. Chas. Spiegel
- Mrs. Chas. Spiegel
- Mrs. Rosa Steele
- Miss Emma Steele
- Mr. Bruno Steindell
- Mr. Julius Steiner
- Mr. B. Steiner
- Mrs. B. Steiner
- Mr. S. S. Steiner
- Mrs. S. S. Steiner
- Miss Elinor R. Steiner
- Mast. Wm. J. H. Steiner
- Mr. H. Steingrover
- Mrs. A. Steingrover
- Miss Marie Steingrover
- Miss Caterine Steingrover
- Mr. J. Steinhardt
- Mrs. J. Steinhardt
- Miss J. Steinhardt
- Mr. I. Steinman
- Mrs. I. Steinman
- Mrs. L. Stern
- Miss FL Stern
- Mr. L. Stern
- Mr. P. Stern
- Mr. Albert Stern
- Miss Irma Stern
- Miss F. Stern
- Mr. C. von Sternberg
- Mrs. C. von Sternberg
- Mr. Wm. R. Stewart
- Mr. Wm. R. Stewart Jr.
- Mr. J. C. Stirper
- Mrs. A. Stockstrom
- Mibs Emily Stockstrom
- Miss Olga Stockstrom
- Miss Ada Stockstrom
- Mr. Max Stoehr
- Mrs. Max. Stoehr, Child and 2 Maids
- Miss Irma Stoltze
- Miss Anna Straub
- Mrs. F. A. Zerline Straus
- Mrs. Lina Straus
- Mrs. Lina Strauss
- Miss Marie Streib
- Miss E. C. Stub
- Mrs. Sylvie L. Studt
- Dr. H. Tausky
- Mr. J. Taveggi
- Mrs. J. Taveggi
- Miss A. Taveggi
- Miss C. L. Taveggi
- Mr. J. Tegelaar
- Mr. Curt Teich
- Mrs. Curt Teich
- Mr. Julius Teigl
- Mr. C. Teustel
- Mr. Paul Thalman
- Mrs. E. Thalman and Maid
- Mrs. Susanne Theobald
- Mrs. Charlotte Theobald
- Mr. Henry Thode
- Mrs. Marie Tocheppe
- Dr. Tynberg
- Mrs. Tynberg and Child
- Mr. Henry Uhlein
- Mr. Fred Uhlein
- Mr. August Uihlein
- Mrs. August Uihlein
- Miss Adele Uihlein
- Mr. Harry Uihlein
- Mrs. Harry Uihlein
- Mr. Charles B. Ulrichs
- Miss Marie Ulrichs
- Mr. Max Vieweger
- Mrs. Max Vieweger
- Miss Elsie Vieweger
- Mr. P. P. van Vleet
- Mrs. P. P. van Vleet
- Mr. Vogl
- Mrs. Vogl
- Dr. B. G. de Vries
- Mr. Waite
- Mrs. Waite
- Mr. J. Challen Walker
- Mrs. J. Challen Walker
- Mr. Chas. Walker
- Mrs. Chas: Walker
- Miss M. Walter
- Miss A. Walz
- Miss L. Wandel
- Miss K. Ward
- Mrs. Archibald Waterhouse
- Mrs. E. Weber
- Mast. Carlo Weber
- Miss Helen P. Weber
- Mr. Von Wedel
- Mr. Chas. Wehrhone
- Mrs. Chas. Wehrhone
- Mr. Otto Weil
- Mrs. Otto Weil
- Mr. Herm. Weinrith
- Miss F. A. Wellwood
- Mast. Theodor Winestock
- Mr. Wm. A. Windisch
- Mrs. Wm. A. Windisch
- Miss Marianne Windisch
- Mast. John Windisch
- Miss Anna Winter
- Miss Dr. M. Wipplinger
- Mrs. Lisette Wirtz
- Mrs. B. Wisbrun
- Miss L. Wisbrun
- Mast. R. Wisbrun
- Miss Carrie Wise
- Miss W. Wittig
- Mr. Fred. Woehle
- Mrs. T. I. Wood
- Mrs. J. H. Wunderlich
- Mr. Würzburger and Family
- Mr. Saul Weissberg
- Mrs. Elfriede Wetter
- Mr. Max Whieland
- Mrs. Liesbeth White
- Mr. Gottlieb Wieland
- Mr. F. Willard
- Mrs. M. Th. Williams
- MrS. A. Williams
- Miss Rae Williams
- Mr. O. C. Winestock
- Mrs. O. C. Winestock
- Miss Lillian Winestock
- Miss Wurzburger
- Mr. Witrzburger and Family
- Miss Marion Wyeth
- Mr. G. Zimmerman
Additional First Cabin Passengers
- Mr. Ernst Becker
- Mr. Marcus Braun
- Mr. W. E. Cox
- Mr. L. Navarreda Davila
- Mrs. L. Navarreda Davila
- Miss Leonarda Davila
- Miss Caroline Eriel
