Adele Hoppock and En Route to France - 1918
Adele Louis Hoppock, Tyee 1918 Yearbook, War Edition, Univeristy of Wisconisin. GGA Image ID # 19a87704c7
Adele Hoppock, a graduate of the Wenatchee High School, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Hoppock, now living in Seattle, who left early in the year for the training school in San Francisco for telephone operators in the signal corps, left New York last week for France, according to information received in Seattle.
She was the only Western girl who started across at this time, because of crowded transportation facilities. It is thought that she left on the largest transport afloat, formerly the Vaterland, which was to carry 4,000 soldiers.
The telephone girls travel as officers, so only small units can be accommodated at one time. While in New York the operators, in their new navy blue uniforms, attracted much attention. Before sailing each girl was presented with a ten-pound box of candy by the telephone company.
Versatile Linguists on Campus—Two Coeds Speak Many Tongues
Few can speak six or eight languages, but two of the accomplished minority are Washington co-eds. They are Adele Hoppock and Helen Bushnell, juniors in the college of liberal arts.
Miss Hoppock, who played the leading role in “Zaragueta” a short time ago, converses fluently in French. German, Italian, and Spanish, in addition to her native tongue.
Her study of Italian was carried on. for the most part, in Italy, where she spent some time traveling with her mother and sister before entering college. Although she began a study of Russian only recently, she can understand the language and can carry on a conversation in the Slavic tongue.
Miss Bushnell, who holds offices in the French and Spanish clubs, is conversant with both these languages. She has a good knowledge of German and has made progress in the study of Italian.
She is taking the course in Russian and is a frequent participant in conversation at the Russian table. Miss Bushnell has a slight knowledge of Dutch and spends her spare moments studying Norwegian and Hungarian.
Prominent Senior To Be Phone Girl—Adele Hoppock. Honor Student, To Give Services to U.S. in France, Will Be Given Her Degree
University Will Graduate Her before She Leaves for San Francisco to Study—Speaks French and Italian Fluently
February 15, 1918.—When one thinks of “women in war” one is apt to visualize the strong, robust, heavyset woman of the Amazon type; at least one never pictures the very small and dainty golden haired girl with big blue eyes and a sweet smile that fairly spells happiness.
Yet that very miss is here on the campus in the person of Adele Hoppock, who leaves next week for California, where she will take a month’s instruction before leaving for France to act as a telephone operator in the United States service.
She who has carried the role of the charming señorita in the Spanish play and flourished a fan in the coy fashion of the southern beauties, is soon to be gowned in the somber olive drab uniform of Uncle Sam.
Miss Hoppock’s unusual qualifications for the work have moved the war department to make an exception to the age qualification in her case, for she is three years younger than the requirement
She has traveled considerably in Europe and was in Italy when the war broke out, having been in France a month previous.
Miss Hoppock has been an active member of both the French and Spanish clubs, speaking both languages fluently. She is also a member of Tolo, Red Domino, senior council, Women’s league cabinet, a student advisor and a member of the Y. W. social service committee.
The same provision will be made for Miss Hoppock as was made for the men in service, and she will receive her degree at once. She was to have graduated in June, having completed her college work in three years.
"[Exhibit P]: Affidavit of Gertrude Hoppock: Termination of Services - Adele Hoppock and En Route to France, [From the University of Washington Daily, 15 February 1918]," in Recognition for Purposes of VA Benefits, Hearing before the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, Unted States Senate, Ninety-Fifth Congress, First Session on S. 247, S. 1414, S. 129, and Related Bills. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 25 May 1977. p. 371-372.