Infantry Drill Regulations 1911 - United States Army
Front Cover, Infantry Drill Regulations, United States Army, 1911, With War Department Changes. Special Edition with Interpretations, Illustrations, and Index. GGA Image ID #
Infantry Drill Regulations United States Army 1911. Text correct 18 August 1917 to include Changes 1 to 20. Changes No. 20 does not alter the text of any edition of IDR issued by the Army and Navy Joural. United States of America War Office. New York: Army and Navy Journal | D. Appleton and Company.
War Department,
Office of the Chief of Staff,
Washington, August 19, 1911.
The following System of Drill Regulations for Infantry, prepared by a board of officers consisting of Lieut. Col. John F. Morrison, Infantry; Capt. Merch B. Stewart, Eighth Infantry; and Capt. Alfred W. Bjornstad, Twenty-eighth Infantry, is approved and is published for the information and government of the Regular Army and the Organized Militia of the United States. With a view to insure uniformity throughout the Army, all infantry drill formations not embraced in this system are prohibited, and those herein prescribed will be strictly observed.
By order of the Secretary of War:
Leonard Wood,
Major General, Chief of Staff.
Document No. 453
War Department,
Office of the Chief of Staff, Washington, November 19, 1913.
The following system of Infantry Drill Regulations, 1911, with corrections to November, 1913, including the Manual of the Bayonet, is approved and herewith published for the information and government of the Regular Army and the Organized Militia of the United States. With a view to insure uniformity throughout the Army, all infantry drill formations not embraced in this system are prohibited, and those herein prescribed will be strictly observed.
By order of the Secretary of War :
Leonard Wood,
Major General, Chief of Staff.
[Note.—In the Army and Navy Journal editions of this manual all changes ordered by the War Department have been made in the text of the paragraphs affected. See title page.—Army and Navy Journal.]
Inscriptions from Previous Owners of this Infantry Drill Regulations Manual - Boyd L. Friday of 314th Regiment at Camp Meade, and John E. McClure of the 35th Regimental Engineers at Camp Grant. GGA Image ID # 1821135840
Part I—Drill. | Paragraph.
1. Introduction 1–30
2. Orders, commands and signals 31–47
3. School of the soldier 48–100
4. School of the squad 101–158
5. School of the company 159–257
(a) Close order 167–198
(b) Extended order 199–231
(c) Fire 232–257
6. The battalion 258–326
(a) Close order 263–289
(b) Combat principles 290–326
7. The regiment 327–346
(a) Close order 333–341
(b) Combat principles 342–346
8. The brigade 347–349
Part II—Combat.
1. Introduction 350–357
2. Leadership 358–388
(a) General considerations 358–370
(b) Teamwork 371–377
(c) Orders 378–383
(d) Communication 384–388
3. Combat reconnaissance 389–399
4. Fire superiority 400–424
(a) Purpose and nature 400–401
(b) Fire direction and control 402–424
5. Deployment 425–441
6. Attack 442–488
(a) Deployment for attack 449–452
(b) Advancing the attack 453–457
(c) The fire attack 458–463
(d) The charge 464–475
(e) Pursuit 476–480
(f) Attack of fortifications 481–484
(g) Holding attack 485–488
7. Defense 489–519
(a) Positions and intrenchments 489–494
(b) Deployment for defense 495–510
(c) Counterattack 511–516
(d) Delaying action 517–519
8. Meeting engagements 520–530
9. Withdrawal from action 531–535
10. Miscellaneous 537–622
(a) Machine guns 537–546
(b) Ammunition supply 547–553
(c) Mounted scouts 554–557
(d) Night operations 558–568
(e) Infantry against Cavalry 569–574
(f) Infantry against Artillery 575–578
(g) Artillery supports 579–583
(h) Intrenchments 584–595
(i) Minor warfare 596–603
(j) Patrols 604–622
Part III—Marches and camps.
1. Marches 623–660
(a) Training and discipline 623–635
(b) Protection of the march 636–660
2. Camps 661–707
(a) Sanitation 661–677
(b) Protection of camp or bivouac 678–707
Part IV—Ceremonies and inspections.
1. Ceremonies 708–765
(a) Reviews 711–731
(b) Parades 732–735
(c) Escorts 736–744
2. Inspections 745–754
3. Muster 755–757
4. Honors and salutes 758–765
Part V.—Manuals.
1. The color 766–778
2. The band 779–781
3. Manual of the saber 782–791
4. Manual of tent pitching 792–803
5. Manual of the bugle 804–807
(a) Bugle calls.
(b) Bugle signals.
Appendix A.
Appendix B.
Appendix C.—Manual of the Bayonet.
Library of Congress Catalog Listing
- NOTE: Listing is for a manual released July 1918. List for August 1917 was not found at LOC.
- Corporate name: United States. War Department.
- Main title: Infantry drill regulations, United States Army, 1911, corrected to July 31, 1918 (changes nos. 1 to 22, and App. D).
- Published/Created: Washington, Govt. print. off., 1918
- Description: 259 p. illus., plates, fold. diagr. 14 1/2 cm.
- LC classification: UD160 .A5 1918e
- LC Subjects: United States. Army. Infantry--Drill and tactics
- Notes: War Dept. Document no. 394. Office of the chief of staff. Music (bugle calls and bugle signals): p. 201-216. Appendix c: Manual of the bayonet, 1913.
- LCCN: war18000047
- Other system no.: (OCoLC)990852
- Type of material: Book