SS Giulio Cesare Passenger List - 22 May 1952
Front Cover of a Second Class Passenger List from the SS Giulio Cesare of the Italia Line, Departing 22 May 1952 from Buenos Aires to Genoa via Barcelona and Villafranca, Commanded by Captain Filippo Rando. GGA Image ID # 16dc641d2b
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain Filipo Rando
- Government Commissioner: Dr. Giuseppe d'Elia
- Spanish Emigration Doctor: Dr. Andrés Morales Sainz
- Commander in Second Class: Capt. Enrico Rosselli
- Director of Engineers: M. N. Ercole Vallarino
- Chief Engineer: M. N. Lorenzo Ansaldo
- Chief Commissioner: Leonardo Pescarolo
- First Commissioner: Bruno Civitani
- Health Director: Dr. Bruno Cortori Donati
- First Physician: Dr. Giancarlo Mangredi
- Chaplain: Rev. Luigi Floram
- Steward: Rosario Puglia
- Cook Second Class: Ernesto Sgorbini
Second Class Passengers
For Barcelona
- Mr. Pedro E. Anglada
- Mrs. Nora E. Anglada
- Mr. Emilio Atri
- Mr. Jaime Barcelò
- Mr. Luis Bellver
- Mrs. Rico Benigna Bellver
- Mr. Julio Beltran
- Mr. Tullio Bonsaver
- Mr. Eduardo Chehab
- Mrs. Tomé Cafa Chehab
- Young Miss Norma Chehab
- Miss Nabina Chehab
- Miss Elena Teresa Chillado de Quirno
- Mr. Francisco Columna
- Mrs. Maria Jesus Heredia Columna
- Miss Maria Elena Columna
- Miss Teresa de los Angeles Columna
- Mr. Brasil Myrthes De Castro
- Mrs. Lopez Sanchez Maria De la Concepcion
- Mrs. Sabina Losada Gomez De Puente
- Miss Alice Isabel Drummond Johnstone
- Mrs. Francesca Gil de Echeverria
- Mr. Gabriel Issa
- Miss Clavel Kavaldin
- Mr. Julian Epifanio Llamosa
- Mr. Eugenio Lizarazu
- Mr. Jayme Augusto Loureiro
- Mr. Jorge Melhem
- Mrs. Maria Munoz de Suviela
- Mrs. Arsenia Martinez de Vallejo
- Miss Maria Maddalena Muenke-Humburg
- Mr. Florencio Pungran
- Mr. Pablo Florencio Pungran
- Mr. Manuel José Quirno
- Mrs. Elsa Segala
- Mr. Pedro Suviela
- Mrs. Enilde Suviela
- Master Alvaro A. Suviela
- Miss Arsenia Vallejo Martinez
- Miss Blanca Luz Martinez Vallejo
For Villafranca
- Mrs. Maria Luisa Boccacci
- Mr. Bohor Ishak Bonomo
- Mrs. M. Catalina Bonomo
- Mr. Nissim Couriel
- Mrs. Benevet Raquel Couriel
- Mrs. Jeanne Blanche Dubini
- Young Miss Maria Luisa Dubini
- Mr. Alvaro Emile Dubini
- Mrs. Violette Favre
- Miss Emma Jeanne Gauthier
- Mrs. Josette Isnard de Tiano
- Prof. Rolf Orum
- Mr. Jonas Polak
- Mr. Michel Robilliart
- Mrs. Eddi Robilliart
- Mr. Luis Sichel
- Mrs. Ana Maria Sichel
- Young Miss Vivian Monica Sichel
- Young Miss Christine Tiano [Sichel?]
