RMS Edinburgh Castle Passenger List - 17 June 1955
Front Cover of a First Class and Cabin Passenger List for the RMS Edinburgh Castle of the Union-Castle Line, Departing 17 June 1955 from Capetown to London via Madeira, Commanded by Captain H. A. Deller. GGA Image ID # 13cdeb0cc7
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: H. A. Deller
- Chief Engineer: G. M. Watson
- Chief Officer: A. T. Underdown
- 1st Officer: T. Allan
- 1st Engineer: N. Ruffell
- Senr. 2nd Engineer: S. N. Harron
- Intr. 2nd Engineer: W. H. Ardy
- Jnr. 2nd Engineer: K. N. Lane
- 2nd Officer: D. Lamb
- 3rd Officer: J. P. Muir
- 4th Officer: P. J. Stead
- Surgeon: J. K. Donald, M.B, Ch.B
- Purser: L. A. Harding
- 2nd Purser: V. Goodier
- Chief Steward: D. H. C. Jenkins, M.H.C.I
- 1st Radio Officer: J. Hodgson
The Union-Castle Mail Steamship Company, Limited.
Head Office: 3, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C.3., and at Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, East London, Durban, Johannesburg, Salisbury, Lourenco Marques, Beira & Mombasa.
First Class Passengers
- Mr. A. Capazorio
- Miss A. Capazorio
- Mrs. N. G. Alexander
- Mrs. R. E. Allan
- Mr. P. E. Angel
- Mrs. Angel
- Mr. H. D. Bain
- Mrs. Bain
- Miss F. Barnett
- Mrs. R. Bavin
- Mr. Beville Pain
- Mrs. Beville Pain
- Mr. J. C. Bitcon
- Mrs. Bitcon
- Mr. G. Bower
- Mr. A Boyden
- Mrs. Boyden
- Mr. B. Braude
- Mr. W. L. Brice
- Maj. H. T. Brimble
- Mrs. Brimble
- Mrs. W. Buchanan-Gould
- Mr. R. A. Burstein
- Mr. J. E. Bush
- Mrs. D. Butterworth
- Miss M. Butterworth
- Mr. E. Calvert
- Mrs. Calvert
- Mrs. M. A. Carter
- Mr. O. Clutterbuck
- Mrs. Clutterbuck
- Mr. M. Cohen
- Mrs. Cohen
- Mstr. E. N. Cohen
- Mr. J. Cowan
- Mrs. Cowan
- Mr. F A Crump
- Mr. F. Cringle
- Mrs. G. V. Cusack
- Mr. S. W Davis
- Mrs. Davis
- Mrs. I. B. Day
- Mrs. M. Dix
- Mr. H. Doult
- Mrs. Doult
- Miss G. M. Draycot
- Mr. D. Dunn
- Mr. C. E. Duthie
- Mrs. G. Dwyer
- Mr. J. Ferera
- Mr. T. E. Garat
- Mrs. Garai
- Miss S. Garai
- Miss M. Garai
- Mrs. E. Godbold
- Mr. D. K. Graham
- Mr. F. Gray
- Mrs. Gray
- Mstr. I. Gray
- Mr. M. V. Halloran
- Mrs. Halloran
- Mrs. E. Harper
- Mr. A. V. Harrison
- Mrs. Harrison
- Mr. J. Hem
- Mrs. Hern
- Mr. A. E. Hewitt
- Mrs. Hewitt
- Mrs. F. Hilson
- Mr. E. Hunt
- Mrs. Hunt
- Mr. L. Jankelowitz
- Mrs. Jankelowitz
- Mrs. J. E. Jones
- Mrs. M. Kirkham
- Mr. H. Klugman
- Mrs. E. S. Knoblauch
- Mr. J. N. Knoop
- Mr. G. T. Koopal
- Mrs. Koopal
- Mstr. Koopal
