Ladies' Hat Styles for January 1913


A Stunning Afternoon Hat of Tagal and Paradise Germaine Model; Photographed in Paris for The Illustrated Milliner, January 1913.

A Stunning Afternoon Hat of Tagal and Paradise Germaine Model; Photographed in Paris for The Illustrated Milliner, January 1913. GGA Image ID # 161b9ded94

Georgette , Suzanne Talbot and Germaine are more difficult to approach than ever ; one has to have a very plausible reason for being admitted to the respective sanctums, and is sadly disappointed in not being shown the expected Spring models, but merely a very few stray Riviera hats Madame happens to have on hand.

Impressive as all Parisians are, the Balkan war, with all the complications it might entail, seems to influence the designers greatly ; the anxiety and suspense is general, hence the scarcity in innovations and the designers' reticence in displaying the few novelties they doing me was a very large Louis XV shape of brass-colored have.

One new design I coaxed Mine, Georgette into show tagal, faced with printed chiffon showing a Byzantine pattern in many vivid tints. The crown, which originally must have been straight and low, was draped like an East Indian turban, looking very massive and a bit cumbersome under its thick torsade of printed mousseline and plain silk crepe.

The effect produced by this crown was exactly that of the original East Indian turban introduced more than a hundred years ago by Mme. de Staël , and the contrast'. with the soft, graceful contours of the brim most effective.

From a few casual remarks I overheard, large and very large shapes will be the favorites at the Salon Georgette next season and heron and osprey will be selected in preference to ostrich in the feather garnitures; flowers, too, will be employed by Georgette, and in greater quantities and more fantastic arrangements than in previous seasons.

Many ultra-chic novelties in plumes dyed in two-toned effect and curled and bent in new lines are making their appearance in advance Spring millinery. Reboux , as usual, manifests her preference in employing ostrich and aigrette trimming almost to the exclusion of all other garnitures, with the possible exception of wide, supple ribbons and ornaments of jet. Both these latter trimming materials, however, are featured solely in conjunction with plumage.

Maria Guy's new models are similar to Reboux', perhaps not quite as conservative in outline and design, but equally faultless in taste.

This designer is partial to dull grays and browns, also to vague neutral tones of blue and bronze, and she achieves the best results in simple afternoon chapeaux, in which most depends upon the judicial arrangement of the garniture.

Bonnet Toque of Novelty Braid with Unique Trimming. Carlier Model, Purchased in Paris by E. S. Newman of Gimbel Bros. Posed in Paris for The Illustrated Milliner.

Bonnet Toque of Novelty Braid with Unique Trimming. Carlier Model, Purchased in Paris by E. S. Newman of Gimbel Bros. Posed in Paris for The Illustrated Milliner. GGA Image ID # 161ba97bf7

Carlier model. One-piece toque made of a new material (a combination of Yedda and tagal) in subdued Eastern tones. The high brim section is finished with a double cord-shirring of almond green satin and a smart novel bow of satin ribbon decorates the centre-front. Dimensions: Height of toque at the sides. 10 inches; at the front untrimmed) and back. 9 inches; circumference around base, 36 Inches.

Jaquil Milan Bronze Velvet Natural Paradise Hat.

Jaquil Milan Bronze Velvet Natural Paradise Hat. GGA Image ID # 161c023482

Lewis model made of pale yellow milan, with bronze velvet facing. A superb sweep of paradise decorates the right side. Dimensions: Height of crown, 5 inches; circumference, 32 inches; width of brim at sides, 7 inches, at front, 4 inches, at back, 6 inches.

Afternoon Hat of Pleated Heatcoat Maline.

Afternoon Hat of Pleated Heatcoat Maline. GGA Image ID # 161cca8855

Flat-brimmed sailor with prominent crown, highest at the left side and back. The crown top Is smoothly draped, while the side is covered with perpendicular folds of slate gray Heathcoat maline. A facing of wren gray velvet and a touffe of gray blondlne tacked to the underside of the brim complete the chic model. Dimensions: Height of crown at highest point, 5 1/2 Inches; circumference. 36 Inches; width of brim at left side and back, 4 Inches; 2 1/2 Inches at front and right side.

Hat of Crown Drapery and Wing Motifs.

Hat of Crown Drapery and Wing Motifs. GGA Image ID # 161d5e8363

Lamballe hat of light chocolate hemp; it consists of a flat beretta crown, and a drooping brim, dented In the cent re -front. A crown torsade of hyacinth Heathcoat maline and a wing motif formed by 60 folds of the maline constitute the trimming. Dimensions: Height of crown, 4 inches; circumference. 30 Inches; width of brim. 3 1/2 inches at the side. 4 Inches at the back, 3 Inches in the centre-front.

New Two-Piece Panama Hat.

New Two-Piece Panama Hat. GGA Image ID # 161d76da27

White panama (blocked In two pieces) trimmed with black velvet strap extending into wings sections.

Madame Georgette de la Plante, an innovative French dressmaker of the 20th century.

Milliner Madame Suzanne Talbot was noted for her extreme, avant-garde hat creations. She used to be known only as a milliner and a very successful one, but she has a couture establishment as well -- Le salon de verre de Mme Suzanne Talbot.

Madame Germaine de Staël known as a witty and brilliant conversationalist, often dressed in flashy and revealing outfits, she participated actively in the political and intellectual life of her times.

Caroline Reboux (1837–1927) was a well-known Parisian milliner and French fashion designer. Reboux made an art form out of high fashion hats which were re-emerging in France to supplant the bonnet in the mid-19th century. She promoted the hat as an essential accessory for women's fashion. Like many of her customers, Reboux was self-invented: she put it about that she was the fourth child of an impoverished noblewoman and a man of letters, who was orphaned and came to Paris to live.



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