RMS Mauretania Passenger List - 4 August 1953

Front Cover of a First Class Passenger List from the RMS Mauretania of the Cunard Line, Departing 4 August 1953 from Southampton to New York Via Le Havre and Cobh

Front Cover of a First Class Passenger List from the RMS Mauretania of the Cunard Line, Departing 4 August 1953 from Southampton to New York Via Le Havre and Cobh, Commanded by Captain D. W. Sorrell. GGA Image ID # 172c237cfd

Senior Officers and Staff

  • Commander: Captain D. W. Sorrell
  • Staff-Captain: S. A. Jones, R.D., R.N.R.
  • Chief Engineer: G. W. Bain
  • Surgeon: S. George, M.B., Ch.B.
  • Chief Steward: A. W. Beebe  
  • Chief Officer:  R. J. Nicholas, R.D., R.N.R.
  • Purser: V. M. Phillips
  • Staff Purser: R. H. Owen

First Class Passengers

  1. Miss Freda Ahern
  2. Mr. Frank J. Akin
  3. Mr. Alfred Alexander
  4. Mrs. Alexander
  5. Mr. Lorenz Alvary
  6. Sister M. Ambrose
  7. Mr. Jose Arzac
  8. Mrs. Arzac
  9. Miss Nora Baker
  10. Miss Dorothy Bannow
  11. Mr. Herman Barnett
  12. Mrs. Barnett
  13. Mr. George Bartlett
  14. Mrs. Bartlett
  15. Miss Alice Beardwood
  16. Mrs. Eileen Bell
  17. Mr. Anacleto Belli
  18. Mrs. Belli
  19. Mr. Austin C. Benton
  20. Mrs. Benton
  21. Dr. C. Hartley Berry
  22. Mrs. Berry
  23. Mr. C. T. Birkel
  24. Mr. F. W. Blair
  25. Mrs. Blair
  26. Mr. E. H. Bonczek
  27. Dr. Frank E. Boston
  28. Mr. Thomas A. Bowen
  29. Mrs. Bowen
  30. Miss Helen Brinton
  31. Mr. W. M. Bristol
  32. Mrs. Bristol
  33. Mr. M. A. Stotter Brooks
  34. Mrs. Stotter Brooks
  35. Miss C. J. Stotter Brooks
  36. Miss J. A. Stotter Brooks
  37. Master J. Stotter Brooks
  38. Miss Beatrice Brown
  39. Miss Frances E. Brown
  40. General Beverly F. Browne
  41. Mrs. Browne
  42. Mr. Shirley C. Burden
  43. Mrs. Burden
  44. Miss Margaret F. Burden
  45. Master Carter Burden
  46. Rev. James G. Burke
  47. Mr. Frank Burrill
  48. Mrs. Burrill
  49. Master Michael Burrill
  50. Mr. George C. Capen
  51. Mrs. Capen
  52. Mr. William E. Carey, Jnr.
  53. Mrs. Carey
  54. Dr. C. W. Carrick
  55. Mr. J. Cawley
  56. Mrs. Cawley
  57. Dr. Jennie S. Chandler
  58. Mr. Henry M. Chandler
  59. Mr. Roland Chesley
  60. Mrs. William E. Clark
  61. Miss Nell S. Clarke
  62. Miss Elizabeth Clymer
  63. Mrs. D. F. Cohalan
  64. Miss Kathleen Cohalan
  65. Miss Francesca J. Cole
  66. Rev. Thomas F. Conlon
  67. Mrs. Jane Cordes
  68. Mrs. Grace H. Crawford
  69. Miss Barbara Crim
  70. Mr. Edgar O. Crossman
  71. Mrs. Crossman
  72. Mr. Edwin K. Daly
  73. Mrs. Daly
  74. Mr. Edwin K. Daly, Jnr.
  75. Miss May Denton
  76. Mr. Robert Diefendorf