- Mrs. R. Krausev
- Mr. A. Leon
- Mrs. E. P. Lewis
- Mr. R. D. Meldrum
- Mrs. Meldrum
- Mr. M Malkin
- Mrs. D Malkin
- Miss L Malkin
- Mr. M Malkin
- Mr. J. O. Markowitz
- Mrs. Markowitz
- Mr. B. R. Matz
- Mrs. Matz
- Mr. A. McKellar White
- Mr. A. McLean
- Mrs. McLean
- Mstr. A. McLean
- Miss A. McLean
- Mstr. M. McLean
- Mr. W Metcalfe
- Mrs. Metcalfe
- Mstr. R S. Metcalfe
- Miss V. M. Metcalfe
- Mr. T. O. M. Middleton
- Mr. R B. Moore
- Mrs. Moore
- Mr. P Morgenstein
- Mrs. Morgenstein
- Mr. A A Morris
- Mr. H Nadin
- Mrs. Nadin
- Mr. P. Nadin
- Mrs. Nadin
- Mrs. M. Plummer
- Mrs. M. L. Pooke
- Mr. J. Pope
- Mr. R. G. Price
- Mrs. Price
- Mr. J. W. Pritchard
- Mrs. Pritchard
- Mrs. L. Ritchken
- Mrs. M. E. Rosmarin
- Mr. R. W. Rowland
- Dr. W. A. Ryan
- Mrs. Ryan
- Mr. C. L. Rycroft
- Mrs. Rycroft
- Dr J. R. Sessel
- Mrs. Sessel
- Mstr. Sessel
- Miss L. Sessel
- Mrs. L. Silverman
- Miss A. Silverman
- Mrs. E. Steel
- Mr. J. I. Stein
- Mr. P. D. Stephen
- Mr. R. M. Stephenson
- Mrs. Stephenson
- Miss J. Stephenson
- Miss M. Stephenson
- Mr. H. Stott
- Mrs. Stott
- Mstr. Stott
- Mstr. Stott
- Mstr. Stott
- Mrs. E. S. E. Streeton
- Mrs. V. F. Underwood
- Mrs, E. V. van Zyl
- Mr. W W Waite. M B E
- Mr. A J Wallace
- Mrs. Wallace
- Mstr. A. Wallace
- Mr. A. E. Weatherbv
- Mrs. Weatherby
- Mr. E. C Wilks
- Mrs. Wilks
- Mr. C. Wilson
- Mrs. Wilson
- Sister Wilson
- Mrs. G. J. Woods
- Mr. Wyn-Irwin
- Mrs. V. Wynn-Whitley
List of Cabin Class Passengers
To England
- Mrs. A. Abel
- Miss J. Abel
- Mstr. J. Abel
- Miss M. Abela
- Miss P. M. Adair
- Mrs. I. Alhadeff
- Miss R. Alhadeff
- Miss J. Alhadeff
- Mr. I. Alhadell
- Mr. A. V. Allen
- Mrs. Allen
- Mr. E. W. Allen
- Mrs. E. W. Allen
- Miss E. B. Allen
- Mr. W. R. Allen
- Mrs. S. Altschuler
- Miss S. Altschuler
- Mstr. D. Altschuler
- Mr. J. Y. Anderson
- Mrs. J. Y. Anderson
- Miss J. Ashfield
- Mr. R. Atkiss
- Mrs. R Atkiss
- Mstr. D. M. Atkiss
- Miss L. S. Atkiss
- Mr. E, Bagge
- Mrs. Bagge
- Mrs. M. Bagguley
- Mr. L. Baillie
- Miss E. A. Baillie
- Mr. D. O. E. Baldrey
- Mrs. D. O. E. Baldrey
- Miss D. S. Baldrey
- Mr. L. E. Barlett
- Mrs. Barlett
- Mrs. M. E. Barnard
- Mr. J. G. Barrow
- Mrs. Barrow
- Mr. W. Beggs
- Mrs. Beggs
- Miss D Beggs
- Mr. W. H. Bell
- Mrs. Bell
- Miss O. Benzies
- Mrs. F. Berman
- Miss M. Bird
- Mrs. M. W. Blake
- Miss S. Blumberg
- Mrs. M. Blumberg
- Miss R. Blumberg
- Mrs. L. M. Boult
- Miss Y. W. Bradfield
- Mrs. G. R. Bridge
- Mr. A. Brisson
