RMS Walmer Castle Passenger List - 15 July 1911

Front Cover, Union-Castle Line RMS Walmer Castle Cabin Class Passenger List - 15 July 1911.

Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List from the RMS Walmer Castle of the Union-Castle Line, Departing Saturday, 15 July 1911 from Southampton for Capetown via Madeira, Algoa Bay, East London, and Natal, Commanded by Captain F. Whitehead, RNR. GGA Image ID # 13ce3a664c

Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: F. Whitehead, R.N.R.
  2. Chief Officer: W. Godfrey
  3. Second Officer: E. S. Vincent
  4. Third Officer: R. C. T. Harris
  5. Fourth Officer: R. Tyrer
  6. Extra Fourth Officer: R. Aslin
  7. Chief Engineer: W. G. Fraser
  8. Second Engineer: H. Miles
  9. Third Engineer: A. C. Lindsay
  10. Fourth Engineer: J. Smith
  11. Surgeon: Dr. T. St. L. Leyshon
  12. Purser: W. H. Hart
  13. Chief Steward: H. Stott

First Saloon Passengers


  1. Mrs. I. Boersma
  2. Dr. N. Jardine
  3. Mrs. Jardine
  4. Mr. B. G. Stephens


  1. Mr. G. Bastow
  2. Mrs. Bastow
  3. Mr. O. Beringer
  4. Mr. H. Blower
  5. Mr. W. H. Brown
  6. Major A. J. Carter, D.S.O.
  7. Mrs. Carter
  8. Mr. F. Cliffe
  9. Mr. J. Delmont
  10. Mr. I. G. Forrest
  11. Mr, E. Friedman
  12. Mr. I. E. B. Homan and Valet
  13. Lieut, W. H. A. Hunt
  14. Mrs. Hunt
  15. Mr. Haydn Inwards
  16. Mrs. A. Jacobs
  17. Miss M. E. Jones
  18. Mr. W. J. Knight
  19. Lieut. E. H. Leatham
  20. Mr. N. Malcolm
  21. Mr. R. W. Mitchell
  22. Dr. T. Muir, C.M.G.
  23. Mrs. Muir
  24. Mr. K. B. Quinan
  25. Mr. C. F. Reddie
  26. Mr. J. C. Rimer
  27. Miss Rimer
  28. Mise Rimer
  29. Mr. P. Sevening
  30. Mr. D. N. Shaw
  31. Mrs. Shaw
  32. Miss E. N. Shaw
  33. Sir Thomas Smartt, K.C.M.G.
  34. Mr. W. Stayt
  35. Mr. R. G. Thynne
  36. Mrs. Thynne
  37. Mr. H. Ullmann
  38. Mr. E. J. Watts
  39. Mr. E. Weinberg
  40. Mr. H. C. Winder
  41. Mr. M. Wingate
  42. Mr. H. C. C. Wolhuter
  43. Mrs. Wolhuter
  44. Mr. A. J. Wolhuter


  1. Mr. D. Francis
  2. Miss Francis
  3. Mr. C. G. Miles
  4. Mrs. Miles
  5. Miss M. Miles
  6. Master G. Miles
  7. Mr. J. Riddell


  1. Mr. G. E. Etlinger
  2. Lord Guthrie
  3. Lady Guthrie
  4. Major Macpherson
  5. Colonel Royston
  6. Mrs. Royston
  7. Mr. J. Ewart Smith
  8. Mrs. Stayt
  9. Miss Stayt
  10. Master S. Stayt
  11. Mr. A. Wardlaw

