1924 Vintage Menus Archival Collection
Vintage menus for 1924 in the GG Archives collection represent the souvenir breakfast, luncheon, dinner, daily, private party, special occasion, and specialty menus provided to the passengers during their voyage.
Many of these souvenir menus have disappeared over the years. Our collection contains a sampling of menus initially produced and printed by the steamship lines. They are often used to illustrate family history books for immigrants from this time. The menus are organized in date order.
1924-05-10 SS Hellig Olav Dinner Menu
Vintage Cabin Dinner Menu from 10 May 1924 on board the SS Hellig Olav of the Scandinavian-American Line featured Boiled Salmon, Sauce Mousseline, Calf’s Sweetbread à la Marachale, and Parfait Aida for dessert. The Menu was published in Danish and English and included a Music Program.
1924-08-06 RMS Andania Dinner Menu Card
Vintage Dinner Menu Card from 6 August 1924 on board the RMS Andania of the Cunard Line featured Fillets of Brill—Cardinal, Salmi of Duckling -- Green Peas, and Prime Ribs and Sirloin of Beef -- Horseradish.
1924-10-01 RMS Aquitania Children's Party Menu
Very rare Bill of Fare from Wednesday, 1 October 1924, for a Children's Party on board the Steamship Aquitania. Although it didn't state the class, we suspect that it was for Cabin Class passengers.