- Mrs. Brisson
- Mrs. A. M. Broadbent
- Miss F. Broadbent
- Mr. C. C. Brodziak
- Mrs. Brodziak
- Mrs. Brook
- Mr. P. L. Brook
- Miss B. L. Brook
- Miss P. Brooks
- Mrs. E. G. Brooks
- Mrs. Z. Brown
- Mstr. I. Brown
- Mrs. R. C. Bryant
- Miss A. Bryant
- Miss M. Bryant
- Miss S. Bryant
- Miss B. Bryant
- Miss N. Bryant
- Mr. F. A. Buck
- Mrs. H. M. Burdett
- Mstr. W. A. Burdett
- Miss I. M. Burdett
- Mr. D. Chapman
- Mrs. Chapman
- Mr. H. Chicken
- Mrs. H. Chicken
- Miss S. J. Chicken
- Miss D. D. Chicken
- Mrs. F. V. Coetzee
- Mr. P. Cohen
- Mr. T. Concannon
- Mrs. Concannon
- Miss A. Consani
- Miss N. Cole
- Mr. F. B. Cook
- Mrs. C. M. Cookson
- Miss C. M. Cookson
- Miss Cookson
- Mrs. E. B. Cooper
- Mstr. R. Cooper
- Mr. K. J. H. Courage
- Mrs. B. A. Cramer
- Mstr. F. W. Cramer
- Mrs. A. S. Curtis
- Mr. N. H. Dalton
- Mrs. N. H. Dalton
- Mstr. T. Dalton
- Mrs. R. Dalton
- Mr. S. W. Dalziel
- Mrs. E. C. Davies
- Mrs. S. B. Dawson
- Mrs. O. Day
- Miss A. Day
- Mstr. G. Day
- Mstr. M. Day
- Mr. B. Day
- Mr. F. Delaney
- Mrs. Delaney
- Mr. C. W. Dempers
- Mrs. Dempers
- Mstr. L. C. Dempers
- Miss I. J. Dempers
- Miss B. E. Denton
- Mr. H. H. Denton
- Miss V. M. de Villiers
- Mr. N. Dibsdall
- Mrs. N. Dibsdall
- Miss D. C. Dibsdall
- Mr. R. N. Dimmock
- Mrs. R. N. Dimmock
- Mr. J. Dreyer
- Miss G. Duffield
- Mr. K. C. Dunlop
- Mrs. Dunlop
- Mr. L. du Preez
- Mrs. du Preez
- Miss M. A. Edwards
- Miss H. E. Eells
- Mr. J. Eillwood
- Mrs. Eillwood
- Miss V. Eillwood
- Miss J Eillwood
- Mr. R. Emmerson
- Mrs. Emmerson
- Mrs. H. Fairbrother
- Miss C. E. Feltham
- Miss G. Fischer
- Mr. A. E. Forrest
- Mrs. A. E. Forrest
- Miss J. Foster
- Mr. S. G. Foster
- Mrs. Foster
- Miss J. Fraser
- Mrs. C. Freeman
- Mrs. A. P. M. Gambier
- Mrs. E. E. Gear
- Mr. E. E. Gear
- Mstr. P. E. Gear
- Miss S. J. Gear
- Sister A. Geene
- Mr. A. J. Gibb
- Mr. A. Gibb
- Mrs. A. Gibb
- Mr. A. Giles
- Miss J. Goldberg
- Mr. T. R. Goodwin
- Mrs. Goodwin
- Mstr. A. R. Goodwin
- Mstr. A. T. Gordon
- Mr. A. F. Gorman
- Miss E. Gradwell
- Rev. J. D. Graham
- Mr. R. Graham
- Mr. E. J. Grobbelaar
- Mr. F. Haeggi
- Mrs. Haeggi
- Miss A. E. Haeggi
- Mrs. W. Hall
- Mr. W. E. Hamilton
- Mrs. Hamilton
- Mr. L. J. Hansen
- Mrs. Hansen
- Mr. G. F. Hardcastle
- Mrs. Hardcastle
- Miss R. J. Hardcastle
- Miss S. M. Hardcastle
- Miss M. Harmstom
- Mr. R. Harrington
- Mrs. Harrington
- Mr. J. R. Harvey
- Mrs. Harvey
- Mrs. M. W. Harvey
- Mstr. J. S. S. Harvey
- Mr. G. Harwood
