1958 Vintage Menus Archival Collection
Vintage menus for 1958 in the GG Archives collection represent the souvenir breakfast, luncheon, dinner, daily, private party, special occasion, and specialty menus provided to the passengers during their voyage. Many of these souvenir menus have disappeared over the years. Our collection contains a sampling of menus initially produced and printed by the steamship lines. They are often used to illustrate family history books for immigrants from this time.
1958-12-20 SS Maasdam Dinner Menu
Vintage Dinner Menu from Saturday, 20 December 1958, on board the SS Maasdam of the Holland-America Line featured Roast Saddle of Lamb Concorde, Tenderloin Steak Béarnaise, and Coupe Alexandra for Dessert.
1958-12-22 SS Maasdam Breakfast Menu Card
Vintage Breakfast Menu Card from 22 December 1958 on board the SS Maasdam of the Holland-America Line featured Corn or Pancakes with Maple Syrup, Omelet with Ham, Bacon, Parsley, Tomato, Jam, Cheese, and Sweet and French Rolls.
1958-12-22 SS Maasdam Luncheon Menu Card
Vintage Luncheon Menu Card from Monday, 22 December 1958, on board the SS Maasdam of the Holland-America Line featured Ham Steak with Pineapple, Breaded Calf's Brains a l'Italienne, and Malakoff Pudding for Dessert.
1958-12-25 SS Maasdam Christmas Day Breakfast Menu Card
Vintage Christmas Day Breakfast Menu Card from Thursday, 25 December 1958, on Board the SS Maasdam of the Holland-America Line featured Spanish Omelet, Fried Fresh Fish with Lemon, and Dutch Rusks.
1958-12-27 SS Maasdam Wine Steward's Suggestion
Wine Steward's Suggestion, Région de Bourgogne, on the SS Maasdam of the Holland-America Line for Saturday, 27 December 1958.
1958-12-28 SS Maasdam Luncheon Menu Card
Vintage Luncheon Menu Card from Sunday, 28 December 1958, on board the SS Maasdam of the Holland-America Line featured Sauté of Chicken Madeira Risotto, Medaillon of Lamb Garlic Sauce, and Apple Carrée for Dessert.
1958-12-29 SS Maasdam Breakfast Menu Card
Vintage Breakfast Menu Card from Monday, 29 December 1958, on board the SS Maasdam of the Holland-America Line featured Shirred Eggs, Omelet Lyonnaise, and Aloyau of Beef.
1958-12-29 SS Maasdam Lido Luncheon Menu Card
Vintage Lido Luncheon Menu Card from Monday, 29 December 1958, on board the SS Maasdam of the Holland-America Line featured Spaghetti with Meatballs, Boiled Holland Ham, and French Pastries for Dessert.
1958-12-29 SS Maasdam Luncheon Menu Card
Vintage Luncheon Menu Card from Monday, 29 December 1958, on board the SS Maasdam of the Holland-America Line featured Blanquette of Veal Grand Duc, Roast Sirloin of Beef Gastronome, and Blackberry Meringue Pie for Dessert.
1958-12-31 SS Maasdam Luncheon Menu Card
Vintage Luncheon Menu Card from 31 December 1958 on board the SS Maasdam of the Holland-America Line featured Sour Pot Roast Potato Pancakes, Salisbury Steak with Bacon, and Coconut Cream Pie for Dessert.