- Mr. M. J. Fleischman
- Mrs. Oscar Goebel
- Mr. Sigm. Herrmann
- Mr. Charles R. Holman
- Mrs. Charles R. Holman
- Mrs. Eliz. Lorenz
- Dr. H. G. Lucke
- Mr. J. A. Meyer
- Mr. Karl Plasche
- Mrs. Anna Roemele
- Mrs. L. Rosskoop
- Mast. F. Rosskoop
- Mrs. George Roth
- Miss M. Sielken
- Mr. H. Suhren
- Mrs. Eliz. Voelter
- Mr. George Wise
- Mrs. George Wise and two Children and two Maids
Back Cover of a Cabin Passenger List for the SS Rotterdam of the Holland-America Line, Departing 15 October 1914 from Rotterdam to New York. GGA Image ID # 17c5d7b1f1
Second Cabin Passengers
- Mrs. M. G. Abbott
- Miss E. Abbott
- Mr. Chas. Abraham
- Mrs. Chas. Abraham
- Mrs. Moritz Adler
- Mrs. H. Agsteribbe
- Mast. Etienne Agsteribbe
- Miss Helene Agsteribbe
- Mast. Walter Agsteribbe
- Mrs. L. S. Ahlborn
- Miss Louise Ahlborn
- Mr. Albrecht
- Miss Henriette Alfermann
- Miss Evelyn Alston
- Mrs. M. Altenan and Child
- Mrs. C. M. Ambrose
- Miss W. Ambrose
- Miss G. Ambrose
- Miss Olga Antal
- Mrs. Marie Antal
- Mr. J. J Apte
- Mr. Jan Daniel Arentshorst
- Mrs. Toni Arndt
- Mr. Ernst Arnold
- Mrs. Ernst Arnold
- Mast. Henry Arnold
- Mast. Fred. Arnold
- Mast. Walter Arnold
- Mr. John Assenmacher
- Mr. Frank Aug
- Mrs. Frank Aug
- Mast. Willy Aug
- Mrs. Lina Aureli
- Mr. Henry Palink
- Mrs. Henry Balink
- Mr. William Bardon
- Mr. J. H. Barnstorff
- Mrs. J. H. Barnstorff
- Miss Henr. Barnstorff
- Mast. H. Barnstorff
- Miss H. Barnstorff
- Miss Johanna Barthou
- Mr. A. Basler
- Mr. John Bauer
- Mrs. Jetta Baum
- Dr. L. Baumann
- Mrs. L. Baumann and Infant
- Mr. Wm. Baumann
- Mrs. Wm. Baumann
- Mrs. Mina Bauscher
- Miss Therese Bayer
- Mr. Pauline Beach
- Mrs. Gerine Beckmann
- Miss Minnie Beckmann
- Mr. Georg A. Beetz
- Mr. Otto Behrend
- Mr. Braud van den Berg
- Mrs. M. van den Berg
- Mast. R. van den Berg
- Mast. D. van den Berg
- Mr. Otto Berndt
- Mrs. Otto Berndt
- Mr. G. A. Bernhard
- Mrs. Kath. Bernhard
- Miss Anna Bernhard
- Miss Wilh. K. Bernhard
- Mrs. Elisa Bernhard
- Mr. Henry Bestmann
- Mr. John Bethke
- Mrs. Frieda Bethke
- Miss Kath. Bettenhausen
- Mrs. Otto Biefeld
- Mr. Fritz Bierhaum
- Mr. Jean Billemeyer
- Mrs. Marie Billemeyer
- Miss Myrtha Binder
- Mr. Birkert
- Mrs. Birkert
- Mrs. Therese Birner
- Mr. Teodor Birr
- Mrs. Teodor Birr
- Mr. Alois Boehi
- Mrs. M. Boettger
- Miss Martha Boldt
- Miss Lily Borchers
- Mr. H. Born
- Mr. Robe Bornefeld
- Mr. Wm. Borris
- Mrs. Ida Bossong
- Mr. van Bourgondien
- Miss Meta Brand
- Mrs. Marie Brandenburg
- Miss Christina Brandes
- Mr. Ch. M. Brat
- Mrs. Joh. Braun
- Mr. John Bremer
- Mrs. John Bremer
- Dr. A. C. Brendecke
- Mr. Fred. Broeker
- Miss Marie Brueck
- Mrs. Anna Bruemmer
- Miss M. W. Buehler
- Mrs. Helene Buehn
- Miss Lilian Buehn
- Mr. Erich Buhle
- Mrs. Louise Burbeck
- Miss Meta Burbeck
- Mrs. A. Burkhart
- Mr. Arnold Burgi
- Miss T. Buwalda
- Mr. Henry Caplan
- Mrs. Henry Caplan
- Mrs. Lina Carl
- Mr. K. Aug Carl
- Sister Maria Cassandra
