Government To Find Work For All Immigrants



The article "Government to Find Work for All Immigrants" from May 1908 discusses the U.S. government's initiative to provide employment for immigrants and native-born citizens. This effort aimed to reduce overcrowding in urban areas and redirect labor to regions with job shortages, particularly in agriculture.


Brotherhood Poem - O Land Long Hidden! Land of Hope!

Brotherhood Poem - O Land Long Hidden! Land of Hope! The Home Missionary, October 1907. GGA Image ID # 154af779af


Washington is now home to the world's most significant employment agency, a new establishment under the government's wing. Its crucial role is to secure jobs for everyone, particularly the over a million immigrants who arrive from foreign lands each year. This initiative, led by Uncle Sam, is a monumental step towards providing opportunities for those who seek a better life in a new land.

In addition, great numbers of native-born American citizens lack suitable or permanent occupations. The Federal organization, through its vast facilities, intends to enable them to earn a satisfactory allowance of bread and butter. This not only improves their financial stability but also contributes to their overall well-being and the economic growth of the nation.

It is very desirable to find something for the foreigner to do—to get him away from the large centers of population, where he tends to stagnate and form colonies with others of his kind, and to ship him off to some place where his labor is wanted, and where he will have a chance to live and to bring up his children under favorable conditions.


Immigrants Just Arriving at Ellis Island.

Immigrants Just Arriving at Ellis Island. Public Hygiene, 1911. GGA Image ID # 21937145d3


In a big city, he dwells in a slum and is liable to be a nuisance, if not a menace. However, provided with means of earning a decent livelihood elsewhere, he will, in most instances, become a useful citizen.

To accomplish this purpose, the Division of Information, as the new-fledged employment agency is called, has been established as a branch of the Bureau of Immigration. But, as above indicated, its facilities will also be used to help native-born Americans. The Southern states, for example, need labor, and there has been a strong movement in favor of turning the stream of aliens in that direction.

However, a more mature consideration of the subject has convinced me that it would be much more desirable to send to that part of the country the Americans who are currently in Multitudes elsewhere, looking for jobs.

It is a fact that all over the Northern and Eastern sections of the United States, there is a growing tendency to discharge men who have reached thirty-five or forty years of age on the ground that they are too old to furnish the most efficient service. The railroads will not employ them, and industrial concerns generally seem to be falling into the same view.

Thus, there are currently a great number of men in their prime of life, most of them with families of young children, who, though anxious to work, are out of employment. They could find the work they wanted in the South—a section where labor of all kinds was in great demand and where they could live more comfortably at less expense.

Now, it is one thing to publish statements of this kind as facts, and quite another to convey the information to those who want it in such a way that they can utilize it to their advantage. In order to make it available in a practical way, the Bureau of Information has started to establish permanent stations in all of the big cities, each of which will be, in effect, an employment agency organized on a highly systematic basis.


Such a station has already been opened in New York, and others will soon be in operation in Chicago and at other points. They will devote themselves exclusively to the business of finding work for anybody of either sex who wants it, whether alien or native-born American.

The name division of information, given to the office at Washington, is appropriate because the concern devotes its whole attention to gathering and distributing knowledge regarding employment matters. It has communicated with labor employers all over the country.

Industrial organizations and associations of agriculturists have been asked to furnish data regarding local demands for artisans, farm laborers, and workpeople in every line of activity. Blanks have been sent to thousands of postmasters to be filled out, and letters have been exchanged even with individual farmers in many sections.

The idea is to gather every scrap of obtainable information regarding the kind of labor wanted in each state, county, and township in the Union. All over the United States, the Department of Agriculture has county and township correspondents, every one of whom has been required by a particular order to furnish facts of the sort. All of the data secured are carefully tabulated and, before long, will be made readily available for instant reference at the "stations" in New York and other cities by recording them upon indexed cards.

Thus, anybody who happens to apply at one of the stations for information regarding the labor demand in any township or county can get it at a moment's notice, together with a comprehensive statement regarding wages offered, schooling and other opportunities available, character of soil and climate, etc., there being no omission even of the number of people in the neighborhood who can speak the language of the applicant — this last being often a matter of no minor importance since the average foreigner is naturally disinclined to go to a place where he cannot make himself understood without the aid of an interpreter.


If it is desired, on the one hand, to make such information accessible to persons wanting employment, it is considered equally important to acquaint employers of labor everywhere with the means by which they may secure the services they require.

The information division aims to connect the labor-requiring employer and the man or woman anxious for work.

