Street and Home Gowns - 1905

Street and Home Gowns. Very Smart Model: Street Gown of Dark Green Cloth Trimmed With Black Silk Braid.

Street and Home Gowns. Very Smart Model: Street Gown of Dark Green Cloth Trimmed With Black Silk Braid. Back of the Green Cloth Gown: Vest, Etc., of Tan Kid; Green Velvet Gold-Rimmed Buttons. Harper's Bazar, April 1905. GGA Image ID # 164b0e815f

Of all the attractive gowns of the year, it may be questioned if the most attractive are not those designed every spring for reception and calling wear.

The reception gown of the winter is certainly extremely handsome and effective, but it must necessarily be rather heavy and ornate, and although lately it has been the fashion to wear lighter materials and colors than was formerly customary, the cloth and velvet gowns have been in the majority. For the spring, the fabric chosen is cloth of lightest weight and color or silk.

Advance Design for Skirt and Blouse of Alençon Lace Over Pink

Advance Design for Skirt and Blouse of Alençon Lace Over Pink; Tucked and Strapped Coat of Pink Taffeta With Cuffs, Vest, and Revers of Heavy Lace; Black Satin Bow at the Front. Harper's Bazar, April 1905. GGA Image ID # 164b1eddc9

Spring Street Suit and Gray Cloth Suit 1905

Spring Street Suit of Blue Serge With Velvet Collar and Buttons; Grey Suède Vest. Gray Covert-Cloth Suit, White Silk or Leather Collar and Belt; Green Velvet Edges. Harper' Bazar, April 1905. GGA Image ID # 164b25ed6c

Changeable taffetas in exquisite colorings are made up on quite involved lines, while black taffeta has never been more in demand.

First and foremost are the gowns made with the tight-fitting draped waist that at the back has long wide tails reaching to the hem of the skirt. These tails are either trimmed with colored embroidery or finished with a deep hem, while in front the very pointed waist has rows of rhinestones or fancy buttons and a vest of white lace.

The gowns are elaborate, but there is not the effect of too many rows of shirring or puffing, too many flounces or ruffles, as was so often the case last year, and while all skirts are wide and flaring, the law as to their fitting closely over the hips is more rigidly adhered to than ever.

Smart Model in Changeable Blue and Mauve Cloth. Harper's Bazar, April 1905.

Smart Model in Changeable Blue and Mauve Cloth. Harper's Bazar, April 1905. GGA Image ID # 164b5f6bc0

The cloth costumes are charming but elaborately trimmed with any amount of braiding and appliqué or insertion of lace in the same color. The embroidered and lace- inserted taffetas in light colors are made on much the same lines as the cloth, and a most attractive fashion is the one that demands a cloth coat and a hat to match in exactly the shade of the taffeta gown.

In ivory white this style is at its best; it is never satisfactory in dark colors. In black it is very smart worn with the yoke and collar transparent.

White pongee and white taffeta are made up this year for reception and calling gowns, and while the general order seems to be for the elaborate, there are one or two models quite on the severe order that find favor.

Made with some sort of fancy blouse jacket (complete in itself and yet to be worn over a lace waist if desired) the skirt with bands of braid or rows of lace entre-deux, the gown is dainty and attractive.

Advance Design for a Garden-Party Gown of Pale Green Mousseline de Soie

Advance Design for a Garden-Party Gown of Pale Green Mousseline de Soie Trimmed With the Same Shade of Moiré Ribbon Put on in Flat Bands and in the Draped Girdle; White Lace Vest and Collar. Harper's Bazar, April 1905. GGA Image ID # 164b7b32e2

"Street and Home Gowns," in Harper's Bazar: A Monthly Magazine for Women, New York: Harper and Brothers, Publishers, Special Spring Fashion Number 1905, Vol. XXXIX, No. 4, April, 1905.

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