RMS Aquitania Passenger List - 28 July 1937


Front Cover of a Cabin Class Passenger List from the RMS Aquitania of the Cunard Line, Departing 28 July 1937 from Southampton to New York via Cherbourg.

Front Cover of a Cabin Class Passenger List from the RMS Aquitania of the Cunard Line, Departing 28 July 1937 from Southampton to New York via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain Captain R. B. IRVING, O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R. GGA Image ID # 20be505ba2


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain R. B. IRVING, O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R.
  2. Staff-Captain: C. H. BATE, R.D., R.N.R.
  3. Chief Engineer: J. A. Bell
  4. Staff Chief Engineer: J. Campbell
  5. Surgeon: J. Hill
  6. Assistant Surgeon: A. E. Phillips
  7. Chief Officer: H. R. Oulsnam, R.D., R.N.R.
  8. Purser: F. E. Owen
  9. Staff Purser: A. R. Holmes
  10. Chief Steward: R. E. B. Robertson


Cabin Class Passengers

  1. Mr. E. P. Adler
  2. Mr. P. D. Adler
  3. Mrs. Adler
  4. Dr. Harvey Agnew
  5. Mr. Alfred L. Aiken
  6. Mrs. Aiken
  7. Mr. Paul Van Anda
  8. Miss Ellen G. Anderson
  9. Mr. Charles Aronstam
  10. Mr. Walter L. Badger
  11. Dr. Josephine Baker
  12. Dr. Harry Bakwin
  13. Dr. Ruth M. Bakwin
  14. Miss Patricia A. Bakwin
  15. Miss Barbara S. Bakwin
  16. Master Michael Bakwin
  17. Master Edward M. Bakwin and Nurse
  18. Mrs. Barnyard
  19. Miss Helen C. Bardons
  20. Mr. Clifford W. Bears
  21. Mrs. Bears
  22. Miss E. F. Bender
  23. Miss Bingham
  24. Mr. Donald Bottomley
  25. Mrs. Bottom ley
  26. Mr. Eustace H E. Bourchier
  27. Mrs. Bourchier
  28. Miss Elizabeth Bourchier
  29. Mr. R. A. Brabner, L.C.C.
  30. Mrs. Hamilton Bradshaw
  31. Miss Gertrude Brodbeck
  32. Mrs. L. R. Brook
  33. Mr. Harry Brown
  34. Miss Dorothy Bryce
  35. Miss M. I. Bullis
  36. Mrs. Carl Bullock
  37. Mrs. Hermon Butler
  38. Mr. S. J. Campbell
  39. Mrs. Campbell
  40. Mr. Leslie Carver
  41. Mr. Leo Chertok
  42. Mrs. Chertok
  43. Mrs. Campbell Clark and Maid
  44. Mr. J. S. Clegg
  45. The Rev. A. C. Coburn
  46. Dr. Joseph Collins and Manservant
  47. Mr. James S. Collins
  48. Mrs. Collins
  49. Mr. Julius W. Cone
  50. Mr. Edward T. Cone
  51. Mrs. J. P. Crozer
  52. Mrs. S. P. Davidge
  53. Miss Audrey Davies
  54. Miss Jane E. Dean
  55. Mr. Leo C. Delaney
  56. Mrs. Delaney
  57. Mr. Patrick W. Donner, M.P.
  58. Mr. George W. Dumont
  59. Mrs. Dumont
  60. Mr. Donald Dumont
  61. Miss Jane H. Dumont
  62. Miss Elfleda M. Dunham
  63. Mr. Christopher Dunphy
  64. Mrs. Dunphy
  65. Mr. G. F. Earle
  66. Mrs. E. Edwards
  67. Mr. Alexander H. Elder
  68. Mrs. Elder
  69. Mr. Howard Ellis
  70. Mrs. Ellis
  71. Mrs. John W. Elmes
  72. Miss Elizabeth Embler
