Ladies Smart Stylish Costumes No. 7433, 7435 & 7426 - 1904

Ladies Smart Stylish Costumes No. 7433, 7435 & 7426 - 1904

Mixed-brows basket Cheviot was selected for this smart costume, No. 7433, brown velvet cuffs and collar lending effective contrast. Jacket no. 7435 and skirt No. 7426 are illustrated in this stylish costume, in which tan box-cloth is united with tan and brown velvet, prettily braided.

Ladies’ Two-Piece Costume No. 7433

Ladies’ Two-Piece Costume No. 7433

7433 — Ladies’ Two-Piece Costume, in medium sweep, dip, round or short round length: consisting of an Eton jacket, with notched collar or shawl collar-facing and flowing or bishop sleeves, and with or without the peplum postilion; and a nine-gored skirt, with a side-plait in the lower part of each side seam and an inverted box-plait at the back.

Description of Two-Piece Costume 7433

The costume here illustrated in gun-metal zibeline with velvet and Persian galloon for trimming is chiefly remarkable for its novel jacket, which is of the Eton type, but may be changed in character by the addition of a peplum postilion.

The back of the jacket is tucked at the center to simulate a box-plait tapering toward the waistline. This effect is continued in the postilion, the joining of which is concealed by a belt.

The fronts are plain and may be worn open or closed in a fly or with buttons and loops if desired, another row of buttons being added to produce a double-breasted effect.

A shawl collar or a notched collar with the tops of the fronts turned back in small lapels, will finish the neck stylishly.

Plain flowing sleeves, or those of the bishop order with a seam in tuck effect on top, and completed by wristbands supporting cuffs, pointed at the upper edge, may be chosen.

Nine gores are used in the construction of the skirt, to which dip, round or short round length may be given.

A side-plait at the lower part of each side seam produces a flare at the bottom, and measurement of about four yards and three-fourths is attained in the medium sizes. An inverted box-plait disposes of the fulness at the back.

Dressmaker Options

Brass bullet buttons and a gold cord will give a chic appearance to a costume of blue kersey, and effective reproductions may be made from velvet and broadcloth.

Pattern Information

Pattern 7433 is in 8 sizes from 32 to 46 inches, bust measure.

For the medium size, it will need 5 3/8 yards of material 54 inches wide, with 3/4 yard of velvet for shawl-collar facing or 1/2 yard of velvet for the notched collar and inlay cuffs.

Price, 25 cents.

Ladies Eton Jacket No. 7435

Ladies Eton Jacket No. 7435

7435—Ladies’ Eton Jacket, with or without the Vest and Collar, and with “1830” or Regulation Shoulders.

Description of Ladies' Eton Jacket 7435

The Eton modes show slight modifications but retain their jaunty style. A new design is illustrated herein black kersey, with a white moiré velour vest and ornamentation of machine-stitching and gold braid.

The back is in one piece, and the fronts are plain, the pattern providing for regulation or drop shoulders. A vest is inserted, and the fronts of the jacket may be turned back to form revers, in this case, faced with chiffon velvet and bordered by fancy braid or lapped and closed invisibly.

A standing collar is supplied but may be omitted, and the vest rounded away slightly at the top. The sleeves are of the full bishop type, gathered at the top and at the wrists, where flaring cuffs, with or without lingerie frills of lace, are added.

Dressmaker Options

This jacket can be made smartly of Burgundy zibeline with the revers of chinchilla and vest of white silk.

Pattern Information

Pattern 7435 is in 8 sizes from 32 to 40 inches, bust measure.

For the medium size, it needs 1 5/8 yard of material 54 inches wide, with 5/8 yard of silk 20 inches wide and 5/8 yard of chiffon-velvet 20 inches wide.

Price, 20 cents.

“7433 — Ladies’ Two-Piece Costume,” and “7435 — Ladies’ Eton Jacket,” in The Delineator: An Illustrated Magazine of Literature and Fashion, Paris-London-New York-Toronto: The Butterick Publishing Co. Ltd., Vol. LXIII, No. 2, February 1904, p. 194-195

Editor's Note: Some terminology used in the description of women's clothing during the 1800s and early 1900s has been changed to reflect more modern terms. For example, a women's "Toilette" -- a form of costume or outfit has an entirely different common meaning in the 21st century. Typical terms applied to "toilette" include outfit, ensemble, or costume, depending on context.

Note: We have edited this text to correct grammatical errors and improve word choice to clarify the article for today’s readers. Changes made are typically minor, and we often left passive text “as is.” Those who need to quote the article directly should verify any changes by reviewing the original material.

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