For Genoa
- Mr. Edmundo José Anan
- Mrs. Juana Anan
- Young Miss Silvia Monica Anan
- Miss Sylvia Adour da Camara
- Miss Carmen Adour da Camara
- Miss Gilda Adour da Camara
- Mr. Antonio Barbero
- Mr. Ezio Barbero
- Mr. Humberto Vittorio Barbero
- Mrs. Manzini Vittorina Barbero
- Mrs. Negro Maddalena Barbero
- Miss Delfina Barbero
- Mr. Pinto Nelson Barbosa
- Mr. Giannino Bazzini
- Mr. Manlio Bellagamba
- Mrs. Ferrari Raquel Bellagamba
- Mr. Harry L. Betz
- Mrs. Peixoto Nycea Betz
- Mr. Romolo Bisaglia
- Mrs. Araida Bisaglia de Oliveira
- Mr. Giovanni Bidone
- Prof. Dino Boccacci
- Mrs. Emma Boccacci
- Mr. Mario Bonagura
- Mrs. Peppi Adelaide Bonagura
- Mr. Francesco Bongiovanni
- Mr. Battista Bongiovanni
- Mr. Dario Francisco Bongiovanni
- Mrs. Macagno Ursola Bongiovanni
- Mr. Raphael Bottiglieri
- Mrs. Holzel Bertha Bottiglieri
- Miss Rosa Bottiglieri
- Miss Angelina Bottiglieri
- Miss Carmen Bottiglieri
- Mr. José Mario
- Mrs. Maria Dolores Braga de Bottino
- [Mr.?] Pietro Brandizzi
- Mr. Fausto Bandolin
- Mr. Leon Curt Brauer
- Mrs. Teresa Briatore
- Mr. Mario Broder
- Mr. Tuffi Buaiz
- Mrs. Isabella Buaiz
- Mrs. Dalka Bumachar
- Miss Laila Bumachar
- Mr., Laureano Cacheda
- Mrs. Rodrigues Elsa Cacheda
- Mrs. Elisabetta Cagno
- Mr. Vittorio Carcuro
- Mrs. Saglietti Teresa Carlevaro
- Mrs. Wegmann Eva Caroti
- Mr. L. José Carvalho
- Mrs. L. Maria de Lourdes Carvalho
- Mrs. Gravina Maria Caselli
- Mr. Riccardo Cassinari
- Mr. A. Enrique Chalela
- Mr. Atilio Chioatero
- Mr. Olindo Cicchilli
- Mr. Angelo Clerici
- Master Amerigo Clerici
- Master Patrizio Clerici
- Mr. Joao da Matta Coelho
- Dr. Luis Maria Correa Urquiza
- Mrs. Luisa Correa Urquiza
- Mrs. Raspadori Gemma Costa
- Miss Maria Luisa Crispi
- Miss Anna Crispi
- Dr. Jerzy Czaplicki
- Mrs. Donà dalle Rose Elena Czaplicki
- Mrs. Cunha Yara Jerece Da Costa
- Mrs. Maria Ermelinda Da Fonseca
- Mr. Agostino D'Alessio
- Mrs. Carone Maria D'Alessio
- Mr. Leon David
- Mr. Miguel Daye
- Mrs. Ermans A. Daye
- Mrs. Ramalho Lazaro De Oliveira
- Mr. Athos Del Bìanco
- Mr. Luigi Di Carlo
- Mrs. Leonilda Di Carlo
- Mr. Rodolfo Vicente Diotto
- Mrs. Fontaine Celina Diotto
- Miss Susana Rosa Diotto
- Mr. Ulderico Domizi
- Mrs. Amalia Palacios
- Mr. Martin Eick
- Mr. Werner Ehlermann
- Mrs. Emmy Ehlermann Loeser
- Mrs. Esther Elnecave
- Mrs. Catarine Erdelyi
- Prof. Julieta Esposito