This can be accomplished through the extraordinary facilities it has. Commands for the gathering and dissemination of data of the kind described. So great is the present demand for labor not only in the South but in many other parts of the country, notwithstanding the temporary industrial depression, that floods of letters have been pouring in, conveying inquiries regarding means whereby work people for the farm, for the factory, for the mines, for the railroads. All sorts of other human activities can be secured.


So eager is this demand that would-be employers are not only frequently but quite commonly willing to pay traveling expenses as an advance of wages. When a man really needs a job, he is not likely to have the money to buy a railroad ticket for a long distance. But in such a case, the government completes the negotiation by furnishing a species of guarantee.

That is, it puts the man or woman on a train bound for the proper destination and ensures his or her arrival by checking his or her baggage directly to the employer and forwarding the check to the latter by mail.

Thus, the employer has reason to be satisfied that the person he proposes to hire will come to hand—else, he might be "one" of the travel money furnished. And, in the case of an alien, careful instructions are given to the conductor to see that he is put off at the proper place, a pasteboard tag with name and address fastened to his coat.

The plan to distribute printed literature in various languages among immigrants upon their arrival in this country has not been successful. Such literature was intended to instruct them about employment opportunities in various parts of the United States, the best means of transportation, and so forth.

However, experience has shown that they need to absorb suggestions conveyed in this manner. When he arrives at an American port, the average alien is hurried, anxious, more or less upset in mind, and above all, fearful lest he be deported—that is to say, sent back to where he came from. This last idea obsesses him because he has heard that such things often happen.

Accordingly, his one idea is to get away from the immigration depot. Incidentally, in nine out of ten cases, he throws away the literature that might be useful to him if he took the trouble to peruse it carefully.


This unfortunate alien—more than a million of them, his wife, and their children arrive every year—has a notion that he will find work off-hand. Sometimes, he does, but in a large percentage of instances, after he has been in this country for a couple of weeks, he is still without employment, and the few dollars he had in his pocket when he came have been spent.

This is when he needs help most and is in an attitude, so to speak, to receive it. If he learns that an employment agency maintained by the government will find work for him, he is glad enough to seek its kindly offices.

Here is where the local "station" of the information division comes in. He applies there and finds that employment is obtainable in many places. He is at liberty to make his own choice. He registers his name and address. No fee is demanded.

He describes the work he has been accustomed to doing in his native land. He mentions the number of people in his family, including the ages of his children. All of this goes down upon an official blank and becomes part of the records of the station.

At present, in New York, men in need of work, citizens as well as foreigners, are crowding into the government station by the hundreds daily, putting down their names and addresses.


Immigrants Disembark from Tenders Docked at Ellis Island. They are Shown Walking Towards the Main Building for Inspection.

Immigrants Disembark from Tenders Docked at Ellis Island. They are Shown Walking Towards the Main Building for Inspection. Photo by Bain News Service, Published 1 June 1920. Library of Congress, LCCN 2014710703. GGA Image ID # 2193a56a31


In the countries from which they collie, most of the aliens—a great majority—were soil tillers. On reaching the United States, they engage themselves in labor in sweatshops, in the mines, in factories, and digging on the railroads. It seems rather odd.

It is also very unfortunate, not only for themselves but also for the commonwealth to which they have become recruits. Such occupations do not offer them the best advantages.

When, as commonly happens, they remain in the cities, they usually assemble in slum colonies, toiling for an Inadequate wage and too often contributing to the volume of crime.

Now, why should this be so? One reason, undoubtedly, is that this country has never been represented to arriving aliens as anything but a huge workshop. It hardly occurs to them to imagine that there is such a thing as agriculture on this side of the water. If they only knew how to manage it, they would rather till the land than dwell in sickly slums and sew on interminable "pants."

Taking this for granted, the government proposes to find employment for as many of them as possible in farming and allied pursuits—to distribute them over the country, get them away from the population centers, and give them a chance to become valuable citizens. Then, they will write back home about the agricultural opportunities of the United States, and those who come after them will seek the same kind of healthful activities.


The Division of Information at Washington is not just a central administrative office, but a crucial entity in the employment process. It will exercise its useful functions through its 'stations' in great cities. At every one of these stations, information regarding labor opportunities in every county and township of the Union will be accessible to natives or foreigners.

Maps, on a large scale, will be kept on hand in such shape that a person desiring employment, after picking out the exact locality to which he thinks he would like to go, will be able to find out precisely what his geographical situation would be the accompanying reference cards giving all the details he wants regarding the climate, the soil, the people in the neighborhood, the churches and schools, and the social and other advantages offered. This process ensures that the potential employee has a comprehensive understanding of the job and the area before making a decision.

