Naval History - April 1996 - Disaster at Gosport


Front Cover, Naval History: A Publication of the United States Naval Institute, Volume 10, Number 2, March / April 1996.

Front Cover, Naval History: A Publication of the United States Naval Institute, Volume 10, Number 2, March / April 1996. Articles Include World War II: Unintended Consequences, "31-Knot" Burke Stope Tokyo Express, Civil War Disaster at Gosport, and Constellation Lives? GGA Image ID # 2188618e41


Featured Articles


Unintended Consequences

By Kenneth J. Hagan

Former TV host David Hartman leads a panel of distinguished historians to debate the political and social impact of World War II.


Disaster at Gosport

By Captain Kendall King, U.S. Navy (Retired)

One dark chapter in Union naval history began early in the Civil War, when a Virginia shipyard and its warships went up in flames.


'How Little the World Is!'

By Commander Paolo Bembo, Italian Navy

A nautical chart drawn in 1513 sheds light on its maker and his times.


Home City to Help the Constellation

By Frank D. Roylance

The city of Baltimore and prominent members of its private sector pledge to keep the old sloop-of-war afloat.


We Can’t Give Up the Ship

By Admiral James L. Holloway, III, U.S. Navy (Retired)

How a simple poem saved the Constellation from sinking 30 years ago.


A Letter for the Constellation

By James W. Symington

The author of the poem renews his support for preserving the ship.


Derailing the Last Tokyo Express

By Eugene Wolfe

A shipmate of Captain Arleigh Burke disposes of the feared Japanese
"Tokyo Express" with DesRon 23‘s hard-nosed "Little Beavers."


The Spirit of '31-Knot' Burke

By Vice Admiral Joseph Metcalf, III, U.S. Navy (Retired)

The venerated warrior and sailor knew the stuff of a good naval officer.


The Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

By Spencer Tucker and Frank T. Reuter

An 1807 clash in Lynnhaven Bay spelled disaster from the very start.


Starting the Corps in South Vietnam

By Colonel Victor J. Croizat, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)

One pioneer Marine tells how he established a South Vietnamese Corps.



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In This Issue

In the previous issue, purely by coincidence, we published a tribute to Admiral Arleigh Burke, who died just as Naval History hit the newsstands. In this issue, we pay our last respects to the venerable shipmate of thousands with a vivid account of the World War II engagement that spawned a legend—the Battle of Cape St. George—accompanied by the eulogy delivered at Admiral Burke’s funeral in the U.S. Naval Academy Chapel by a fellow surface warrior. Vice Admiral Joseph Metcalf.

As the city of Baltimore puts in its oar to save the sloop-of-war Constellation, Naval Historical Foundation President, Admiral James L. Holloway, III, recalls a poem written by former Congressman and Chief of Protocol James W. Symington, who was credited with helping preserve the Constellation 30 years ago. Both team up in support of renewed efforts to save the old ship.

In this issue, we also chart the course of 16th-century mariner Piri Reis, relive the Civil War debacle at Gosport, establish a South Vietnamese Marine Corps, and debate the consequences of World War II.


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