Second Saloon Passengers


  1. Mr. A. Mendes
  2. Mr. Purnell
  3. Mr. G. Teixeira


  1. Mr. H. M. Beerewont
  2. Mrs. C. C. Bolt
  3. Mr. O. I. Brady
  4. Miss E. Burton
  5. Mr. J. Carn
  6. Miss I. Chandler
  7. Mr. Chapman
  8. Mr. J. J. Claassens
  9. Mr. C. Clark
  10. Mr. G. D. Clark
  11. Mrs. Clark
  12. Miss Clark
  13. Mr. B. Cohen
  14. Mrs. M. S. Cox
  15. Miss M. F. Cox
  16. Miss E. Cox
  17. Mrs. C. Cressy
  18. Mr. S. Croneen
  19. Mr. J. D. Cuthill
  20. Mr. C. E Davies
  21. Mrs. Davies
  22. Mr. E. Delsupesche
  23. Commissioner W. Eadie
  24. Mrs. Eadie
  25. Mr. E. Eadie
  26. Miss S. Eadie
  27. Miss H. M. Elliott
  28. Mrs. F. Fitch
  29. Mr. E. R. Forder
  30. Mrs. Forder
  31. Mr. A. Frazer
  32. Mrs. E. M. Geard
  33. Mr. C. J. Golder
  34. Mrs. Golder
  35. Master L. Golder
  36. Master E. Golder
  37. Mr. D. Gowans
  38. Mr. G. Haines
  39. Mr. H. Haller
  40. Mrs. Haller
  41. Master E. Haller
  42. Miss G. Haller
  43. Mr. R. C. Hateley
  44. Mr. Hemsley
  45. Mrs. Hemsley
  46. Miss B. M. Herbert
  47. Mr. M. S. Hewett
  48. Mrs. C. Hippisley
  49. Rev. S. Hood-Williams
  50. Mrs. Hood-Williams
  51. Mr. J. P. Horsfield
  52. Mrs. D. Jacobs
  53. Mr. G. E Johnson
  54. Mr. W. F. Jones
  55. Mr. A. King
  56. Mrs. King
  57. Mr. F. G. Kirkland
  58. Mr. I. Kloot
  59. Mrs. Kloot
  60. Master S. M. Kloot
  61. Mr. J. H. Langford
  62. Mrs. Langford
  63. Master Langford
  64. Mr. J. Laueres
  65. Mr. D. Lescoute
  66. Mrs. Lescoute
  67. Mr. G. Lesneur
  68. Mrs. Macdonald
  69. Miss Macdonald
  70. Miss O. B. Mackenzie
  71. Mr. D. Maclean
  72. Nursing Sister Macmanaway
  73. Miss E. Magee
  74. Mr. R. McConville
  75. Mrs. A. Nottman
  76. Miss Nottman
  77. Mr. J. Nuricke
  78. Mrs. Nuricke
  79. Rev. D. O’Leary
  80. Mr. S. Phillip
  81. Mr. G. S. Pirie
  82. Mr. E. Prendergast
  83. Mr. A C. L. Price
  84. Mr. W. A. Price
  85. Mrs. J. Reid
  86. Master Reid
  87. Master Reid
  88. Mr. M. L. Reid
  89. Mr. F. Rice
  90. Mr. W. A. Richards
  91. Mr. K. Richardson
  92. Mrs. M. Rosen
  93. Inspector Rush
  94. Miss K. Ryder
  95. Mr. W. Scorgie
  96. Mr. G. F. Sims
  97. Mr. J. Simson
  98. Mrs. Simson
  99. Mrs. Sivell
  100. Mr. H. E. A. Smith
  101. Mr. F. J. Smith
  102. Mr. P. Stercks
  103. Mrs. Stercks
  104. Mr. A. E. Sorrell
  105. Mr. R. Surtees
  106. Mrs. Surtees
  107. Miss C. Surtees
  108. Mr. R. M. Taylor
  109. Mrs. Terrell
  110. Master Terrell
  111. Mr. Thorpe
  112. Mrs. Thorpe
  113. Mr. D. Tubb
  114. Mrs. Tubb
  115. Mrs. Tulloch
  116. Miss I. Tulloch
  117. Miss N. Tulloch
  118. Miss M. Vail
  119. Mr. H. Waterson
  120. Mr. W. F. Watson
  121. Mr. J. Weinberg
  122. Mrs. J. W. Wright


  1. Miss M. Beckwith
  2. Rev. P. A. Reus
  3. Mr. C. W. Schady
  4. Miss G. Spink
  5. Mr. A. C. Stent
  6. Mrs. J. Wadham