- Mrs. Mary le Duc Chapin
- Mr. Charles Christman
- Mast Teodor Christman
- Mr. Alphonse Christophe
- Mrs. Jeanne Christophe
- Miss Alphonse Christophe
- Miss Grace Clare
- Mrs. G. Clasmeyer
- Miss Martha Claudiere
- Miss Kati Clodi
- Mr. M. Cohn
- Mrs. C. Colborn
- Mr. John Coulson
- Mr. Phil. Dambach
- Mrs. Phil. Dambach
- Miss Hilda Dambach
- Miss Emilie Dambach
- Miss Josefine Dambach
- Mast. Alfred Dambach
- Miss Frieda Damm
- Miss Anna Danielsen
- Mrs. Elis. Decker
- Mast. Chas. Decker
- Mr. Jacob Deffland
- Mr. Alfons Deffland
- Mr. Rudolf Deffland
- Mrs. Elise Deffland
- Miss Math. Deffland
- Miss H. Deff land
- Miss G Deffland
- Miss Elise Deffland
- Miss Emilia Deffland
- Miss Hilda Deffland
- Mrs. Agnes Dekker
- Mast. Harry Dekker
- Mr. H. Devlin
- Mrs. E. Devlin
- Mrs. Maude F. Dewson
- Mrs. Frieda Dicks
- Mr. M. Diedling
- Mrs. M. Diedling
- Mr. John J. Diehl
- Miss Marg. Diehl
- Mrs. Aug. Dietrich
- Miss Therese Dirscherl
- Miss L Doebert
- Mr. Nic. Drescher
- Mr. Adam Drescher
- Mrs. Pauline Dubrin
- Miss Selma Dubrin
- Mrs. Mary Duesing
- Miss Manie Duesing
- Miss Hulda Duestrow
- Mr. S. Duin
- Mr. Ary Dulfer
- Mrs. Bertha Dumke
- Miss Jeanne Dupres
- Mrs. Eva Dutzi
- Miss Anna Dutzi
- Mrs. E. Echholz
- Mr. O. Echholz
- Mr. H. Echholz
- Mr. Julius Eiselt
- Mrs. Marie Eiselt
- Mr. Phil. Eissenbeiss
- Miss Antonia Elings
- Mrs. Joh. Engelmann
- Miss Tessie Epple
- Mr. Ludwig Ernst
- Miss Lina Fahr
- Miss Elise Federolf
- Mr. P. Feenstra
- Sister Maria Felicissima
- Mrs. A. Fischer
- Miss H. Fischer
- Mr. Albert Fleckenstein
- Mrs. Albert Fleckenstein
- Miss Georgine Fleissner
- Miss M. Fleming
- Miss S. M. Fleming
- Mr. Charles Fortsch
- Mrs. Mary Fortsch
- Mr. Max R. Forster
- Mrs. Selma Forsthoff
- Mr. Michael Fraas
- Mr. Carl Freiburger
- Mrs. Carl Freiburger
- Mr. John Freiershausen
- Mrs. John Freiershausen
- Miss Grace Freiershausen
- Miss Emma Friedrich
- Mr. J. H. Friedrichs
- Mrs. Marie Friedrichs
- Mr. John Fritz
- Mrs. John Fritz
- Mrs. Marie Funke
- Mrs. Emma Gammel
- Mast. Otto Gammel
- Mr. Carl Gebhardt
- Mrs. Mary Gebler
- Miss \larie Gels
- Mr. Max Gemmrig
- Mrs. Max Gemmrig
- Mr. Wm. Gerken
- Mrs. Wm. Gerken
- Mr. Wilh. Gesell
- Miss Berta Giger
- Mrs. Ellen Gockel
- Mr. Ch. Goehmann
- Miss Emma Goehmann
- Mrs. Amalia Goldwater
- Sister Maria Gorzaga
- Mr. Francis Grandi
- Mrs. Francis Grandi
- Miss Terez Grmela
- Miss Line de Groot
- Rev. P. Grobbel
- Mr. E H. P. Grossmann
- Mr. A Grossmann
- Mrs. E. Grossmann
- Mrs. Marie Guenther
- Mr. Emil Gunther
- Mrs. Emil Gunther
- Mr. Henry Guth
- Miss Ernestina Guttmann
- Mr. Friso Haanstra
- Mr. Theo. Hahn
- Mr. Chas Hahn
- Mr. Karl. Hammer
- Mrs. Anna Hansen and Child
- Miss Anna Hass
- Mrs. E. Hauch
- Mr. Bernhard Haug
- Mrs. Bernhard Haug
- Mrs. J. Hausmann
- Miss M. Hausmann
- Mr. B. B. Hayhorst
- Mr. Fred. T. Heckel
- Mrs. Fred. T. Heckel
- Mr. John Heer
- Miss E. Heim
- Mrs. Betti Heine
- Mr. Emil Heinze
- Mrs. Emil Heinze
- Mr. Thomas Helbach
