RMS Carmania Passage Contract - 10 April 1914


RMS Carmania Passage Contract for the Swedish Immigrant Alfred Person, Age 19, Traveling From Gothenburg to Boston, 10 April 1914.

RMS Carmania Passage Contract for the Swedish Immigrant Alfred Person, Age 19, Traveling From Gothenburg to Boston, 10 April 1914. GGA Image ID # 1fa5210c48


Summary of Passage Contract

  • Date of Purchase / Voyage: 10 April 1914
  • Steamship Line: Cunard Line
  • Steamship: RMS Carmania
  • Route: Gothenburg to Boston via Hull and Liverpool
  • Ticket Type: Passage Contract
  • Voyage Class: Third Class
  • Name on Contract: Alfred Person
  • Etnicity of Passenger(s): Swedish
  • Contract Terms: Translated from Swedish
  • Cost of Ticket: 178.50 SEK / $1,250.00 USD in 2020


Passage Contract Details

This is a passenger contract for a voyage from Gothenburg, Sweden to Boston, Massachusetts for Alfred Person, 19 years of age, traveling alone. He paid SEK 178.50 for Steerage / third class accommodations aboard an unnamed Cunard Line steamship.

His voyage would have taken him from Gothenburg to Hull, England, typically on a small feeder vessel that served the Scandinavian coastal cities, where he would have boarded a train across England to Liverpool. At Liverpool, he would have boarded one of the larger Cunard ocean liners for the voyage on to Boston, Massachusetts.



(The Cunard Steam Ship Company Limited.)

Litt. B. N:o 7782

  • Hufvudkontor i Liverpool: 12 Water Street & 1 Rumford Street.
  • Kontor i New-York: 21-24 State Street.
  • Kontor i Boston: 126 State Street.
  • Kontor i Chicago, Ills. 67 Dearborn Street

Utvandrarekontrakt emellan AXEL H. LAGERGREN, Goteborg, befullmäktigad utvandrare-agent, samt nedanstående utvandrare:

I. Axel H. Lagergren, hereby undertake, upon the following terms, to forward from Gothenburg to BOSTON, MASS. in North America, the emigrant named below for the sum of Kronor 178.50, which amount has been duly paid and includes all ordinary charges for landing there.

The journey takes place from Gothenburg the 10 APR by steamer steerage ___ passage to Hull or Grimsby in England and thence, within 48 hours after having passed the Customs, to Liverpool by rail 3:rd class, and from Liverpool within 12 days after arrival there, by ocean steamer steerage ___ passage to New York or Boston in North America. From New York or Boston, the Emigrant will be forwarded immediately after having passed the Customs and complied with other formalities, by rail ___ 3:rd class to ___.

At the above-mentioned fare the emigrant will be supplied with good and sufficient provisions and attendance from the time of leaving Gothenburg until arrivals at place of landing in America. lodging during the stay in England and conveyance and care of effects not exceeding 10 English cubic feet space by steamer and 150 English pounds weight by railway. Effects of children between 1 and 12 years are carried free at the rate of half of what has been before stated for effects to America, where no free conveyance of effects of children under 5 years is allowed.

The emigrant is entitled to a check for such effects, as are not under his own care, and will receive for same consisting of ___ packages and numbered ___ a compensation not exceeding Kronor 50 per adult, and not exceeding Kronor 25 for children between 1 and 12 years, in the event of nondelivery of the effects on surrender of said check, upon arrival at place of landing in America, but no compensation will be allowed for loss or damage of effects caused by train or sea accident.

Any emigrant desirous of increasing the liability for his baggage beyond the limitation fixed by this contract, for non-delivery of effects upon arrival at place of landing in America or for delay in delivering it or for injury thereto, may do so by declaring the excess value of said baggage to the agent of the Cunard Company at the port of embarkation and by having the baggage entered in the ship's manifest and paying freight thereon in advance on the excess value declared by him to the Company at the rate of one percent (1 %) against a proper bill of lading.

Should the emigrant on arrival in the foreign country be refused by the authorities to immigrate, and if it cannot be proved that this prohibition has been caused by circumstances come to pass after this contract was made out, I do hereby agree to repay the emigrant for the passage and at my expense have him returned to Gothenburg, Sweden; likewise his maintenance baggage.

Likewise do I agree to, if so required by the emigrant, to let all controversies about this contract's explication and the emigrant's justice of compensation for non-fulfilment of the same to be decided by five arbiters, of whom the emigrant appoints two, I, or in case I refuse, the King's governor in this government two, and the before said governor the fifth.

If the emigrant has any reason for complaint of not being treated in accordance with the terms stipulated in this contract, a report thereof should be made to the nearest Consul as soon as circumstances admit.


/s/ Alfred Person

/s/ g. Lhundin cul. fulhuakt.


Ulvandrarens namn: Alfred Person

Ålder: 19

Senaste vistelseort: Tostared Alfsb.

