Chapter XIV WPA Worker Assignment Procedures - 1937
Section 1. Assignment Responsibilities — E.R.A. Act of 1936
Persons certified as in need of relief by the public relief agency shall be employed upon projects to the fullest extent possible. Effective at the beginning of payroll periods on and after April 15, 1937, assignment of persons to projects operated on a force account basis shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Administrative Order No. 54.
Except with the specific authorization of the Federal Works Progress Administrator, it shall be the responsibility of the State Administrator through the Division of Employment to control assignments to projects in accordance with the following regulations:
- A. At least ninety-five percent (95%) of the persons assigned to a project at any time, and paid from project funds, shall be persons certified by the public relief agency as in need of relief, and
- B. At least ninety-five per cent (95%) of the persons as signed to a project at any time, and paid from project funds, shall be paid a monthly wage in accordance with the established schedule of monthly earnings and shall be paid an hourly rate of pay which shall be not less than the occupational rate of pay prevailing in the locality in which the work is performed.
Section 2. Application to Projects
The control of assignments under the provisions of section 1, items A and B above, shall normally be applicable to an official project. For projects under the (f) and (g) classifications of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936, the control shall be applicable to each administration project under the official project, For official projects operating on a nationwide basis the control shall be applicable to that portion of the official project operating within the state.
(Revised April 15, 1937)
11468 Chapt. XIV. Sec. 3
Section 3: Requisition for Workers
WPA Form 401 Revised shall be submitted by the designated requisitioning officer of the operating agency or department having supervision of the project to the appropriate WPA District Division of Employment.
Copies 1 and 2 shall be forwarded to the District Division of Employment and copy 3 shall he retained in the files of the requisitioning officer. When it is found necessary to assign non-certified persons to WPA projects or projects of other Federal agencies in accordance with the procedure outlined in section 4 of this chanter, the District Division of Employment shall note the number of such persons to he referred on copies 1 and 2 of WPA Form 401 Revised and forward copy 1 to the proper office of the U.S.E.S., retaining copy 2 in the files of the District Division of Employment.
The WPA District Division of Employment shall assign persons by use of WPA Form 402 Revised, in accordance with the provisions of section 1, items A and B of this chapter.
(Revised April 11, 1937))