The Hook - Blacktails of CVW-14 - Spring 1991
Front Cover, The Hook: Journal of Carrier Aviation, Spring 1991. GGA Image ID # 1727d3a493
On The Cover: CVW-14 (“The Air Wing From Hell”) black-tailed CAG-birds over the Gulf of Oman during Desert Shield operations in October 1990. Led by CAG, CAPT Jay “Spook" Yakeley, CVW-14 in USS Independence (CV-62), laid much of the “air work" for Desert Storm attacks on Iraqi targets. Photo by CDR C.J. “Heater" Heatley III, USN, CO VF-21.
Table of Contents
“Naval Air—Present and Future”
VADM Richard M. Dunleavy, USN
- “High Hats and Tophatters or, Can You Top This?”
Bob Lawson - “VF-14—A Pictorial History of the Navy’s Oldest Continuous Squadron”
- “The Navy’s P-80/TO-1 Shooting Stars”
- Part One: Early Days of Naval Jet Aviation
Robert J. Esposito, PhD - “The First Day of the Rest of Their Lives”
The Survival of an A-6 Crew
LaDonne McCarthy - " . . All in a Day’s Work”
Samuel T. Jordan - “Would the Real F-4G Please Stand Up?”
Jan Jacobs
- Command Changes
- “Mid-East Carrier War”
- “CVW-3 Desert Shield Photo Album”
CDR John “Lites” Leenhouts, USN Photo Essay - “The Blacktails of Air Wing Fourteen”
CDR C.J. “Heater” Heatley III, USN Photo Essay
Issue: Volume 19, Number 1, Spring 1991
ISSN: 0736-9220
The Hook is published quarterly by The Tailhook Association, a non-profit corporation dedicated to foster, encourage, develop, study and support the aircraft carrier, sea-based aircraft, both fixed and rotary wing, and aircrew of the United States of America and to educate the public in the aircraft carrier’s appropriate role in the Nation’s defense system.
Views expressed in The Hook are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policies of The Tailhook Association or the United States Navy.
Printed in U.S.A. Bulk- rate postage paid at Bonita, California. Copyright ® 1991 by The Tailhook Association. All rights reserved. Subscription for The Hook is included in the $25.00 annual membership in The Tailhook Association.
Regular Membership is open to anyone who has made a carrier landing as a pilot or aircrewman. Associate Membership is open to anyone having the background and interest to support the goals of The Tailhook Association, as stated above. Ordinary subscriptions are also available to organizations or individuals.