Göteborg den 10 APR 1914

/s/ Axel H. Lagergren

Uppvisadt och godkändt såsom upprättadt öfverensstämmelse med Kgl. Förordningen den 4 Juni 1884 och Kgl. Kungör den 28 Sept. 1893, iotygas :

Göteborg i Poliskammaren den den 10 APR 1914

/s/ Gerhard Cronon


Back side of Passenger Contract


RMS Carmania Passage Contract Warning About Unwanted Immigrants, 10 April 1914.

RMS Carmania Passage Contract Warning About Unwanted Immigrants, 10 April 1914. GGA Image ID # 1fa5271505


Read this carefully before departure from Gothenburg! (Translated from the Swedish Text)

Under the United States Immigration Act, the following classes of aliens are denied admission to the United States:

1:o) Persons who are idiots or demented.

2:o) Persons suffering from infectious diseases, which nowadays also include tubercular disease, such as pneumonia, the Egyptian eye disease (trachoma), scrofulous glands on the neck, etc., also persons suffering from diseases or body defects, which are considered to a significant extent reduce their vitality and acquisition ability such as Stiffness, Senile disease (calcification of the muscles), Paralysis (wasting of the muscles), Chronic disease of the nervous system, Hip disease incl. paralysis of the legs, Bilateral hernia, Thyroid gland swelling, Spinal cord rot, Chronic throat diseases, Heart valves and Varicose veins.

3:o) Persons who, according to law, are convicted of disgraceful crimes, testifying to moral decay. However, this does not include accused political offenses.

4:o) People who like polygamy (Mormons).

5:o) Persons who have agreed to perform work in the United States.

6:o) Persons who enjoy poor care, are unable to work or are in such a destitute condition that they can be predicted that they will become a burden to the public when they arrive at the place of destination.

The latter point also includes Elderly men and women, which means people over 60, cripples or deformed, unmarried pregnant women, unmarried women with illegitimate children, widows with minor children, and orphans under the age of 16. However, such persons may disembark if they have evidence from relatives willing to receive and provide for them; however, to be valid, such evidence must be sworn to by the appropriate Notary Public in America.


Document Information

  • Description: Cunard-Linien Litt. B. N:o 7782 Contract for Immigrant Steerage Passage on a Cunard Steamship Line vessel.
  • Date of Document: 10 April 1914
  • Document Language(s): Swedish, English
  • Document Dimensions: 31.6 x 30.5 cm


Swedish Emigration Register


Swedish Emigration Register, 10 April 1914 for Citizens Departing for Hull England on the Steamer Aaro.

Swedish Emigration Register, 10 April 1914 for Citizens Departing for Hull England on the Steamer Aaro. GGA Image ID # 1a1ec04667


  • Name: Alfred Person
  • Gender: Man (Male)
  • Age: 19
  • Birth Date: 15 sep 1894
  • Arrival Port: Hull, England
  • Departure Date: 10 apr 1914
  • Departure Place: Göteborg
  • Port: Göteborgs
  • Ship: Aaro
  • Volume Number: 479824

Source Citation


Original data:

Images provided courtesy of ArkivDigital. Göteborgs Poliskammare, 1869–1948, Landsarkivet i Göteborg; Norrköpings poliskammare; Huvudarkivet Polisen in Helsingborg; Poliskammaren i Malmö Överståthållarämbetet för polisärenden 1 (ÖÄ): Äldre poliskammaren (Stockholm 1869-1904); Överståthållarämbetet för polisärenden 2 (ÖÄ): Poliskammaren (Stockholm 1905-1940).


This collection comprises registers kept by police of emigrants leaving Sweden between the years of 1869 and 1948.


Departing Passenger List from Gothenburg, Sweden


Göteborgs Poliskammare, EIX 1-143, 1869–1950. Landsarkivet i Göteborg, Göteborg, Sweden. Citizens Departing 10 April 1914 on the British Steamship Aaro for Hull, England.

Göteborgs Poliskammare, EIX 1-143, 1869–1950. Landsarkivet i Göteborg, Göteborg, Sweden. Citizens Departing 10 April 1914 on the British Steamship Aaro for Hull, England. GGA Image ID # 1a1e7f339c


  • Name: Alfred Person
  • Departure Age: 19
  • Birth Date: 15 sep 1894
  • Birth Place: Tostared, Älfsb
  • Departure Date: 10 apr 1914
  • Departure Place: Göteborg (Gothenburg), Göteborg Och Bohus (Västra Götaland), Sverige (Sweden)
  • Arrival Place: Hull, England
  • Ship: Aaro

Source Citation

Landsarkivet I Göteborg, Sverige; Göteborg, Sweden; Göteborgs Poliskammare E Ix, 1-143

Original data:

Göteborgs Poliskammare, EIX 1-143, 1869–1950. Landsarkivet i Göteborg, Göteborg, Sweden.


This data collection contains departing passenger lists from Gothenburg, Sweden between 1869 and 1951. These passenger lists contain information such as name of ship, departure date, name of emigrant, age, and birthplace. Additional information such as residence, and final destination may also be listed.


Petition for Naturalization


United States of America Petition for Naturalization Under Sec. 310a for Alfred Anderson (Alfred Person).