  73. Dr. James Ewing
  74. Miss D. E. Falconer
  75. Miss Mae G. Fealy
  76. Mr. R. G. V. Fear
  77. Mrs. Fear
  78. Mr. William D. Felder
  79. Mr. George C. Field, Junr.
  80. Mrs. Field
  81. Dr. M. A. Fishberg
  82. Mrs. Fishberg
  83. Miss M. Foldesi
  84. Mr. V. G. B. Forrester
  85. Mrs. Forrester
  86. Mrs. C. M. Frey
  87. Miss Martha A. Frey
  88. Mr. C. N. Fuess
  89. Mrs. Fuess
  90. Mrs. M. Furley
  91. Mr. Richard M. Gipson
  92. Mr. Goldberg
  93. Mr. A. Graham
  94. Miss Sarah Rodes Graham
  95. Mr. I. M. S. Grant
  96. Mr. E. I. Hanlon
  97. Mr. Gordon Hardy
  98. Mrs. Hardy
  99. Mr. H. H. Harvey
  100. Mrs. Harvey
  101. Miss Ruth Harvey
  102. Mr. H. C. Heisler
  103. Mr. George K. Helbert
  104. Mrs. Helbert
  105. Mr. Charles M. Heller
  106. Mr. F. S. Hetherington, Junr.
  107. Miss M. D. Hickman
  108. Miss S. Higgins
  109. Miss Jacqueline Horner
  110. Mr. Charles B. Howland
  111. Miss May Humphrey
  112. The Right Hon. Lady Huntingfield
  113. Mr. Risley G. Hunt
  114. Mrs. Hunt
  115. Mr. Seager Hunt
  116. Mrs. Hunt
  117. Master C. S. Hunt
  118. Miss E. A. Hunt
  119. Mr. R. G. Hunt
  120. Miss Helen Jacobs
  121. Mr. W. T. Jones
  122. Mrs. Jones
  123. Miss E. M. Jones
  124. Mr. Joseph Katz
  125. Mrs. Katz
  126. Mr. Arthur W. Kelly
  127. Miss A. Kennedy
  128. Mr. William J. Kent
  129. Mrs. Kent
  130. Miss Doris L. Kent
  131. Mr. Raymond J. Kerner
  132. Mrs. Herbert T. King
  133. Mr. H. S. Law
  134. Mr. R. A. Lancaster
  135. Captain C. Langer
  136. Mr. C. C. Langer
  137. Mrs. Law
  138. Mr. Clarence L. Lersler
  139. Mrs. Lersler
  140. Mr. Edward Leslie
  141. Dr. E. S. L'Esperance
  142. Mr. F. S. Little
  143. Miss Nell Lynch
  144. Mrs. C. Maclnnes
  145. Mr. Maxwell Magnus
  146. Miss Helen Markel
  147. Sister Mary Vincent
  148. Sister Mary Ignatius
  149. Sister Mary Loyola
  150. Miss Gertrude E. Mason
  151. Mr. Denton Massey
  152. Mrs. Massey
  153. The Hon. Sir Walter Massy-Greene, K.C.M.G
  154. Mr. A. B. Maynard
  155. Mrs. Maynard
  156. Miss Lyndon McCarroll
  157. Mr. Dean McClure
  158. Mrs. E. McCoy
  159. Mr. R. George McCuish
  160. Mrs. McCuish
  161. Mr. J. E. McDonell
  162. Mr. Frederick McEwan
  163. Mrs. McEwan
  164. Miss Dorothy McEwan
  165. Miss Winifred McEwan
  166. The Rev. Oliver W. Means
  167. Mrs. Means
  168. Mr. Oliver W. Means, Junr.
  169. Mrs. Karl A. Meyer
  170. Miss Nancy R. Meyer
  171. Mr. G. Planton Middleton
  172. Mrs. Middleton
  173. Mr. William E. Mikell, Junr.
  174. Mr. Moldrep
  175. Mrs. Moldrep
  176. Mr. A. L. Mooney
  177. Mr. M un roe Moore
  178. Mr. James Morgan
  179. Mrs. Morgan
  180. Miss Joan Morphy
  181. Mr. J. W. Murray
  182. Mr. George Newman
  183. Mrs. John Noble
  184. Mrs. N. Oliver