- Mrs. Harwood
- Mr. E. Hawes
- Mr. R. F. Hawkins
- Mrs. Hawkins
- Mstr. R. F. Hawkins
- Rev. T. Hawthorn
- Mrs. J. M. Hayes
- Miss A. Henderson
- Mrs. A. Heselton
- Sister B. Hickey
- Mr. A. Hildyard
- Mrs. Hildyard
- Mr. P. D. Hinde
- Mrs. Hinde
- Mr. C. M. Hone
- Mrs. Hone
- Mstr. A. Hone
- Mr. P. L. Hope
- Mrs. J. Hopley
- Miss A. Hopley
- Miss S. Hopley
- Mrs. E. M. House
- Miss G. P. Howell
- Mr. J. W. Howlett
- Mrs. Howlett
- Mstr. P. J. N. Howlett
- Mr. H. H. Hughes
- Mrs. Hughes
- Mstr. R. H. Hughes
- Sister M. Hutchinson
- Mr. R. Inness
- Mrs. Inness
- Prof W E. Isaacs
- Mrs. Isaacs
- Miss A. Isaacs
- Mr. J. M. Isaacson
- Mr. P. Jarvis
- Mrs. Jarvis
- Mrs. C. M. Johnson
- Mr. H. H. Johnson
- Miss H. J. Jones
- Mr. W. Jones
- Mrs. Jones
- Mstr. S. Jones
- Mr. M. E. Jones
- Mrs. M. E. Jones
- Mstr. G. M. Jones
- Mrs. R. Jones
- Mstr. A. R. Jones
- Miss F. E. Kearney
- Mr. R. Keatley
- Mr. V Kennedy
- Miss D. Kilgour
- Mr. W. P. King
- Mrs. King
- Mrs. R. Kingham
- Mr. G. Kimble
- Mrs. Kimble
- Miss G. Kimble
- Mr. I. Klein
- Mrs. Klein
- Mstr. A. S. Klein
- Mrs. L. Klinger
- Mstr. A. M. Klinger
- Mr. S. Klugman
- Mrs. A. Larrington
- Mrs. M. Laubscher
- Mr. D. Lee
- Mr. G. Leib
- Mr. J. Leighton
- Miss M. Lentin
- Mr. H. Levin
- Miss B. Levine
- Mr. P. Liebschen
- Mrs. Liebschen
- Mr. W. M. Lofthouse
- Mrs. W. M. Lofthuis
- Miss L. Lofthuis
- Dr. C. Louw
- Mr. C. T. Lowther
- Mrs. Lowther
- Miss J. MacKinlay
- Mr. E. T. Madsen
- Mrs. Madsen
- Miss T. I. Madsen
- Mr. A. G. Markides
- Mrs. J. Marrow
- Mr. W. S. Mason
- Mrs. H. G. Mathews
- Mr. W. McDonald
- Mrs. W. McDonald
- Miss C. A. McDonald
- Miss V. McDonald
- Miss E. McEwen
- Mr. S. D. McGeorge
- Mrs. McGeorge
- Mrs. A. McGregor
- Miss S. K. McKellar
- Mr. R. McKillop
- Mr. D. McLeod
- Mrs. D. Mcleod
- Miss P. McLuckie
- Miss E. C. McLuckie
- Mr. J. T. McMaster
- Mrs. McMaster
- Mrs. M. A. McNeill
- Mr. R. Mettam
- Mr. R. Millar-Smith
- Mrs. Millar-Smith
- Mr. A. W. Millard
- Mrs. Millard
- Mrs. J. Miller
- Mrs. A. K. Mills
- Mrs. A. K. Mills
- Mr. B. Mitchell
- Mrs. Mitchell
- Miss B. Mitchell
- Miss S. Mitchell
- Mr. M. Mitchell
- Mrs. G. Moore
- Mrs. O. D. Molloy
- Miss 1. Morkel
- Mrs. A. G. Morkides
- Mstr. G. A. Morkides
- Mstr. H. J. Morkides
- Miss P. M. J. Morris
- Miss J. Morrow
- Mrs. O. A. Mortimer
- Miss J. C. A. Mortleman
- Mr. M. B. Mounter
- Miss D. Murray-Cox
- Mrs. I. Murrell
- Miss J. Murrell
- Mr. P. F. Neebe
- Mrs. Neebe