United States of America Petition for Naturalization Under Sec. 310a for Alfred Anderson (Alfred Person), a Carpenter Residing in Norfolk, Massachusetts, Born 15 September 1894 in Tostarad, Sweden, Married to US Citizen, Arrived in the United States at the Port of Boston on 23 April 1914 on RMS Carmania of the Cunard Line. GGA Image ID # 1a1e457be1


  • Name: Alfred Anderson [Alfred Person]
  • Gender: Male Petition
  • Age: 47
  • Record Type: Petition
  • Birth Date: 15 Sep 1894
  • Birth Place: Tostarad, Sweden
  • Arrival Date: 23 Apr 1914
  • Arrival Place: Boston, Massachusetts
  • Petition Date: 25 Mar 1942
  • Petition Place: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • Spouse: Olga
  • Petition Number: 232888

Source Citation

National Archives at Boston; Waltham, Massachusetts; ARC Title: Petitions and Records of Naturalization , 8/1845 - 12/1911; NAI Number: 3000057; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: RG 21

Original data:

Naturalization Records. National Archives at Boston, Waltham, Massachusetts.


This database consists of naturalization records for Maryland from U.S. District Courts.


World War I Draft Registration Card


Front Side, World War 1 Draft Registration Card for Alfred Anderson (Person) filed 5 June 1917.

Front Side, World War 1 Draft Registration Card for Alfred Anderson (Person) filed 5 June 1917. GGA Image ID # 1a1e498360


Back Side, World War 1 Draft Registration Card for Alfred Anderson (Person) filed 5 June 1917.

Back Side, World War 1 Draft Registration Card for Alfred Anderson (Person) filed 5 June 1917. GGA Image ID # 1a1e5b79ce


  • Name: Alfred Anderson
  • Race: Caucasian (White)
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Birth Date: 15 Sep 1894
  • Birth Place: Sweden
  • Residence Date: 1917-1918
  • Street Address: Meadow Lane
  • Residence Place: Needham, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA
  • Draft Board: 33
  • Physical Build: Medium
  • Height: Tall
  • Hair Color: Light
  • Eye Color: Gray


Relative Cost of Passage Ticket in Today's Currency Value

What is the equivalent of 178.50 Swedish krona [1873-2015] in year 1914 in the currency of US dollar [1791-2015] in year 1914?

178.50 Swedish krona [1873-2015] in year 1914 could buy the same amount of consumer goods and services in Sweden as 46.93617832072644 US dollar [1791-2015] could buy in Sweden in year 1914. This comparison should be used if the purpose of the analysis is to compare absolute worth over time rather than relative worth.

Another way to compare the worth of money in different periods is to estimate how much labour power an amount of money could buy. 178.50 Swedish krona [1873-2015] in year 1914 was the amount a male worker in Sweden received in wage for 393.8827061637167 hours work. A male worker in Sweden in 1914 received 46.93617832072644 US dollar [1791-2015] in wage for 393.8827061637167 hours worked. This comparison should be used if the purpose of the analysis is to compare relative worth over time rather than absolute worth.

178.50 Swedish krona [1873-2015] in year 1914 could buy 71.51734957500359 gram gold. The price of 71.51734957500359 gram gold in year 1914 was 46.93617832072644 US dollar [1791-2015].

178.50 Swedish krona [1873-2015] in year 1914 could buy 2672.6033536178875 gram silver. The price of 2672.6033536178875 gram silver in year 1914 was 46.93617832072644 US dollar [1791-2015].

Source: https://www.historicalstatistics.org/Currencyconverter.html

In 2020, the relative values of $46.94 from 1914 ranges from $910.00 to $26,600.00.

simple Purchasing Power Calculator would say the relative value is $1,250.00. This answer is obtained by multiplying $46.94 by the percentage increase in the CPI from 1914 to 2020.

This may not be the best answer.

The best measure of the relative value over time depends on if you are interested in comparing the cost or value of a Commodity, Income or Wealth, or a Project.

If you want to compare the value of a $46.94 Commodity in 1914 there are four choices. In 2020 the relative:

  • real price of that commodity is $1,250.00
  • real value in consumption of that commodity is $2,570.00
  • labor value of that commodity is $6,130.00 (using the unskilled wage) or $7,680.00 (using production worker compensation)
  • income value of that commodity is $7,990.00
  • economic share of that commodity is $26,600.00

If you want to compare the value of a $46.94 Income or Wealth, in 1914 there are five choices. In 2020 the relative:

  • real wage or real wealth value of that income or wealth is $1,250.00
  • household purchasing power value of that income or wealth is $2,570.00
  • relative labor earnings of that commodity are $6,130.00 (using the unskilled wage) or $7,680.00 (using production worker compensation)
  • relative income value of that income or wealth is $7,990.00
  • relative output value of that income or wealth is $26,600.00

If you want to compare the value of a $46.94 Project in 1914 there are four choices. In 2020 the relative:

  • real cost of that project is $910.00
  • household cost of that project is $2,570.00
  • labor cost of that project is $6,130.00 (using the unskilled wage) or $7,680.00 (using production worker compensation)
  • relative cost of that project is $7,990.00
  • economy cost of that project is $26,600.00

Source: https://www.measuringworth.com/calculators/uscompare/


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