  185. Mrs. J. P. Ord and Maid
  186. Miss S. Ord
  187. Mr. Homen W. Orvis
  188. Mrs. Orvis
  189. Mr. A. A. Oswald
  190. Miss Ann Owen
  191. Miss A. Owen
  192. Mrs. Paul
  193. Dr. Louise Pearce
  194. Mr. E. T. B. Penman
  195. Mr. James B. Perkins, Senr.
  196. Mr. James B. Perkins, Junr.
  197. Miss Elizabeth H. Perkins
  198. Mr. Ralph Peters, Junr.
  199. Mrs. Peters
  200. Miss Helene L. Peters
  201. Mr. Holman D. Pettibone
  202. Mr. Henry H. Pierce
  203. Mrs. Pierce and Maid
  204. Mrs. Walter B. Platt
  205. Mr. Russell A. Plimpton
  206. Dr. Marian Plocki
  207. Mr. Alfred Poliak
  208. Mrs. Poliak
  209. Mrs. C. Polstein
  210. Miss Catherine Preble
  211. Mr. Neil D. Preston
  212. Mrs. Preston
  213. Mr. P. Prince
  214. Mrs. Prince
  215. Miss Vera Prince
  216. Mr. George Prince
  217. Mr. Thomas E. Quisenberry
  218. Mrs. Quisenberry
  219. Miss Pattie Quisenberry
  220. Mr. John Quisenberry
  221. Miss Agnes Quisenberry
  222. Miss Helen Quisenberry
  223. Mr. Max B. Rabin
  224. Miss Priscilla Rawson
  225. Mr. W. W. Renwick
  226. Mr. D. Robertson
  227. Mrs. Robertson
  228. Mr. H. Marshall Robertson
  229. Mr. H. M. Robertson
  230. Miss Sally Rodes
  231. Miss Pearl Rosenthal
  232. Mr. William Rowe
  233. Dr. Theodore Russell
  234. Miss Edith S. Safe
  235. Mr. A. S. Schaffer
  236. Dr. Isabel Scharnagel
  237. Mrs. F. P. Schellenger
  238. Mr. William A. Schneider
  239. Mrs. Schneider
  240. Miss Josephine Seddon
  241. Mrs. Henry R. Shipman
  242. Mr. Harry Shires
  243. Mr. H. Shires
  244. Mr. H. F. Simmons
  245. Mr. Vaclao Skala
  246. Mrs. Skala
  247. Mrs. Arthur Hall Smith
  248. Mr. F. B. Spencer
  249. Mr. A. C. Stair
  250. Mrs. W. A. M. Stawell
  251. Master W. Bowring Stawell
  252. Miss Frances H. Stern
  253. Mr. Isaac R. Stewart
  254. Mrs. Stewart
  255. Miss Marguerite St. George- Smith
  256. Miss Elizabeth Stine
  257. Miss May Strang
  258. Mrs. Adolph Stuber
  259. Miss Marjorie Stuber
  260. Countess Laszlo Szechenyl
  261. Mrs. Tenk
  262. Miss Ruth Tenk
  263. Mr. Nelson Tevander
  264. Mr. Cecil Venner
  265. Mr. Arthur S. Vernay
  266. Mrs. Vernay
  267. Mr. John T. Ward
  268. Mrs. Ralph Waterbury
  269. Mr. Roger Wentworth
  270. Sir George Wilkinson
  271. Lady Wilkinson
  272. Mr. L. D. Wilkinson
  273. Miss E. Wilkinson
  274. Miss P. M. H. Wilkinson
  275. Miss S. Willan
  276. Miss T. Wilson
  277. Mr. E. W. Wilson
  278. Mrs. George Wood
  279. Miss Helen Wood
  280. Mr. George R. Woods
  281. Mrs. Woods
  282. Mrs. O. Woolfe
  283. Miss Patricia Worrall
  284. Miss I. A. R. Wylie
  285. Mrs. O. C. Yingling
  286. Mr. Orvis C. Yingling
  287. Mr. Arthur A. Zucker
  288. Mrs. Zucker
  289. Mrs. Henry F. Zwicken
  290. Mrs. H. F. Zwicker