  77. Mrs. Diefendorf
  78. Miss Carolyn Diefendorf
  79. Miss Virginia Diefendorf
  80. Miss Gretchen Diefendorf
  81. Mr. James T. Dooley
  82. Mrs. Dooley
  83. Miss M. Cornelia Dooley
  84. Dr. Ralph E. Duncan
  85. Mrs. Duncan
  86. Mr. F. Dunphy
  87. Mrs. J. R. Eakin
  88. Miss Lydia Eisenhower
  89. Rev. John J. Elwood
  90. Mr. William R. Farmer
  91. Mrs. Farmer
  92. Mrs. June Fifield
  93. Mr. J. Fitzhugh
  94. The Very Rev. L. D. Flanagan
  95. The Most Rev. Joseph F. Flannelly
  96. Miss Marie Flannelly
  97. Mr. Daniel B. Ford
  98. Mrs. Ford
  99. Mr. Daniel B. Ford, Jnr.
  100. Mrs. Mona Ford
  101. Miss Regina Frankenfeld
  102. Mr. Victor H. Fray
  103. Mrs. Fray
  104. Miss Catherine A. Fray
  105. Mr. F. W. French
  106. Mrs. French
  107. Mr. P. M. Frost
  108. Mr. H. R. Gallagher
  109. Mrs. Paul Gallagher
  110. Mrs. Bella Gelman
  111. Mrs. Katherine Gerber
  112. Miss Maureen Gerber
  113. Miss Anna M. Gibson
  114. Mrs. Harold Gliksten
  115. Mr. Spencer K. Godfrey
  116. Mrs. Godfrey
  117. Mrs. Christine Gogreve
  118. Miss Frances I. Gore
  119. Mr. Charles J. Graham
  120. Mrs. Edmond H. Guerin
  121. Mr. Hoorer Hammersley
  122. Miss Hillis Hammersley
  123. Master Donner Hanson
  124. Mr. W. W. Harris
  125. Mrs. Ambrose Henry
  126. Mr. Robert Heuck
  127. Mrs. Heuck
  128. Mr. Philip C. Hewett
  129. Mrs. Hewett
  130. Mrs. Edward L. Hicks, Jnr.
  131. Mr. Richard R. Higgins
  132. Mrs. Higgins
  133. Master Richard S. Higgins
  134. Miss Ann S. Higgins
  135. Miss Nancy Higgins
  136. Miss Martha T. Higgins
  137. Miss M. Higgins
  138. Mrs. Helen Hills
  139. Mrs. Thomas E. Hogg
  140. Mr. Howard J. Hook, Jnr.
  141. Mr. C. V. Hope
  142. Mrs. Roger B. Hull
  143. Miss Lyn Humphreys
  144. Mrs. J. Hurley
  145. Mr. David S. Ingalls, Jnr.
  146. Mr. Peter Jensen
  147. Miss Eleanor W. Johnston
  148. Mrs. Joseph Kaliney
  149. Mrs. Geraldine Kashins
  150. Mr. John K. Kealy
  151. Mrs. Kealy
  152. Master Michael Kealy
  153. Master Patrick Kealy
  154. Master Kieran Kealy
  155. Miss Florence Keen
  156. Miss Elizabeth Keen
  157. Mrs. Martha A. Kelly
  158. Mr. Samuel I. Kessler
  159. Mrs. Kessler
  160. Miss Mary L. King
  161. Mr. Arthur J. Kizaur
  162. Mrs. Kizaur
  163. Mr. James F. Lawrence
  164. Mrs. Lawrence
  165. Master James V. Lawrence
  166. Miss Kerry Lawrence
  167. Miss Jane A. Lawrence
  168. Miss Patricia Lawson
  169. Mr. Robert R. Leahey
  170. Mrs. Leahey
  171. Mr. Fred Leech
  172. Mrs. Leech
  173. Countess Marie Leutrum von Ertingen
  174. Mr. Wilmarth S. Lewis
  175. Mrs. Lewis
  176. Mr. Jacob Lichtenstein
