WAVES Quarters D in Washington DC - Being A WAVE in the Navy
Lavishly illustrated brochure created in 1945 provides an incredible photographic record of the WAVE activities and life in Washington DC at WAVES Quarters D. The Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service were definitely a "Pass in Review."
TO CREATE a home away from home is a task for energetic spirits and understanding minds. Young women from forty-eight states have succeeded in converting WAVE Quarters "D", Washington, D. C., from cold, gray barracks into a warm community which offers recreation for the leisure-minded, and opportunity for personal development in education and the art of living.
From this home, Yeomen, Specialists, Electricians, Pharmacists, and Aerographers of the Women's Reserve go daily to important jobs . . . vital in bringing final victory to American shores. Since we are all an integrated group in the United States Navy, we achieve growth by working under Navy rules.
"D" calls many pictures to mind . . . The snappy marching by the company at drill, the shipshape barracks with comfort and friendliness, the aroma of newly-baked pastry from the mess hall, the fresh country tang to the rain-cleansed air, the change of watches at the front gate . • . and the dignity of "Colors" serenely enfolding this busy life in Navy blue.
Though often our hearts are far away as our hands are occupied in work or recreation, we always can find a solidarity of purpose and enjoyment in the active atmosphere of "D". This is our world for today! Here . . . we are the many states and nationalities of America fused into one.
When the time comes for us to resume our individual paths, we shall carry with us the warm memory of friendly sights and associations at "D" with the women who volunteered to serve . . . the WAVES of America.
JULY 1945
ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, the nerve center of WAVE Quarters "D", flies its flag proudly. . . as though in proclamation of "D" as the largest WAVE Quarters in America . . . representative of the work of the Women's Reserve in a fighting Navy !
OFFICER-IN-CHARGE, Lt. Comdr. Katherine Porter Allen, as director and counselor for thousands of American young women, with the aid of her officer assistants, symbolizes the fine and broad execution of things that are and are to be at "D".
LOUNGE located in right wing of Administration Building is a place for "D" WAVES to pause, scan morning headlines, relay latest scuttlebutt, relax in off moments, or to meet the newest heart interest.
POST OFFICE boasting a special wing in the Administration Building, and an efficient staff of WAVES . . . in time of normal activity or in the mad whirl of holiday mail . . . always does a thriving business.
OFFICER-OF-THE-DAY from her desk at the entrance of the Administration Building coordinates barracks' activity, solves immediate problems, acts in emergencies, and legalizes action by her signature.
AIR VIEW OF WAVE QUARTERS "D" reveals its well-planned pattern, so harmonious to barracks, cross-walks, and the key administration, recreation, and commissary
with the ordered design of Washington. Complete with streets connecting barracks buildings, "D" is indeed a community. At the upper left is familiar Ward Circle.
LAUNDRY Room facilities keep white shirts in circulation.
LOCKER . . . convenient and compact . . . displays stowage of gear.
BARRACKS LOUNGE . . . finest atmosphere to write to Mom' and GI: Joe . . . enjoy potato chips and cokes . . "shoot' the breeze."
QUARTERDECK takes the barracks' business in its stride.
CUBICLE . . . planned for living! . . . enjoying! . . . relaxing!
TIME FOR MESS . . . proclaimed by the clock . . . starts one of the four daily treks of Navy personnel to the GI mess hall.
WAVE-SIZED MEAL assembled from salad to dessert through the efficient teamwork of the many girls "on the line."
Two WAVES attack the appetizing, well-balanced meal on their traditional "tin" trays with an "all out" enthusiasm.
BAKERY, with WAVES manning big-scale equipment, turns out such delicacies as Parkerhouse rolls and Boston cream pie.
Vast MESS. HALL . . . shipshape after swabbing .... when the work of serving thousands is done for another day !
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES offer an anchor for the future in giving courses toward academic diplomas, or in special fields of work as well as avocational subjects.
BULLETIN BOARDS keep WAVES on the "ESO beam" with the flexible and ever-changing movements of world events . . . up to minute news posted daily.
WAR ORIENTATION lectures by noted persons, and movies giving war background and progress, are two vital activities for keeping "D" personnel alert to the times.
SHIP'S SERVICE . .. dressed up for inspection . in readiness for the many snack-seeking WAVES.