Under revised United States Government regulations Head Tax paid at the time of booking by passengers holding visitors' visas (Section 3. paragraph 2) and Canadian, Mexican, etc., domiciled citizens (who do not require vise for temporary admission to the U.S.A.), is refundable only when passengers obtain from the U.S. Immigration Inspector at port of arrival a Certificate of Exemption confirming that they are not assessed for Head Tax.

These Certificates of Exemption are only issued to passengers who satisfy the U.S. Immigration Inspector (whose decision is final) that they do not intend to remain in the United States longer than 60 days, and to facilitate immediate refund of Head Tax to such passengers the Purser will also furnish them with a separate receipt for Head Tax.

Unless a Certificate of Exemption is obtained from the U.S. Immigration Inspector Head Tax cannot be refunded even though passengers eventually depart from the United States within the 60 days limit.

Transit Passengers holding U.S. transit vise (Section 3, paragraph 3) who fail to satisfy the U.S. Immigration Inspector that they will depart from the United States within 60 days (thus not being able to obtain Certificate of Exemption), who have not already paid Head Tax will be required to pay the Head Tax to the Purser prior to disembarkation.


General Information for Passengers

MEALS will be served as follows:

  • BREAKFAST from 8:00 a.m.
  • LUNCHEON from 1:00 p.m.
  • DINNER: from 7:30 p.m.

AUTOMOBILES. In order to facilitate Customs clearance uncrated automobiles must be included on the U.S. Declaration Form.

BAGGAGE. Questions relating to Baggage should be referred to the Purser or ship's Baggage Master.

U.S. Customs. All passengers are required to make a declaration of personal baggage for the U.S. Customs authorities at New York. Blank declaration forms are obtainable from the Purser. Returning residents of the United States must declare all articles acquired abroad but wearing apparel and personal effects taken overseas from the U.S. in the first case are entitled to be passed free of duty upon return.

An exemption of $I00.00 worth of purchases is allowed each returning resident, subject to certain conditions which will be detailed by the Customs officer. Visitors may take in free of duty wearing apparel and personal effects not intended for sale, but must declare all articles not included in this category. Severe penalties are imposed upon persons who make false declarations as to value, ownership or use of articles or who attempt to bribe or recompense a Customs officer.

Customs Examination. All articles liable to Customs duty must be declared. Any passenger who is in doubt should see the Purser or Baggage Master who will provide the latest information available.

On arrival baggage will be grouped alphabetically in Customs shed for examination. To help the passing and claiming of baggage passengers should have one of the Company's labels, bearing the initial letter of their surname, affixed to each piece.

The bedroom stewards have a supply of these labels and will affix them prior to landing.

It is for passengers themselves to see that all their baggage is passed by the Customs authorities on landing, and they are specially requested to claim their baggage before leaving the Customs shed, otherwise delay and extra charges for carriage will be incurred in forwarding to destination any baggage not accompanying passengers directly from the ship.

Checking baggage on arrival at New York. Facilities are available whereby passengers may arrange with the ship's Baggage Master for the transfer of their baggage from the Company's pier in New York to any point in Greater New York, Jersey City and Hoboken, including railroad terminals, hotels, residences, express companies or warehouses.

Passengers are thus relieved of this detail after disembarking. Rates and further information regarding this service can be obtained at the Purser's office.