- Mrs. Thomas Helbach
- Mr. Georg Hellmuth
- Miss Marg. Hellmuth
- Mast. Wilhelm Hellmuth
- Mast. F. Hellmuth
- Miss M Hellmuth
- Mrs. Christina Henck
- Mrs. Everdina Hendriks
- Mr. P. R. Henerlaw
- Mrs. K. Henerlaw
- Mr. Peter Henkel
- Miss Mary Henrard
- Miss Louise Henrard
- Miss E. Henrich
- Miss Helen Herberich
- Mr. Ernst Herzog
- Miss Julia Herzog
- Mrs. Elsa Hesterman
- Miss Elsa Hesterman
- Mr. Fred. Hille
- Mrs. Fred. Hille
- Mr. Frank Hinkamp
- Mr. Louis Heynemann
- Mr. C. H. Hill
- Mrs. C. H. Hill
- Miss Gladys Hill
- Mr. Herm. Hinsching
- Mrs. Herm. Hinsching
- Miss Salla Hirschel
- Mr. Chas. H. Hohns
- Mrs. Chas. H. Hohns
- Miss Anna Hohns
- Mr. Charles Hohns
- Mr. H. A. Homann
- Mr. Jos Hommer
- Mast. Erwin Horremer
- Mr. Henry Huebner
- Mrs. Katharine Husche
- Mrs. Marie Iltgen
- Miss Christ. Iltgen
- Mr. C. A. Ingliss
- Mr. Albert Jacobson
- Mrs. Albert Jacobson
- Miss F. Jacobson
- Miss H. Jacobson
- Mrs. Th. Jankowsky
- Mrs. A. Jansen
- Mrs. J. H. Jantzen
- Mr. Ida Jardewski
- M . J. Javitz
- Mr. Martin H. Jessen
- Mrs. Martin H. Jessen
- Miss Ada Juillerat
- Miss Anna Kalina
- Miss Frieda Kaltenbach
- Mrs. Lina Kammacher
- Miss Florae C. Kammacher
- Mr. S. Kaplansky
- Mrs. Helene Kaufman
- Miss Florence Kaufman
- Miss Anna Kaufmann
- Mrs. H. Kauper
- Mr. Chas. Kehde
- Mr. Wm Kehlenbach
- Mrs. Wm. Kehlenbach
- Mr. Fred. Keller
- Miss Elis. Keller
- Miss .C. Keser
- Miss Johanna Klein
- Mr. Nic. Klingenberg
- Mrs. Nic Klingenberg
- Mrs. C. D. Klein
- Miss Elsie Klein
- Mrs. Jul. Klopp
- Miss Enny Klopp
- Mrs. F. Klopsch
- Miss E. Klopsch
- Dr. O. Kniffler
- Miss M. Knikkink
- Mr. Petrus Kocken
- Mrs. Friedr. Koecker
- Miss Maria L. Koecker
- Mrs. Hulda Koenig
- Mr. A. V. Kokke
- Miss G. Kolper
- Mrs. Wm. Konen
- Miss H. Konietzko
- Mr. Jean Koob
- Mrs. Marg. Kopf
- Mast. Teddy Kopf
- Mrs. L. Korber
- Mrs. Marie Koschel
- Mrs..Emma Kramer
- Mr. Christian Kraut
- Mrs. Christine Kraut
- Mr. Franz Kretschmer
- Mr. Valentin Krieg
- Mrs. Marie Krieg
- Mrs. Aurelie Krische
- Mr. Walter Krömmenoehl
- Mrs. Krueger
- Mr. John Kuenzel
- Mrs. John Kuenzel
- Mr. Theo Kuhn
- Mr. A. Laemlein
- Mr. Leonhard Lang
- Mrs. Leonhard Lang
- Mrs. Mary Lang
- Mr. George Lange
- Mr. Fritz Langner
- Mrs. E. Lassar
- Miss S. von Leesen
- Mr. N. G. Lettow
- Mrs. Levyson
- Mr. H. B. J. van Lierop
- Mr. W. P. Linz
- Mrs. W. P. Linz
- Miss Nella Linz
- Mrs. Lena Loeffler and Child
- Mrs. Louise Loelke
- Mr. Max Loewenthal
- Mrs. Mina Loewenthal
- Mrs. E. A. Lucas
- Mr. Erwin Ludmann
- Mrs. Erwin Ludmann
- Miss Frances Ludmann
- Mast. Paul Ludmann
- Miss M. Ludmann
- Mr. Ernst Lueder
- Mrs. Ernst Lueder
- Mrs. D. Lund
- Mrs. Louise Luth
- Miss Ernestine Luth
- Mast. Ferd. Luth
- Mr. Louis Lutz
- Mrs. Lina Lute
- Mrs. Henry Maas
- Mr. John Mack
- Mrs. Lena Mack
- Mr. M. v. d. Maesen
- Miss Anna Ma feld
- Mrs. Barbara Maier
- Mast. Herman Maier
- Mr. J. Malkin
- Mr. P. J. Mantel
- Mr. O. Marcinkowski