  177. Miss Jenny Liland
  178. Mrs. Jack Lively
  179. Miss Joan M. Lively
  180. Mr. Herbert T. Lorentz
  181. Mrs. Lorentz
  182. Miss Nancy K. Luke
  183. Dr. Raul Maestri
  184. Miss Ethel G. Magney
  185. Mrs. M. S. Malcolm
  186. Mr. Paul Manegom
  187. Miss Mabel L. Marvin
  188. Mrs. George Mathews
  189. Mrs. Elena Z. Matos
  190. Mrs. Maria Luisa G. Matos
  191. Mrs. George L. Maxwell
  192. Mr. George L. Maxwell, Jnr.
  193. Mr. Robert A. McCallum
  194. Mrs. McCallum
  195. Mrs. Dorothy McClure
  196. Master Dennis McClure
  197. Mrs. Gladys McCoy
  198. Mr. N. H. McElroy
  199. Mrs. McElroy
  200. Miss N. S. McElroy
  201. Miss B. E. McElroy
  202. Master Malcolm McElroy
  203. Miss Jean McKenzie
  204. Miss Sadie L. McQuade
  205. Mr. E. Q. McVitty, Jnr.
  206. Mrs. M. E. Mellon
  207. Mr. Philippus Miller
  208. Mr. Arthur Minich
  209. Mrs. Minich
  210. Mrs. Bertie Mitchell
  211. Mr. Ramon Molina
  212. Mrs. Molina
  213. Miss Rose Moran
  214. Mr. J. P. Morgan, II
  215. Mrs. Morgan
  216. Mr. Philip H. Morgan
  217. Mrs. Morgan
  218. Mr. Martin Morris
  219. Miss Mary L. Mulhall
  220. Dr. Luke A. Mulligan
  221. Mrs. Mulligan
  222. Mr. J. A. Mulvey
  223. Mrs. Mulvey
  224. Mrs. G. A. Myers
  225. Mr. T. C. Myers
  226. Mrs. V. L. Norris
  227. Master G. V. Norris
  228. Mrs. Myrtle S. O’Connor
  229. Miss Molly O’Leary
  230. Mr. George S. Oliver
  231. Mrs. Oliver
  232. Mr. Sidney G. Oiling
  233. Mrs. Oiling
  234. Mr. John E. Organ
  235. Mrs. Organ
  236. Miss Sally Organ
  237. Mrs. Mary C. Osgood
  238. Lieut. William B. Osgood
  239. Miss Helen M. Papillon
  240. Mr. Talbot Patrick
  241. Mrs. Patrick
  242. Mr. Wayne T. Patrick
  243. Miss Paula E. Patrick
  244. Mr. Charles C. Perrin
  245. Mrs. Perrin
  246. Mr. J. Petersen
  247. Mrs. Sara R. Petersen
  248. Rev. Patrick J. Phelan
  249. Mr. Patrick Phelan
  250. Mrs. Nellie Phelan
  251. Mr. Edward Philleo
  252. Mrs. Philleo
  253. Mr. Louis E. Pirnak
  254. Mrs. Pirnak
  255. Miss Eleanor Potts
  256. Mr. James Prendergast
  257. Mr. A. J. Quig
  258. Mr. Frederick R. Ralston
  259. Mrs. Ralston
  260. Master Frederick R. Ralston
  261. Mr. George A. Ray, Jnr.
  262. Mrs. Ray
  263. Master George A. Ray. Ill
  264. Mrs. J. H. Redding
  265. Mrs. George S. Reeder
  266. Miss Susan J. G. Reynolds-Albertini
  267. Mr. W. H. Rhodes, C.B.E.
  268. Mrs. Rhodes
  269. Mr. P. L. Ricca
  270. Miss Rozanne G. Ritch
  271. Mr. W. O. Roeser
  272. Dr. J. J. Rommer
  273. Mrs. Rommer
  274. Miss Adrienne Rommer
  275. Miss Barbara Rommer
  276. Mr. S. H. Rost
  277. Mrs. Rost