  1. Rev. W. J. Hacker
  2. Mrs. Hacker
  3. Miss Hacker
  4. Miss K. C. Hacker
  5. Miss G. N. Hacker


  1. Mr. H. L. Addison
  2. Mr. W. P. Anderson
  3. Mr. S. R. Brokensha
  4. Mr. G. H. Buckley
  5. Mrs. Buckley
  6. Miss M. Cameron
  7. Mr. C. E. Davies
  8. Mrs. Davies
  9. Miss A. de Schryver
  10. Miss Freeman
  11. Mr. J. Garbade
  12. Miss F. M. Green
  13. Mrs. E. Hickman
  14. Master L. B. Hickman
  15. Master D. W. Hickman
  16. Mr. F. J. Hill
  17. Mrs. A. E. Larsen
  18. Miss Larsen
  19. Master Larsen
  20. Miss E. Olsen
  21. Mr. Pickles
  22. Mr. J. E. Pickles
  23. Mr. T. Russell
  24. Mr. J. W. Spearman
  25. Mr. T. E. Woods

Track Chart on the Back Cover of a Cabin Passenger List from the RMS Walmer Castle of the Union-Castle Line, Departing Saturday, 15 July 1911.

Track Chart on the Back Cover of a Cabin Passenger List from the RMS Walmer Castle of the Union-Castle Line, Departing Saturday, 15 July 1911 from Southampton for Capetown via Madeira, Algoa Bay, East London, and Natal, Commanded by Captain F. Whitehead, RNR. GGA Image ID # 1da2612992

Information for Passengers


In the First Class the arrangements are :-

  • Tea, Coffee, etc., served in the Cabins at 6.0 am
  • Dressing Bell or Bugle at 8:00 am
  • Children’s Breakfast at 8:00 am
  • Breakfast at 8:30 am
  • Children’s Dinner at 12:30 pm
  • Luncheon at 1:00 pm
  • Afternoon Tea at 4.0 pm
  • Children’s Tea at 5.30 pm
  • Dressing Bell or Bugle at 6.30 pm
  • Dinner at 7:00 pm
  • Saloon lights out 10.30 pm

The Meals in the Second Saloon are :-

  • Tea, Coffee, etc., served in the Cabins at 6.0 am
  • Children’s breakfast at 8:00 am
  • Breakfast at 8:30 am
  • Children’s Dinner at 12:30 pm
  • Luncheon at 1:00 pm
  • Afternoon Tea at 4.0 pm
  • Children’s Tea at 5.0 pm
  • Dressing Bell or Bugle at 5.30 pm
  • Dinner at 6:00 pm
  • Saloon lights out 10.30 pm

CHILDREN.-Children are required to take their meals at the special tables provided for them.

DIVINE SERVICE, etc., will be held in the Main Saloon every Sunday at 10:30 am, weather permitting, and all are invited to attend

BAGGAGE.—Questions relating to Hold baggage should be referred to the 4th Officer.

DECK CHAIRS.-Deck chairs are provided on board, for hire to passengers at a charge of 2s. 6d. each for the Continental voyage: 2s. 6d. each between England and Madeira, Las Palmas and Teneriffe: 5s. each between England and St. Helena, Ascension, or any South or East African Port or Mauritius; and 2s. 6d. each on the South African Coast between any two Coast Ports.

LETTERS, TELEGRAMS, etc.—For the convenience of Passengers a Mail will be made up on board previous to arrival at each port.

All information regarding telegraph rates, postal rates, stamps, etc., can be obtained from the Purser before the Steamer’s arrival or departure.

All Passengers must write their addresses in the book provided for the purpose on board, this information being required on the Outward Voyage by the Authorities in South Africa, and on the Homeward Voyage by the Port Sanitary Authorities.

The assistance of Passengers in this matter is requested in order to facilitate the forwarding of any Letters, Telegrams, etc., which may arrive after they have left the Ship, or any articles that may be left in the cabins.

Circulars or other printed matter of a similar nature will not be forwarded.

Passengers must apply personally for Registered Letters and Packages to the Purser.

On the Homeward Voyage, on the arrival of the Steamer at Netley or Southampton, Letters are sorted into an alphabetical box in the First Class Companion, where Passengers of all classes should personally apply.

When the Steamer comes alongside the Quay, this letter box is kept open until the passenger trains have left the Shed.

