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SS Chicago Passenger List 23 July 1917

Front Cover - Passenger List, CGT French Line, SS Chicago, 23 July 1917

Maroco's Scene Is Used to Illustrate the Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List for the SS Chicago of the CGT French Line, Departing 23 July 1917 From New York to Bordeaux, Commanded by Captain Bourdeaux (CDR French Navy). GGA Image ID # 157afd89ea


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain BOURDEAUX
  2. Second Captain: M. GREFFIER
  3. First Lieutenant: M. LE GUILLON
  4. Second Lieutenant: M. ROPTIN
  5. Third Lieutenant: M. Louis
  6. Purser: M. Le Dantec
  7. Surgeon: Dr. DEHOUCK
  8. Wireless Operator: M. HURLIN
  9. Wireless Operator: M.. BOUR
  10. Chief Engineer: M. LANNE
  11. Second Engineer: M. BOUGEARD
  12. Third Engineer: M. PERROT
  13. Fourth Engineer: M. ANTIGNAC
  14. Assistant Engineer: M. LAVEAU
  15. Assistant Engineer: M. LEBONNIEC
  16. Electrician: M. LE LAURENT
  17. Chief Steward: M. MAINGUY


Sea Post Office Clerks

  1. M. MAUDUIT (French)
  2. Not Listed (American)


Cabin Passengers

  1. Mr. Chas. M. Addis
  2. Mr. Samuel M. Aldridge
  3. Mr. Chas. A. Atwell
  4. Mr. Cecil Allen
  5. Mr. Frank C. Adams
  6. Mr. Whiting Anthony
  7. Mr. K. L Ames, Jr.
  8. Mr. Akers
  9. Mr. George E. Amick
  10. Mr. F. T. Arthur
  11. Mr. W. S. Boggs
  12. Mr. Merrill M. Benson
  13. Mr. Chas. D. Banners
  14. Mr. William E. Bright
  15. Mr. H. Brown
  16. Mr. R. C. Brown
  17. Mrs. Baladur
  18. Miss A. J. Burke
  19. Mr. H. T. Boehm
  20. Mr. E. G. Burke
  21. Mr. Ralph Breed
  22. Mr. L. J. Berkowitz
  23. Mr. Fred. W. Brune
  24. Mr. Fred. W. Browne
  25. Mrs. Marie Beauvais-Sergere
  26. Miss D. Boulanger
  27. Mr. Wm. F. J. Brennan
  28. Mr. Burgess Beall
  29. Mr. Ball
  30. Mr. Baxter
  31. Dr. R. Burkhart
  32. Mr. Victor M. A. Bogaert
  33. Lt. Buismot
  34. Miss I. C. Bracher
  35. Mr. P. L Butterick
  36. Mr. Jonathan O. Bulkley
  37. Mr. Henry G. Brock
  38. Mr. Edward L. Brady
  39. Mr. R. M. Baker
  40. Mr. Cyrus L Baldridge
  41. Mr. L J. Baumer
  42. Mr. A. B. Belden
  43. John T. Bell
  44. Mr. Wm. H. Bentley
  45. Mr. Tharratt G. Best
  46. Mr. B. F. Black
  47. Mr. A. V. Blessing
  48. Dr. Berger
  49. Mr. Bailey Browes
  50. Mr. Humid A. Burrell
  51. Mr. Wilfrid D. Bull
  52. Captain Cord'kamme
  53. Mr. R. M. Cobb
  54. Mr. R. H. Collins
  55. Mr. L. W. Corboy
  56. Mr. H. Cahill
  57. Mr. R. Canny
  58. Mr. K. N. Clement
  59. Mr. P. B. Cowie
  60. Mr. Byron C. Collins
  61. Mr. Cartelvou
  62. Mr. Francis D. Crosby
  63. Mr. Daummond G. Cannon
  64. Mr. Paul Cram
  65. Mr. R. R. Chamberlin
  66. Mr. Wm. Sloane Coffin
  67. Mr. Mural Cyprien
  68. Mr. Chalet
  69. Miss F. Elizabeth Crowell
  70. Mr. H. D. Crane
  71. Miss Susan L Clark
  72. Mr. John F. Conroy, Jr.
  73. Mr. Samuel A. Crozer
  74. Mr. G. Cassatt
  75. Mr. John L Cable
  76. Mr. D. M. Calley
  77. Mr. Chas. H. Calloway
  78. Mr. E. Clauclet
  79. Mr. J. C. Collins
  80. Mr. Alfred P. Crease
  81. Mr. P. L Creighton
  82. Mr. Bret J. Cueva
  83. Mr. T. H. Carothers
  84. Captain de Belleville
  85. Captain de Kermanguy
  86. Mr. D. Darrah
  87. Mr. Thos. Dolan, III
  88. Mr. S. O. Duval
  89. Miss Carla Dagmar
  90. Miss Martha A. Draper
  91. Mr. Chas. S. Davis
  92. Mr. W. J. Daly
  93. Mr. Wm. Duborgh
  94. Mr. J. H. Dahn
  95. Mr. G. Gilbert Deaver