- Mrs. A. Marcinkowski
- Mrs. B. Margolin
- Mr. B. Margolin
- Miss Emilia Marker
- Miss Jeanne Martin
- Mr. Herman Maurer
- Mrs. Amalia Mayer
- Mrs. M. Mayer
- Miss Pauline Mayer
- Mrs. Crescent McDonough
- Mrs. Frieda Meconi
- Dr. Gustav Menzel
- Miss F. E. Mertin
- Mr. Charles Mertz
- Mrs. Louise Mertz
- Miss Frieda Metzl
- Mr. Herman Meude
- Mr. Henry Meyer
- Mrs. Henry Meyer
- Mr.. Gustav Meyer
- Mrs. Anna Meyer
- Miss B. Meyer
- Mr. Nic. Meyschein
- Mr. Henry Michaelis
- Mrs. Henry Michaelis
- Mr. Wm. Miesch
- Mrs. Wm. Miesch
- Miss Marie Mildner
- Mrs. Thomas Minnaar
- Mrs. Isabelle Mockel
- Mr. Herman Moller
- Miss Lillie J. C. Monsees
- Mrs. I. Morin and Child
- Mr. Paul Muschik
- Mrs. Paul Muschik
- Miss Math. Mutschler
- Mr. Frank Nadler
- Mrs. Frank Nadler
- Mast. F. O. Nadler
- Mast. R. M. Nadler
- Mr. Friedrich Nagel
- Mr. John G. Nagengast
- Mrs. John G. Nagengast
- Mr. Wm. G. Nappenbach
- Mr. Julius Neher
- Mrs. Tilly Neumaier
- Mr. Henry S Newton
- Mrs. henry S. Newton
- Mr. J. Nussbickel
- Mrs. Adelheid Oest
- Mast. Fred. Oest
- Mast. Th. Oest
- Mast. H. Oest
- Mr. Isaac Oppenheimer
- Mrs. Anni Palley
- Mr. Walter Pape
- Mrs. Mina Pauscher
- Mr. O. Pertsch
- Mrs. Anni Petereit
- Mr. Conrad Peters
- Mr. J. C Peters
- Mrs. J. C. Peters
- Mrs. Helene Peters
- Mrs. Klara Petrick
- Miss Marg. Petrick
- Mrs. Carolina Peusch
- Mrs. E. Peyser
- Mr. Paul Pinkus
- Miss Elisabeth Plarre
- Miss Rosa Meissen
- Mr. J. v. d. Poel
- Mr. Erwin Pollark
- Mrs. Mary Pope
- Mr. Adolf Privat
- Mrs. Adolf Privat
- Mr. Joh. J. Quast
- Mrs. Joh. J. Quast
- Miss Ruth Quast
- Dr. Kas. S. von Radwan
- Mrs. Jeanne van Rafels
- Mrs. Sophie Rathjen
- Miss Edna Rathjen
- Miss Marie Reiners
- Mr. Franz Reinhardt
- Mr. Peter Reinhardt
- Mr. Peter Reppenhagen
- Mrs. Emma Reydy
- Mrs. Christ. Rieger
- Mrs. Emma Riely
- Mr. Emil Ritter
- Mr. Ferd. Ritter
- Mr. Emil Ritter
- Mrs. Mary Ritter
- Miss Caroline Ritter
- Miss Marie Ritter
- Miss M. B. Robinson
- Mr. E. M. Roder
- Miss May Roller
- Mrs. Henry Rollof
- Mrs. A. Röntgen
- Miss Maria Roosen
- Mrs. Lina Rosenbaum
- Miss Hozel Rosenbaum
- Mr. Peter Rothaar
- Miss Chr. Ruf
- Miss Martina Ruffenach
- Mrs. E Ruhland
- Mr. Frank Rtischoff
- Mr. John Riischoff
- Mrs. Theresa Rzehak
- Miss Mary Rzehak
- Mr. Wm. Sachtleben
- Miss Loula Sachtleben
- Mr. Ch. Salomon
- Mrs. Ch. Salomon
- Mr. J. A Sammhammer
- Mrs. E. Sammhammer
- Mr. John Sancken
- Mrs. John Sancken
- Miss Kath. Sauter
- Miss Elise Sax
- Mrs. Marg. Schade
- Miss Gertr. Schade
- Miss Anna Schafer
- Miss Marie Scharff
- Mr. John Schaumberg
- Mrs. John Schaumberg
- Mr. Jos. Schlicht
- Mr. Wm. Schlichte
- Mrs. A. W. Schlichte
- Mr. Dick Schlichting
- Mrs. Dick Schlichting
- Mast. Rich. Schlichting
- Mast. Ch. Schlichting
- Miss H. Schlichting
- Miss Anna Schlott
- Mr. Jacob Sclilutter
- Miss Maria Schmeis
- Mr. P. Schmidt
- Mrs. P. Schmidt
- Mrs. Elise Schmidt
- Mrs. K. Schmitt
- Mast. Paul Schmitt
- Miss Veronika Schmitt