Passengers are recommended to attend to the posting of their own Letters in the letter box, and it must be distinctly understood that while every care will be taken, the Company cannot accept any responsibility in connection with the posting, receiving, forwarding, or transmission of Letters, Telegrams, Parcels, etc.

VALUABLES, etc.—Passengers’ Valuables (including money) may be handed to the Purser to be deposited in the Ship’s safe for custody during the voyage, for which a small charge is made of 3s. 6d. per £100 upon the declared value of each parcel or deposit, with a minimum charge of 2s., a receipt being given on behalf of the Company for valuables so deposited.

Library is open daily at stated hours, during which
time the Librarian is in attendance to give out and receive books.

Any books found lying about are returned to the Library, but Passengers will be held responsible for the loss of any book registered in their name. The charge for books lost from the 1st or 2nd Class Library is 7s. 6d. per volume, and from the 3rd Class 2s. 6d. per volume.

TIME TABLES.—Railway Time Tables, Postal Guides, etc., are in the charge of the Purser.

COMPLAINTS.—All complaints should be addressed to the Commander at the time of his daily inspection.


ROYAL MAIL SERVICE. -The South African Royal Mail Steamers are despatched from Southampton every Saturday for the Cape of Good Hope and Natal, via Madera.

On the outward journey the Royal Mail Steamers proceed as far as Durban, at which port they commence the homeward voyage, sailing thence every Thursday; from East London every Friday; from Algoa Bay (Port Elizabeth) every Saturday; arriving at Capetown usually on Monday morning, and proceeding thence to Southampton, via Madeira, on the Wednesday.

The Mail Service to St. Helena and Ascension is performed by the Intermediate Steamers calling at these islands. Outward and Homeward, every four weeks.

INTERMEDIATE SERVICE.—The Intermediate Steamers are despatched every week from London, calling at Southampton on the following day, and taking Passengers at lower rates than by the Royal Mail Steamers for the Cape Colony, Natal, Lourenço Marques (Delagoa Bay), and Beira. These Steamers proceed alternately via Las Palmas (Grand Canary) and Teneriffe.

There is a regular homeward service by Intermediate Steamers from the Cape Ports, Durban, Lourenço Marques, Beira and Mauritius via Las Palmas or Teneriffe to Southampton, and thence to London. These Intermediate Steamers sometimes call at Plymouth on the homeward voyage.

EAST COAST SERVICE.-Every 28 days a Steamer is despatched from London, calling at Southampton, Marseilles and Naples, Port Said, and proceeding via Suez to Port Sudan, Aden, Momhasa, Zanzibar, Mozambique, Chinde, Beira, Lourenço Marques and Natal. Both outward anti homeward this East Coast Steamer connects at Natal with the NIail Steamer to and from England.

MAURITIUS SERVICE.-There is a direct Steamer between England and Mauritius, outward and homeward once a month.

LOBITO BAY.—Calls at Lobito Bay are made on the outward and homeward voyage as required.

RETURN TICKETS.—A reduction off the amount of two Single bares between the same ports is made on Return Tickets. Return Tickets are available for twelve months.

SINGLE TICKETS, RE-BOOKING ALLOWANCE-Passengers who have taken a Single Ticket only from England or South Africa (paying the full single tariff fare thereon), and who return to the port at which they embarked within twelve months from the date of such embarkation, will be allowed a reduction of 10 per cent, on the amount of the single journey back, on production of the counterfoil of the first single ticket taken by them. This concession does not apply to passages Coastwise or to Ports at which the steamers of the Union-Castle Line do not call.

The period of twelve months specified above cannot under any circumstances be extended.

PREPAID PASSAGES, OUTWARD OR HOMEWARD.- Passages can be prepaid in England or South Africa for friends on the other side, and advice of such passages can be sent by cable at a small additional expense if desired.

The Company, however, does not accept any responsibility for any inaccuracy, mistake or oversight on the part of the Company’s Servants or Agents, or any other persons, in the wording, despatch or delivery of any telegram or letter in connection with these prepaid passages, or for any consequences arising therefrom.

Remittances of small amounts can also be made to passengers at the same time.

Handbooks of information, and further details regarding the Services, can be obtained from the Managers or from any of the Company’s Agents, or from the Purser on board.

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