- Mr. Carlos Facchina
- Mrs. Liliana Facchina
- Mrs. Odila Facchina
- Rag. Gaetano Falciano
- Mrs. Ceglia Carmelina Falciano
- Miss Anna Philomena Falciano
- Miss Maria Lucia Falciano
- Mr. Silverio Falciano
- Mr. Anton Reinhard Falck
- Mrs. Carasi Theresa Fantini
- Mr. T. Francisco Fazio
- Mrs. Emilia Feintuch
- Mr. Augusto Fernandes
- Mrs. Josefa Ferrari
- Mr. Luigi Ferraro
- Mrs. Amelia Ferrari de Manzorro
- Mr. Elizeu Figueiredo Da Silva
- Mrs. Pereira Carmen Figueiredo
- Miss Gloria Maria Figueiredo Da Silva
- Miss Maria Alice Figueiredo Da Silva
- Mr. Giovanni Filippini
- Mrs. Martezina Filippini
- Prof. Marcello Finzi
- Mr. Alessandro Floridi dei Conti
- Mr. Pedro Gaudino
- Mrs. Annette Gaudino
- Mr. Natalino Gaudino
- Mr. Vincenzo Giordano
- Mrs. Giovanna Giordano
- Mr. Jorge Eduardo Gowland
- Mr. Francisco Gravina
- Mrs. Virginia Grech
- Mr. Constantin Grech
- Dr. Jacobo Grinspan
- Dr. Luiz Guarino
- Mrs. Nair Guarino
- Dr. José Luiz Guarino
- Mr. Arnaldo Guarnieri
- Miss Adalgisa Guimarais
- Ing. Benedetto Guzzardi
- Mrs. Maria Russo Guzzardi
- Mr. Max Albert Hirzel
- Mrs. Brusasca Maria Teresa Hirzel
- Mrs. Sonia Koucher
- Mrs. Blanca de Vitale Lattes
- Mr. Alfredo Laudizio
- Mrs. Anna Rosa Lerario
- Mrs. Morosi Edvige Lespa
- Mrs. Angiolina Lista
- Mrs. Elsie Lubcke-Pacheco
- Miss Elly Lubcke
- Mr. Antonio José Magalhaes
- Mr. Guido Malvisi
- Mrs. S. Giulia Malvisi
- Mr. Feres Mansur
- Mr. Juan Manzorro
- Mr. Vittorio Marangoni
- Mrs. Cecconi Teresa Marangoni
- Mr. Joao Marchesi
- Mr. Umberto Maronese
- Mrs. Maria Maronese
- Prof. Urthiagul Esther Martinez
- Mrs. Filomena Marrazza
- Ing. Julio Marsalek
- Mrs. Chylo Gabriela Marsalek
- Mrs. Clelio Marziano de Scandurra
- Miss Zulmira Mattos
- Mrs. Pescarolo Maria Mazzali
- Mr. Luigi Megale
- Mr. Felix Meo
- Mrs. Maria Antonia Meo
- Mr. Biagio Mileo
- Mrs. Filomena Mileo
- Miss Maria Josefina Mileo
- Mr. Domingos Monteleone
- Mr. Natale Stefano Morosi
- Mr. Hassad Ahmad Mreved
- Mr. Victor Murad
- Mrs. Issad Aypha I. Murad
- Master Luiz Antonio Murad
- Young Miss Maria Murad da Penha
- Mr. Friedrich Muller
- Mrs. Irene Nappi
- Miss Razza Bruna Naia
- Mr. Jack Naief
- Mrs. Amanda Oliveira Bittencourt
- Mrs. Sylvia Oliveira Kopke
- Mrs. Adele Olschhki Finzi
- Mr. Amadeo Orefice
- Mrs. Laura Orefice Manzoni
- Mr. Ernesto Ottone
- Mr. Magalhaes José Pacheco Jr.