SHIP'S STORE sells an interesting variety of everything from strictly WAVE necessities to- the important "luxuries".
BEAUTY SALON . . . modernistic and • minimum-priced . . . gives shampoos, trims, and short waves to WAVES
"HAVE A COKE . . . indulge in a hot-fudge sundae" . . . Ship's Fountain, a favorite "hangout" anytime of every day.
TENNIS enthusiasts get a few pointers on how to develop a smashing back-hand drive as their instructor explains that technique eliminates a "love" game I HIT THE MARK is her aim . . . in proof that a WAVE, too, can find her target.
BASKETBALL champions beam in triumph as the League victors of the season. Ready for another toss at the basket.
CYCLISTS breathe the freshness of morning air as they start a recreation-sponsored jaunt away to the hills.
WAVES "get in the swing" with the great American sport of softball with typical springtime eagerness.
LEARN-TO-DANCE CLASS . .. foxtrot . . . jitterbug .. . rumba . . . "D's" counterpart of the famous "six lessons."
FRIENDS meet for a game of bridge, with a little Culbertson guidance along the way. To assist in adding the score.
NAVY MEETS ARMY Dances at Fort Meade (free transportation) . . . a regular hi-weekly highlight for "D" WAVES who aspire to "cut the rug" with khaki.
BUDDING Cornells and Fontannes constructively fill many "liberty" hours learning the art of the theatre under the direction of a drama specialist.
THE CHAPEL, simply and beautifully set among the trees in contrast to the operations of war, represents the guidance of Divine Destiny in the life of a shore station such as "D". Used for Catholic and Protestant services, each with a trained WAVE choir, regular organist, and under the direction of earnest and hard-working chaplains, it serves its purpose well. Especially noteworthy are the number of WAVE weddings solemnized within its doors. "Eternal Father, Strong to Save"—the Navy Hymn rings as truly in the hearts of The Waves at "D" as on the ships at sea.
"D" GLEE CLUB gives forth in versatile voice with "Music for thousands," winter, summer, spring and fall . . . indoors and outdoors . ... for concert ... . for fun!
THE FIRST ALL-WAVE BAND . . . women of the Women's Reserve in varied rates and jobs .......but musicians all when they swing out on "Anchors Aweigh" and "WAVES of the Navy".
"D" WAVES ''strike up the band" for a concert on the steps of our great National Capitol, spiritedly performing in the musical tradition of the U. S. Navy.
STRING ENSEMBLE adds the softer musical touch for occasions of dignity and celebrated social functions on the station and before notables in Washington, D. C.
Relaxing and finding enjoyment to their own liking at the "Rec" Hall . . . WAVE Carolers gathered around the tree find the spirit of Christmas has arrived. Spontaneous pleasure comes from thumbing through magazines . . . listening to records and radios . . . playing games. The duck mascots of "D," Glory and Hallelujah, and the squirrel family enjoy a meal. Singing the old songs in barber-shop harmony brings happy memories to a cheerful group. Here is entertainment of the "as you like it" variety . . . add a pool for swimming, a library for reading, movies for thrills, and alleys for bowling . . . result: Good Recreation!
"NATURALLY NAVY" . . . a musical smash hit presented in celebration of WAVE Quarters "D" Second Anniversary . . recounting to music the imaginary experiences of the first contingent of Washington WAVES as they go overseas to Hawaii.
The script, lyrics and tunes were created by "D" WAVES. Every action of the more than 75 participants said, "This is ours" . . . as they swished paint brushes on scenery . . . struggled into bell-bottom trousers for the last-act sailor roles . . . sang with sparkle and saltiness .. . "Hi Honolulu," "Naturally Navy," "Salty Sue," "Embarkation Blues" and waxed sentimental in "Dream Crazy." A capacity house, including distinguished blue and gold braid . . . acclaimed "Naturally Navy" a natural!
PERSONAL INSPECTION by Ship's Company Officers . . . shoes shined .. . uniforms pressed . . . hats squared shipshape!
"ATTENTION! . . . All eyes off the deck . . . right face .. . forward march . . . LEFT, right" . . . "D" WAVES drill!
"CoLoRs" ... at the close of a busy day furl the "one world" unity of WAVE Quarters "D" for its goal . . . final victory!