SS Kroonland Breakfast Menu Card - 17 July 1907
Front Cover, Vintage Breakfast Menu Card from 17 July 1907 on board the SS Kroonland of the Red Star Line featured Broiled Salmon Trout, Farm Sausage, and Scrambled Eggs. GGA Image ID # 1ded7edaff
Menu Items
- Tea
- Coffee
- Chocolate
- Cocoa
- Quaker Oats
- Wheatena
- Force
- Broiled Salmon Trout
- Cod Sounds and Tongues, Egg Sauce
Meat Dishes:
- Broiled Beefsteaks, Bohémienne
- Devilled Kidneys
- Fried Ham
- Farm Sausage
- Irish Stew
- Lionnaise and Jacket Potatoes
- Scrambled Eggs
- Boiled Eggs
- Grilled Mutton Chops
- Frizzled Bacon
To order: Eggs au Beurre Noire
Passengers are politely requested to order their wine, etc. beforehand.