Naval History - June 1998 - Signal Encounter at Gitmo
Memories of the Oregon - pictorial; Spanish American War articles; 1966 friendly fire on the Point Welcome in Vietnam.
UNITED STATES NAVAL INSTITUTE May / June 1998 Volume 12 • Number 3
In Vindication off Cape Cod, Cortney Skinner depicts the K-25 sinking the Type X1B U-Kriizer in World War II. For more on the effectiveness of these airships, see page 41.
Spanish-American War Centennial Section
6 Pictorial: Memories of the Oregon
In rare historic images from the Naval Institute photo archives, a battle-hardened veteran of the Battle of Santiago comes alive a century later.
18 Signal Encounter at Guantanamo
By Colonel R. R. Hull, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
Huntington's Battalion fights off Spanish troopers and directs naval gunfire from high ground, becoming the prototype Marine expeditionary force.
24 Recognition Long Overdue
By Scott R. Mraz
Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt receives the credit, but his boss, John D. Long, prepares the Navy for war.
27 Windfalls of War
By Harold D. Langley
Controversies over the allocation of bounty and prize payments among the
victors of Manila Bay and Santiago play a major role in halting the awards.
33 Friendly Target
By Master Chief William R. Wells II, U.S. Coast Guard (Retired)
Coast Guard, Navy, and Air Force operators learn hard lessons in Vietnam.
37 A Flotilla Cries Eureka!
By William J. Bray, Jr.
The. Union seizes a Virginian passenger steamer for its Potomac Flotilla.
41 An Effective Umbrella
By Richard G. Van Treuren
An expert on Navy airships reassesses their contributions in World War II.
45 Pictorial: Airships on Canvas
Paintings By Russ Porter
A Wisconsin transportation artist soars to new heights—lighter-than-air.
46 Exploring Naval History in Washington
By Joanne E. Dumene
The nation's capital is a haven for history buffs searching for naval sites. Departments ......
4 Looking Back 53 Historic Aircraft 59 Salty Talk
6 In Contact 54 Historic Fleets 60 Museum Report
50 Book Reviews 55 Naval History News 62 Reunions
Naval History, ISSN 1042-1920, is published bi-monthly by the U.S. Naval Institute, 2062 Generals Highway, Annapolis, Maryland 21401, fax no. 410-224-2406 (editorial offices are located at U.S. Naval Academy, Preble Hall, 118 Maryland Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21402-5035; 410-268-6110). The U. S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, nonprofit professional society, which publishes Proceedings magazine as a forum for the sea services, and professional books. The Naval Institute is not part of the U.S. Government. The opinions and assertions herein are the authors'. Periodicals postage paid at Annapolis, Maryland, and at additional mailing offices. Annual Naval History subscription rates: Naval Institute member, $18.00; nonmember, $20.00. International subscribers add $6.00. Copyright 1998, U.S. Naval Institute. Copyright is not claimed for editorial material in the public domain. . Postmaster: Send address changes to Naval History, U.S. Naval Institute, Circulation Department, 2062 Generals Highway, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. Home page: Advertising: Direct Response: Oehler Media, Inc., The Soho Bldg. 110 Greene St., Suite 703, New York, NY 10012, 212-226-3955; fax 212-226-5707; National: Donovan & Burke, 225 Park Ave., Suite 327; New York, NY 10169, 212-697-2844, fax 212-682-1421, E-Mail address: [email protected].