- Mr. J. R. Schneider
- Mrs. J. R. Schneider
- Mr. Walter Schneider
- Mrs. Walter Schneider
- Miss Emily Schneider
- Mrs. Elis. Schneider
- Mr. Conr. Schoenbaechler
- Mr. Louis Schon
- Mrs. Louis Schon
- Miss Else Scholl
- Mrs. Lina K. Schroeder
- Mr. Merman Schroder
- Mr. S. Schryver
- Mr. H. Schumacher
- Mrs. H. Schumacher
- Mr. Hugo Schuck
- Mrs. S. Schuck
- Miss Louise Schwalenberg
- Mr. Fred. Schwamb
- Mrs. Fred. Schwamb
- Mrs. A. G. Schwartze
- Dr. Jacob Schwarzmann
- Mrs. Henriette Scott
- Mrs. Bertha Seimer
- Miss Bertha Seimer
- Mrs. Alwine Sellmer
- Miss Auguste Selowsky
- Mr. J. Semmelhack
- Mrs. M. C. Sendtner
- Miss Kath. Senn
- Mrs. Lina Senn
- Mr. Otto Severin
- Mrs. Dora Severin
- Miss Mary Sickert
- Mrs. Mary J. Sholes
- Mr. Georg Shull
- Mrs. Georg Shull
- Mast. John Shull
- Mr. Willem Simmeling
- Mr. Willem van Sisseren
- Miss Christ. E. Snyder
- Mr. K. C. Sommer
- Mr. F. Sonksen
- Mrs. F. Sonksen
- Mrs. A. Spielvogel
- Mrs. Kate Spiess
- Miss Marie Spilker
- Mr. D. ter Stal
- Mrs. D. ter Stal
- Miss Rosa Steckbauer
- Miss Auguste Steinbeck
- Miss Annie Steinbeck
- Miss Marie Steinbeck
- Mrs. Gertr. Steineck
- Miss Emilie Steineck
- Miss Jos. Steinmetz
- Mr. Ralf Stepp
- Mr. Michal Steurer
- Mrs. Michael Steurer
- Mrs. Marg. Stiehl
- Mrs. M. Stiller
- Mast. Jos. Stiller
- Miss C. C. Stolp
- Mr. Ferd. Suchanek
- Mr. A. Tadema
- Mr. John Tauck
- Mrs. Joh. Tauck
- Mrs. Bertha Tauscher
- Sister Maria Tegula
- Mrs. Anna Theile and Child
- Sister Maria Theodora
- Mr. Carl Thiemann
- Mrs. Helen Tholen
- Miss Alma Thoss
- Miss Selma Thoss
- Mr. August Tiemann
- Miss Lucie Tiemann
- Miss Tietz
- Miss Elise Tietz
- Mrs. Anna Timmerman and Infant
- Miss Elis Toerge
- Mr. A. Tonnar
- Mrs. A. Tonner
- Mrs. Charl Travilla
- Mrs. Kath. Trueb
- Mast. Henry Trueb
- Mast. Herbert Trueb
- Miss Louise Trueb
- Mr. A. Th. Tunnekotter
- Mr. W. Vermeer
- Mr. Adolph Voss
- Mrs. Adolph Voss
- Mr. Ferd. Voss
- Mr. Henry Vosshall
- Mrs. Betty Vosshall
- Miss Anna Vosshall
- Mrs. Grietje de Vries
- Mrs. Math. Waetjen
- Mast. William Waetjen
- Mrs. Lydia Wagenberger
- Mrs. Caroline Wagner
- Miss Franz Wagner
- Mr. Waldmann Jr.
- Mr. S. Waldmann
- Mrs. S. Waldmann
- Miss Mary Walker
- Miss Regina Walker
- Miss Zily Walker
- Mrs. Louise Warning
- Dr. Nik. Weber
- Miss J. Weber
- Mr. Math. Weber
- Mrs. Math Weber
- Miss Weber
- Mr. Karl U. Weber
- Mrs. Emma Wehner
- Miss Rosie Wehner
- Mr. Julius Weil
- Miss Anna F. Weil
- Miss Elsie L. Weise
- Mrs. Karolina Weiss
- Mrs. C. L. A. Wenger
- Mr. Johann Weste
- Mr. C. Westphal
- Miss M. Wiedemann
- Miss Else Wienhold
- Mrs. S. Williamson and Infant
- Miss M. Wittmann
- Miss Annie Wolf
- Mr. Chas. Wolf
- Mrs. Bertha Wolf
- Miss E. Wolf
- Mast. J. Wolf
- Miss L. Wolf
- Mr. Julius B. Wolfsdorff
- Mrs. Anna Zabel
- Miss Minna Zahn
- Mr. William Zamow
- Mr. Bernh. Zeller
- Mr. Henry Zellweger
- Mrs. Lena Zellweger
- Miss Lina Zellweger
- Mr. H. G. Ziegler
- Miss Fr. Zimmermann.
