Naval History - December 1998 - Exploiting The Titanic

December 1998 Naval History Magazine

"Worthwhile Endeavor" - onboard the replica of the ship that carried Captain James Cook; "Navy falls short at Normandy"; Images and accounts of the drive across the Central Pacific in WWII.


UNITED STATES NAVAL INSTITUTE November / December 1998 Volume 12 • Number 6

20 The Critic Within

By Kenneth J. Hagan

W. S. Sims was a presidential favorite; he became an official-Navy outsider.

26 Titanic Proportions

By Kit Bonner

Purists say that some are exploiting a tragedy. All of us are, to some degree.

28 Worthwhile Endeavor

By Rear Admiral Joseph F. Callo, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired)

Life in the replica of Captain Cook's ship is not as simple at second glance.

34 The Navy Falls Short at Normandy

By Adrian R. Lewis

Effective naval gunfire would have rendered the D-Day invasion less costly.

40 Rediscovering the Asiatic Fleet

By Chief Aviation Electronics Technician Robert O'Dell, U.S. Navy

A crucial factor in the early execution of World War II finally gets its due.

43 Why We Call A Ship A She

By Rear Admiral Francis D. Foley, U.S. Navy (Retired)

A salty retired flag officer bucks today's trend toward political correctness.

44 The Port Pilot's Daughter

By Susan Boland

She married one of the U.S. Navy's most heralded and colorful characters.

48 'One Damn Island After Another'

By Philip M. Callaghan

The hells of Tarawa, Saipan, Tinian, and Guam come to life in pictures..

51 I'll Be Okay

By Colonel Thomas E. Campbell, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)

A comrade-in-arms celebrates his extraordinary bond with a fellow Marine.

53 China Lake Still Tests for Navy

By Joseph Cupido

China Lake was the preferred site of weapon tests for decades; it still is.

56 Awaiting the 'Fleet Majestical'

By Martin Clemens

A legendary coastwatcher recounts his trying ordeal at Guadalcanal.


Departments ....





"USS Texas (BB-35) at Normandy," by Tom Freeman. A naval historian looks at the numbers and decides that naval gunfire support on D-Day was insufficient, starting on page 34.
4 Looking Back 68 Historic Aircraft 75 Salty Talk
6 In Contact 70 Historic Fleets 76 Museum Report
63 Book Reviews 71 Naval History News 78 Reunions

Naval History, ISSN 1042.1920, is published bi-monthly by the U.S. Naval Institute, 2062 Generals Highway, Annapolis, Maryland 21401, fax no. 410-224-2406 (editorial offices are located at U.S. Naval Academy, Preble Hall, 118 Maryland Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21402.5035; 410-268.6110). The U. S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, nonprofit professional society, which publishes Proceedings magazine as a forum for the sea services, and professional books. The Naval Institute is not part of the U.S. Government. The opinions and assertions herein are the authors'. Periodicals postage paid at Annapolis, Maryland, and at additional mailing offices. Annual Naval History subscription rates: Naval Institute member, $18.00; nonmember, $20.00. International subscribers add $6.00. Copyright 1998, U.S. Naval Institute. Copyright is not claimed for editorial material in the public domain. Postmaster: Send address changes to Naval History, U.S. Naval Institute, Circulation Department, 2062 Generals Highway, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. Home page: www.usni.otg. Advertising: Direct Response: Oehler Media, Inc., The Soho Bldg. 110 Greene St., Suite 703, New York, NY 10012, 212.226-3955; fax 212-226-5707; National: Donovan ST. Burke, 225 Park Ave., Suite 327; New York, NY 10169, 212-697.2844, fax 212-682-1421, E-Mail address:

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