Not long ago, the state of California officially reported to the Division of Information that it could furnish employment for a million men. This was very agreeable news, so far as it went, but it did not serve the purpose. It was not sufficiently definite.

The government wants details, and these must be exceedingly exact. If, instead of a million, the report had stated that one man was wanted, then the California authorities would have been requested to state the purpose for which that man was desired, where he was to go to work, whom he was to work for, what his wages were to be, and a lot of other things.


It has already been stated that many employers are glad to furnish transportation in advance of wages. Where agricultural labor is wanted, the inducements offered are, in numerous instances, much greater.

In the South, for example, many plantation owners are willing to give, in addition, to travel money, a house to live in, a cow for milk, an assortment of implements, and even food supplies for a considerable term—with a further proffer of a half share in the proceeds of the crop! This comprehensive package not only provides immediate support but also the potential for long-term financial stability.

A chance of that sort seems gilt-edged indeed from the point of view of a man adrift in a big town with a family on his hands and no means of immediate support.

At the same time, it is easily realized that, unless proper precautions were taken, people anxious for work might be shipped off to places where disappointment in the character of employment or in the reliability of wages to be paid would render their condition worse for the change instead of better.

Against such possibilities, however, the government insures the applicant for labor by demanding two satisfactory references, which are carefully verified in each case. This thorough verification process ensures that the applicants are protected and can trust the system.

Furthermore, the would-be employer is obliged to fill out a comprehensive blank, stating the duties demanded, the hours per day of service, the wages to be given, and quite a number of other points, even including the prospect, if any, that the wife's services will be utilized and paid for.


Terrence V. Powderly organized and conducted all of this work. He made a reputation as a labor leader long before he accepted employment under the government. He is a remarkable man—about fifty-eight years old, with hair and a mustache of perfectly white, pink skin that any young girl might envy a keen eye, and a manner full of energy.

At present, he is expanding the idea of the government employment bureau in every possible way to make it a thoroughly efficient organization for the benefit of everybody who wants work to do. This dedication to efficiency gives the audience hope for a streamlined process.

One of his projects, incidentally contemplated, is eventually to put agents of the division of information on board of every steamship carrying immigrants from Europe to this country, to teach these people before they arrive something of what they ought to know about the great country in which they are going to dwell and seek a livelihood.


Bache, Rene, "Government To Find Work For All," in The Technical World Magazine, Volume IX, No. 3, May 1908.



The establishment of a government employment agency marked a significant effort to manage labor distribution across the United States. By facilitating job placement and providing information about employment opportunities, the initiative sought to integrate immigrants into society and alleviate urban congestion.


Key Points

  • 🛠️ Government Employment Agency: A new division was established to find work for immigrants and citizens.
  • 🏙️ Urban Overcrowding: The agency aimed to disperse immigrants from congested urban centers.
  • 🌾 Agricultural Labor: Emphasis on directing immigrants to agricultural jobs in the South and West.
  • 📝 Job Matching: Detailed information on job availability and conditions was provided.
  • 🚶 Transportation Aid: Employers often covered travel expenses for new workers.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family Considerations: Information about family needs was considered in job placements.
  • 🛡️ Employment Security: Measures to prevent exploitation and ensure fair employment terms.
  • 📊 Data Collection: Comprehensive data on labor demand was collected and organized.
  • 🔍 Employment Stations: Stations were established in major cities to facilitate job placement.
  • 🤝 Bilateral Communication: The agency served as a link between employers and job seekers.



  1. Initiative Overview: The government created an employment agency to assist immigrants and citizens in finding work.
  2. Urban vs. Rural Employment: Aimed to reduce urban overcrowding by promoting jobs in less populated areas.
  3. Focus on Agriculture: Encouraged immigrants to take up agricultural work, which was in high demand.
  4. Detailed Job Information: Provided comprehensive data on job conditions and availability.
  5. Travel Support: Employers sometimes provided transportation costs as an advance on wages.
  6. Family Considerations: The agency considered the needs of entire families in job placements.
  7. Protection Measures: Ensured fair treatment and working conditions for job seekers.
  8. Data-Driven Approach: Collected and disseminated detailed labor market information.
  9. Employment Stations: Set up in major cities to facilitate access to job opportunities.
  10. Effective Communication: The agency facilitated connections between job seekers and employers.


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