RMS Celtic Contract Ticket - 14 November 1902


Original Third Class/Steerage Steamship Passage Contract and Ticket from Gothenburg, Sweden to New York, 14 November 1902, on the White Star Line RMS Celtic.

Original Third Class/Steerage Steamship Passage Contract and Ticket from Gothenburg, Sweden to New York, 14 November 1902, on the White Star Line RMS Celtic for Immigrant Ester Hilma Maria Magnuson of Stockholm. The Ticket Included the Detachable Receipt Located on the Right Hand Side (Panel). GGA Image ID # 1f9ba0f3a7


Passage Contract Summary

  • Date of Purchase / Voyage: 14 November 1902
  • Steamship Line: White Star Line
  • Steamship: RMS Celtic
  • Route: Gothenburg to New York via Hull and Liverpool
  • Ticket Type: Passage Contract
  • Voyage Class: Steerage
  • Name on Contract: Ester Helbana Magnuson (Ester H Maria Magnuson)
  • Etnicity of Passenger(s): Swedish
  • Contract Terms: Translated from Swedish
  • Cost of Ticket: 118.00 SEK / £721.00 GBP in 2021


Passage Contract Details

Nr 2267

Agent i Hull: Tho:s Wilson, Sons & Co.

Hufvudkontor i Liverpool: Ismay, Imrie & Co. 30 James Street.

Kontor i New-York: White Star-Line, 9 Broadway.

__ Married Berth.

__ Male Berth.

1 Female Berth.



I, C. W. HÄLLSTRÖM, hereby undertake, upon the following terms, to forward from Gothenburg to New York in North-America, the emigrant named below for the sum of 118:00 Kronor, which amount has been duly paid and includes all ordinary charges upon landing in America.

The journey takes place from Gothenburg the 14 NOV 1902 by steamer steerage passage to Hull in England and thence, within 48 hours after having passed the customs, to Liverpool by rail 3rd class, and from Liverpool within 12 days after arrival there, by Ocean steamer steerage passage, to New-York in North-America. From New-York the Emigrant will be forwarded, immediately after having passed the customs and complied with other formalities, by rail ___ 3:rd class to ---

At the above mentioned fare the emigrant will he supplied with good and sufficient provisions and attendance from leaving Gothenburg until arrival at place of landing in America, lodging during the stay in England and conveyance and care A of effects not exceeding 10 cubic feet space by steamer and 150 Pounds weight by railway. Effects of children between 1 and 12 years are carried free at the rate of half of what has been before stated for effects to America, where no free conveyance of effects of children under 5 years is allowed.

The emigrant is entitled to a check for such effects, as are not under his own care, and will receive or same consisting of packages and numbered 3606 a compensation not exceeding Kronor 50 per adult, in the event of non-delivery of the effects on surrender of said check upon arrival at place of landing in America but no compensation will be allowed for loss or damage all effects caused by sea accident.

Should the emigrant at arrival in foreign country he refused by the authorities to immigrate and if it cannot be proved that this prohibition has been caused by circumstances come to pass after this contract was made out. I C. W, Hällström do hereby agree to repay the emigrant for the passage and at my expense have him returned to Gothenburg, Sweden; like- wise his maintenance on his return and forwarding id care of his baggage.

Likewise do I agree to, if so required by the emigrant, to let all controversies about this contract's explication and the emigrants justice of compensation for nonfulfillment of the same to be decided by five arbiters, of whom the immigrant appoints two, I or in case I refuse, the Kings govern in this government two, and the before said governor the fifth.

If the emigrant has any reason for complaint of not being treated in accordance with the terms stipulated In this contract, a report thereof should be made to the nearest Consul as soon as circumstances admit.

Goteborg den NOV 14 1902

/s/ C. W. Hällström (via Rubber Stamp Signature)


/s/ Ester Hilma Maria Magnuson Uppvisadt och godkändt såsom upprättadt i öfverensstämmelse med Kongl. förordningen den 4 Juni 1884, intygas:

Göteborg i Poliskammeren den NOV 14 1902


Detachable Receipt (Panel on Right Side of Contract)

Oceanic Steam Navigation Company Limited

White Star-Line.

Gothenburg Agency

Messrs ISMAY, IMRIE & Co.

30 James Street, Liverpool.

Will please give passage to

Adults One

Children ---

Infant --

Making One

full passengers from Liverpool to New-York.

Gothenburg the 14 NOV 1902

C. W. Hällström

The Journey 1902

  1. 14 November Gothenburg to Hull on board a feeder ship such as those run by the Wilson Line.
  2. Transcontinental train from Hull to Liverpool, England
  3. Boarded the White Star Liner Celtic for the Journey to New York. The RMS Celtic built in 1901, had a capacity for 2,350 passengers in Third Class - Steerage.
  4. 29 November Arrived in New York


Voyage Record for Ester Helbana Magnuson

  • First Name: Ester Helbana
  • Last Name: Magnuson
  • Ethnicity: Swede
  • Last Place of Residence: Stockholm
  • Date of Arrival: November 29, 1902
  • Age at Arrival:  23y
  • Gender:  F
  • Marital Status:  S
  • Ship of Travel: Celtic
  • Port of Departure: Liverpool
  • Manifest Line Number: 0013


Voyage Record for Ester H Maria Magnuson

  • Name: Ester H Maria Magnuson
  • Arrival Date: 28 November 1902
  • Birth Year: about 1879
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Female
  • Ethnicity/Race/Nationality: Swedish
  • Port of Departure: Liverpool, England
  • Port of Arrival: New York, New York
  • Ship Name: Celtic


Source Citation: Year: 1902; Microfilm Serial: 15; Microfilm Roll: T715_311; Line: 13; Page Number: 73.


Source Information:

Ancestry.com. New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2010. Original data:

  • Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M237, 675 rolls); Records of the U.S. Customs Service, Record Group 36; National Archives, Washington, D.C.
  • Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957; (National Archives Microfilm Publication T715, 8892 rolls); Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service; National Archives, Washington, D.C.


Relative Cost of Passage Ticket in Today's Currency Value

November 1902 18.17 SEK to £1 per Foreign exchange rates 1804–1914 (Håkan Lobell) p.324.

118.00 SEK / 18.17 = £6.494 or about £6 9s 11d

In 2020, the relative value of £6   9s 11d from 1902 ranges from £721.00 to £7,183.00.

simple Purchasing Power Calculator would say the relative value is £721.00. This answer is obtained by multiplying £6.50 by the percentage increase in the RPI from 1902 to 2020.

This may not be the best answer.

The best measure of the relative value over time depends on if you are interested in comparing the cost or value of a Commodity, Income or Wealth, or a Project . For more discussion on how to pick the best measure, consult the Tutorials.

If you want to compare the value of a £6 9s 11d Commodity in 1902 there are four choices. In 2020 the relative:

  • real price of that commodity is £721.00
  • labour value of that commodity is £2,674.00
  • income value of that commodity is £4,143.00
  • economic share of that commodity is £7,183.00

If you want to compare the value of a £6 9s 11d Income or Wealth, in 1902 there are four choices. In 2020 the relative:

  • real wage or real wealth value of that income or wealth is £721.00
  • labour earnings of that income or wealth is £2,674.00
  • relative income value of that income or wealth is £4,143.00
  • relative output value of that income or wealth is £7,183.00

If you want to compare the value of a £6 9s 11d Project in 1902 there are three choices. In 2020 the relative:

  • real cost of that project is £737.30
  • labour cost of that project is £2,674.00
  • economic cost of that project is £7,183.00

Source: www.measuringworth.com


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