- Mr. V. Nyenes
- Mrs. Nyenes
- Miss N. Oosthuizen
- Mr. J. Ott
- Mrs. L. F. Ott
- Mr. C. Page
- Mrs. Page
- Mr. D. Parker
- Mrs. Parker
- Miss J. Parker
- Mr. A. S. Parks
- Mrs. Parks
- Mstr. A. Parson
- Mstr. E. Parson
- Mstr. P. Parson
- Mr. W. E. Parson
- Mrs. Parson
- Mr. A. Patterson
- Mrs. Patterson
- Mr. E. Pawson
- Mrs. E. Pawson
- Miss J. E. Pawson
- Mstr. R. H. Pawson
- Miss A. Pender
- Miss J. Penny
- Mr. J. H. Peters
- Mrs. Peters
- Miss O. Petterson
- Mr. R. G. Pettigrew
- Mrs. R. G. Pettigrew
- Miss V. B. Pilsburv
- Mrs. K. Pomfret
- Mr. C. S. B. Powell
- Mrs. Powell
- Mr. E. G. Powell
- Mrs. Powell
- Mr. A. D. Rae
- Mr. D. C. Reed
- Mstr. C. J. Reed
- Miss R. M. Reed
- Mrs. D. C. Reed
- Mstr. T. W. Reed
- Miss A. E. Rees
- Mrs. F. Reichlin
- Mrs. O. Riach
- Mstr. Riach
- Miss M. P. Richardson
- Mr. I. Robb
- Mrs. H. W. Robinson
- Miss B. Robinson
- Mr. W. F. C. Rodgers
- Mrs. Rodgers
- Mrs. O. Rodgers
- Mr. T. H. Ronaldson
- Mrs. Ronaldson
- Miss I. Rosenbach
- Miss S. Roux
- Mrs. A. J. Roux
- Miss W. Roux
- Mr. P. Rudge
- Mrs. Rudge
- Miss D. Schlesinger
- Mrs. E. Schroeder
- Mstr. E. Schroeder
- Mstr. R. Schroeder
- Mr. F. Schroeder
- Mr. P. W. S. Schumann
- Miss J. Scott
- Mr. V. Searle
- Mrs. C. F. Self-Weeks
- Mr. E. Shambrook
- Mrs. Shambrook
- Miss J. Shambrook
- Miss B. Shambrook
- Miss C. Shambrook
- Mstr. K. Shambrook
- Mr. H. Sharpe
- Miss M. Sharratt
- Mr. G. Shefts
- Mrs. G. Shefts
- Mrs. J. Shields
- Mstr. L. J. Shields
- Mstr. P. W. Shields
- Miss T. Shire
- Miss E. J. Sills
- Mr. F. Smith
- Mrs. G. Smith
- Mr. G. Sonnenscher
- Mrs. Sonnenscher
- Mrs. G. V. Stacey
- Miss C. Stacey
- Miss T. Stacey
- Mr. I. Stein
- Miss J. M. Stewart
- Mr. R. D. Stirling
- Mrs. R. D. Stirling
- Mrs. T. Stocks
- Mrs. H. Swanson
- Miss E. Swanson
- Miss J. Swanson
- Dr. J. H. Swift
- Mrs. Swift
- Mr. M. C. Thom
- Mrs. A. S. Thomas
- Mr. S. Thompson
- Miss B. Thomson
- Mr. S. Thorp
- Mrs. Thorp
- Mstr. I. S. Thorp
- Mr. E. Townley
- Mr. F. H. Tracey
- Mrs. F. H. Tracey
- Mstr. M. Tracey
- Mr. E. Tracey
- Mstr. N. Tracey
- Mr. B A. Tucker
- Mr. G. J. Turnbull
- Mrs. Turnbull
- Mrs. A. E. Turnville
- Mrs. S. A. Udall
- Miss R. Urwin
- Mr. R. J. van Buuren
- Mrs. van Buuren
- Mrs. C. E. van Heerden
- Mr. W. van Kleemput
- Mrs. W. van Kleemput
- Mr. W. L Venters
- Mrs. Venters
- Mr. J. Verne
- Mrs. D. M. Vincent
- Miss E. Vosloo
- Mrs. E. Wareham
- Mr. W. J. Watson
- Mrs. Watson
- Miss B. J. Watson
- Miss C. Watson