The Fleet of the Holland-America Line
consists of the following steamships:
- Twin screw Steamship "Rotterdam"
- Twin screw Steamship "Nieuw Amsterdam"
- Twin screw Steamship "Noordam"
- Twin screw Steamship "Ryndam"
- Twin screw Steamship "Potsdam"
ranging from 12,531 to 24,170 tons gross register, whereas Triple screw Steamship "Statendam" of 35,000 tons gross register is building.
All steamships are of enormous tonnage, and splendidly equipped for the safety and comfort of Passengers. They are all provided with the latest improvements, have bilge keels, superb decks, halls, saloons and large staterooms, and are fitted with the Marconi system of wireless telegraphy and the Submarine Signal Receiving Apparatus. They carry the U.S. and Royal Netherlands Mails and maintain a regular weekly service between New York and Rotterdam, stopping both ways at Boulogne-sur-Mer for the landing and embarkation of Passengers.
Moreover SS "Rotterdam" and "Nieuw Amsterdam" will, on the eastbound voyage, call at Plymouth for the landing of Passengers to Great Britain.
For full information, sailings, and rates, apply to the Passenger Offices of the Holland-America Line, or to its local Agents.
Made in Holland.
*Public Telephones, with booths and an operator, are located on the Holland-America Line Pier, foot of Fifth St., Hoboken, N. J.
The Holland-America Line takes pleasure in announcing that, for the convenience of its Passengers, it has established a Porter Service for the carrying of packages, hand-baggage, etc., between the Holland-America Line docks and the Railroad and Ferry Terminals, or any part of Hoboken, Jersey City, New York and Brooklyn.
On arrival or departure dates of every steamer, uniformed attendants with the word "Attendant" on their collar, and "Holland-America Line" on their cap can be engaged for above named services at the docks or railroads or ferry terminals.
Radio Letters.
For the convenience of Passengers on transatlantic steamships, the Marconi Company has inaugurated a Radio-Letter Service.
Radio-Letters are messages that may be sent from one ship to another going in opposite direction, for reforwarding by registered mail from a port of call or the port of destination. These messages are given only one wireless transmission between two ships; they will not be retransmitted to another ship or a coast station.
The rate for Radio-Letters will be $ 1.40 for the first 30 words and $ 0.02 per word thereafter up to a maximum of 100 words, including the cost of registration and postage.
Special forms for Radio-Letters may be obtained upon application to the Marconi Operator on board the steamers.
Information for Passengers.
Berths and Staterooms should be reserved as soon as possible in order to secure the most favorable location, especially during the summer season, when all available rooms are usually engaged considerable weeks (sometimes months) previous to departure of the steamship. When applying for accommodations, either by mail or telegraph, the name of the steamship, date of departure, number and sex of Passengers, and desired class of accommodations, should be stated.
Berths are not considered engaged unless secured by paying a deposit of $ 25.00 per berth for the first cabin and $ 10.00 per berth for the second cabin accommodations. The balance of the passage money must be paid not later than two weeks before sailing; if this has not been paid on or before that time, the Company reserves the right to resell the allotted accommodations. Deposits are refunded only if notice of cancellation is given not later than three weeks before sailing.
Passengers who do not sail on the steamship for which they have engaged accommodations or purchased a ticket, will forfeit fifty percent of the passage money, unless notice is given not later than three weeks previous to sailing.
Return and Prepaid Tickets entitle holders to passage only during the season and for the accommodations for which they have been issued. If used at any other season or for other accommodations than the face value indicates, holders will be required to make additional payment, or wilt be refunded any eventual difference in accordance with rates and rules in effect.
Return or Prepaid Tickets are good for one year from date of issue and are not transferable. Upon application to one of the Company's Passenger Offices, they may be extended by paying the difference between the rate in effect at the date of issue and time of sailing, in accordance with the conditions on the passage contract.
Return Accommodations may be secured through the company's Passenger Offices or Agents. They should be engaged when securing berths for the outward trip or as soon after that as possible. If a Passenger is prevented from sailing on a steamship for which return accommodations have been procured, a transfer to an earlier or later steamship can be made by applying to any of the Company's Offices or Agencies, provided application for the transfer be made not later than three weeks previous to the departure of the steamship on which berths had initially been reserved, and provided there be room available on the steamer selected.
