So The Public May Know - WPA - 1941
Front Cover, So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153b3ba248
In no way does this little booklet purport to outline complete information or Instructions relative to sponsorship of W.P.A. projects.
It has been prepared primarily aa a directory of activities carried on by the various projects of the Operations and Professional & Service projects Divisions of the Work Projects Administration in Southern California and as such, makes no pretension of being a comprehensive manual.
However, it is hoped that the information contained herein will assist potential sponsors in determining the eligibility of themselves and their proposed projects for consideration by this organization.
As a supplementary service to this booklet, both the Planning and Engineering Section of the Operations Division, and the Professional & Service Projects Division of the Work Projects Administration are prepared to assist potential sponsors or their representatives in making a preliminary analysis of any specific project in order to determine its eligibility, and to suggest desirable changes in scope, design and specifications prior to formal presentation.
This service often saves time on more detail studies at a later date and serves to expedite preparation of application for W.P.A. assistance.
A. W.P.A. project may be defined as any useful public work on which the Federal Government (through the W.P.A.) , and some tax supported public body have agreed to cooperate in order to provide work for the needy unemployed. It;is an enterprise which the W.P.A. helps to carry out and which, when completed, belongs to the community or State.
A legal sponsor is a political subdivision such as a City, County or State, or other governmental agency which has legal authority to do the work set forth in the W.P.A. project proposal.
So many and varying conditions and qualifications govern the eligibility of the individual projects of both the Operations and the Professional & Service Projects Divisions of the Work Projects Administration, that it would be futile to attempt to clearly classify them in the limited space allotted to this subject. Suffice it to say, project eligibility among many other qualifications, embraces matters concerning its locality; legal authority of sponsor, its worth to the public, community needs and availability of unemployed eligible workers.
Since the W.P.A. must use its funds largely for wages, the sponsor must agree to provide most of the necessary materials and equipment. Detailed information as to the extent to which the W.P.A. may assist in financing projects will be made available on application to the Planning and Engineering Section, Work Projects Administration, at Los Angeles.
WPA Airport Projects: Work of these projects consists of the development and improvement of airport facilities including the clearing, grading and surfacing of landing fields; dredging seaplane anchorages, constructing hangars, control towers, seaplane ramps and other essential operations in this specialized field of construction. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153b5ce878
WPA Engineering Survey Projects: Engineering surveys, including such types of work as geodetic control, topographic, boundary, riparian and stream, cross sections and grades, survey of underground structures and general engineering mapping, are conducted by these essential projects. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153bd77324
WPA Highway, Road, and Street Projects: Devoted to the construction of highways, roads and streets; to aid counties, communities and districts with their needed primary and secondary road and residential street improvements; to build farm-to-market roads and to improve transportation facilities in general, as well as to provide needed Jobs for needy persons. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153c53ed4c
WPA Public Building Projects: There are no busier projects than those engaged in the construction of public buildings other than schools. In addition to this new construction, such work as the demolition of obsolete structures; remodeling and rehabilitation of town halls, court houses, city halls, institutional buildings, state hospitals, city garages, warehouses, fire stations, exhibit buildings, library and recreational buildings, is also carried on. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153c83b444
WPA Parks and Recreation Projects: Projects to construct, improve and rehabilitate parks, recreational and public athletic facilities and to develop into lasting civic assets hitherto unimproved and unsightly parks and other areas; to construct game areas such as tennis courts, horseshoe rings, handball and volley ball courts, etc.; to grade, terrace, landscape park grounds; to build clubhouses, golf courses, swimming pools, bath houses, grandstands, auditoriums and amphitheaters. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153c8cf854
WPA Sanitary Sewer Projects: Work consists of providing sanitary sewer construction; to replace cesspools and septic tanks with proper sanitary sewer, facilities and to otherwise assist in the correction of unhealthy conditions occasioned by faulty or obsolete sewage systems. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153c9412b4
WPA Public School Projects: These projects are assigned to aid over-burdened school districts with their respective building programs and to provide work for the unemployed in the skilled building trades. A portion of the work of this project consists of the demolition of old buildings, rehabilitation, modernization and strengthening of existing buildings, including the Installation of seismic bracing, construction of new classrooms, cafeterias, auditoriums and gymnasium buildings and miscellaneous ground improvements such as landscaping, paving of walks and drives; and constructing facilities for athletic events. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153ce383c5
WPA Storm Drain, Flood Control, and Conservation Projects: These projects were originated to build beneficial flood protection and storm drainage systems, for the protection of life and property and have many times proven their worth since their inception. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153cef3c65
WPA Water Supply Projects: These projects provide installation, improvement and extensions to publicly owned water distribution systems, including storage and production facilities; to improve and construct storage and equalizing reservoirs, pumping plants and to install needed service facilities. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153cf94015
Miscellaneous WPA Projects: Diversified projects with unusual features or lacking a sufficient number of any one type to Justify separate classification are grouped under this heading. Included among these are some vital functions of the Operations program, viz., the Emergency Flood Relief project and other similar projects which have a direct bearing on the safety and welfare of communities in which they are located. More than 70 miscellaneous projects have been placed in operation, doing a highly constructive work, and offering invaluable services as well as giving employment to hundreds of needy persons. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153cfa55f4
A project to cooperate in the inventorying of Federal, State, County, City, and Church records, and to calendar manuscripts located in libraries and other depositories. Employs both sexes.