- Mrs. Carmen Pacheco de Mattos
- Mr. Luis Paccola
- Mr. Peitro Pacini
- Mr. Achille Paglieri
- Mr. Eduardo Panariello
- Mr. Manuel Parodi
- Mrs. Maria Pellegrini
- Mr. Arcangelo Pelosi
- Mrs. Ilide Picchi Baldocchi
- Mrs. Ida Pizzoli Marchesi
- Mrs. Thereza Pizzoli
- Mr. Pavel Planinc
- Mrs. Madalena Polcaro Zaccara
- Mrs. Isabel Maria Polenti Mazzali
- Comm. Francesco Polito
- Mrs. Maria Concetta Polito
- Mr. Pedro Pons
- Mrs. Leila Pons
- Mr. Jorge Florencio Porthé
- Mr. Lentate sul Seveso Pozzi Guiglielmo
- Mr. Natale Quilici
- Mrs. Ana Quilici
- Dr. Newton Quintanilla
- Dr. Raphael Quintanilla
- Mr. Celeste Ratti
- Master Italo Ratti
- Mr. Paulo Domenico Regalmuto Coffa
- Mr. Giovanni Rota
- Mrs. Judith Rocha Pinto
- Mrs. Dylma Rocha Pinto
- Miss Victorina Rossi de Boschi
- Mr. Giovanni Battista Rossi
- Mrs. Felinda Antonietta Rossi
- Mr. Rodolfo Luis Rossi
- Mrs. Norma Rosaria Rossi
- Miss Emilia Maria Rosso
- Mr. Antero Romano
- Mrs. Emilia Romano Mussalem
- Mr. Carlos Saporiti
- Mr. Federico Sarubbi
- Mr. Orlando Scarpelli
- Mrs. Albertina Schrott
- Mrs. Elena Schmieder
- Miss Cassilde Schmitt
- Mr. Vito Serafino
- Mrs. Maria Seroussi Gisela
- Mrs. Giovannina Silvestrin Barzon
- Mr. Agostino Siniscalco
- Mrs. Hedwig Sobisch
- Mrs. Elisabeth Solari Utzat
- Mrs. Rosa Solari de Valle
- Mrs. Julia Catalina Soler Spinetto
- Mr. Max Starkman
- Mrs. Eva Starkman
- Mr. Giuseppe Stoduto
- Mrs. Maria Svanascini Gandini
- Miss Eugenia Lina Svanascini
- Mrs. Vincifori Sofia Tercarolli
- Miss Johanna Then
- Mr. Cesare Tomei
- Mrs. Celestina Tomei
- Mr. Otello Savoia Tomei
- Mr. Giacomo Tortora
- Mrs. Anna Tortora Stabile
- Mr,. Juan Antonio Tozzi
- Mrs. Maria Juana Baroni Tozzi
- Mrs. Maria Albina Tozzi
- Mr. Carlos Uhlig
- Mrs. Adriana Santiago Urrejola de Del Rio
- Mrs. Emilia Valle Solari
- Mr. Maximo Vallina
- Mrs. Adelina Vallina
- Mrs. Elida Josefina Vallina
- Mr. Gaetano Vasconcellos
- Pres. Della Feder. di Commercio di Minas Gerais
- Mr. Miguel Vitale
- Mr. Antonio Verri
- Mr. Ercole Verri
- Mr. Menachen Youngerman
- Mrs. Barbosa Iolanda Zaccara
- Mrs. Maria Bernadette Zaccara De Barros
- Mrs. Antonietta Zaccara De Moraes
- Mr. Guido Zamberlan
- Mrs. Elvira Zamberlan Bonagura
- Mr. Arildo Zampighi
- Mrs. Irma Zampighi
- Mrs. Nice Zapparoli
- Mrs. Elide Zapparoli
- Mrs. Maria Zecca Maestri
- Master Neddo Zecca
- Mr. José Zillo
- Mrs. Angelina Zillo
- Mrs. Emilia Zucchetti de Bahar
Information for Passengers
Technical Data
- Name I.C.A.V.
- Place and year of construction Monfalcone 1949/1951
- Gross tonnage tons 27,695.52
- Net tonnage tons 14.944.55
- Displacement at full load tonnes. 27,510
- Length between pp. ml. 188.425
- Maximum length ml. 208.7
- Maximum width ml. 26.60
- Tip height mt. 15
- Height of the Command Bridge a.s.l. 21 approx.
- Test speed mg / h 25.249
- Average operating speed mg / h 21
- Air conditioning in all rooms.
COMMISSION OFFICE Passengers may contact this office for all complaints, information or suggestions of a general nature relating to on-board services.
- Information on Maritime, Rail, Air and Motor Vehicle Services, Itineraries, Travel Plans.
- Sea Tickets for Any Destination.
- Excursions and Shore Excursions in Ports of Call.
- Train Tickets for the Italian, French, and Swiss Networks.
- Seat Reservations on Sleeping Cars.
- Airline Tickets on the Main Lines
- Hotel Room Reservations
- Shipments in Transit, Luggage Storage, and Insurance.
- Tourism Publications.
For the convenience of those passengers who have not yet provided for their return passages, the Information and Tourism Office will be able, by radio, to contact the Genoa Headquarters of “ITALIA“ S. p. A. N. for the reservation of the requested accommodations.