Baggage in Bond. Passengers en route to destinations outside the U.S.A. may have their checked baggage forwarded " In Bond " to a frontier point under Customs manifest without examination of the contents by a Customs officer at New York. The Purser or Baggage Master will be pleased to supply information.

Baggage Insurance. Passengers are recommended to insure their baggage as the Company's liability is strictly limited in accordance with the terms of the passage contract. Baggage Insurance carrying worldwide cover can be arranged through the Purser's office.

BANKING—FOREIGN MONEY EXCHANGE. A branch of the Midland Bank is available on board the ship where passengers wishing to exchange money, or transact other banking business will receive every attention.

CATERING. Passengers are invited to advise the Restaurant Manager or Head Waiter of their preference in the matter of diet and cooking and they can be assured of every attention to their wishes. Cooks of various nationalities are included in the kitchen personnel. It is suggested that passengers order their meals in advance, and the aforementioned officials will readily assist passengers in making their choice.

CUISINE. Nous demandons aux passagers de bien vouloir faire connaître au Directeur du Restaurant ou au Maître d'Hôtel leur préférence comme cuisine ou régime; la plus grande attention sera apportée à leur donner satisfaction. Le personnel des cuisines comprend des Chefs de diverses nationalités. Les passagers sont invités à bien vouloir commander leur menu à l'avance, les maîtres d'hôtel sont à leur entière disposition pour les guider dans leur choix.

CHEQUES. Passengers are advised that the Purser cannot accept private cheques.

CHANGES IN ACCOMMODATION. The Purser alone is authorized to make changes in accommodation and may only do so on payment of any difference in fare which may be required according to the Company's current tariffs.

COMPLAINTS. Passengers entertaining any cause for complaint are requested to communicate particulars to a responsible officer in the ship, so that an opportunity may be afforded to adjust matters.

DECK CHAIRS, CUSHIONS AND RUGS are available for hire and can be obtained through the Deck Steward at the price of 5/- each article. (Each rug is contained in a sealed envelope and bears a serial number worked into the material, thus enabling passengers to identify their own rugs).

DOGS. Passengers are notified that dogs should be handed over to the care of the live-stock attendant and that they are not allowed in Public Rooms or on the Passenger Decks.

FIRE PRECAUTIONS. Passengers are specially requested to exercise care in disposing of cigar and cigarette ends and matches and to make use of the receptacles provided for the purpose in the different parts of the ship, in view of the serious consequences which can arise from carelessness in this respect. Throwing lighted cigarettes, etc., overboard should also be avoided.

FIRE AND LIFEBOAT STATIONS. Passengers are earnestly requested to acquaint themselves with the notice in the staterooms regarding lifeboat and fire stations.

The Captain specially appeals to passengers to assist him by promptly mustering at their appointed stations at all times when passenger boat station muster is being held. Only by immediate attendance at this important muster car passengers obtain the necessary instructions which are so vital to the well-being of all on board. The co-operation of every passenger is earnestly desired.

HAIRDRESSING SALOONS. Situated on " B " Deck are fully equipped with modern appliances for the treatment of the hair.

IMPORTATION OF LIQUOR. A considerable quantity of liquor Imported in the baggage of passengers is purchased "in bond" at a price below the regular market value in the country of purchase and for that reason attention is called to the fact by the Collector, U.S. Customs Service, that the above market value must be ascertained and declared by the passenger instead of the price actually paid.

LANDING ARRANGEMENTS. The Purser will furnish passengers with a small card, detailing the landing arrangements, before arrival.

LANDING CARDS. It is necessary that passengers present their landing cards, together with passports to the immigration Inspector for endorsement before leaving the ship.

LIBRARY. The ship has a fully-equipped library and passengers are invited to borrow the volumes—no charge will be made.


Inward and Outward Steamers. Passengers expecting urgent letters or telegrams should notify the Purser's Office. For the convenience of passengers, telegrams and postal matter are received aboard and distributed but without any responsibility whatsoever on the part of Cunard White Star Limited for non-delivery, mis-delivery or delay.

