Ladies' Hat Styles for June 1914
Close-fitting togue hats continue popular in spite of the advanced season, and the beret de police is a novelty which has won many admirers, chiefly among the younger element. This is a sort of bicorne, is adjusted slantwise across the forehead and imitates the cap worn by French cavalry when on duty in the barracks. "Flames" of paradise aigrettes in black or natural tone are the preferred garniture for this quaint new style.
Large, slender wings are still in great demand, and have recently been featured in connection with clusters of small flowers. An ultra-chic Leontine model which created a sensation at a recent racing event in Paris had its entire crown covered with a mass of white cornflowers, a long white wing shooting from the centre top introducing a delightfully chic finishing touch.
A similarly shaped model made of a mass of lilies of the valley had no other trimming than a colonel aigrette of white Crosse, posed diagonally across the receding left side of the tall crown.
Restaurant Hat of Chantilly Lace with Top and Bandeau Trimming of Flowers, Shown by The Hart & Co., Cleveland. GGA Image ID # 1618b1d266
Envelope Toque of Fancy Braid and Tulle in Cactus Green, Shown by The Hart & Co., Cleveland. GGA Image ID # 161914d1c1
Net-Covered Rembrandt Hat for Late Summer and Early Fall, Shown by The Hart & Co., Cleveland. GGA Image ID # 161a021000
Rembrandt hat of Russian green hemp with brim covering of accordion-pleated maline and bandeau trimming of large roses in vivid American Beauty tints and forget-me-nots. The right side of the crown and brim Is decorated with a large chrysanthemum cockade made of belting ribbon In brilliant turf green. Dimensions: Height of crown. 2 inches; circumference, 26 Inches; width of brim. 5 1/2 inches at the left side, 4 Inches at the back, 3 1/2 Inches at the right side and center front.
A Quaint Bonnet Hat, Made for the Deanville Season by the Maison Lewis, Paris. Photographed for the Illustrated Milliner. GGA Image ID # 161a161c18
Maison Lewis model. Small helmet toque made of Russian green liseré straw, with torsade of dull amethyst velvet ribbon. The back of the crown and brim is trimmed with a crescent motif of shaded roses In dull tints, tied up with rush grass In lustrous brown and black. Dimensions: Height of crown, 6 Inches; circumference at the base, 29 Inches; width of brim, 2 inches at the front, 1 1/4 Inches at the sides, 1 inch at the back.
A Suggestion for Early Fall -- Henri III Hat of Wide Moire Ribbon in Eggplant Purple, Trimmed with Dark Violets. Shown by The Hart & Co., Cleveland. GGA Image ID # 161b700e2f
Henri II hat entirely covered with large petaled violets, with narrow milan crown faced with maline and triple trimming section of wide moiré ribbon in the tone of the violets. This is applied to the left side, in the shape of a brim revers, and is finished with a half- blown American Beauty rose with foliage. Dimensions: Height of crown, 5 Inches; circumference, 27 Inches; width of brim, l 1/2 inches at the left aide, 1 inch on remaining sides; width of trimming frill, 7 inches.
The Illustrated Milliner: The American Authority on Millinery, Paris-New York-London: The Illustrated Milliner Company, Vol. XV, No. 6, June, 1914.