PERSONAL DATA OF PASSENGERS Passengers are requested to provide the Commissioner's Office with all the information necessary for compiling the passenger lists, requested by the authorities of the ports of call.
CUSTOMS PROVISIONS The baggage of disembarking passengers, whatever the port of destination, is subject to customs inspection. Customs laws differ from country to country and, therefore, it is not possible for us to summarize them all in this brochure. In any case, the Commissioner's Office will be able to provide detailed information about the items that must be declared. Passengers are strongly advised to be careful in declaring all items subject to customs duties, in order to avoid embarrassing situations and probable delay in the release of baggage.
CHANGE OF CABIN Any change in the cabin fixed in the ticket must be authorized by the Commissioner, by noting the ticket itself and issuing a receipt for the price difference that was paid.
RADIOTELEGRAPH STATION The ship is equipped with modern radiotelegraphic systems by means of which it is connected with the world through the chain of terrestrial radiotelegraphic stations. The Radio Station - dependent on the Radio Marittima of Rome - is silhouetted on the Ponte Sole. For the convenience of Messrs. Passengers, the delivery of the radio charts received during the night is not carried out before 7.30 am, unless the passengers make an express request to the radiotelegraphic station.
RADIO PHONE Most of the First Class cabins are equipped with telephone devices by means of which passengers can communicate, during the journey, with the users of the telephone networks of the mainland. All other passengers will be able to use the radiotelephone service by going to the special booth, located at the Ponte Sole in the immediate vicinity of the radio-telegraphic station. The rates for this service are communicated, upon request, by the Radio Telegraph Office.
HEALTH SERVICE Health care for Passengers are free of charge in the following cases: seasickness, traumatic injuries as a result of the ship's static conditions or in any case related to navigation, infectious diseases (or suspected of being so) subject to mandatory reporting. Prescribe vaccinations are also free to protect against the onset or spread of quarantine diseases. For all other cases, the Doctor is entitled to the fee established by the official rates of the Medical Association.
DAILY NEWS The summary of the news (Italian and American) is published daily on board and free of charge to Passengers.
BANK The on-board Banking Office buys and sells currencies, accepts letters of credit and 'traveler's checks', limited to the travel needs of each passenger. The Bank cannot purchase Italian Lire. The Banking Office will calculate a commission for the operations carried out by it. Please ask the counter in advance for the amount due. Personal current account checks are not accepted on board.
VALUES The Company is not responsible for money, jewels, documents and valuables of any kind that passengers bring with them or keep in the cabin or in their luggage. Special safety deposit boxes for the storage of valuables and jewelry can be obtained, on request, at the Commissioner's Office. The deposit of valuables in the safety deposit box is done directly by the passenger, without any inventory or control by the Company: therefore, it does not assume any responsibility for the deposit itself. The passenger will receive the key to their safety deposit box, which will be opened and closed according to normal banking practice. Should the passenger lose the key in his possession and it is therefore necessary to force the safety box, he will be liable for the consequent damage.
BAGGAGE INSURANCE The Company's liability for baggage is strictly limited and it is therefore recommended to Messrs. Passengers to proceed with the insurance of the same. In the event of loss or damage to baggage, the Company cannot at any point accept a liability greater than that expressly indicated in the ticket.
USE OF ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Most First Class cabins are equipped with a power outlet (110 v.c.a.) for the use of electric razors. 1 Messrs. Passengers are strongly requested not to use other electrical appliances in the cabin, to avoid the danger of short circuits in the on-board electrical system.
MEASURES AGAINST FIRE Passengers are strongly requested to throw the butts of cigars, cigarettes and matches in the appropriate ashtrays, placed in every part of the ship. Please also do not throw them overboard, to avoid the danger that, entering the cabins through open windows, they could cause fires.
LIMITS OF THE CLASSES Passengers cannot exceed the limits assigned to the class in which they travel, nor access the bridge.
★ For further information, please consult the "Information on Onboard Services" booklet found in each cabin. ★
Track Chart, Italia Line SS Giulio Cesare Second Class Passenger List - 22 May 1952. GGA Image ID # 16dc5a566a