- Mrs. E. Weisselberg
- Mr. G. Whitaker
- Mrs. Whitaker
- Mr. W. H. White
- Mr. J. Whitford
- Mr. C. A. Wilcox
- Miss E. Wood
- Mr. P. A. E. Woolloff
- Mrs. P. A. E. Woolloff
- Miss C. Woolloff
- Mrs. W. Worton
- Mr. A. Wynn
- Mstr. R. Wvnn
- Miss V. Wynn
- Miss J. Wynn
- Mr. J. H. Wynn
- Mrs. Wynn
- Miss L. Wynn
- Mrs. E. Yardley
- Miss P. Youll
- Mr. R. Young
- Mrs. Young
- Mr. J Zive
Information for Passengers
The arrangements in the First Class are:—
- Tea and Coffee served in cabins from 6.0 am
- Children's Breakfast at 7.30 am
- Breakfast at 8.30 a m.
- Children’s Dinner at 12 noon.
- Luncheon at 1:00 pm
- Afternoon Tea at 4.0 pm
- Children’s Tea at 5.30 pm
- Dressing Gong at 7:00 pm
- Dinner at 7.30 pm
At the discretion of the Commander, in Port and at other times when more convenient, dinner may be served at 7:00 pm
The arrangements are as above in the Cabin Class also, except on voyages where the number of passengers makes it necessary for first and second sittings, as follows:—
- Tea and Coffee served in Cabins from 6.0 am
- Breakfast First Sitting 7.30 am Second Sitting 8:30 am
- Luncheon First Sitting 12 Noon Second Sitting 1:00 pm
- Afternoon Tea 4.0 pm
- Children’s Tea 5.30 pm
- Dinner First Sitting 6.30 pm Second Sitting 7.30 pm
* Parents are asked to take these meals with their children at the first sitting, a special menu being provided for the children.
Children. It is desired that children take their meals at the special tables provided for them. Passengers are requested to ensure that children in their care do not cause disturbance to other passengers particularly during the hours from 2-4:00 pm when many passengers are resting.
Complaints. Should any cause for complaint arise, passengers are requested to bring it to the attention of the ship’s authorities as promptly as possible.
Hours of Closing for Bars. All bars close at 11:30 pm
Baggage. Full information about Baggage is given in the Company’s Handbook of Information for Passengers. Any further details may be obtained from the Purser.
Boats and Boat Drill. There is an ample number of boats on all the Company’s vessels, and boat drill, in which passengers are earnestly invited to participate, is held periodically.
Life Jackets. In every cabin life jackets equivalent to the number of berths in each cabin, will be found stowed in their special racks overhead and a passenger’s Steward or Stewardess will demonstrate how these life jackets should be put on.