  96. Mr. Julian B. Dopey
  97. Mr. Wm. R. Donaldson
  98. Mr. Edmond Delas
  99. Mr. G. F. Dufour
  100. Mr. G. J. Dolet
  101. Mr. H. L Davis
  102. Mr. Lathrop Don
  103. Mr. John R. Eisenhart
  104. Mr. E. A. Ellwood
  105. Mrs. E. A. Ellwood
  106. Mr. Eugene F. Escallier
  107. Mr. L W. Etter
  108. Mrs. Louise Ferrand
  109. Mr. Beecher H. Fonda
  110. Mr. W. B. Foss
  111. Mr. B. A. Fordyce
  112. Mr. Pierre B. Farrell
  113. Mr. Wm. F. Foster
  114. Mr. R. G. Ferguson
  115. Mr. Willard C. Frank
  116. Mr. E. P. Fynn
  117. Mrs. E. P. Fynn
  118. Mr. Harry E. Flanagan
  119. Miss Margaret K. Gray
  120. Mr. F. P. Goodrich
  121. Mr. Wm. K. Givens
  122. Mr. John E. Goldberg
  123. Mr. Fred C. Green
  124. Mr. Barthelmy Grenée
  125. Miss Bertha Gempeler
  126. Mr. Wm. W. Ganwell
  127. Mr. Clarence M. Glover
  128. Miss Margaret Gray
  129. Miss A. L Graham
  130. Prof. Selsbar M. Gunn
  131. Mr. Walter J. Goedeke
  132. Mr. Henry C. Gibson
  133. Mr. Isaac Gilbert
  134. Miss Margaret Gallagher
  135. Mr. Hugh Gallaher
  136. Mr. Conrad G. Goddard
  137. Mr. I'Abbe Hallé
  138. Mr. Emmet Harris
  139. Mr. Wallace Hill
  140. Mr. H.S. Hansen
  141. Mr. B. E. Hartnett
  142. Mr. H. A. Homan
  143. Miss P. F. Hughes
  144. Mr. James W. Hibbett
  145. Mr. Hunter
  146. Mr. Leo R. Heiden
  147. Mr. D. C. Hull
  148. Mr. Sidney J. Hern
  149. Miss Elizabeth Hoyt
  150. Dr. Ralph W. Hellenbrand
  151. Mr. Horace C. Hurlbutt, Jr.
  152. Miss Marie Hefer
  153. Mr. E. W. Husted
  154. Mrs. E. W. Husted
  155. Mrs. Ruby F. Hughes
  156. Mr. Guy D. Hazelton
  157. Mr. Horace F. Henriques
  158. Mr. Andrew K. Henry
  159. Mr. Gerald P. Hersey
  160. Mr. Raymond L Hunter
  161. Miss Louisa Jordan
  162. Mr. R. R. Jewett
  163. Mrs. Myrtle J. Johnson
  164. Mr. Chas. Johnson
  165. Rev. M. G. Johnston
  166. Mr. Henry I. Keyser
  167. Mr. Chas. P. Kimball
  168. Mr. Curtis R. Kellog
  169. Mr. Edward D. Kendall
  170. Mr. Norman N. Kennedy
  171. Mr. James S. Kuhn
  172. Mr. Milton D. Kahn
  173. Mr. Knee
  174. Miss Ellen T. Kerrey
  175. Mr. E. C. Latimer
  176. Mrs. Marie L. LeMoine
  177. Mr. Burton Le Doux
  178. Mr. Winslow Little
  179. Mr. J. B. Laughlin
  180. Miss D. M. Leonard
  181. Mr. Edward Louver
  182. Mr. Robert Lane
  183. Rev. E A. Loose
  184. Mrs. E. A. Loose
  185. Dr. D. O. M. Lebrom
  186. Mr. Gustave Lesbouryoies
  187. Mrs. Gustave Lesbouryoies
  188. Mr. Lance
  189. Mr. R. Monteagle
  190. Mr. Robert D. Murphy
  191. Mr. Muller
  192. Mr. H. H. Mason
  193. Mr. Russell P. Mitchell
  194. Mr. A. Michot
  195. Mr. Chas. Mills
  196. Mr. W. B. Metcalf
  197. Mr. Frank Mauro
  198. Mrs. Frank Mauro
  199. Miss M. M. Miel
  200. Mr. J. H. Messerole
  201. Mr. John W. Marshall
  202. Mr. W. K. Mack
  203. Mrs. James Manning
  204. Mr. T. Lee Miller
  205. Mr. O. S. Marshall
  206. Mr. Alfred de Leufernat de la Mothe
  207. Mr. W. S. McLean
  208. Mr. E. McGildea
  209. Mr. Judson J. McDonald
  210. Mr. Walter M. McCreight
  211. Mr. John D. McPhail
  212. Dr. G. S. McEwan
  213. Miss Helen K. McElhone
  214. Mr. H. B. McCain
  215. Mr. J. L Nickle
  216. Mr. Norton H. Nicholson
  217. Mr. R. Nobell
  218. Mr. Guy F. Neyill
  219. Mr. Naylor
  220. Baroness H. Niyière
  221. Mr. J. I. O'Brien
  222. Mr. G. A. Parker
  223. Mr. R. W. Paul
  224. Mr. Walter E. Powers
  225. Mr. H. T. Pretoris
  226. Mr. S. Pruin