  278. Mr. Henri Salvador
  279. Mrs. Salvador
  280. Mrs. Edmund Sandars
  281. Mr. Serge A. Scherbatskoy
  282. Mrs. Scherbatskoy
  283. Master Serge A. Scherbatskoy
  284. Master Timothy D. Scherbatskoy
  285. Miss Mary N. Scherbatskoy
  286. Mr. Albert G. Scherer. Ill
  287. Mr. W. D. Schramm
  288. Mrs. Schramm
  289. Miss Frances Schulman
  290. Mr. William C. Scott
  291. The Most Rev. Dr. Scully
  292. Mr. Raymond J. Scully
  293. Mrs. Scully
  294. Miss Flournoy Semmes
  295. Mr. Genaro Sepulveda
  296. Mrs. Sepulveda
  297. Mrs. David Shaw-Kennedy
  298. Miss Grace Shaw-Kennedy
  299. Mrs. Shepherd
  300. Mr. Robert Siegel
  301. Mrs. Emily C. Simpson
  302. Miss Elvira Slack
  303. Mr. Rothwell E. Smith
  304. Mrs. Smith
  305. Mrs. J. Merrick Smith
  306. Mr. J. Morse Smith
  307. Mrs. Smith
  308. Miss Susan Smith
  309. Mr. George F. Smith
  310. Mr. S. J. Smith
  311. Sir Kenneth Solomon, C.B.E., Q.C.
  312. Lady Solomon
  313. Dr. Anna Sprengel
  314. Mrs. Gertrude C. Spuhler
  315. Mrs. Erba Strandberg
  316. Mr. J. H. B. Strauss
  317. Miss Madelene Switzer
  318. Miss Helene Switzer
  319. Mr. M. G. Tate
  320. Miss Susan P. Thomas
  321. Mr. F. K. Thun
  322. Mrs. Thun
  323. Master F. Thun
  324. Master P. Thun
  325. Miss K. Thun
  326. Dr. Charles W. Tidd
  327. Mrs. Tidd
  328. Mr. G. Tillinghast
  329. Mrs. Tillinghast
  330. Mr. Neil Towner
  331. Mrs. Towner
  332. Mr. Leonid V. Tulpa
  333. Mrs. Tulpa
  334. Mr. Livio A. Valli
  335. Mrs. Valli
  336. Miss Rose M. Valli
  337. Mr. John Van den Broek
  338. Mrs. E. Van Laer
  339. Mr. Peter Van Tassel
  340. Mr. Howard A. Van Vleck
  341. Mrs. Van Vleck
  342. Master Howard A. Van Vleck
  343. Master Roy T. Van Vleck
  344. Miss Anne Van Vleck
  345. Miss Carolyn Van Vleck
  346. Mr. R. Vernon
  347. Mrs. David Wagstaff
  348. Mr. William M. Walsh
  349. Mrs. Walsh
  350. Mrs. Margaret K. Walsh
  351. Miss Anne Walsh
  352. Mrs. Hans G. Walz
  353. Miss Cynthia A. Walz
  354. Mr. Barnett Warner
  355. Mrs. Warner
  356. Mrs. Ives Washburn
  357. Mrs. George H. Waterman
  358. Mr. Norman L. Wetzler
  359. Mrs. Wetzler
  360. Miss Jane Whitham
  361. Dr. W. Stewart Whittemore
  362. Mrs. Whittemore
  363. Mrs. Hattie Whorton
  364. Mr. C. H. Wiken
  365. Mrs. Wiken
  366. Mrs. H. Howard Williams
  367. Master Curtin Winsor
  368. Master Joseph Winsor
  369. Mrs. R. Arthur Wood
  370. Mr. Henry Zinner

Painting of the Cunard Line RMS Mauretania - 4 August 1953.

Painting of the Cunard Line RMS Mauretania - 4 August 1953. GGA Image ID # 172c294c3a


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