If Unused Return Tickets are offered for cancellation, the amount paid for the round trip, less full outgoing fare and agent's commission will be refunded against delivery of the return certificate to one of the Company's General Passenger Offices after authorization has been received from the Company's General Passenger Office at Rotterdam.
Baggage. — Merchandise and Household-Articles are not accepted as baggage, but pay regular freight, as per tariff.
Through Checking of Baggage for Paris. — Baggage of cabin Passengers from New York to Paris via Boulogne-sur-Mer, can be checked through at our docks in Hoboken before embarkation, or on board the steamer.
Steamer Trunks should not be higher than 13 inches, and of the usual width and length, so that they can be placed under the berth or sofa in the stateroom.
Larger Pieces of Baggage are not permitted in the staterooms, but are stowed away in the baggage hold.
All baggage pieces destined for staterooms must be marked "wanted," those for the baggage hold "not wanted," and must bear the Passenger's name, destination, number of the berth, and the name of the steamship. One may obtain luggage Tags at all company's Offices and Agencies or, onboard, from the Baggagemaster.
Eastbound Passengers from the interior should have their baggage checked to the Holland-America Line dock, foot of Fifth Street, Hoboken, NJ, by the baggage express Agent on the train, previous to arrival in New York, Jersey City, etc.
Custom House Examination. — The French Custom House Officers will examine passengers' baggage leaving the steamship at Boulogne-sur-Mer at the Gare Maritime at said port or on arrival at Paris. The examination by the Holland Custom House Officials will take place on arrival at Rotterdam, or the Hook of Holland, at the pier of the Holland-America Line, built at the "Hook" in 1908, and which pier may reused as a landing place for Passengers and their baggage whenever tide or other circumstances may prevent the steamship from proceeding at once to Rotterdam.
Orders for Delivery of baggage free of charge at the railway depots in Rotterdam and Boulogne-sur-Mer are taken by the Baggage master on board the ship.
Bicycles, provided properly crated, will be taken as baggage at owner's risk, at a fixed rate.
Steamer Chairs, of improved construction, may be rented at the different Offices of the Company, on the dock and on board the steamer for one trip, at a fixed rate.
Steamer Rugs can be hired on board from the Purser at a charge of $ 1.— for one trip.
Valuables. This Company will not be responsible for money, Jewelry or other valuables of Passengers.
Passengers are warned not to keep such articles in their staterooms. Keys to the staterooms may be obtained from the chief Stewa7d upon application.
Each steamship is supplied with a safe in which all articles of value may be deposited. Both SS "Rotterdam" and "Nieuw Amsterdam" are provided with a safe deposit at the Passengers' disposal.
Inflammable or Explosive Articles are not allowed on board.
Arms must be surrendered to the Purser during the voyage.
Seats at Table. — Seats at table, are allotted by the chief Steward or his assistent.
The Purser will accept mail after leaving New York and forwarded by the pilot from Sandy Hook, without responsibility for proper mailing, however, on the company's part. Letters or postcards to be posted at Plymouth, Boulogne-sur-Mer or Rotterdam should be put into the mailbag, which will be hung in due time in a convenient place. Passengers are requested to put their letters etc., into the mailbag themselves.
Stamps, stationery, postal cards, cable and telegraph blanks can be obtained from the saloon Steward.
Letters and Telegrams. — The Company is willing to accept letters or telegrams for Passengers to be delivered on board on arrival or departure, without assuming, however, any responsibility for their proper delivery. The Passenger's name should be distinctly written, also the name of the steamship on which Passengers travel. Undelivered letters are returned to the Post Office.
Money. — Money of the United States or European countries is accepted on board the steamships of the Holland-America Line in payment of all bills, at Axed Exchange rates. Foreign amounts of money are bought and sold at current rates at the Company's Offices in Europe.
The managers' attention has been called to the fact that certain persons, believed to be professional gamblers, are in the habit of traveling to and fro in Atlantic steamships. In bringing this to the knowledge of Travellers, the Managers, while not wishing In the slightest degree to interfere with the freedom of action of Patrons of the Holland-America Line, desire to invite their assistance in discouraging games of chance, as being likely to afford these individuals unique opportunities for taking unfair advantage of others.
Claims. — In case of any disagreement arising between the Passenger and the Purser on board as regards charges to be paid, the number of tickets required or passage money due, or accommodations to be assigned, the Passenger is respectfully requested to pay the Purser's claim, take his receipt for same and upon arrival refer the case to the Passenger Agent, who will promptly investigate and adjust same. The Purser has no discretionary power in such matters but is governed by rules which he is not authorized to change.
Dogs. — Passengers are reminded that the importation of dogs into Great Britain is prohibited under the United Kingdom laws unless one obtained a permit from the Board of Agriculture.
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