It will assist the system of delivery if letters are endorsed prominently in the top left-hand corner " Passengers' Mail " and addressed care of Cunard White Star at port of departure or arrival and also bear the following particulars:

  • Name of passenger (in full)
  • Class of Travel (Inward or Outward)
  • Passenger per (name of ship)
  • Date of departure or arrival.

Accommodation Addresses. When it is desired to use any of the Company's Offices as accommodation addresses, it is essential that the envelopes be endorsed prominently in the top left-hand corner " Passengers' Mail, to await instructions " and be addressed care of the appropriate Cunard White Star Office or Agency.

PASSAGE TICKETS. Passengers are requested to hand their passage tickets to their bedroom stewards as soon as possible after embarkation.

PAYMENTS. Passengers should obtain a receipt on the Company's form for any payments made on board for additional passage money, rugs, chairs, excess baggage, etc.

PORTHOLES. As it is dangerous for passengers to handle the ports they are requested to ask the bedroom steward to open and close the ports in the staterooms as may be desired.

PROFESSIONAL GAMBLERS are reported as frequently travelling in Atlantic ships and passengers are warned to take precautions accordingly.

RADIO TELEPHONE SERVICE. Passengers can speak from this ship to practically any part of the world.


Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Rates per call of three minutes or less: £1-16-0. Each extra minute: 12/-


New York

Rates per call of three minutes or less: $9.00. Each extra minute: $3.00.

The above rates are increased when the vessel is more than half way across the Atlantic, the rate to Great Britain being £3-12-0 (three minutes) plus £1 - 4-0 each extra minute in the case of a westbound ship, and $18.00 (three minutes) plus $6.00 each extra minute to New York when the vessel is eastbound.

RADIO AND CABLE MESSAGES. Information and rates will be supplied by the Radio office.


Private radio receivers or other electrical apparatus must not be operated or connected to the ship's electrical supply circuits without official approval, application for which should be made to the Purser. Passengers using loud-speakers are requested to avoid disturbing their fellow passengers.

RETURN ACCOMMODATION. For the convenience of those passengers who may be returning from the United States or Canada to Europe and who have not yet made the necessary arrangements the Purser will be pleased to radio for any accommodation required. This will enable passengers to complete their arrangements before leaving the ship and will consequently save them time and trouble after landing.

ROTARIANS travelling by this ship are invited to inspect the Rotary Register at the Purser's office and subscribe their names. The Purser will be glad, providing circumstances permit, to arrange an informal meeting during the voyage.


All passengers holding return tickets are requested to communicate with the most convenient Company's office, if possible at least a week in advance of their intended sailing from the United States or Canada, so that the necessary formalities may be arranged in connection with their passage.

If for any reason the holder of a return ticket should be unable to travel by the sailing shown thereon, immediate advice should be given to the nearest Company's office, so that any accommodation held can be released and new reservation made in sailing selected.



All passengers other than U.S. citizens require to obtain a sailing permit or income tax clearance prior to departure from the United States. This document can be obtained without difficulty from the Collector of Internal Revenue in each district, or on personal application, with passport and passage ticket a day or two before sailing, at Room 131, U.S. Custom House, foot of Broadway, New York City.

STEWARDS SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Stewards speaking a number of European languages are available for the convenience of passengers and may be identified by the badge worn on the lapel of their coat bearing the flag of the country and the language of which they speak.

THE SURGEON is authorized to make customary charges for his services, subject to the approval of the Captain.

A REGISTERED NURSE is on board, whose services are available as necessary under the direction of the ship's Surgeon.

TAXICABS are no longer permitted by the New York City Authorities to enter any City pier properties for the purpose of receiving or discharging passengers or baggage. The taxicab facilities heretofore provided on arrival day inside the pier are, therefore, no longer available. Passengers desiring taxicabs upon arrival at New York are now required to go outside the pier and make their own transportation arrangements.