A project for training in all types of housework, except the care of children, for underprivileged girls. Employs women exclusively.
A project to furnish assistance in general housework, care of children and simple home care of the sick and to aged and chronically ill in homes of the needy. Employs women exclusively.
WPA Adult Education Projects: A project to provide, coordinate and supervise educational activities for underprivileged adults and others in the fields of general adult, literacy, vocational, parent and workers' education. Employs both sexes. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153d2abd07
WPA Art Projects: A project to create, provide and distribute works of art in all media; teaching art to underprivileged groups; and preparation of books, brochures, monographs, catalogues in the field of art activities. Employs both sexes. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153d504304
WPA Canning Projects: A project to can donated or surplus foodstuffs or garden produce. The products of WPA Canning Projects shall be used on WPA School Lunch, Nursery School, or Household Workers' Training Projects, or Housekeeping Aide training centers, or distributed free of charge to tax-supported institutions or directly to the needy. Employs mostly women. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153eaa8152
WPA City & County Library Projects: A project which performs duties supplementary to the regular work of city and county library employees. Employs mostly women. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153ec8c217
WPA Museum Exhibits & Models Projects: A project that provides workers to preserve and arrange museum exhibits, collections and models for publicly owned museums. Employs both sexes. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153edd7ecd
Health Service Project
WPA Health Service Projects: A project to promote health services for school children, establish or furnish professional and nonprofessional assistance to medical or dental clinics, hospitals or other institutions, and provide free medical and/or nursing services of certain types. Employs mostly women. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153ef23c17
WPA Juvenile Betterment Projects: A project to assist Coordinating Councils in carrying out their programs for the betterment of community conditions affecting juveniles. Employs both sexes. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153f243b5b
WPA Music Projects: A project designed to preserve socially valuable skills of unemployed musicians; to retrain and reorient skills so that their possessors may find permanent reemployment off the Government rolls; to provide needed services for both Government and non-Government use in the development of an efficient, coordinated community program. Employs both men and women. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153f7af673
WPA Educational Models & Exhibits Projects: A project to prepare models, exhibits, film strips, wall charts, maps and similar other aids for classroom instruction or other educational purposes. Employs both sexes. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153f7d0e40
WPA Nursery School Projects: A project that furnishes workers to maintain and operate free nursery schools for children of pre-school age from needy families and other low-income groups. It also provides a program of education for the parents of the nursery school child that will develop a better home life environment for all members of the family. Employs women exclusively. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153f7defb7
WPA Plant Propagation Projects: A project to propagate annuals, shrubs, and trees for beautification of roadsides, public buildings, parks, etc. Projects are usually co-sponsored by city or county park commissions. Employs mostly women. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153f9931f0
WPA Records Projects: A project that serves Federal, State, County or Municipal Governmental agencies. This project provides workers to install new office records files and rehabilitate, rearrange and index existing files to enhance their availability and expedite their handling. Employs both sexes. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153f9953c9
WPA Recreation Projects: A project designed to provide employment for certified persons who are qualified to furnish leadership in organizing activities of a recreational nature and in directing group participation. Employs mostly men. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 153fc5045a
WPA Research Projects: A project that conducts research in the fields of economics, sociology, and the physical sciences for Federal, State, County or Municipal Governmental agencies. Employs both sexes. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 15401d7995
WPA School Library Projects: A project to provide workers to organize and operate library services for the public schools. Its program Includes all phases of general library work with the exception of the binding and repairing of school textbooks. Employs mostly women. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 15402f45c1
WPA School Lunch Projects: A project to provide assistance in preparing and serving free hot lunches to needy and/or malnourished children and to children from low income groups. Employs mostly women. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 1540ac8878
WPA Self-Help Cooperative Projects: A project to provide needy key personnel (mostly men) not directly engaged in production, to manage, supervise and assist in Self-Help Co-operative Units. Employs only key personnel - both sexes. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 1540d585ee
WPA Sewing Projects: A project that makes clothing, household articles, cloth toys, rag rugs, surgical dressings, first aid supplies and nay renovate and repair donated clothing, for the needy and for certain public institutions. Employs mostly women. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 1540d85781
WPA Shoe & Furniture Repair Projects: A project to repair and renovate shoes, toys, and furniture for free distribution to the needy. Employs mostly men. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 1540d9273d
WPA Surplus Commodities Distribution Projects: A project which receives, transports, stores, handles, packages and accounts for food, clothing or other surplus commodities allocated or donated by Federal, State or other agencies for distribution to relief clients, to public agencies or institutions. Employs mostly wen. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 1540e3007e
WPA Toy Loan Projects: A project to establish and operate toy lending centers .... and perform toy repair work incidental thereto. Employs mostly women. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 1540f54279
WPA Writers' Projects: A project that produces volumes on local history, art, folklore and other subjects together with other material indigenous to the State as a whole or any sub-division thereof. Employs both men and women. So The Public May Know, Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, 1939. GGA Image ID # 15410262d3
Federal Works Agency, So The Public May Know, Work Projects Administration, Southern California, Document # 507, September 1941.