  227. Mr. Alan L Poole
  228. Miss Purcell
  229. Mr. W. A. Putnam, Jr.
  230. Mr. Alfred C. Peterson
  231. Mr. Paul D. Perret
  232. Mr. Harold Way Peffers
  233. Mr. Pouget
  234. Mr. T. F. Quirk
  235. Mr. C. F. Reith
  236. Mr. M. J. Remsen
  237. Mr. T. S. Ryan
  238. Mr. John S. Rogers
  239. Mr. Thos. P. Rayson
  240. Mr. Neil Rizos
  241. Mrs. Neil Rizos
  242. Mr. Thos. A. Ryan
  243. Mr. Milton C. Robinson
  244. Miss Annie L Rathbone
  245. Mr. G. G. Redmond
  246. Mr. Richards
  247. Mr. Louis Riba
  248. Mr. Harry L Reichembach
  249. Mr. C. B. Starr
  250. Mr. F. A. Sartoris
  251. Mr. D. Scaler
  252. Mr. L F. Singer
  253. Mr. J. B. Smith
  254. Mr. M. W. Smith, Jr.
  255. Mr. R. W. Squire
  256. Mr. J. H. Stager
  257. Mr. Theodore Steere
  258. Mr. L K. Stuart
  259. Mr. D. A. Sutpin
  260. Mr. L B. Shinn
  261. Mr. John D. Sauters
  262. John Swegart, Jr.
  263. Mr. Leo. O. Smith
  264. Mr. C. S. Stillman
  265. Mr. Harry W. Seeley
  266. Mr. F. W. Smith
  267. Mrs. F. W. Smith
  268. Master Frederick R. Smith
  269. Master Benj. W. Smith
  270. Mrs. Marie Sommer
  271. Mr. Calvin W. Scott
  272. Mrs. Calvin W. Scott
  273. Mr. Seward
  274. Mr. Somers
  275. Mr. R. W. Squire
  276. Mrs. Schwartz
  277. Miss Annetta L. Smiley
  278. Miss Sara B. Sudler
  279. Mr. Dudley C. Stone
  280. Mr. J. S. Stevens
  281. Mr. Chas. B. Starr
  282. Mr. Chester W. Scherf
  283. Sister Marie Arsene de St. Paul
  284. Sister Marie Therese
  285. Sister Florent Marie
  286. Sister M. di l'Assomptim
  287. Sister Elizabeth
  288. Sister J. de Bethlehem
  289. Sister F. Durand
  290. Sister B. Klimosaites
  291. Sister E. Cote
  292. Sister L. Bourgeois
  293. Sister A. Bourgeois
  294. Sister E. Giffroy
  295. Sister G. McCarthy
  296. Sister M. Garrett
  297. Sister C. Simard
  298. Sister M. A. Benibe
  299. Sister Y. Le Boeuf
  300. Sister M. Lafleur
  301. Sister E. Cormier
  302. Sister S. Harscouet
  303. Mr. S. L. Trotter
  304. Mr. Elmer H. Tilton
  305. Mr. Chalmondelay Thorton
  306. Mr. Auras Turley
  307. Mr. L C. Thau
  308. Captain Verdier
  309. Captain Vivière
  310. Mr. Josephe E. Vandagriff
  311. Mr. Remington Vernon
  312. Mr. Robt. S. Velsey
  313. Mrs. W. L. Voigt
  314. Mr. Vinsey
  315. Mr. Luther A. Wait
  316. Mr. R. C. Walker
  317. Mr. H. H. Wallower
  318. Mr. J. Webber
  319. Mr. J. K. Wells
  320. Mr. T. Whitcomb
  321. Mr. John H. Woolverton
  322. Mr. G. K. Williams
  323. Mr. Ralph A. Woodend
  324. Mr. L. E. Wilkinson
  325. Mr. D. O. Welty
  326. Mr. Archie P. Wilks
  327. Mr. Edward H. Wilks
  328. Mr. Forrest B. Wing
  329. Mr. Philip E. Wood
  330. Mr. James McV. Whitney
  331. Mr. Carl Irving Wheat
  332. Mr. John G. Winant
  333. Mr. White
  334. Mr. J. Keating Willcox
  335. Mr. Wilson S. Wonham
  336. Mr. Herbert Welsh
  337. Mr. Chas. D. Whelan
  338. Mr. S. B. Yale
  339. Mr. C. Zageir

Additional Passengers

(Handwritten on Back Inside Cover)

A Handwritten List Used to Record Additional Cabin Passengers for the 23 July 1917 Voyage of the SS Chicago of the CGT French Line.

A Handwritten List Used to Record Additional Cabin Passengers for the 23 July 1917 Voyage of the SS Chicago of the CGT French Line. The Names Were Mostly Unreadable and Not Transcribed. GGA Image ID # 157b5ae76e

Public Telephones. Booths and Operator On Pier 57. N. R.


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