Passengers are warned against using the services of unauthorized porters and baggage transfer men outside the pier gates in New York. Reliable baggage transfer men are available inside the piers. Authorized porters wear " Cunard White Star " blouses which are numbered.

TRAVEL INFORMATION. The Pursers office is at the disposal of passengers for furnishing detailed information concerning steamer, rail or air connections and arrangements can be made for tickets and reservations to be obtained.

VALUABLES. In their own interests passengers are advised not to leave articles of jewelry and other valuables lying about. Articles not required for frequent wear may be deposited with the Purser and will be placed in an envelope sealed in the presence of the passenger for custody in the ship's safe. A receipt will be given but no liability as to contents can be accepted.

Passengers are advised to protect themselves by insurance, which can be arranged on board on application to the Purser.

VALETING SERVICE. A clothes pressing room, in charge of an expert attendant, is provided and work of this kind will be carried out for passengers at the following charges:


  • Lounge and dress suits: 4s. 0d.
  • Lounge and dress coats: 2s. 0d.
  • Trousers and breeches: 2s. 0d.
  • Overcoats—heavy: 4s. 0d.
  • Overcoats—light: 3s. 0d.


  • Suits, costumes, coats, frocks or dresses: 4s. 0d.
  • Dress coats and plain cloaks: 4s. 0d.
  • Skirts: 2s. 0d.
  • Special charges for garments—velvet, silk, or pleated fancy dress, blouses and scarves.


Title Page, RMS Aquitania Cabin Class Passenger List, 28 July 1937.

Title Page, RMS Aquitania Cabin Class Passenger List, 28 July 1937. GGA Image ID # 20bf11d545


Aquitania Color Sketch, RMS Aquitania Cabin Class Passenger List, 28 July 1937.

Aquitania Color Sketch, RMS Aquitania Cabin Class Passenger List, 28 July 1937. GGA Image ID # 20bfa1bac9


Senior Officers and Staff, RMS Aquitania Cabin Class Passenger List, 28 July 1937.

Senior Officers and Staff, RMS Aquitania Cabin Class Passenger List, 28 July 1937. GGA Image ID # 20bfa2ab17


Advertisement: Cruises from America 1938.

Advertisement: Cruises from America 1938. Ships Included the Berengaria, Britannic, Carinthia, and Georgic. RMS Aquitania Cabin Class Passenger List, 28 July 1937. GGA Image ID # 20bfba4fd4


Westbound Sailing Schedule, Cunard White Star Vessels, from 28 July 1937 to 6 October 1937.

Westbound Sailing Schedule, Cunard White Star Vessels, from 28 July 1937 to 6 October 1937. Ships Included the Alaunia, Andania, Antonia, Ascania, Athenia, Aquitania, Aurania, Ausonia, Berengaria, Britannic, Franconia, Georgic, Laconia, Letitia, Queen Mary, Samaria, and Scythia. RMS Aquitania Cabin Class Passenger List, 28 July 1937. GGA Image ID # 20bfda234f


Eastbound Sailing Schedule, Cunard White Star Vessels, from 28 July 1937 to 6 October 1937.

Eastbound Sailing Schedule, Cunard White Star Vessels, from 28 July 1937 to 6 October 1937. Ships Included the Alaunia, Andania, Antonia, Ascania, Athenia, Aquitania, Aurania, Ausonia, Berengaria, Britannic, Franconia, Georgic, Laconia, Letitia, Queen Mary, Samaria, and Scythia. RMS Aquitania Cabin Class Passenger List, 28 July 1937. GGA Image ID # 20bfdeea90


Advertisement: SS Franconia World Cruise 1938.

Advertisement: SS Franconia World Cruise 1938. RMS Aquitania Cabin Class Passenger List, 28 July 1937. GGA Image ID # 20bfdfb3df


Passenger List Images Contributed by Chris Crofts, December 2023-January 2024.


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