Captain H. Vogelgesang

Captain H. Vogelgesang of the Hamburg America Line has also a notable record as a sailor and an officer. He was born at Berlin in 1836. His sea career began in 1852. He served his apprenticeship aboard German, English and American sailing vessels, and for a short time served on a whaling ship on the South Pacific.

After serving in the Prussian navy, he passed a most creditable examination at Hamburg and was awarded the captain's commission. In 1861 Captain Vogelgesang complied with the English navigation laws, and for three years he commanded English sailing vessels.

During the Prussian-Danish war Captain Vogelgesang was summoned home and served in the Prussian army. His career with the Hamburg Line began in 1871, when he entered it as fourth officer of the Teutonia. He was commissioned a captain in 1870.

He has successively commanded the Allemania, Cyclops, Holsatia, Gellert, Silesia, Rhaetia and Hammonia. He completed his one hundredth round trip as captain on the Hamburg Line in 1891.

Captain Vogelgesang is a much-decorated officer. He wears a gold medal for gallant service in the Prussian war of 1864-65; he has several medals for gallant rescues at sea; he wears the Order of the Prussian Crown, the Cross of the Order of Griflin, and a medal of honor from the Hamburg Line for distinguished services.

Mr. Philip D. Armour, the great Chicago philanthropist, in speaking of Captain Vogelgesang to a steam and Sail representative, said:

“vogelgesang is my ideal of a sailor. I have crossed with many ocean commanders, but there is none for whom I have greater respect and admiration than the gallant vogelgesang. He is the most modest officer in the transatlantic service. "

"No one ever sees him absent for a moment from his post of duty. To me he is an inspiration for courage, and in the stormiest of weather, so great is my confidence in him, that I would not have the least fear. I am proud to number him among my friends. I - would do anything for this brave and plucky German officer."

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