Deck Chairs are provided free of charge. Passengers* own chairs are only received on board and carried at owner’s risk.
Divine Service is held at 10:30 am in the First Class Lounge or Dining Saloon every Sunday at sea and all passengers are invited to attend.
Shops And Hairdressing Saloons, with skilled hairdressers in attendance, are on all passenger vessels. Articles such as confectionery, cosmetics, toilet requisites, films, clothing, etc., are kept for sale to passengers.
Letters, Telegrams, etc. For the convenience of passengers a mail will be made up on board prior to arrival at a suitable port of call en route. Passengers are recommended to attend to the posting of their own letters in the letter box provided.
All information regarding telegraph rates, postal rates, stamps, etc., can be obtained from the Bureau.
All passengers must furnish their addresses on the forms provided for the purpose on board, this information being required immediately on arrival in South Africa by the Immigration Authorities and on arrival in England by the Port Health Authorities. The assistance of passengers in this matter is requested particularly, in order to facilitate the forwarding of any letters, telegrams, etc., which may arrive after they have left the vessel, or any articles that may be left in the cabins. Circulars or other printed matter of a similar nature will not be forwarded.
Passengers must apply personally to the Bureau for registered letters and packages.
On arrival of the vessel in England or South Africa, letters, etc., are sorted and sent on board as soon as possible and handed to passengers in the respective classes on application. Passengers expecting letters, etc., which do not arrive by the first delivery should make further application at the Bureau before disembarking.
It must be distinctly understood that while every care will be taken, the Company cannot accept any responsibility in connection with the posting, receiving, delivery, forwarding, or transmission of letters, telegrams, parcels, etc.
Libraries. The libraries are open daily and the Librarians are in attendance to issue and receive books. Passengers are requested to ensure that books borrowed by them are duly entered by the Librarian before the volumes are taken away.
Any books found lying about are returned to the libraries, but passengers will be held responsible for the loss of any book registered in their name. Any such loss is charged for in accordance with the price of the book.
Medical Attendance. The Surgeon of the vessel is authorized to charge for professional attendance, inclusive of medicines, at the rate of 10s. 0d. per visit in the case of first class passengers, and 6s. 6d. in the case of cabin class passengers, with a maximum of two chargeable visits per day. Accounts for medical attendance will be rendered by the Surgeon before the end of the voyage.
Shore Excursions. For particulars of various Shore Excursions at Ports of Call, see separate booklet, a copy of which may be obtained from the Purser.
Time-Tables and Postal Guides. Railway and other time-tables, postal guides, etc., are available for reference at the Bureau.
Valuables, etc. Passengers’ valuables or money may be handed to the Purser to be deposited in the vessel’s safe for custody during the voyage, for which a charge is made of 3s. 6d. per £100 upon the declared value of each parcel or deposit, with a minimum charge of 2s.
Parcels required during the voyage can be re-deposited at half the above rate, a receipt being given on behalf of the Company for valuables or money so deposited.
Wireless Services enable passengers to keep in touch with their friends throughout the voyage, either by radio-telegram or at much cheaper rates by means of ship letter telegrams. Full particulars and charges can be obtained from the Radio Office.
The Union-Castle Mail Steamship Company, Limited Fleet
- Pretoria Castle
- Edinburgh Castle
- Capetown Castle
- Athlone Castle
- Stirling Castle
- Carnarvon Castle
- Winchester Castle
- Arundel Castle
- Bloemfontein Castle
- Warwick Castle
- Durban Castle
- Rhodesia Castle
- Kenya Castle
- Braemar Castle
- Dunnottar Castle
- Kenilworth Castle
- Drakensberg Castle
- Good Hope Castle
- Riebeeck Castle
- Rustenberg Castle
- Roxburgh Castle
- Richmond Castle
- Rowallan Castle
- Rochester Castle
- Tantallon Castle
- Tintagel Castle
- Roslin Castle
Badges of Rank, Union-Castle Line, 1955. GGA Image ID # 1da4aecc20